Political analyst on MSNBC: Time to start arresting Republicans for "misinformation".

I don’t care about your opinions. The issue is whether or not the liberally biased main stream media has been busy for many years acting as the DEM Party mouthpiece to the extent of sharing pure crap as though it were “news.”

Try sticking to the topic.
I don't care about your opinions either considering you support Trump who tried to overturn a LAWFUL election.

You're a typical MAGA Clown who knows better but doesn't give a shit what Trump did.

You hate the "mainstream media" because it's a term you had shoved down your throat by Limbaugh & his ilk for so long that you think it's true.

That's your problem.
I don't care about your opinions either considering you support Trump who tried to overturn a LAWFUL election.

You're a typical MAGA Clown who knows better but doesn't give a shit what Trump did.

You hate the "mainstream media" because it's a term you had shoved down your throat by Limbaugh & his ilk for so long that you think it's true.

That's your problem.
Wrong asshole. He sought to prevent a successful steal. A very different motivation. And frankly, your opinion of me is so meaningless. I mean seriously. You’re a douche. So it is unimaginable that anybody values your opinions.

Here is a news flash for you, you fucking retard. You don’t know what President Trump did or didn’t do.

You dislike Fox News bitch because it’s an alternative to thee fantasy presented by the main stream media. That’s your problem, boo boo.
The next ice age never came? I wonder why?

There are more than 57,000 wind turbines across the United States


As of the end of 2021, the United States had 121,475 megawatts (MW) of installed solar power capacity combined. 2% of total U.S. electricity.

3 million highway legal plug-in electric cars since 2010

You're welcome.
And? This all prevented the next ice age?
But I'm a liberal and I love the media. The media is important to stop a corrupt government. Look at how Saudi Arabia killed that media guy. Putin kills media. Trump hates the media too. Stop being dumb. What would we know if it weren't for the media.

And for the record, you love the media and are swallowing slanted right leaning media that doesn't even pretend anymore to be Fair and Balanced. Remember Fox tried to pull that slogan off? What a joke right? Total right wing bullshit. Farthest from the truth.

Didn't Hillary win the popular vote? Didn't Biden too? So no, not the enemy of America. Most Americans disagree with you.

You hate We the People.
Not We the People, just liars bent on power.
What about when Chaney sent the Free Press anthrax to get them to shut up about the fact he and Bush were lying us into a war?

Who was sent anthrax? The Free Press, Tom Daschel, Patrick Lahey. Liberals. Which party tries to silence the press?

This is just funny you guys saying this when Trump had the biggest war against the free press.

I can show you article after article about Bush and Trump's war with the press. Can you show me any stories about the left's war on the free press?

I'm sorry we want you to stop lying. So you defend lying now? Got it.
You talk of defending lying with this post? What a joke you are pal.
Sorry loser. You have shitty healthcare and you are poorer than me. You just admitted it. So why do you vote Republican? I should be voting Republican. I have enough money to vote Republican.

Maybe you qualify for free healthcare ya broke ass.

I have great healthcare. Mine got BETTER after Obamacare.

You um "bragged" (!) about how you were able to get into college on another post and about your Freshman year. Nevermind what university....

Maybe you should stop bragging.
And? This all prevented the next ice age?
The right cherry pick a story from one scientist and try and make that the only version of the truth...

Read what the IPCC report says, this is a consensus of what the scientific community agrees on:

I know the present GOP party is all about short term issues but some of us have to tackle real issues that you want to ignore. The world's climate is changing rapidly and our best experts agree that we are doing it.

The right have fallen for conspiracy theorist and been dupped into making this a political issue... It is not. Generally speaking the Conservative Right in the US is the only main political body anywhere in the first world that is denying man made climate change. They are afraid of actual real facts and been refuted and debunked many times... There experts have been discredited to the point we don't know who they have left...
You um "bragged" (!) about how you were able to get into college on another post and about your Freshman year. Nevermind what university....

Maybe you should stop bragging.
I don't see the connection. I "bragged"? I only got in because I wrestled. Eastern Michigan University. Nothing to brag about. LOL. Other than successfully completing 120 credit hours just like you.

Oh I'm sorry teachers have to take more than 120 credit hours, to get a job they'll complain doesn't pay enough. What sense does that make Sue?

My neighbor is a new doctor. She went through all that school and now they are working her like a dog. Why did she want to be a doctor? Oh yea, because eventually she's going to make a shit ton of money sue. And like you, she helps people. So you're an idiot if you wanted to be a teacher to help people. Should have become a doctor or something else that pays better and also helps people. I'm in sales. I help people save money. And I make more than you. LOL. You should have got a business degree if you wanted to help people AND make money.
This is what the left has become. If you don't follow us in lockstep you should be locked up.

Former FOX News correspondent Carl Cameron to MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace on Tuesday: "It really is kind of horrible to think that journalists with national and international capacity are putting together this type of nonsense. I think the president did a great job. I wish he had done a lot of this a lot sooner, and we need a lot more from the left and the middle, and we got to watch out because the Republicans have become the purveyors of misinformation, and when our two-party system is broken like that, democracy is seriously in trouble. The president acknowledged that it's time to actually start doing things and maybe taking some names and putting people in jail."

Then massive arrests should be started at MSNBC.
I don't see the connection. I "bragged"? I only got in because I wrestled. Eastern Michigan University. Nothing to brag about. LOL. Other than successfully completing 120 credit hours just like you.

Oh I'm sorry teachers have to take more than 120 credit hours, to get a job they'll complain doesn't pay enough. What sense does that make Sue?

My neighbor is a new doctor. She went through all that school and now they are working her like a dog. Why did she want to be a doctor? Oh yea, because eventually she's going to make a shit ton of money sue. And like you, she helps people. So you're an idiot if you wanted to be a teacher to help people. Should have become a doctor or something else that pays better and also helps people. I'm in sales. I help people save money. And I make more than you. LOL. You should have got a business degree if you wanted to help people AND make money.

I see you've flown up to your perch and are shooting down your arrogance arrows, bobo. And you had gotten so much better. Why the relapse?
I feel the same way about you guys. Yes, raising minimum wage was a horrible idea. Caused inflation. But you guys for decades weren't handing out raises and the middle class kept getting smaller and poorer. But the rich got richer than ever. And you defended it. You defended it as the CEO's pay skyrocketed but employees pay stayed stagnant. Then Trump got in, gave the middle class a reach around but huge tax breaks to the rich and it didn't change much. Then Corona.

Things aren't great right now. I'd be okay with someone other than Trump winning and being president. If it weren't for your radical right wing appointees. But I would not cry as much if you nominated someone other than Trump. The problem is, he'll be Trump like so we are fucked. This nation is fucked. Rigged elections, shady tactics that don't get punished, presidents above the law because the Senate won't do anything about it. And less than half of America brainwashed and in love with Trump just like about less than half of Russia loves Putin. Just enough to keep power. Especially with those Supreme's appointed for life.

America is doomed for the poor and middle class. I'm so glad I'm considered upper middle class and my brother is rich. My nephews are set. They don't have to worry about school, their first homes, retirement. Now their kids? That depends on what kinds of jobs my nephews get after college. One's going to be a lawyer. And we have political connections. Judges, politicians, etc. He doesn't want to right now but we want him to run for office. My friend is a Township clerk. After he retired from 25 years as a police he ran and won this election. Makes about $100K. Will get a pension from the political job after he wins one re election. And already has the police pension. He's a good friend to have. Always has been. It's not what you know it's who you know in this country.

So much disinformation in this one post alone.
What about when Chaney sent the Free Press anthrax to get them to shut up about the fact he and Bush were lying us into a war?

Who was sent anthrax? The Free Press, Tom Daschel, Patrick Lahey. Liberals. Which party tries to silence the press?

This is just funny you guys saying this when Trump had the biggest war against the free press.

I can show you article after article about Bush and Trump's war with the press. Can you show me any stories about the left's war on the free press?

I'm sorry we want you to stop lying. So you defend lying now? Got it.

Why would the Left attack the Press? The Press in this country are literally agents of the Democrat party. The 'press agents' if you will...
Why would the Left attack the Press? The Press in this country are literally agents of the Democrat party. The 'press agents' if you will...
No they aren't. You're gullible to think that. They're only as liberal as they want you to believe, or they want me to believe. For example, if BP is an advertiser on MSNBC, they don't report unfavorably on the oil spill in 2009. Blame it on Obama or the way he's handling it. Remember?

The media hasn't been liberal since idiot Clinton deregulated it all in 96 and 6 companies purchased 90% if it all.

Where's our liberal radio station? Where is our agents on the radio stupid?
If America arrested people for "misinformation," everyone in the media would be in jail....


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