Police Arresting Parents For Opposing Critical Race Theory and Trannies??

"One man was arrested, another person was injured, and one man was ticketed for trespassing as the school board heard public comments on a draft policy for the Loudoun County Public Schools that would mandate "All students shall be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, or gender identity/expression - LCPS staff shall allow gender-expansive or transgender students to use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity without any substantiating evidence." (otherwise known as Nazi-Marxism).

A right-wing group is bragging about disrupting a meeting of the Loudoun County, Virginia, School Board on Tuesday night that had convened to discuss inclusivity. Stand Up Virginia has been behind other recent protests at school board meetings in Loudoun Country against transgender inclusion and the purported addition of what it calls "critical race theory" to the school curriculum.

Republicans have been using the term, which refers to the academic study of systemic racism in the United States, in pushing the claim that an un-American, racially divisive form of liberal propaganda is being forced onto school-aged children. The false claim is aimed at motivating voters to support Republican candidates. Fox News has aired hundreds of mentions of the term."

Why are these parents being attacked by the cops simply for trying to protect their children from being turned into radical trannies while being forced to undergo black racist indoctrination?? At first there was some worry that Republicans would have very little policies to campaign on during the midterms; especially with how bummed out some are over the last elections -- but the fear of Critical Racists teaming up with Satanic Trannies will be just the motivation needed to get the base out to vote.

when did you trans Biffster?
I know for reactionary right wing cucks -- anyone who stands against the discrimination of historically marginalized groups is hard for you to grasp.....

But that is why you are a reactionary right wing cuck.......

The rest of us who stand on principle have no problem with understanding how Civil Rights work

Which is why conservatives have been opposed to virtually every Civil Rights initiative made in this country if it didn't center on catering to the white wealth class...
It seems quite apparent you were sleeping through school Moron. Better look again who voted for LBJ's equal rights bill. By the way it was not the demoncraps.

I think you should take your own advice. If you did, you would see your post is a lie.

In the senate, 46 democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act. 21 voted no.

In the House, 152 democrats voted for the Civil Rights act. 96 voted no.

Or you can continue to post lies for people like me to shred to pieces and show everyone what a total fool you are.

The Senate version:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

So a higher percentage of republicans voted for it than the KKK Leftists.

I will point out that I was replying to the lie that democrats didn't vote for the civil right act. Why didn't you bother to correct the person who lied?

The only reason a higher percentage of republicans voted for it was because there were less republicans in congress at the time.

Notice more democrats voted for the civil rights act than republicans.

46 democrats voted for it in the senate.

Only 27 republican senators voted for it.

153 democrats voted for it in the House.

Only 136 republicans voted for it in the House.

If you want to claim a higher percentage of republicans voted for it go for it but that's only because there wasn't very many republicans in the congress at the time.

"One man was arrested, another person was injured, and one man was ticketed for trespassing as the school board heard public comments on a draft policy for the Loudoun County Public Schools that would mandate "All students shall be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, or gender identity/expression - LCPS staff shall allow gender-expansive or transgender students to use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity without any substantiating evidence." (otherwise known as Nazi-Marxism).

A right-wing group is bragging about disrupting a meeting of the Loudoun County, Virginia, School Board on Tuesday night that had convened to discuss inclusivity. Stand Up Virginia has been behind other recent protests at school board meetings in Loudoun Country against transgender inclusion and the purported addition of what it calls "critical race theory" to the school curriculum.

Republicans have been using the term, which refers to the academic study of systemic racism in the United States, in pushing the claim that an un-American, racially divisive form of liberal propaganda is being forced onto school-aged children. The false claim is aimed at motivating voters to support Republican candidates. Fox News has aired hundreds of mentions of the term."

Why are these parents being attacked by the cops simply for trying to protect their children from being turned into radical trannies while being forced to undergo black racist indoctrination?? At first there was some worry that Republicans would have very little policies to campaign on during the midterms; especially with how bummed out some are over the last elections -- but the fear of Critical Racists teaming up with Satanic Trannies will be just the motivation needed to get the base out to vote.

when did you trans Biffster?
I know for reactionary right wing cucks -- anyone who stands against the discrimination of historically marginalized groups is hard for you to grasp.....

But that is why you are a reactionary right wing cuck.......

The rest of us who stand on principle have no problem with understanding how Civil Rights work

Which is why conservatives have been opposed to virtually every Civil Rights initiative made in this country if it didn't center on catering to the white wealth class...
It seems quite apparent you were sleeping through school Moron. Better look again who voted for LBJ's equal rights bill. By the way it was not the demoncraps.

I think you should take your own advice. If you did, you would see your post is a lie.

In the senate, 46 democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act. 21 voted no.

In the House, 152 democrats voted for the Civil Rights act. 96 voted no.

Or you can continue to post lies for people like me to shred to pieces and show everyone what a total fool you are.

The Senate version:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

So a higher percentage of republicans voted for it than the KKK Leftists.

I will point out that I was replying to the lie that democrats didn't vote for the civil right act. Why didn't you bother to correct the person who lied?

The only reason a higher percentage of republicans voted for it was because there were less republicans in congress at the time.

Notice more democrats voted for the civil rights act than republicans.

46 democrats voted for it in the senate.

Only 27 republican senators voted for it.

153 democrats voted for it in the House.

Only 136 republicans voted for it in the House.

If you want to claim a higher percentage of republicans voted for it go for it but that's only because there wasn't very many republicans in the congress at the time.
Oh is that what a bi-partisan bill looks like?
I forgot.

"One man was arrested, another person was injured, and one man was ticketed for trespassing as the school board heard public comments on a draft policy for the Loudoun County Public Schools that would mandate "All students shall be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, or gender identity/expression - LCPS staff shall allow gender-expansive or transgender students to use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity without any substantiating evidence." (otherwise known as Nazi-Marxism).

A right-wing group is bragging about disrupting a meeting of the Loudoun County, Virginia, School Board on Tuesday night that had convened to discuss inclusivity. Stand Up Virginia has been behind other recent protests at school board meetings in Loudoun Country against transgender inclusion and the purported addition of what it calls "critical race theory" to the school curriculum.

Republicans have been using the term, which refers to the academic study of systemic racism in the United States, in pushing the claim that an un-American, racially divisive form of liberal propaganda is being forced onto school-aged children. The false claim is aimed at motivating voters to support Republican candidates. Fox News has aired hundreds of mentions of the term."

Why are these parents being attacked by the cops simply for trying to protect their children from being turned into radical trannies while being forced to undergo black racist indoctrination?? At first there was some worry that Republicans would have very little policies to campaign on during the midterms; especially with how bummed out some are over the last elections -- but the fear of Critical Racists teaming up with Satanic Trannies will be just the motivation needed to get the base out to vote.

when did you trans Biffster?
I know for reactionary right wing cucks -- anyone who stands against the discrimination of historically marginalized groups is hard for you to grasp.....

But that is why you are a reactionary right wing cuck.......

The rest of us who stand on principle have no problem with understanding how Civil Rights work

Which is why conservatives have been opposed to virtually every Civil Rights initiative made in this country if it didn't center on catering to the white wealth class...
It seems quite apparent you were sleeping through school Moron. Better look again who voted for LBJ's equal rights bill. By the way it was not the demoncraps.

I think you should take your own advice. If you did, you would see your post is a lie.

In the senate, 46 democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act. 21 voted no.

In the House, 152 democrats voted for the Civil Rights act. 96 voted no.

Or you can continue to post lies for people like me to shred to pieces and show everyone what a total fool you are.

The Senate version:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

So a higher percentage of republicans voted for it than the KKK Leftists.

I will point out that I was replying to the lie that democrats didn't vote for the civil right act. Why didn't you bother to correct the person who lied?

The only reason a higher percentage of republicans voted for it was because there were less republicans in congress at the time.

Notice more democrats voted for the civil rights act than republicans.

46 democrats voted for it in the senate.

Only 27 republican senators voted for it.

153 democrats voted for it in the House.

Only 136 republicans voted for it in the House.

If you want to claim a higher percentage of republicans voted for it go for it but that's only because there wasn't very many republicans in the congress at the time.

Ever hear of the term per capita?

Your reasoning is like saying less people are murdered in Montana than California.

I am guessing you were public schooled?

"One man was arrested, another person was injured, and one man was ticketed for trespassing as the school board heard public comments on a draft policy for the Loudoun County Public Schools that would mandate "All students shall be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, or gender identity/expression - LCPS staff shall allow gender-expansive or transgender students to use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity without any substantiating evidence." (otherwise known as Nazi-Marxism).

A right-wing group is bragging about disrupting a meeting of the Loudoun County, Virginia, School Board on Tuesday night that had convened to discuss inclusivity. Stand Up Virginia has been behind other recent protests at school board meetings in Loudoun Country against transgender inclusion and the purported addition of what it calls "critical race theory" to the school curriculum.

Republicans have been using the term, which refers to the academic study of systemic racism in the United States, in pushing the claim that an un-American, racially divisive form of liberal propaganda is being forced onto school-aged children. The false claim is aimed at motivating voters to support Republican candidates. Fox News has aired hundreds of mentions of the term."

Why are these parents being attacked by the cops simply for trying to protect their children from being turned into radical trannies while being forced to undergo black racist indoctrination?? At first there was some worry that Republicans would have very little policies to campaign on during the midterms; especially with how bummed out some are over the last elections -- but the fear of Critical Racists teaming up with Satanic Trannies will be just the motivation needed to get the base out to vote.

when did you trans Biffster?
I know for reactionary right wing cucks -- anyone who stands against the discrimination of historically marginalized groups is hard for you to grasp.....

But that is why you are a reactionary right wing cuck.......

The rest of us who stand on principle have no problem with understanding how Civil Rights work

Which is why conservatives have been opposed to virtually every Civil Rights initiative made in this country if it didn't center on catering to the white wealth class...
It seems quite apparent you were sleeping through school Moron. Better look again who voted for LBJ's equal rights bill. By the way it was not the demoncraps.

I think you should take your own advice. If you did, you would see your post is a lie.

In the senate, 46 democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act. 21 voted no.

In the House, 152 democrats voted for the Civil Rights act. 96 voted no.

Or you can continue to post lies for people like me to shred to pieces and show everyone what a total fool you are.

The Senate version:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

So a higher percentage of republicans voted for it than the KKK Leftists.

I will point out that I was replying to the lie that democrats didn't vote for the civil right act. Why didn't you bother to correct the person who lied?

The only reason a higher percentage of republicans voted for it was because there were less republicans in congress at the time.

Notice more democrats voted for the civil rights act than republicans.

46 democrats voted for it in the senate.

Only 27 republican senators voted for it.

153 democrats voted for it in the House.

Only 136 republicans voted for it in the House.

If you want to claim a higher percentage of republicans voted for it go for it but that's only because there wasn't very many republicans in the congress at the time.
You should also ask them why so many of the Republicans who voted for it were considered "moderates"

Or as Trumpers would call them today.... Radical socialists

"One man was arrested, another person was injured, and one man was ticketed for trespassing as the school board heard public comments on a draft policy for the Loudoun County Public Schools that would mandate "All students shall be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, or gender identity/expression - LCPS staff shall allow gender-expansive or transgender students to use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity without any substantiating evidence." (otherwise known as Nazi-Marxism).

A right-wing group is bragging about disrupting a meeting of the Loudoun County, Virginia, School Board on Tuesday night that had convened to discuss inclusivity. Stand Up Virginia has been behind other recent protests at school board meetings in Loudoun Country against transgender inclusion and the purported addition of what it calls "critical race theory" to the school curriculum.

Republicans have been using the term, which refers to the academic study of systemic racism in the United States, in pushing the claim that an un-American, racially divisive form of liberal propaganda is being forced onto school-aged children. The false claim is aimed at motivating voters to support Republican candidates. Fox News has aired hundreds of mentions of the term."

Why are these parents being attacked by the cops simply for trying to protect their children from being turned into radical trannies while being forced to undergo black racist indoctrination?? At first there was some worry that Republicans would have very little policies to campaign on during the midterms; especially with how bummed out some are over the last elections -- but the fear of Critical Racists teaming up with Satanic Trannies will be just the motivation needed to get the base out to vote.

when did you trans Biffster?
I know for reactionary right wing cucks -- anyone who stands against the discrimination of historically marginalized groups is hard for you to grasp.....

But that is why you are a reactionary right wing cuck.......

The rest of us who stand on principle have no problem with understanding how Civil Rights work

Which is why conservatives have been opposed to virtually every Civil Rights initiative made in this country if it didn't center on catering to the white wealth class...
It seems quite apparent you were sleeping through school Moron. Better look again who voted for LBJ's equal rights bill. By the way it was not the demoncraps.

I think you should take your own advice. If you did, you would see your post is a lie.

In the senate, 46 democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act. 21 voted no.

In the House, 152 democrats voted for the Civil Rights act. 96 voted no.

Or you can continue to post lies for people like me to shred to pieces and show everyone what a total fool you are.

The Senate version:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

So a higher percentage of republicans voted for it than the KKK Leftists.

I will point out that I was replying to the lie that democrats didn't vote for the civil right act. Why didn't you bother to correct the person who lied?

The only reason a higher percentage of republicans voted for it was because there were less republicans in congress at the time.

Notice more democrats voted for the civil rights act than republicans.

46 democrats voted for it in the senate.

Only 27 republican senators voted for it.

153 democrats voted for it in the House.

Only 136 republicans voted for it in the House.

If you want to claim a higher percentage of republicans voted for it go for it but that's only because there wasn't very many republicans in the congress at the time.

"One man was arrested, another person was injured, and one man was ticketed for trespassing as the school board heard public comments on a draft policy for the Loudoun County Public Schools that would mandate "All students shall be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, or gender identity/expression - LCPS staff shall allow gender-expansive or transgender students to use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity without any substantiating evidence." (otherwise known as Nazi-Marxism).

A right-wing group is bragging about disrupting a meeting of the Loudoun County, Virginia, School Board on Tuesday night that had convened to discuss inclusivity. Stand Up Virginia has been behind other recent protests at school board meetings in Loudoun Country against transgender inclusion and the purported addition of what it calls "critical race theory" to the school curriculum.

Republicans have been using the term, which refers to the academic study of systemic racism in the United States, in pushing the claim that an un-American, racially divisive form of liberal propaganda is being forced onto school-aged children. The false claim is aimed at motivating voters to support Republican candidates. Fox News has aired hundreds of mentions of the term."

Why are these parents being attacked by the cops simply for trying to protect their children from being turned into radical trannies while being forced to undergo black racist indoctrination?? At first there was some worry that Republicans would have very little policies to campaign on during the midterms; especially with how bummed out some are over the last elections -- but the fear of Critical Racists teaming up with Satanic Trannies will be just the motivation needed to get the base out to vote.

when did you trans Biffster?
I know for reactionary right wing cucks -- anyone who stands against the discrimination of historically marginalized groups is hard for you to grasp.....

But that is why you are a reactionary right wing cuck.......

The rest of us who stand on principle have no problem with understanding how Civil Rights work

Which is why conservatives have been opposed to virtually every Civil Rights initiative made in this country if it didn't center on catering to the white wealth class...
It seems quite apparent you were sleeping through school Moron. Better look again who voted for LBJ's equal rights bill. By the way it was not the demoncraps.

I think you should take your own advice. If you did, you would see your post is a lie.

In the senate, 46 democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act. 21 voted no.

In the House, 152 democrats voted for the Civil Rights act. 96 voted no.

Or you can continue to post lies for people like me to shred to pieces and show everyone what a total fool you are.

The Senate version:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

So a higher percentage of republicans voted for it than the KKK Leftists.

I will point out that I was replying to the lie that democrats didn't vote for the civil right act. Why didn't you bother to correct the person who lied?

The only reason a higher percentage of republicans voted for it was because there were less republicans in congress at the time.

Notice more democrats voted for the civil rights act than republicans.

46 democrats voted for it in the senate.

Only 27 republican senators voted for it.

153 democrats voted for it in the House.

Only 136 republicans voted for it in the House.

If you want to claim a higher percentage of republicans voted for it go for it but that's only because there wasn't very many republicans in the congress at the time.
You should also ask them why so many of the Republicans who voted for it were considered "moderates"

Or as Trumpers would call them today.... Radical socialists

Sure. Ask them. If it is true.
Private and homeschool.

Never ever let any leftist anywhere near your child
They'll indoctrinate them or molest them
Home schooled kids are very prone to abuse from their parents. In fact it is one of the main reasons the parents do it.
Got any evidence for that broad brush character smear besides the hate running around in your gut?
Private and homeschool.

Never ever let any leftist anywhere near your child
They'll indoctrinate them or molest them
Home schooled kids are very prone to abuse from their parents. In fact it is one of the main reasons the parents do it.

They are also more prone to not have a proper education.

I have talked to 2 people who say they were home schooled. One didn't know who Eisenhower was. She asked me, no kidding here, "what's an Eisenhower?"

The other one's full knowledge of WWI was seeing the movie Saving Private Ryan. That's what he said when I said something about that war to him.

I'm sure not all home schooled people got the same terrible education those two above received but I'm afraid there are more like them than there are those who received a proper education at home school.
Wow, 2 people. Well, that's convincing. You do know that, despite your talking to 2 people, on average home schooled kids outpace their government schooled compatriots, right?
I would just remove my child from the school. The less students, the less funding.
Money talks.

Well, I don't know what your property taxes or any other local taxes in your area go toward but as a rule of thumb, unless you move out of the area and homeschool, chances are, you're still funding that school.
Then if your funding that school through your taxes, you should have a say what is and isn't taught in it.
Everyone has the right to free speech?
That's an honest question btw
Thank You

That's what school board meetings are for....you know, as long as they don't turn into free for all's. :)
Taking each and every person's opinions into account would be a recipe for paralysis in a school system.
I guess if what's being taught offends you that much you can either complain or pull the kid out of the school.

I don't get it.

What is so wrong with using a pronoun?

I mean if a child wants to be addressed as she or he what is it to anyone else?

How does that harm anyone?

I just don't understand how people can believe they have the right to discriminate and traumatize a child just because that child is transgender.
Because if a teacher has to remember 30 different pronouns for 30 different students in each class and gets one wrong, BAM come the lawsuits.
Home schooled kids are very prone to abuse from their parents. In fact it is one of the main reasons the parents do it.
So where is the proof of that? Or is it just one of those things you say without any expectation
you would be challenged on it?

Like your claim about the 1/6 melee I challenged that you still haven't responded to.
It would be entertaining if he would at least try. I do believe he will not because he knows full well he has been caught out in a fact free, emotional rant.
I would just remove my child from the school. The less students, the less funding.
Money talks.

Well, I don't know what your property taxes or any other local taxes in your area go toward but as a rule of thumb, unless you move out of the area and homeschool, chances are, you're still funding that school.
Then if your funding that school through your taxes, you should have a say what is and isn't taught in it.
Everyone has the right to free speech?
That's an honest question btw
Thank You

That's what school board meetings are for....you know, as long as they don't turn into free for all's. :)
Taking each and every person's opinions into account would be a recipe for paralysis in a school system.
I guess if what's being taught offends you that much you can either complain or pull the kid out of the school.

I don't get it.

What is so wrong with using a pronoun?

I mean if a child wants to be addressed as she or he what is it to anyone else?

How does that harm anyone?

I just don't understand how people can believe they have the right to discriminate and traumatize a child just because that child is transgender.
Because if a teacher has to remember 30 different pronouns for 30 different students in each class and gets one wrong, BAM come the lawsuits.

Not to mention the disruption to the teaching process even if she manages to remember them all, AND the disruption to the teaching process as the other children don't learn them and screw it up and little drama queens have their drama.
Because if a teacher has to remember 30 different pronouns for 30 different students in each class and gets one wrong, BAM come the lawsuits.
Absolutely delusional.
Seriously? You really think 30 kids wouldn't screw around with the teacher just for fun, and their parents wouldn't be salivating at the chance for a big payday?
First of all, there’s no big paycheck to be had. That’s delusional.

Second of all, if you think it’s ridiculous for a teacher to learn 30 different ways of addressing students, then you must really have a problem with something called NAMES.
Because if a teacher has to remember 30 different pronouns for 30 different students in each class and gets one wrong, BAM come the lawsuits.
Absolutely delusional.
Seriously? You really think 30 kids wouldn't screw around with the teacher just for fun, and their parents wouldn't be salivating at the chance for a big payday?
First of all, there’s no big paycheck to be had. That’s delusional.

Second of all, if you think it’s ridiculous for a teacher to learn 30 different ways of addressing students, then you must really have a problem with something called NAMES.

1. Names don't change on a whim.

2. Getting a name wrong, isn't a hate crime.

3. That you can defend this, is insane. Literally insane.

4. If you will defend this, what will you be defending in 3 years? 10?
Because if a teacher has to remember 30 different pronouns for 30 different students in each class and gets one wrong, BAM come the lawsuits.
Absolutely delusional.
Seriously? You really think 30 kids wouldn't screw around with the teacher just for fun, and their parents wouldn't be salivating at the chance for a big payday?
First of all, there’s no big paycheck to be had. That’s delusional.

Second of all, if you think it’s ridiculous for a teacher to learn 30 different ways of addressing students, then you must really have a problem with something called NAMES.

1. Names don't change on a whim.

2. Getting a name wrong, isn't a hate crime.

3. That you can defend this, is insane. Literally insane.

4. If you will defend this, what will you be defending in 3 years? 10?
1. Neither does tender
2. Neither is getting a pronoun wrong.
3. You guys are inventing problems
Because if a teacher has to remember 30 different pronouns for 30 different students in each class and gets one wrong, BAM come the lawsuits.
Absolutely delusional.
Seriously? You really think 30 kids wouldn't screw around with the teacher just for fun, and their parents wouldn't be salivating at the chance for a big payday?
First of all, there’s no big paycheck to be had. That’s delusional.

Second of all, if you think it’s ridiculous for a teacher to learn 30 different ways of addressing students, then you must really have a problem with something called NAMES.

1. Names don't change on a whim.

2. Getting a name wrong, isn't a hate crime.

3. That you can defend this, is insane. Literally insane.

4. If you will defend this, what will you be defending in 3 years? 10?
1. Neither does tender
2. Neither is getting a pronoun wrong.
3. You guys are inventing problems

1. Yes, they do. IF the person is "fluid" or just comes to a new understanding of his/her/it's/zer's/ougtohsorhh's gender.

2. Sure it is. Your denial is just you being dishonest.

3. LOL!!! WE are inventing problems? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

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