Political leanings on the USMB Board

i would have to agree, this board is very diverse. i belong to another board that is fairly diverse, though some great lefty members left. there are nutjobs and every board, no matter the size of the board. this board has great posters on both sides of the aisle. though we rarely agree, i like jillian, ravi, goldcatt, and a few others...you see, they have finally accepted that i am always right

Oh, really? :razz:

Doesn't bother me being a member of the minority. The debaters on either side aren't trying to silence other views. The board isn't trying to silence any views. And the poo-flinging hack monkeys aren't worth wasting time on. So who cares?

Censorship always benefits liberals for some reason.

Speaking of poo flinging hack monkeys. :eusa_whistle:
This board has always leaned right of center, in general. Still it is one of the more diverse boards that I have posted on. It is one of the few in which political affiliation is not even considered for staff selection.

i would have to agree, this board is very diverse. i belong to another board that is fairly diverse, though some great lefty members left. there are nutjobs and every board, no matter the size of the board. this board has great posters on both sides of the aisle. though we rarely agree, i like jillian, ravi, goldcatt, and a few others...you see, they have finally accepted that i am always right


You know, I remember a time and I'm sure you do to when you could open this forum and your house would lean to the right. :lol:
It's not just this board, bub.

Those of us who are not Progressives (i.e. ranging from Moderate to Conservative) are not going to be silenced by the hyper Left. Your end of the spectrum has controlled the mainstream media and academia for years - and you begrudge us having a voice.

Tough Shit.

Why are you so hostile?? Why can't you righties treat people the way you want to be treated?? You are the ones that always start shit. Always. Nobody said anything to you that would make you respond like that. Grow up.

you must be joking......i live in th sf bay area....if i go to a dinner party and so much as question the topic being discussed....the venom and hate overflows .....

too bad you aren't at a peta party and the hot ones are wearing nothing but fur
NPR has also benefited from the tax code which enables it to take charitable donations (Ray Kroc bequest) tax free. That is a subsidy which a regular business would not be able to accept - and for which we all end up paying due to the tax avoidance.

nope. you are so stupid it is unbelievable. nothing is as simple as your imagination. but that's what makes you, you. :eusa_eh:
The reason that the sole right leaning television outlet has such high ratings, and perhaps as you predict the internet will take over as the number one source, is because people were tired of being fed an opinion by editorialists who disguised themselves as journalists. It's funny when the left whines about many of the editorial programs on FOX. It's like they are offended when people don't hide their agenda.

I was waiting for someone to blame the journalists on television for the rise of the internet. More ignorance.

The rise of the internet is due to a variety of reasons.

A.) More news.

The amount of news you get from a newspaper and television is limited due to both time and space constraints. The internet does not have such problems.

B.) People spend more time on the internet now more than ever.


As for "Fox News's" ratings, the reason there ratings are so high is because they are considered the "Conservative" media in television. If competition sprung up for that title, they would lose viewers. If CNN, CBS, and ABC all joined under the umbrella of MSNBC tomorrow, MSNBC ratings would skyrocket.

C.) It's called "Fox News", not "Fox Opinions". The fact is that a news channel which Fox News calls itself spends more time in a 24 hour cycle on editorial programs than actual news programs.
NPR has also benefited from the tax code which enables it to take charitable donations (Ray Kroc bequest) tax free. That is a subsidy which a regular business would not be able to accept - and for which we all end up paying due to the tax avoidance.

nope. you are so stupid it is unbelievable. nothing is as simple as your imagination. but that's what makes you, you. :eusa_eh:

So sorry you can't keep up.

Get your mom to explain it to you.
It's not just this board, bub.

Those of us who are not Progressives (i.e. ranging from Moderate to Conservative) are not going to be silenced by the hyper Left. Your end of the spectrum has controlled the mainstream media and academia for years - and you begrudge us having a voice.

Tough Shit.

Why are you so hostile?? Why can't you righties treat people the way you want to be treated?? You are the ones that always start shit. Always. Nobody said anything to you that would make you respond like that. Grow up.

you must be joking......i live in the sf bay area....if i go to a dinner party and so much as question the topic being discussed....the venom and hate overflows .....

Maybe they just don't like you? :lol:
i would have to agree, this board is very diverse. i belong to another board that is fairly diverse, though some great lefty members left. there are nutjobs and every board, no matter the size of the board. this board has great posters on both sides of the aisle. though we rarely agree, i like jillian, ravi, goldcatt, and a few others...you see, they have finally accepted that i am always right

Oh, really? :razz:

Doesn't bother me being a member of the minority. The debaters on either side aren't trying to silence other views. The board isn't trying to silence any views. And the poo-flinging hack monkeys aren't worth wasting time on. So who cares?

Censorship always benefits liberals for some reason.

really? so when the government censors...wait, are you saying censorship favors liberals? :lol: :lol: :lol:

In your world of make believe, Free Speech cases taken on by the ACLU and others are usually defending the free speech rights of conservatives right?
^^^ The heartbreak of delusional thinking on parade.

You are clueless regarding the environment on most university campuses.

I suggest you search David Horowitz for a bit of EDUMACATIONIZINGMENT.

Clueless idiot. Which one of us two actually spends their time on a college campus daily? Spoiler Alert: It's not you.

David Horowitz is a partisan hack.
It would seem that of late, the population of this board has taken a rather pronounced turn to the right.

New members have typically been right-wing oriented, and the posts have taken a decidedly right-wing talking point direction, including much in the way of repetitive spam.

It seems that many of my fellow posters on the left-hand side of things, have found this unpalatable and are posting less and less..

It would be unfortunate to see USMB turn into a right-wing echo chamber, ala Townhall.com.

Perhaps folks on both sides might want to talk about this issue and express their political leanings to see if my assertion has any validity whatsoever.

I, myself, am a leftie.

No shit.

There's a ton of wacko lefie sites all over the web. I like the balance....but lefties tend to dislike it when the tables are even. Sometimes they begin complaining because they can't drown out the common-sense of the right with superfluous bullshit.
i would have to agree, this board is very diverse. i belong to another board that is fairly diverse, though some great lefty members left. there are nutjobs and every board, no matter the size of the board. this board has great posters on both sides of the aisle. though we rarely agree, i like jillian, ravi, goldcatt, and a few others...you see, they have finally accepted that i am always right

Oh, really? :razz:

Doesn't bother me being a member of the minority. The debaters on either side aren't trying to silence other views. The board isn't trying to silence any views. And the poo-flinging hack monkeys aren't worth wasting time on. So who cares?

you're only a minority because you have not accepted the fact that yurt is always right


You keep working on it, I'll let you know if you're getting close. :lol:
This board has always leaned right of center, in general. Still it is one of the more diverse boards that I have posted on. It is one of the few in which political affiliation is not even considered for staff selection.

i would have to agree, this board is very diverse. i belong to another board that is fairly diverse, though some great lefty members left. there are nutjobs and every board, no matter the size of the board. this board has great posters on both sides of the aisle. though we rarely agree, i like jillian, ravi, goldcatt, and a few others...you see, they have finally accepted that i am always right


You know, I remember a time and I'm sure you do to when you could open this forum and your house would lean to the right. :lol:

honestly, i am not sure.

i have been a member since 04'...yet rarely posted until later as i was busy obtaining a degree and certification. when i moved over to the 'new' board with the change of ownership, it seemed many members moved as well....and based on that, i would say, yes, you are right.
This board has always leaned right of center, in general. Still it is one of the more diverse boards that I have posted on. It is one of the few in which political affiliation is not even considered for staff selection.

Sure, the moonbat reactionaries here flit erratically under the sublunar orbit and snap at shadows. And so what? They have their right to express their stupidty.

I agree with CW in that this board's policy makers have always fostered debate and have not protected one end of the political spectrum at the expense of the other.
I'm afraid some folks have misinterpreted my intent.

Perhaps my post was badly written.

You see, I appreciate the wide range of ideas expressed on this board, and I like this board quite a bit more than other boards I have been on.

The issue I was trying to get at is that, lately, there has been a more partisan leaning to the right on the board, and the trend seems to be growing.

I was expressing how I would feel it would be a shame if this board became another TownHall.com, where there is only one point of view expressed.
So sorry you can't keep up.

Get your mom to explain it to you.

Why do you feel the need to bring people's families into the discussion? Can't be mature enough to let your points stand on their own merits?
^^^ The heartbreak of delusional thinking on parade.

You are clueless regarding the environment on most university campuses.

I suggest you search David Horowitz for a bit of EDUMACATIONIZINGMENT.

Clueless idiot. Which one of us two actually spends their time on a college campus daily? Spoiler Alert: It's not you.

David Horowitz is a partisan hack.

If Universities truly embraced free speech and the open exchange of ideas, people like David Horowitz would be allowed to speak without being harassed.

Just sayin'.

(And thanks for proving my point with your derogatory comment.)
What we've been seeing is the left wingers up here growing more surly as their beloved Obama continues to ass it up. They have no excuses anymore so, surly is the only way they can turn.

It's quite funny and entertaining, to say the least.

Just look at that Dr Gregg dude. He's ready to blow an aneurysm right out his freakin' ear at this point!
I was a very active member of another forum for almost seven years and eventually left when it was almost impossible to discuss any conservative or right wing point of view without the leftist trolls descending with ad hominem, personal insults, snarky comments, and whatever else they had in their arsenal to destroy the thread. The forum was about 10 to 1 left leaning and despite making several friends there, both left and right, many of whom I remain in contact with, it just wasn't fun anymore.

I have found USMB to be a great mix of thoughtful leftwing and toughtful rightwing members and even though the numbnuts from both camps do mangle a lot of threads, I have been happy here. Sometimes I check on New Posts, and every single thread on the first page is some leftwing point of view. I suspect the balance is pretty good here.

The Left has a strong advantage in radio, television, print media, the public education system, and the entertainment industry. The Right has a strong advantage in talk radio and Nascar. I think it is pretty evenly split in the sporting world. I have found a lot more liberal sites on the Internet than conservative ones, but there is sufficient balance that people can be fully informed.

But I love USMB.

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