Political Correctness: The Scourge of Our Times

It was shoved down our throats by education k to C and all kinds of media pushed by the progressive/liberals, google it...:eusa_angel:

PC was adopted by the US military in 1948.

Would you happen to have a link, I'm curious to see if they used the term PC in 48...:eusa_angel:

no because they did not use the term then, it was called desegregation, professionalism, honor and a military code of conduct. If you have ever served in the military you must watch how you treat fellow service members and the way you speak to other military members.
PC was adopted by the US military in 1948.

Would you happen to have a link, I'm curious to see if they used the term PC in 48...:eusa_angel:

no because they did not use the term then, it was called desegregation, professionalism, honor and a military code of conduct. If you have ever served in the military you must watch how you treat fellow service members and the way you speak to other military members.

Holy smokes, it's worse than I thought...:eek:

Political correctnessFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search "Politically incorrect" redirects here. For the American television show, see Politically Incorrect. For other uses, see Politically incorrect (disambiguation).

Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term that refers to language, ideas, or policies that address perceived or actual discrimination against or alienation of politically, socially or economically disadvantaged groups. The term usually implies that these social considerations are excessive or of a purely "political" nature. These groups most prominently include those defined by gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability.

Historically, the term was a colloquialism used in the early-to-mid 20th century by Communists and Socialists in political debates, referring pejoratively to the Communist "party line", which provided for "correct" positions on many matters of politics. The term was adopted in the later 20th century by the New Left, applied with a certain humour to condemn sexist or racist conduct as "not politically correct". By the early 1990s, the term was adopted by US conservatives as a pejorative term for all manner of attempts to promote multiculturalism and identity politics, particularly in terms of attempts to introduce new terms that sought to leave behind discriminatory baggage attached to older ones, and conversely to try to make older ones taboo. This phenomenon was driven by a combination of the linguistic turn in academia and the rise of identity politics both inside and outside it. These led to attempts to change social reality by changing language, with attempts at making language more culturally inclusive and gender-neutral. These attempts (associated with the political left) led to a backlash from the right, partly against the attempts to change language, and partly against the underlying identity politics itself. "Political correctness" became a convenient rightwing label for both of these things it rejected.

In modern usage, the terms PC, politically correct, and political correctness are pejorative descriptors, whereas, the term politically incorrect is used by opponents of PC as an implicitly positive self-description, as in the cases of the conservative, topical book-series The Politically Incorrect Guide, and the liberal, television talk-show program Politically Incorrect.

Political correctness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Party time... :night:
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Do you you know the meaning of the word "scourge"? I already knew it, it's a kind of whip used to beat people who get uppity, like slaves and other inferior people who did not remember their place, bet you long for those days. if you consider the societal pressure to be a civilized and polite human to be a "scourge" then I wonder what you think of real things the term is supposed to apply to like disease, poverty, hunger and ignorance.

Ain't FREE SPEECH great, you can use a word the way you chose, and others can do the same, supposedly without criticism. Apparently it's not a value you appreciate.

You want the right to be a hateful jackass without being called a hateful jackass? Why do you want to infringe upon my free speech right to point out hateful jackasses? We do not have a right to be free of criticism from our fellow citizens.

Somehow, pointing out reality makes one a hateful jackass. This is why I have to laugh at the mindless left. Naivity and Complacency are their best friends.
Ain't FREE SPEECH great, you can use a word the way you chose, and others can do the same, supposedly without criticism. Apparently it's not a value you appreciate.

You want the right to be a hateful jackass without being called a hateful jackass? Why do you want to infringe upon my free speech right to point out hateful jackasses? We do not have a right to be free of criticism from our fellow citizens.

Somehow, pointing out reality makes one a hateful jackass. This is why I have to laugh at the mindless left. Naivity and Complacency are their best friends.

Deadly combination: Political correctness in a gun-free zone

Larry Elder - Guest Columnist
Larry Elder - LarryElder.com - Home of the Larry Elder Show and the Elderados - The Sage From South Central

Thursday, September 19, 2013


How does someone with a military record that includes several citations for "misconduct" pass security background checks, obtain a "secret"-level security clearance, and get hired by a military contractor?


Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., after another mass shooting, predictably wasted no time in demanding still more gun control legislation.

This week, a killer with a valid ID entered the Washington Navy Yard in southeast DC, a military facility where 16,000 people -- mostly civilians -- work. He killed 12 people and wounded several others at the Naval Sea Systems Command headquarters, where 3,000 people work.

The suspect, Aaron Alexis, who was killed at the scene, was a 34-year-old former Navy reservist, employed by a military contractor after an honorable discharge. It is unclear which of the three firearms found near his body were brought in by Alexis -- or whether he got them from security guards after he shot them.

Early reports on the shooting claimed that Alexis used an AR-15 assault rifle, the same weapon used in other mass shootings. Turns out there wasn't even an AR-15 at the crime scene. Still, advocates call for more restrictions.

But Alexis' troubled background literally screamed: "Red flag! Red flag!"


Finally, the Navy Yard, like Fort Hood, has a no-gun rule. A 1993 military policy change under President Bill Clinton effectively prohibited guns on military bases. Only military police posted at entry or other security points are armed.

Rather than a poster child for more gun control, Alexis looks like a case study of how political correctness -- in a gun-free zone -- can get people killed.

Deadly combination: Political correctness in a gun-free zone

Political Correctness is a Killer

September 29, 2013 by Rowan Besthe


This case can serve as an example of how a politically correct environment is detrimental. On the one hand, the government promotes the EBT card in the name of helping those at the fringes. On the other, the politically correct treatment of the welfare recipient reduces the inhibitory emotions of shame and guilt that may prevent the abuse of the welfare program. The EBT card is promoted as a debit card without the stigma of the paper food stamps. By not referring to the system as welfare, the politically correct terminology leads the recipient to believe they are receiving an income to which they are entitled rather than a benefit for which they should be grateful. The lack of guilt frees that individual from assuming a responsibility to pull themselves up by the boot straps in order to repay those that assisted – the taxpayer. Not to mention, the anonymity of the system also allows one to shirk responsibility because the oversight is not by those who know and interact daily with the person in need. The cascade of abuse and irresponsibility is also engrained by the lack of credible enforcement. While the government is increasingly willing to regulate the lives of the self reliant law abiding citizenry, politicians find themselves handcuffed by political correctness when it comes to intervening on behalf of the “low income” recipients. They can’t find the political will to regulate the recipients to make better choices.

This is the point at which the political correctness becomes life threatening. As the concept of personal responsibility is absorbed by politically correct dogma, we can see the effect that abuses of the food stamp program has on the lives of the children it is supposed to assist. The children have poor health and are plagued by multiple ailments that can result in premature death.

We do-gooders in the general public are also to blame. We clamor that those less fortunate need to be taken care of. Instead of taking care of the less fortunate through our individual resources in the communities that we live – that would be the churches and local charities – we bought into the political correctness and delegated that task to the government. Hillary Clinton once opined that it takes a village. Those words are true, but not her meaning. We, the community, should take back the role of aiding our less fortunate, and not leave that to the government. They are the village idiot!

That’s where I stand. If I haven’t offended you, then I haven’t tried hard enough.

Read more at Political Correctness is a Killer - Patriot Update
It's about far more than just labeling people. The hardcore right's goofy "commie" thing is primarily about scaring people, creating a boogeyman, painting the "other guys" as "the enemy".

Political Correctness is also about intimidating people, punishing people for using "unacceptable" words (in America, no less), and (bottom line) controlling the language and the conversation by keeping your target on the defensive.

And finally, we're now seeing real pushback against this intellectually dishonest strategy, and it's wonderful to see.

This is a warped and so convoluted, that I'll wager most readers will not have understood what you wrote. You start by whining about offending people but the second half contrasts that, or else it is an unabridged attack on the freedom of speech. I should be able to say whatever I want as long as I'm not shouting fire in a crowed theater. Otherwise, I am not going to be silenced by a bunch of self-righteous pussies...sorry.

You will no doubt be beloved with that attitude.
“Hate Speech” Ploy: Liberal Plot to Undermine the First Amendment

October 9, 2013 by David L. Goetsch

The freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment to our Constitution is simply stated and unambiguous. It reads as follows: “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech…” Those who authored the First Amendment were clear in their intentions. In fact their words are so clear that it would be difficult to twist or distort them to suit some nefarious agenda. However, in spite of the clarity of the words, liberals are trying to find a way around the free speech clause of the First Amendment—a clause they find increasingly inconvenient in their world of political correctness and strategic double-speak.

Liberals have not completely disowned the First Amendment. In fact they become ardent Constitutional literalists when the First Amendment protects what they want to say. However, when the First Amendment allows conservatives, Christians, and other thinking people to say things they don’t like, liberals quickly revert to being advocates of a “living Constitution.” If you are unfamiliar with this term, it is simply a code name for a Constitution that can be construed to mean whatever liberals want it to mean at any given point in time. This love-hate relationship of liberals with the First Amendment creates an insurmountable dilemma for them. Simply stated, they can’t have it both ways. Either the First Amendment protects all speech or it protects no speech at all.

If the First Amendment protects the vocal ravings of leftwing radicals, it also protects the speech of conservatives and Christians. For example, if it protects the right of liberals to falsely label conservatives and Christians as “racists,” “homophobes,” and “greedy capitalists,” it also protects the right of conservatives and Christians to accurately refer to selected liberals as “race baiters,” “homosexuals,” and “welfare cheats.” An undeniable fact that liberals cannot come to terms with is that the First Amendment was written for the sole reason of protecting speech that some Americans would find offensive. What should be patently obvious—although liberals cannot seem to grasp it—is that speech that does not offensive requires no protection. The First Amendment was written specifically to protect offensive speech because the drafters of the Constitution understood that even the most benign speech will be offensive to someone.


Read more at "Hate Speech" Ploy: Liberal Plot to Undermine the First Amendment - Patriot Update
Rectal_soul from TBH, how do you type wearing a straight jacket with your nose? If you're a member of NAMBLA you need to be banned you sick sob...:eusa_hand:
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Politically correct is not really correct, just politically

Redskins go on offensive in defending team name

Posted by Mike Florio on October 5, 2013

The controversy regarding the name of the Washington football team continues to get stronger. The efforts of the organization to defend it do, too.

In response to a remark from President Barack Obama that owner Daniel Snyder should think about changing the name “Redskins,” the team has issued a statement not from a P.R. specialist but from a lawyer.

And, possibly, all that that implies.

Issued earlier in the day to NBC News, the team has now issued the statement from attorney Lanny Davis generally. We’ll break it down sentence by sentence.

“As a supporter of President Obama, I am sure the President is not aware that in the highly respected independent Annenberg Institute poll (taken in 2004) with a national sample of Native Americans, 9 out of 10 Native Americans said they were not bothered by the name the ‘Washington Redskins,’” Davis says in the first sentence of the statement.


Redskins go on offensive in defending team name | ProFootballTalk
PC was adopted by the US military in 1948.

Would you happen to have a link, I'm curious to see if they used the term PC in 48...:eusa_angel:

no because they did not use the term then, it was called desegregation, professionalism, honor and a military code of conduct. If you have ever served in the military you must watch how you treat fellow service members and the way you speak to other military members.
I was in the Marine Corps from 1956 to 1960 and, presuming you are talking about members of equal rank, I never heard of any such regulation.
The proper term for PC is "Cultural Marxism."

Cultural Marxism

I believe Political Correctness is the means by which self-delusion is facilitated and simple cowardice and hypocrisy are disguised as enthusiastic acceptance. If White America was as accepting of its non-White counterparts as its politically correct posture suggests it to be the U.S. would by now be a nation of multi-lingual mulattos and the word racism would have faded from use.
Katy Perry's Geisha Act Being Called "Racist"


During tonight's American Music Awards, Katy Perry showed up dressed in a Japanese kimono. Or in a Chinese cheongsam. Or both, actually. Some folks online aren't happy about that at all.

And because of that, some are calling Perry's performance racist. One Twitter user (via The Huffington Post) said Perry "nailed the traditionally ignorant costume of a white pop singer." Another also asked, "why are you dressed like a geisha katy perry. why. for what. #thisisracist like horribly obviously racist." [SIC]

Other sites like Twitchy pointed out more individuals who thought the whole thing seemed racist—while others didn't at all. Psychology Today even had an explainer as to why her performance was, in fact, racist.


Katy Perry's Geisha Act Being Called "Racist"

Richard Sherman: Thug Is Now 'The Accepted Way Of Calling Somebody The N-Word' (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post | By Chris Greenberg
Posted: 01/22/2014

Richard Sherman's own words may have made him the center of attention but it is the language of his critics that is now under fire. The Seattle Seahawks' talented and talkative cornerback struck back at those who called him a "thug" for his demeanor during a loud and proud post-game interview after the NFC Championship Game on Sunday.

"The only reason it bothers me is because it seems like it's the accepted way of calling somebody the N-word nowadays," Sherman said during a press conference on Wednesday. "It's like everyone else said the N-word and they said 'Thug' and they're like, 'Ah, that's fine.' That's where it kind of takes me aback and it's kind of disappointing."


Richard Sherman: Thug Is Now 'The Accepted Way Of Calling Somebody The N-Word' (VIDEO)

---> https://www.google.com/search?q=thu...4&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8
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