CDZ POLL: Are you proud of your party right now?

Are you proud of your party right now?

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Is it even possible for people to act a little less crazy, pick out a subject, then just reply by pointing out the plus or negatives that they see based on known facts, without attacking someone's personality they don't agree with?
Is it even possible for people to act a little less crazy, pick out a subject, then just reply by pointing out the plus or negatives that they see based on known facts, without attacking someone's personality they don't agree with?
I'm only being slightly facetious when I say "no".

This is the kind of thing I talk about all the time. It may be that we have literally lost the ability to communicate like rational adults. The tribalism has become so ingrained in us that our first and natural impulse is to just pound on each other.

This isn't good.
I wouldn't be proud of either party. Too much attention to investigations and not the work of government that they are paid to do.
I wouldn't be proud of either party. Too much attention to investigations and not the work of government that they are paid to do.
Well when one party tries to FRAME a then presidential candidate and then continues the charade into his presidency, you don't think that should be investigated?
I wouldn't be proud of either party. Too much attention to investigations and not the work of government that they are paid to do.
Well, they're no longer allowed to communicate or collaborate, so what else are they supposed to do?

They may as well run around accusing and investigating each other. Keeps 'em busy and feeling important.

This has been going on in earnest for the last two presidents, and it appears to now be the status quo.
Found it difficult to pull back from getting caught up in this deliberate attempt to have people distance themselves from friends and family that have different political leanings. almost allowed my self to lose a friend of 30 years over this craziness. had to stop and remember that no one person has all the answers or could even begin to understand everything.
No. I have no party affiliation.

The ignorance displayed by the partisans is staggering. It is quite clear that the partisans are content to watch the empire come crashing down around us. Not complaining, mind you. Just enjoying the show. As a reality show, it is unrivaled. And America picked the perfect lead character.

I wonder about folks who say they have no affiliation.
Does one not know what they believe?
Do they not know what the parties stand for?
Do they simply want no involvement in politics, or government, or (well most stuff)?
Simple, clear, direct question: Are you proud of your party right now?

I was going to list some of things being said and done by both parties right now, but I really don't think I need to.

In all seriousness, are you proud of your party's general behaviors right now?

Independents/Moderates, please vote and comment too.

I vote No, I don't see or understand what this stuff is supposed to accomplish for the long run.

If you’re an independent like myself, you don’t have a party….
As for being a liberal, always happy to be further to the left than the right….especially with the right embracing concentration camp internment as just punishment for crossing the border.

Clearly you are not an independent.
Simple, clear, direct question: Are you proud of your party right now?

I was going to list some of things being said and done by both parties right now, but I really don't think I need to.

The problem is, you keep pretending partisanship is something new. It really isn't. I'm old enough to remember when Ronnie Reagan was going to BLOW UP THE WORLD!!!! I remember when the hippies were throwing riots that make ANTIFA look like amatuers.

The only difference is that both parties knew enough not to elect a nut. Nominate one - Goldwater, McGovern - yes, but not elect one.

In all seriousness, are you proud of your party's general behaviors right now?

Independents/Moderates, please vote and comment too.

I vote No, I don't see or understand what this stuff is supposed to accomplish for the long run.

When you have an openly racist president throwing children into concentration camps, this really isn't the time for civility.

Yesterday, the House had a big argument about whether or not Trump's openly racist comments about four women of color was dignified enough to be condemned in the House.

We kept Hillary out.
President Trump is the best thing that's happened to America ever since Reagan rode off into the sunset. Reagan freed hundreds of millions from the crushing grip of Communism; Trump has liberated the USA from the slow death from Progressive ideology
Not happy with my party. As a Blue Dog Democrat , I’m my own best friend... :abgg2q.jpg:

A real "Blue Dog" or just a show pony wanting to distance themselves from the nutter like AOC and the "squalid"!!


Do not match in lockstep with them, but they are the closest group to my politics.

Please detail how so??


I support the principle of federalism. I’m pro death penalty as well as pro choice. I’m a fiscal conservative, yet a social moderate. I’m for securing our borders and take a harder line on immigration than most Democrats. I embrace a strong defense, but believe their is a middle ground for how much to spend on our military. I support compromise with the GOP to pass legislation for the good of the country. I reject extremism in the Democratic Party as much as I do within the Republican Party. I agreed with Zell Miller that “my country is more important than my party.”

You are a mainstream Republican -
If those are actually your views
(I'd need to know a little more about your comfort level with baby killing, but.....)
I'm afraid we're beyond that for the most part. Look through this thread at the posts from both ends. The wings clearly don't understand the difference (any more) between communication, collaboration & innovation, and abject, feeble, gutless surrender. All they know, at this point, is to fight. Just blindly fight.

I've said this a thousand times, and it never gets through: Collaboration CREATES. It INNOVATES. It creates something ALL NEW. But the wings only see it as all or nothing, all your way or all my way, period.

How did the hell did we decay to this point?

It's clear that the wings aren't going to change, that they have lost the capacity for collaboration. Okay, let's start from that point. If long-lasting progress is going to be made, they'll just need to be marginalized so that those who CAN collaborate can get to it. Let them scream and fling poo from the wings. The question is whether it's too late.

So many wrong assumptions.. so many.

The reality is, as we saw in 2016, is that there is no "Middle". 94% of the electorate voted for one of the two most divisive candidates the two parties have ever run. Including you, buy your own admission.

The remaining six percent voted for parties that were even MORE extreme.

Now, yeah, there used to be a point where if one party completely crapped the bed an nominated a nut, large numbers of people would cross party lines to vote for the alternative even if they thought he was shifty (Nixon in 72, LBJ in 64).

That's simply not the case now.

If anything, it's quite the opposite. A lot of the Republicans who realized Trump was a HUGE mistake during the primaries have all obediently fallen into line. Ted Cruz had TOTALLY forgotten that Trump accused his dad of killing JFK.

The other reality is that moderates just don't win.

Hillary ran as a moderate. She lost (at least in the Electoral Anarchonism)

Romney ran as a moderate. McCain ran as a moderate. Kerry tried to pass himself off as a moderate until someone found pictures of him hanging with Jane Fonda. ("No, look, look, I've got three purple hearts I totally didn't throw away!") Gore ran as a moderate.

They ALL lost to candidates who ran as Ideologues, but governed as moderates because they had to.

The ONLY thing that has changes is that Trump is a crazy person who amped up the crazy, and has no real interest in governing.

And the whole country is treating him like the Drunk Uncle going on a racist rant at Thanksgiving.

94% of the electorate voted for one of the two most divisive candidates the two parties have ever run.
There were only 2 choices - the other didn't bother to participate - ( plus those who didn't vote at all)

The Republicans who were against Trump prior to the election -
were against him because they didn't see him as a Republican
He has Governed as a solid Conservative Republican.

You should leave your bubble - most of the country is quite content with our President.
Simple, clear, direct question: Are you proud of your party right now?

I was going to list some of things being said and done by both parties right now, but I really don't think I need to.

In all seriousness, are you proud of your party's general behaviors right now?

Independents/Moderates, please vote and comment too.

I vote No, I don't see or understand what this stuff is supposed to accomplish for the long run.

If you’re an independent like myself, you don’t have a party….
As for being a liberal, always happy to be further to the left than the right….especially with the right embracing concentration camp internment as just punishment for crossing the border.

Clearly you are not an independent.

Really? Why do you say that? I’m for developing and rolling out nuke plants if they adopt USN command and control, I’m for voter ID being shown when you cast a ballot. I’m for deporting everyone who isn’t here legally.
No. I have no party affiliation.

The ignorance displayed by the partisans is staggering. It is quite clear that the partisans are content to watch the empire come crashing down around us. Not complaining, mind you. Just enjoying the show. As a reality show, it is unrivaled. And America picked the perfect lead character.

I wonder about folks who say they have no affiliation.
Does one not know what they believe?
Do they not know what the parties stand for?
Do they simply want no involvement in politics, or government, or (well most stuff)?
I know what I believe.
I know neither party represents my beliefs.
There are ways for people with no party affiliation to participate if they want to. I feel no need to pick a side and I like the independence.
looks decent for this hour.


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Not happy with my party. As a Blue Dog Democrat , I’m my own best friend... :abgg2q.jpg:

A real "Blue Dog" or just a show pony wanting to distance themselves from the nutter like AOC and the "squalid"!!


Do not match in lockstep with them, but they are the closest group to my politics.

Please detail how so??


I support the principle of federalism. I’m pro death penalty as well as pro choice. I’m a fiscal conservative, yet a social moderate. I’m for securing our borders and take a harder line on immigration than most Democrats. I embrace a strong defense, but believe their is a middle ground for how much to spend on our military. I support compromise with the GOP to pass legislation for the good of the country. I reject extremism in the Democratic Party as much as I do within the Republican Party. I agreed with Zell Miller that “my country is more important than my party.”

You are a mainstream Republican -
If those are actually your views
(I'd need to know a little more about your comfort level with baby killing, but.....)

Those are my actual views. I’m somewhere between a JFK Democrat and an Eisenhower Republican. As far as abortion, my view is simple: either allow women the right to terminate a pregnancy or force them to give birth and likely add another person to the welfare roll.

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