POLL: African-Americans, Populist Conservatives Most Likely to Oppose DACA

Haha, right. Give me an example of Republicans "demonizing" blacks. You used the present perfect tense, which means it is an ongoing thing. So, you should be able to come up with lots and lots of examples.
What???? You've been a member since 2016 and you haven't seen the thousands of anti Black threads that proliferate here..written by self described repub-lie- cons? KMA race baiting troll.
Silly twat. And I'll bet whites and blacks would get along better too if whites stopped "demonizing" blacks, huh?

What the heck are you trying to say?
Are the tensions between whites and blacks in America a result of white demonization of blacks? Why not? Apply.
What tensions are you specifically referring to. When i think of causal factors regarding racial tensions in modern times the anger seems to increase when something like police shootings of unarmed blacks in rapid succession occur. I'm not sure what you mean by the demonizing of blacks or who is doing it.

I was responding to the anti-Christian troll on here, BlackFlag, who thinks blacks are Democrats because Republicans "demonize" blacks. I was just flipping his dopey comment to illustrate what a simple-minded twat he is.

The truth of the matter is the most demonized group in this country is white Christian hetero males, and the worst demonizers are Hollywood Jews.
ending DACA is the compassionate thing to do. it's compassionate. COMPASSIONATE!

POLL: African-Americans, Populist Conservatives Most Likely to Oppose DACA
Why, I daresay republicans could win a significant amount of the African-American vote, if only they stopped demonizing them.
Examples? I am neither R or D but the one thing I can say is that there is a very conscious effort on both sides to deal with issues of the black community (crime, single mothers, unemployment, HIV/AIDS etc etc) with kid gloves.
ending DACA is the compassionate thing to do. it's compassionate. COMPASSIONATE!

POLL: African-Americans, Populist Conservatives Most Likely to Oppose DACA

"Middle-class Americans who earn between $50,000 and $100,000 a year"

Middle class? Thats upper poor class.
$50-100K is upper POOR? Where in the hell do you live? The Hamptons?
No. I would consider myself upper middle class.

I made more than that when i was working for someone else and I was in my 20's early 30's. I would be hard pressed to live comfortably on that.
ending DACA is the compassionate thing to do. it's compassionate. COMPASSIONATE!

POLL: African-Americans, Populist Conservatives Most Likely to Oppose DACA

"Middle-class Americans who earn between $50,000 and $100,000 a year"

Middle class? Thats upper poor class.
$50-100K is upper POOR? Where in the hell do you live? The Hamptons?
No. I would consider myself upper middle class.

I made more than that when i was working for someone else and I was in my 20's early 30's. I would be hard pressed to live comfortably on that.
So this is your standard not necessarily the standard set by gov or economists. Trackin.
ending DACA is the compassionate thing to do. it's compassionate. COMPASSIONATE!

POLL: African-Americans, Populist Conservatives Most Likely to Oppose DACA

"Middle-class Americans who earn between $50,000 and $100,000 a year"

Middle class? Thats upper poor class.
$50-100K is upper POOR? Where in the hell do you live? The Hamptons?
No. I would consider myself upper middle class.

I made more than that when i was working for someone else and I was in my 20's early 30's. I would be hard pressed to live comfortably on that.
So this is your standard not necessarily the standard set by gov or economists. Trackin.
Ok my bad. I just used this site to determine where i was and it says I am not middle class. Sure the hell feels like it though.

Are you in the American middle class? Find out with our income calculator

"Based on your household income and the number of people in your household, YOU are in the UPPER income tier, along with 15% of adults in...."
What???? You've been a member since 2016 and you haven't seen the thousands of anti Black threads that proliferate here..written by self described repub-lie- cons? KMA race baiting troll.
Silly twat. And I'll bet whites and blacks would get along better too if whites stopped "demonizing" blacks, huh?

What the heck are you trying to say?
Are the tensions between whites and blacks in America a result of white demonization of blacks? Why not? Apply.
What tensions are you specifically referring to. When i think of causal factors regarding racial tensions in modern times the anger seems to increase when something like police shootings of unarmed blacks in rapid succession occur. I'm not sure what you mean by the demonizing of blacks or who is doing it.

I was responding to the anti-Christian troll on here, BlackFlag, who thinks blacks are Democrats because Republicans "demonize" blacks. I was just flipping his dopey comment to illustrate what a simple-minded twat he is.

The truth of the matter is the most demonized group in this country is white Christian hetero males, and the worst demonizers are Hollywood Jews.
Ohhhh, I see. White hollywood Jews...who are white males themselves, are demonizing non-Jewish white males. And all minorities and white women are also involved in this vast national conspiracy to "demonize" white males.

Examining your logic I am searching for
a clue as to where you've hidden the liberal and progressive white males. Where do they stand in your ficticious story.?
Where does that put someone like you making $7.25/hour?
At $725 an hour that would make me either your hero or more likely one more reason for you to fear me for being Black and well off while you collect welfare. Why do you ask?

Neither, n*gger. You keep saying you're well off. Prove it. Or maybe you think because you have a job making $7.25/hour and the rest of your fellow blacks don't have a job, it means you're well off. You tell me.
Hey monkey. What makes you believe you are worth proving something to? If you can answer that satisfactorily I will prove it.

It's not about me, BOY. It's about you backing up your claim. If you can't, you've proven you're not worthy and that's something I didn't have to prove. You did it for me.
That didnt help your cause monkey. You still havent proven to me that you are worthy.

I'm white. That's all you need to know to understand I'm worthy.
ending DACA is the compassionate thing to do. it's compassionate. COMPASSIONATE!

POLL: African-Americans, Populist Conservatives Most Likely to Oppose DACA

"Middle-class Americans who earn between $50,000 and $100,000 a year"

Middle class? Thats upper poor class.
$50-100K is upper POOR? Where in the hell do you live? The Hamptons?
No. I would consider myself upper middle class.

I made more than that when i was working for someone else and I was in my 20's early 30's. I would be hard pressed to live comfortably on that.
So this is your standard not necessarily the standard set by gov or economists. Trackin.
Ok my bad. I just used this site to determine where i was and it says I am not middle class. Sure the hell feels like it though.

Are you in the American middle class? Find out with our income calculator

"Based on your household income and the number of people in your household, YOU are in the UPPER income tier, along with 15% of adults in...."

Prove it by verifying that the income you put in is actually an accurate number. You put in two too many of the number zero on the end.

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