Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
This does NOT look good for the Democrat/socialists....they NEED to get more illegal aliens to vote for them....As Bernie Sanders say....YEAH!!!!!!!!

Trump’s approval among black voters has almost doubled in the space of a year, the latest presidential polling from Rasmussen Reports has found.

According to Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Trump’s approval rating among black voters stands at 36 percent, compared with just 19 percent on the same day last year.

The significant rise in approval is likely to be an endorsement of Trump’s economic policies – that have seen record low unemployment among the African-American population – and the stock market rise to record highs.

The data also suggests Trump is shrugging off accusations of racism from the Democratic left, with Trump’s former aide White House aide Omarosa Manigault the latest figure to declare Trump is a bigot who has repeatedly used racial slurs. She has so far provided no evidence for her allegations....except that she had been fired 4 times from White House jobs by 2 former Democrat administrations!!!
This does NOT look good for the Democrat/socialists....they NEED to get more illegal aliens to vote for them....As Bernie Sanders say....YEAH!!!!!!!!

Trump’s approval among black voters has almost doubled in the space of a year, the latest presidential polling from Rasmussen Reports has found.

According to Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Trump’s approval rating among black voters stands at 36 percent, compared with just 19 percent on the same day last year.

The significant rise in approval is likely to be an endorsement of Trump’s economic policies – that have seen record low unemployment among the African-American population – and the stock market rise to record highs.

The data also suggests Trump is shrugging off accusations of racism from the Democratic left, with Trump’s former aide White House aide Omarosa Manigault the latest figure to declare Trump is a bigot who has repeatedly used racial slurs. She has so far provided no evidence for her allegations....except that she had been fired 4 times from White House jobs by 2 former Democrat administrations!!!
Not according to TrumpGrabsEmByThePussy.com
Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

It could hardly have gone any other direction, after freaking David Duke had more black support than he did.

One's approval ratings can't really bottom out when one is competing with painful rectal itch, plane crashes and diphtheria.

Blacks' approval of Trump reaches a high of 21% and NAACP charges 'racism'

Depends on the poll.
This does NOT look good for the Democrat/socialists....they NEED to get more illegal aliens to vote for them....As Bernie Sanders say....YEAH!!!!!!!!

Trump’s approval among black voters has almost doubled in the space of a year, the latest presidential polling from Rasmussen Reports has found.

According to Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Trump’s approval rating among black voters stands at 36 percent, compared with just 19 percent on the same day last year.

The significant rise in approval is likely to be an endorsement of Trump’s economic policies – that have seen record low unemployment among the African-American population – and the stock market rise to record highs.

The data also suggests Trump is shrugging off accusations of racism from the Democratic left, with Trump’s former aide White House aide Omarosa Manigault the latest figure to declare Trump is a bigot who has repeatedly used racial slurs. She has so far provided no evidence for her allegations....except that she had been fired 4 times from White House jobs by 2 former Democrat administrations!!!

Link please.
They need another Trayvon.....like right now!!!!
Never Negotiate Out of Fear; Always Force Your Enemies to Negotiate Out of Fear

During Trump's magic kingdom, the feral mobs have had numerous Trayvons and police killings to pretend are excuses to loot and destroy what Whites have built. Yet no riots.
Apparently riots are destructive to the Democrat base.

I remember back in the 60s when riots had a purpose. Then along came Obama, who organized them into an election tool.
Now we have Antifa. Obviously not an organic movement by any stretch. Not even Tea Party standards.
Penny, you another liberal that has English as a second language States Rassmusen right in the opening thread!....Face it socialists even with your 95% media hate Trump coverage he's killing you on the economy illegal immigration and TAXES....and just how much more do you people have because of him?

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