Police Shoot and Kill Teen

The natural reaction to police these days is fear, and once the "fight or flight" adrenalin kicks in, it is hard for humans to do anything but try to run away.
The fault is with the police, because they have deliberately fostered the atmosphere of fear.
Police constantly commit crimes, like pointing guns at unarmed innocents, no-knock warrants, illegal War on Drugs, asset forfeiture, etc.
We would be much better off without police, like it was around 1900.

If you happen to have issues with your fears,
Perhaps you need to address those instead of expecting the world to change for you.

It's not a valid excuse for breaking the law.

The cops didn't create shit ... The criminal did.
For all the cops know, the criminal could have stolen the car two blocks over 5 minutes ago, and has a woman locked in the trunk.

He could also be rushing home because his mom had a heart attack. We can't let cops go around shooting people for what they MIGHT have done.

Allowing dangerous high speed chases and shootings over traffic violations goes against any kind of common sense. The actual offense just isn't that big of a deal.

You got his license plate number, write him a ticket, just like if he blew through a red light camera.

I mean seriously ... You will do anything to aid and abed a criminal.
Then your sorry ass will whine about crime, mismanagement by the government, and other utter nonsense.

Guy, I'd be happier if the cops spent less time chasing speeders and more time investigating real crimes.

Chicago wrote up 490,000 traffic violations in 2018. That same year, they spent $113,000,000 settling cases of police brutality and abuse. However, their murder rate clearance was only 17%.

I think their priorities are in the wrong places.

I think that your priorities are in the wrong place, because you stated that 99% of cop's are good, and that it's the one percent that is bad, then you write the above on how to deal with keeping crime in check in very bad places. Well speeding is part of criminal activity, and you taking the stats and comparing them in the ways that you attempt to do, uhhh is being disengenious, and is a disservice to every cop in that 99%.
I think that your priorities are in the wrong place, because you stated that 99% of cop's are good, and that it's the one percent that is bad, then you write the above on how to deal with keeping crime in check in very bad places. Well speeding is part of criminal activity, and you taking the stats and comparing them in the ways that you attempt to do, uhhh is being disengenious, and is a disservice to every cop in that 99%.

Uh, guy, a lot of things are "criminal", and we don't have complete enforcement. A cop will probably let you get away with 5 MPH over the speed limit. He'll ignore the massage parlor where there is obvious prostitution going on.

Part of the problem is that laws are used as a cudgel against people of color. Jamal gets prison for doing drugs, Timmy gets rehab. Cops in many ways are the point of the spear in our racist system, so they get the most attention when you have shit like THIS go on.

I think that your priorities are in the wrong place, because you stated that 99% of cop's are good, and that it's the one percent that is bad, then you write the above on how to deal with keeping crime in check in very bad places. Well speeding is part of criminal activity, and you taking the stats and comparing them in the ways that you attempt to do, uhhh is being disengenious, and is a disservice to every cop in that 99%.

Uh, guy, a lot of things are "criminal", and we don't have complete enforcement. A cop will probably let you get away with 5 MPH over the speed limit. He'll ignore the massage parlor where there is obvious prostitution going on.

Part of the problem is that laws are used as a cudgel against people of color. Jamal gets prison for doing drugs, Timmy gets rehab. Cops in many ways are the point of the spear in our racist system, so they get the most attention when you have shit like THIS go on.

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Well then you might want to take that up with President Biden for passing Mandatory Sentencing Laws while he was in Congress ...
Or maybe Vice President Harris for making a living and a name for herself locking up young black men for smoking pot ...
And ignoring sexual abuse allegation against Catholic Priests at the same time.

Or perhaps we could just enforce the laws on the books, and do a better job of making more productive laws.
It's like when people bitch about fatherless homes in the black community ...
But don't understand that if you keep locking them up for 20 years, well, they are not going to be in the home.

What we fail at doing, is the ability to help some people understand that there are some more productive ways to utilize their ambition to succeed.
I mean damn, a crack dealer can move more product, with a tighter organization, than some businesses.
What the heck could that dealer accomplish if they were moving something other than crack.

Enforce the law, stop making excuses for people who don't want to take responsibility ...
And show people what they can accomplish when they choose a more productive path in life.
It doesn't matter what color they are, and start them as young as they will listen.

That is not what we are teaching our children now.
We are teaching them that "Everyone Is Awesome" just for breathing,
and they can always blame someone else for their failures.
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Uh, guy, a lot of things are "criminal", and we don't have complete enforcement. A cop will probably let you get away with 5 MPH over the speed limit. He'll ignore the massage parlor where there is obvious prostitution going on.

To make a separate point and to let you know that I am a hypocrite in context,
I have made excuses for someone breaking the law too.

About ten miles from where I live there is a large subdivision, and a 14 year old boy ...
That loads up a truck and trailer, and cuts every damn yard someone will pay him to.

He is not old enough to have a job in this State.
He is not old enough to have a driver's license.
He is not covered by the mandatory insurance on the vehicle.
He cannot file an Income Tax document and isn't paying the Social Security or Medicare taxes either.
He drives to wherever he needs to work, or to wherever he has to go to get the supplies he needs.

I am not going to call the Sheriff's Department or the IRS on him.
He's not reckless or driving like a fool, and knows what he is doing.
If a deputy feels need to pull him over, he will stop, and he has the money to pay any tickets they will give him.

The only thing standing between his ambition and legality, or doing something productive ... Is the fucking Government.

I wish they would let him take the Driving Test and give him a license, he drives better than a lot of folks with one.
I wish they would allow him to be covered by Insurance.
I wish they would allow him to facilitate his effort and earn what he wants in a productive manner.
I wish they would allow him to pay what the rest of us have to pay to support a bloated bureaucracy.

I am still not going to turn him in to the law, and it doesn't matter what color he is.

He is out there busting his ass everyday of the week including weekends.
Just about everyone knows who he is, and I would imagine the Deputies do too.
He's making a shitload of money, and just bought a new riding lawn mower most folks couldn't afford.

His father owns a machine shop in a nearby city, and his mother owns a huge beauty salon.
That little fellow was born working, and his family isn't even hurting for money.

I wonder what he is going to be when he grows up.
Probably a rich bastard someone like you would be bitching about.
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Well then you might want to take that up with President Biden for passing Mandatory Sentencing Laws while he was in Congress ...

Yawn.... that was 30 years ago. Come on, man! The cops have a choice whether or not to engage in reckless behavior, and they keep doing so.

You are going into 20 different directions to make a point, and obscufating it.

The only issue here is how much force should cops be using to enforce petty lawbreaking? Killing a kid over a traffic violation is a bit harsh, and it's not because Joe Biden (and the rest of congress at the time) passed harsh laws to deal with record crime rates.
Well then you might want to take that up with President Biden for passing Mandatory Sentencing Laws while he was in Congress ...

Yawn.... that was 30 years ago. Come on, man! The cops have a choice whether or not to engage in reckless behavior, and they keep doing so.

You are going into 20 different directions to make a point, and obscufating it.

The only issue here is how much force should cops be using to enforce petty lawbreaking? Killing a kid over a traffic violation is a bit harsh, and it's not because Joe Biden (and the rest of congress at the time) passed harsh laws to deal with record crime rates.

No it isn't ... However I did demonstrate how we could play "whatabout'.

I identified clear ways we could progress in a better manner.
I discussed things we could focus on in regards to enforcing the laws, and finding better ways to address our concerns with laws.

I offer possible solutions, and opportunities, and don't say that making excuses is the best we can do.
Let me know when you want to accomplish something more productive.

Until then ... I am not necessarily compelled to give fuck a what you say.
Have a lovely day anyway.

Also ... Thanks for having the discussion, because it caused me to pause, and look at myself.

I spent the rest of the morning finding what I could actually do to help the young man I was talking about become legally compliant.

There happens to be a process he can use to petition for the issuance of a driver's license as an underage minor ...
Should he complete the requirements and get approval.
He does have a Social Security Number ... And he can also apply for a special work permit at his age.

The only difficulty I could really find was his ability to have an Insurance company provide the mandatory coverage required.
Perhaps we can work something out with that ... I am looking for answers, and not bitching.
It will cut down on the number of tickets they can write him, and the amount of trouble he can be in
If I look hard enough, I bet I can find an Insurance company that will cover anyone with a license ... No telling what the premiums will be.

Let's see how well you do at solving the problems you see in the world around you ...
Doing what you need to do to quit being a fucking hypocrite and actually accomplish something worthwhile.

I hold myself to a higher standard than I hold you ... And you can make excuses and obfuscate whatever you want.

Of course all I did was start looking for ways I could address my responsibility ... I am not going to do it for him.
If he does the things he needs to do himself ... He will remember what he needs to do when he finds problems.
It will be one of those life lessons ... Teaches a person how to think.

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Pro Life Advocates only support Pro Life before Birth.

That is the sad part.

ALL embryos MUST be protected.
Once they are Born, Make stupid decisions win stupid prizes.
Pro death advocates pretend they dont understand that we support the RIGHT TO LIFE for INNOCENT human beings, NOT MURDERERS, RAPISTS and KIDNAPPERS.

Steal an INNOCENT human life, and you lose the right to yours
So that's what I'm asking.
I get it, all unborn are innocent, and you believe all murderers of the unborn should also die.
I get that that is your stance.

There are innocent people (babies, children, adults, and elderly) that are also innocent.
You say, "Steal an innocent human life, and you lose the right to yours."

So, I'm asking if you believe the Killer of any Innocent life, (Born or unborn) should lose the right to their life. That's what you are saying, just clarifying.

"Steal an innocent human life, and you lose the right to yours."
In ALL cases, or on individual cases/basis?
Not at all, as long as those abortion doctors are killing future Democrat Party voters, i have no problem with that at all. The more aborted the merrier..
Perfect Example

You are not truly Pro Life
Just selected individuals

I get it
Conservatives look out for ONLY things that benefit themselves.
Oh by the way, i am a libertarian/conservative...Actions have consequences, you fuck with me, i will put you down...no questions asked...
Oh BTW I’m a moderate
I can’t stand the far left or the far right

Are we clear?
You are a liberal.

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