Growing World Support For Israel


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
All over the world there is already growing support for Israel after the evil terrorist attack by Hamas. Here are just a few of many examples:

Australia :

Argentina: Hundreds in Argentina march for Israel


By the time Israel has completed retaliation, the Nakba will seem like a walk in the park. Regretfully so many innocent, peace loving Palestinians will pay the highest price in deaths, injuries & homeless due to their terrorist leadership.
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A bill has been introduced to the US Congress to provide military assistance to Israel for air defense worth $2 billion.
When Israel is finished with retaliation for the evil act of Hamas the Nakba will seem like a walk in the park. Really sad the innocent peace loving Palestinians will be the most to die, get injured & homless due to their leadership.
I believe the armed will not be allowed to surrender.

I believe if firearms are found in a home that all over 16 will be summarily executed.

The Israelis are going to try to kill every Hamas fighter they can right up front.

It will be a horror, and Hamas brought it on its people.
"Norway will get its citizens out of Israel, but they must pay for the flight themselves" - Norwegian Foreign Ministry.
To give an example. arabs and blacks, who want to leave Norway for good, get a ticket and extra 3,000 euros.
They are not citizens, Ringo, and the people want them gone: yes, pay for it.

Norwegians in Israel chose that and can pay for it.
BREAKING: White House spokesman says US officials have not seen or confirmed pictures of atrocities in Israel, saying President Biden based his comments regarding beheaded children on Israeli statements and media reports.
🇦🇲 Armenia is cutting ties with Russia....
Because of their relationship with Israel.

Because being in bed with Russia means being accepting of Iran...and they aren't having it. Because Hamas and Hezbollah are extensions of Iran. And nobody wants anything to do with Palestinians anymore.

Those trophy videos really did a number on their entire PR campaign....

I'm not sure if you know this but this particular news organization has a reputation for stirring up dissent at the most important times unity is needed in Israel.

One of the hallmark characteristics of being Jewish is the volume of infighting they do on any subject.
A common joke is that a Jew stranded on a desert island will build two synagogues just so he can say that the other Synagogue is preaching crap and should be burned down with the Rabbi assassinated.

That's the gist of this news organization....they provide discord.

But these are also jews....where "My brother is always my brother no matter how angry I am at my brother" It's a bit abnormal these days when families can be difficult. They have a tie that always binds them together in unity no matter what when something needs to be done....and right now that something is the destruction of Hamas.
They are not citizens, Ringo, and the people want them gone: yes, pay for it.

Norwegians in Israel chose that and can pay for it.
Norwegian authorities report that beggars who cannot pay for evacuation from Israel cannot be considered Norwegians, and will not be removed - only animals don't have money.
All over the world there is already growing support for Israel after the evil terrorist attack by Hamas. Here are just a few of many examples:

Australia :

Argentina: Hundreds in Argentina march for Israel


By the time Israel has completed retaliation, the Nakba will seem like a walk in the park. Regretfully so many innocent, peace loving Palestinians will pay the highest price in deaths, injuries & homeless due to their terrorist leadership.

That's the plan.

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