Political Conviction Of D'souza...obama's Inquistiton Misled Judge...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yeah, if only obama would go after actual enemies of the country the way he pursues his political opponents...we might one day defeat isis...and the other muslim extremist groups...instead...he goes after the people who say mean things about him....even when they are true...

Documents Federal Prosecutors Misled Judge in Pursuit of Prison Time For Dinesh D Souza - Katie Pavlich

The prosecution has a duty to present comparable cases and crimes when arguing for a prison sentence. In their presentation of “similar” cases to the Judge for consideration during his deliberation, the prosecution ignored all truly similar cases without prison time but did present cases that included prison time without a full set of facts to justify sentencing.
“The Government, in this case, has chosen to consciously omit from its submission critical facts from most of the cases they cite which make it clear that those cases are substantially distinguishable from the facts in D’Souza’s prosecution,” the memo states.

D’Souza’s counsel provided the court with a chart detailing “the 'limited’ facts from each case that the Government highlights” and then provided the missing facts the Government failed to include in order to avoid undermining their own argument against a prison sentence. With all the facts in place, the Government doesn’t have a case that adds up to a sentence that includes imprisonment.

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