Poland warns of ‘armed’ attempts on its border as Germany urges EU to act.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Here, there, and everywhere.
Poland says thousands more migrants are waiting near Belarusian border, and German minister says Warsaw and Berlin ‘can’t handle this alone’.

Poland has warned of an “armed” escalation of conflict involving migrants massed near the border with Belarus, as the global community reacted to the latest grim chapter in Europe’s migrant crisis.

Having blocked hundreds of people from entering the country, Polish government spokesperson Piotr Muller said a further 3,000 to 4,000 migrants were gathering near the border. “We expect that there may be an escalation of this type of action on the Polish border in the near future, which will be of an armed nature,” he said.

Poland and other EU countries have accused Belarus of trying to provoke a new refugee crisis in Europe in revenge for their criticism of Alexander Lukashenko’s brutal crackdown on opposition. The situation has been simmering for months and worsened on Monday when Belarus authorities escorted an estimated 1,000 people to the Polish border.

Poland says thousands more migrants are waiting near Belarusian border, and German minister says Warsaw and Berlin ‘can’t handle this alone’.

Poland has warned of an “armed” escalation of conflict involving migrants massed near the border with Belarus, as the global community reacted to the latest grim chapter in Europe’s migrant crisis.

Having blocked hundreds of people from entering the country, Polish government spokesperson Piotr Muller said a further 3,000 to 4,000 migrants were gathering near the border. “We expect that there may be an escalation of this type of action on the Polish border in the near future, which will be of an armed nature,” he said.

Poland and other EU countries have accused Belarus of trying to provoke a new refugee crisis in Europe in revenge for their criticism of Alexander Lukashenko’s brutal crackdown on opposition. The situation has been simmering for months and worsened on Monday when Belarus authorities escorted an estimated 1,000 people to the Polish border.

Germany can stop in one day, just start to buy less gas from Moscow thugs ,
Putin send Thousand of Afro - Asian migrants to EU

It seems as though this was a deliberate act from Belarus.
I think you're right. It was probably meant to test what our response and Europe's would be. It's pretty much like what this administration is doing on our southern border.
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I think you're right. It was probably meant to test what our response and Europe's would be. It's pretty much like what this administration is doing on our southern border.

Belarus is the bad boy of Europe right now.

Look what happened to that young journalist who boarded his flight at Athens.
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Belarus’ European Union neighbours are taking action as they deal with a sharp rise in the number of migrants crossing over the border from Belarus illegally.

Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, all EU member states, also share a land border with Belarus, which has been accused of facilitating the flow of migrants.

The EU has accused Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko of trying to destabilise the EU by using migrants as a weapon.

Both Lithuania and Latvia have declared a state of emergency over the issue, while Poland’s president has called for action to protect the EU’s external borders.

Belarus has been rocked by a year of protest and repression following the reelection of Lukashenko, in an election rejected by much of the West as rigged.

Belarus is the bad boy of Europe right now.

Look what happened to that young journalist who boarded his flight at Athens.
Belarus is the best boy of Europe , Belarusian nation & EU& Liberal Order the main threat is Moscow horde

Revolution in Belarus: Surprisingly Female? - Green ...

https://www.greeneuropeanjournal.eu › revolution-in-b...


4 Jan 2021 — One of the notable features of the Belarusian protests has been ... 'the beautiful half of humanity' and the 'custodians of family values'.

You wont see scenes like this at the US-Mexico border because idiot libs will invite them all in

God help us
Belarus is the best boy of Europe , Belarusian nation & EU& Liberal Order the main threat is Moscow horde

Revolution in Belarus: Surprisingly Female? - Green ...

https://www.greeneuropeanjournal.eu › revolution-in-b...

View attachment 562116

4 Jan 2021 — One of the notable features of the Belarusian protests has been ... 'the beautiful half of humanity' and the 'custodians of family values'.

Want to try the German reportage?

Want to try the German reportage?

I work with Belarus I know situation much better than Gazprom whores

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pipeline | European Dialogue

http://eurodialogue.org › The-Molotov-Ribbentrop-Pip...


Nord Stream was championed by former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who now serves as one of its executives. From within her previous coalition government, ...
It seems as though this was a deliberate act from Belarus.
What's so special about it? Migrants coming across the border to Europe? Shocking!
Just 5 years ago, a million migrants crossed into Europe. And those who have a little more developed brains than a guppy fish, remember how they were greeted then - They were refugees from the bloody Syrian regime, who in interviews did not forget to mention the evil influence of Russia on their misfortunes. Video reports showed exclusively women and children, ignoring adult men, many of whom had recently cut the heads of their opponents, including children. Kind european citizens gave migrants water and food, provided them with a place to sleep, all this on video, this endless kindness of Europe was constantly interspersed with showing what wonderful people these migrants are, at the same time so unhappy... Journalists who dared to ask questions about the true causes of this migration were dismissed, and countries that refused to accept migrants were punished with money.

And suddenly, such a drastic change! Why are european political prostitutes so outraged by these migrants? But there is still an organized flow of migrants from the south to Europe across the Mediterranean Sea, at the very moment when the European media is outraged by Belarus.
And why can't thousands of kurds be allowed into Poland, at a time when hundreds of thousands of migrants can be allowed into the United States through mexican border or the same hundreds of thousands can be allowed into Italy and through Turkey? Does someone have income from moving some migrants and does not have income from others and therefore unhappy with this fact?
Yes, and Belarus. together with Russia, also can be blamed for this...
The hypocrisy of the Western world is just disgusting...
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What's so special about it? Migrants coming across the border to Europe? Shocking!
Just 5 years ago, a million migrants crossed into Europe. And those who have a little more developed brains than a guppy fish, remember how they were greeted then - They were refugees from the bloody Syrian regime, who in interviews did not forget to mention the evil influence of Russia on their misfortunes. Video reports showed exclusively women and children, ignoring adult men, many of whom had recently cut the heads of their opponents, including children. Journalists who dared to ask questions about the true causes of this migration were dismissed, and countries that refused to accept migrants were punished with money.

And suddenly, such a drastic change! Why are european political prostitutes so outraged by these migrants? But there is still an organized flow of migrants from the south to Europe across the Mediterranean Sea, at the very moment when the European media is outraged by Belarus.
And why can't thousands of kurds be allowed into Poland, at a time when hundreds of thousands of migrants can be allowed into the United States or the same hundreds of thousands can be allowed into Italy and through Turkey? Does someone have income from some migrants and does not have income from others?
Yes, and Belarus. together with Russia, also can be blamed for this...
The hypocrisy of the Western world is disgusting.

Thanks for the lecture. :up:
You see, stupid european political bastards, when you impose sanctions against someone, it sometimes can turn against you. Unexpectedly!
Have you banned Belarusian planes from flying to Europe? They redirected their planes to the countries of the Middle East. Remember? - profit is the most important thing!
And migrants are flying in these planes, this is a much cheaper and safer way to Europe for them, than across the Mediterranean sea and the snow-covered Balkans on foot.
Do European prostitutes accuse Belarus of "organizing" the flow of migrants? Learn to confirm each of your accusations with evidence, "highly like" does not work.
And migrants, by the way, do not violate the laws of Belarus, they want to go to Europe and why should Belarus interfere with this, oh so recently, such a noble aspiration?
You announced sanctions to Belarusia, that is, robbed her of money under false pretexts and then you have the audacity to demand that belarusians spend their money on organizing the lives of these migrants (who do not want to stay in Belarus) on their territory? Do you have any conscience? The answer is, of course not. And never had.
And by the way, Belarus is not a member of the European Union, but Poland and Lithuania are.
And according to the Dublin agreement, they are obliged to let the refugees in, consider their applications and decide whether to accept them to Europe or not. And what do we see instead? Polish troops are using force to prevent the movement of refugees. Thus, it is Poland that violates the laws of Europe.
Bon appetit, Poland!
But of course, who care about some Dublin agreements? Good old hypocrisy to the resque.
And the last thing - Did Lukashenka bomb the countries of these refugees??
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1. On March 20, 2003, the invasion of US troops and their allies in Iraq began.

2. The United States officially recognized that Saddam did not have WMD. The report of the commission created
by the member countries of the anti-Iraq coalition has been published

3. "It's bad in Iraq, they shoot there and there is no money. It's bad here too, we're locked up," - the stories of illegal immigrants who made their way to Lithuania from Belarus.

And now for something completely.... predictable! Drum roll...

4. The European Union is preparing to impose new sanctions against Belarus because of migrants.
5. The Polish Prime Minister accused Russia of an attack using migrants.
It is customary for cartoonish villains to give a lengthy and discursive speech where they lay out in detail exactly what they plan to do so that the hero can take notes and foil them. Minsk did its part. Lukashenko told the world in May that Belarus would flood the EU with 'migrants and drugs', and then he did it. A flow of migrants through Belarus to Lithuania that had previously been a trickle – 46 in 2019 – became a flood, with thousands of migrants, many without papers, crossing the border.

As the migrants continued to arrive, he told us precisely what would happen next:

With Europe’s enemies willing to use its welcoming nature to undermine it, a revision of refugee policy is badly needed
'We will not hold anyone back. We are not their final destination after all. They are headed to enlightened, warm, cozy Europe.'

Enlightened, warm, cozy Europe, for its part, seemed happy enough to leave its Eastern border to face the brunt at first, just as it did the Mediterranean in 2015. Blame for the current situation lies with Lukashenko and his puppet-master Putin, but a share of responsibility lies also with the West.
The current crisis is the result of hybrid warfare undertaken against the West by hostile powers, but also an extended unwillingness to confront an issue of fundamental importance. While Poland works to defend its borders, the UNcriticises Warsaw for pushing migrants back into Belarus: the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has said Poland is in breach of international law for trying to force migrants back into Belarus instead of offering them asylum.


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