Political 'Campaigns' that Make No Sense


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
(1) "Get out the vote." This is absolute insanity. Elections should be decided by people who CARE enough to investigate the issues, evaluate the candidates, and take the time to vote. Many countries hold elections on Sundays, so that the inconvenience will be minimized and everybody can easily vote. Here we do it (generally) on a work day, which means that it is just a tiny bit inconvenient. The people who are induced to vote by a 'Get out the vote' campaign are going to be low-information voters whose votes are likely to distort results in favor of loud-mouthed, well-financed candidates who throw out outrageous statements designed to draw visceral reactions from would-be voters. In fact, the fewer voters who show up, the better it is. They are more likely to have reasoned opinions for who and what they are voting for.

(2) Minimize High School Dropouts. Again, this is insane. If a kid doesn't want to be in school, then he should not be in school. Period. Nobody benefits by his remaining in school. He is generally disruptive, uncooperative, non-punctual, and unprepared. The teachers have to accommodate his lack of preparation and participation, which harms every other student in the class. If the kid matures later on and decides that he wants a diploma, then GED classes should be free and readily available, but don't let him be a cancer in the school. If he wants to drop out, fine.

(3) Diversity. Self-destructive, delusional stupidity, on steroids. It is 'Affirmative Action" with a new set of clothes. It promotes the hiring and exaltation of mediocrity. While the individual beneficiaries of these ubiquitous programs (e.g., Michele O'Bama) derive great benefit, society as a whole suffers. There is NO EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE anywhere that "diversity" improves education outcomes, worker productivity, profitability, or efficiency. On the contrary, the cost of "diversity" in actual dollars and cents (e.g., the thousands of "diversity" bureaucrats in American government offices, colleges and universities), coupled with the inefficiency of the mediocre beneficiaries of the programs, makes "diversity" one of the costliest boondoggles in our society.

(4) Reduce CO2 emissions. Even ASSUMING that all of the hoopla about "global warming" is correct, the campaign to "reduce CO2 emissions" is nothing short of idiotic. We should, as a matter of global policy, maximize the efficiency of all of our machinery and infrastructure that consume carbon-based fuels (which has the by-product of reducing CO2 emissions), and recognize alternative energy production means that are economically viable, but "reducing CO2 emissions" is a cruel joke on the third and developing world, which MUST exploit the tremendous benefits of burning carbon in facilitating transportation, maximizing agricultural output, and bringing the considerable benefits of modernity (electricity, running water, air conditioning, computers, etc) in THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY POSSIBLE. Nothing else is as cost-efficient as burning coal.

I could go on, but I won't.
Vote or Die was idiotic campaign. It didn't even make any sense. lol
"The influence over government must be shared among all the people. If every individual which composes their mass participates of the ultimate authority, the government will be safe"
-- Thomas Jefferson; from 'Notes on the State of Virginia' Query 14
I fully agree with the stupidity of Get Out the Vote garbage. The only people at the polls should be the ones who took the time to be there. They are the one prepared to make educated decisions.

All the rest of the Low Information Voters - STAY HOME!
(1) "Get out the vote." This is absolute insanity. Elections should be decided by people who CARE enough to investigate the issues, evaluate the candidates, and take the time to vote. Many countries hold elections on Sundays, so that the inconvenience will be minimized and everybody can easily vote. Here we do it (generally) on a work day, which means that it is just a tiny bit inconvenient. The people who are induced to vote by a 'Get out the vote' campaign are going to be low-information voters whose votes are likely to distort results in favor of loud-mouthed, well-financed candidates who throw out outrageous statements designed to draw visceral reactions from would-be voters. In fact, the fewer voters who show up, the better it is. They are more likely to have reasoned opinions for who and what they are voting for.

(2) Minimize High School Dropouts. Again, this is insane. If a kid doesn't want to be in school, then he should not be in school. Period. Nobody benefits by his remaining in school. He is generally disruptive, uncooperative, non-punctual, and unprepared. The teachers have to accommodate his lack of preparation and participation, which harms every other student in the class. If the kid matures later on and decides that he wants a diploma, then GED classes should be free and readily available, but don't let him be a cancer in the school. If he wants to drop out, fine.

(3) Diversity. Self-destructive, delusional stupidity, on steroids. It is 'Affirmative Action" with a new set of clothes. It promotes the hiring and exaltation of mediocrity. While the individual beneficiaries of these ubiquitous programs (e.g., Michele O'Bama) derive great benefit, society as a whole suffers. There is NO EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE anywhere that "diversity" improves education outcomes, worker productivity, profitability, or efficiency. On the contrary, the cost of "diversity" in actual dollars and cents (e.g., the thousands of "diversity" bureaucrats in American government offices, colleges and universities), coupled with the inefficiency of the mediocre beneficiaries of the programs, makes "diversity" one of the costliest boondoggles in our society.

(4) Reduce CO2 emissions. Even ASSUMING that all of the hoopla about "global warming" is correct, the campaign to "reduce CO2 emissions" is nothing short of idiotic. We should, as a matter of global policy, maximize the efficiency of all of our machinery and infrastructure that consume carbon-based fuels (which has the by-product of reducing CO2 emissions), and recognize alternative energy production means that are economically viable, but "reducing CO2 emissions" is a cruel joke on the third and developing world, which MUST exploit the tremendous benefits of burning carbon in facilitating transportation, maximizing agricultural output, and bringing the considerable benefits of modernity (electricity, running water, air conditioning, computers, etc) in THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY POSSIBLE. Nothing else is as cost-efficient as burning coal.

I could go on, but I won't.

I agree except for the dropouts. Some kids don't have the best guidance in the world and their life will be much harder without a diploma.
(1) "Get out the vote." This is absolute insanity. Elections should be decided by people who CARE enough to investigate the issues, evaluate the candidates, and take the time to vote. Many countries hold elections on Sundays, so that the inconvenience will be minimized and everybody can easily vote. Here we do it (generally) on a work day, which means that it is just a tiny bit inconvenient. The people who are induced to vote by a 'Get out the vote' campaign are going to be low-information voters whose votes are likely to distort results in favor of loud-mouthed, well-financed candidates who throw out outrageous statements designed to draw visceral reactions from would-be voters. In fact, the fewer voters who show up, the better it is. They are more likely to have reasoned opinions for who and what they are voting for.

(2) Minimize High School Dropouts. Again, this is insane. If a kid doesn't want to be in school, then he should not be in school. Period. Nobody benefits by his remaining in school. He is generally disruptive, uncooperative, non-punctual, and unprepared. The teachers have to accommodate his lack of preparation and participation, which harms every other student in the class. If the kid matures later on and decides that he wants a diploma, then GED classes should be free and readily available, but don't let him be a cancer in the school. If he wants to drop out, fine.

(3) Diversity. Self-destructive, delusional stupidity, on steroids. It is 'Affirmative Action" with a new set of clothes. It promotes the hiring and exaltation of mediocrity. While the individual beneficiaries of these ubiquitous programs (e.g., Michele O'Bama) derive great benefit, society as a whole suffers. There is NO EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE anywhere that "diversity" improves education outcomes, worker productivity, profitability, or efficiency. On the contrary, the cost of "diversity" in actual dollars and cents (e.g., the thousands of "diversity" bureaucrats in American government offices, colleges and universities), coupled with the inefficiency of the mediocre beneficiaries of the programs, makes "diversity" one of the costliest boondoggles in our society.

(4) Reduce CO2 emissions. Even ASSUMING that all of the hoopla about "global warming" is correct, the campaign to "reduce CO2 emissions" is nothing short of idiotic. We should, as a matter of global policy, maximize the efficiency of all of our machinery and infrastructure that consume carbon-based fuels (which has the by-product of reducing CO2 emissions), and recognize alternative energy production means that are economically viable, but "reducing CO2 emissions" is a cruel joke on the third and developing world, which MUST exploit the tremendous benefits of burning carbon in facilitating transportation, maximizing agricultural output, and bringing the considerable benefits of modernity (electricity, running water, air conditioning, computers, etc) in THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY POSSIBLE. Nothing else is as cost-efficient as burning coal.

I could go on, but I won't.
Here is what I do....

I list the issues, weighted by importance to me, and decide which candidate is closest to representing my agenda.

Then I vote for whoever that is, regardless of how likely they are to win, political party, or what race/sex etc they are.

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