Police: Dad punched 1-month-old son in head, killing him, after losing video game. death penalty!

You conservitards are fucking sick.

Stand that fucker on the edge of the hole so I don't have to drag him in after I shoot him, then you freaks climb down after him and cover yourselves up.
Your flexible morality is "funny"

Now tell us how it is ok to "allow" an "unwanted" newborn to be left to die. This fetus was on 30 days old. What is the cut off line in YOUR world?
A. I've never talked about abortion here.

B. What does that have to do with this conservative asshole murdering a child?
Conservative asshole?
B. What does that have to do with this conservative asshole murdering a child?
Flaming? Trolling?

The point is, the Left expressed a constant disregard for human life. You admit yourself that you are silent when those in your party think it is ok to leave an unwanted newborn to die. That is premeditated murder in my book.
Flaming? Trolling?

The point is, the Left expressed a constant disregard for human life. You admit yourself that you are silent when those in your party think it is ok to leave an unwanted newborn to die. That is premeditated murder in my book.
In everyone's book, hopefully.
Flaming? Trolling?

The point is, the Left expressed a constant disregard for human life. You admit yourself that you are silent when those in your party think it is ok to leave an unwanted newborn to die. That is premeditated murder in my book.
In everyone's book, hopefully.
Nope. Not to these governors and seemingly, every Democrat.
This monster will receive a proper welcome when he is turned loose in prison. Harming and killing children is against the criminal code.
You conservitards are fucking sick.

Stand that fucker on the edge of the hole so I don't have to drag him in after I shoot him, then you freaks climb down after him and cover yourselves up.
Your flexible morality is "funny"

Now tell us how it is ok to "allow" an "unwanted" newborn to be left to die. This fetus was on 30 days old. What is the cut off line in YOUR world?
A. I've never talked about abortion here.

B. What does that have to do with this conservative asshole murdering a child?
Conservative asshole?
Yep....and most likely hetero too.
You conservitards are fucking sick.

Stand that fucker on the edge of the hole so I don't have to drag him in after I shoot him, then you freaks climb down after him and cover yourselves up.
Your flexible morality is "funny"

Now tell us how it is ok to "allow" an "unwanted" newborn to be left to die. This fetus was on 30 days old. What is the cut off line in YOUR world?
A. I've never talked about abortion here.

B. What does that have to do with this conservative asshole murdering a child?
Conservative asshole?
Yep....and most likely hetero too.
Not for long! :gay:
Nothing is more disgusting.

Even the assholes who use this child's death to inappropriately denigrate Democrats are not as disgusting.

But what kind of sick mind does that?
You conservitards are fucking sick.

Stand that fucker on the edge of the hole so I don't have to drag him in after I shoot him, then you freaks climb down after him and cover yourselves up.
Your flexible morality is "funny"

Now tell us how it is ok to "allow" an "unwanted" newborn to be left to die. This fetus was on 30 days old. What is the cut off line in YOUR world?

Which State allows parents or doctors to neglect newborn babies until they die?
Is there one?

Or are ya'll just making shit up?
Which State allows parents or doctors to neglect newborn babies until they die?
Is there one?

Or are ya'll just making shit up?
Ralph Northam of Virginia has publicly approved of simply letting recently born children die of neglect.
Andrew Cuomo has gone father than that in New York. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/02/infanticide_is_legal_in_the_united_states.html

Rhode Island is eager to join in as are other states,
Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont and Washington D.C., who either are proposing such laws or who have already legalized third trimester abortions.
Ralph Northam of Virginia has publicly approved of simply letting recently born children die of neglect.

That is a complete and utter falsehood. The law is clear. Even severely deformed infants (which he was talking about) must be given ordinary care and cannot legally be abandoned to die. The false narrative generators implied that when he said "then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother." he must naturally mean how to kill the baby, of course. When in reality the discussion would depend on the condition and the prognosis of the child, and what the options are.

Maybe he said something different about that hypothetical discussion and I'll be happy to read it if you have it.

In the meantime, federal law doesn't allow it in any state. That law is not going to be overturned.
That is a complete and utter falsehood. The law is clear. Even severely deformed infants (which he was talking about) must be given ordinary care and cannot legally be abandoned to die. The false narrative generators implied that when he said "then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother." he must naturally mean how to kill the baby, of course. When in reality the discussion would depend on the condition and the prognosis of the child, and what the options are.
Based on the legislation by Virginia politician
Kathy Tran, the basis for the remarks of Northam, there is absolutely no reason to claim that "severely deformed infants" would be the only children to be set aside and left to die if the mother said her "mental well being" was threatened and the attending abortionist would concur ( a slam dunk certainty).

Northam's comments gave an entirely different impression and he painted a picture
that was wholly incomplete.

So at the least, Northam is being very disingenuous about the whole thing. But he lied and bluffed his way through his black-face scandal so that's not anything new for Ralph Northam.
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That is a complete and utter falsehood. The law is clear. Even severely deformed infants (which he was talking about) must be given ordinary care and cannot legally be abandoned to die. The false narrative generators implied that when he said "then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother." he must naturally mean how to kill the baby, of course. When in reality the discussion would depend on the condition and the prognosis of the child, and what the options are.
Based on the legislation by Virginia politician
Kathy Tran, the basis for the remarks of Northam, there is absolutely no reason to claim that "severely deformed infants" would be the only children to be set aside and left to die if the mother said her "mental well being" was threatened and the attending abortionist would concur ( a slam dunk certainty).

Northam's comments gave an entirely different impression and he painted a picture
that was wholly incomplete.

So at the least, Northam is being very disingenuous about the whole thing. But he lied and bluffed his way through his black-face scandal so that's not anything new for Ralph Northam.

Does that mean you don't have any supporting evidence that Gov. Blackface " publicly approved of simply letting recently born children die of neglect"? Just the false narrative the anti-choice SJWers gave you?
Nothing is more disgusting.

Even the assholes who use this child's death to inappropriately denigrate Democrats are not as disgusting.

But what kind of sick mind does that?
What is the purpose of the thread, in your mind, if not to discuss WHY this stuff occurs? I say the CULTURE of the Democrat Party is responsible. I've been accused of "flaming and "trolling" just because I expressed an opinion that make the left uncomfortable. Well, all I gotta say is....



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