Poisoned " Russian" spy Sergei Skripal was close to consultant who was linked to the Trump dossier


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
the story is getting nastier and nastier , 14 already dead .... my question: can we call Putler´s cooperative Ozero for the biggest criminal gang in the world? Look like Trump is in much deeper connection with KGB (FSB what ever they call KGB today) than i thought ...

"A security consultant who has worked for the company that compiled the controversial dossier on Donald Trump was close to the Russian double agent poisoned last weekend, it has been claimed.

The consultant, who The Telegraph is declining to identify, lived close to Col Skripal and is understood to have known him for some time.

Col Skripal, who is in intensive care and fighting for his life after an assassination attempt on Sunday, was recruited by MI6 when he worked for the British embassy in Estonia, according to the FSB, the Russian intelligence agency."


It's amazing how Trump's and Putin's haters are trying to benefit from a death of an absolutely useless person making it very useful for their dirty goals and killing several birds with one stone.

Their credo "if we have an alive traitor whom we can't use any more, let's make him dead and take an advantage of it to harm our political opponents" has been efficiently used for quite a while.
Putin's Postmodern War with the West

Putin's Postmodern War with the West

"We have been attacked. We are at war," American actor Morgan Freeman gravely intones in a recent video. "Imagine this movie script," he continues: "A former KGB spy, angry at the collapse of his motherland, plots a course for revenge. Taking advantage of the chaos, he works his way up through the ranks of a post-Soviet Russia and becomes president. He establishes an authoritarian regime. Then he sets his sights on his sworn enemy, the United States... He secretly uses cyber warfare to attack democracies around the world. Using social media to spread propaganda and disinformation, he convinces people in democratic societies to distrust their media, their political processes, even their neighbors.”
The fact is that this former spy murder attempt makes no sense at all. Moreover, there are such unstated rules that say that betrayers should not be killed.
The real goal of another anti-Russian provocation is timed to the presidential elections in Russia. It is to complete the public opinion preparation for a large-scale Russian rich people assets confiscation in Britain. Another goal is to make them act against Putin.
Fearing the stolen hundreds of billions of euros and dollars withdrawal the Russian crime “elite” of the 90s will lose its courage and will turn back on Vladimir Putin. It will cost "a pretty penny" to Britain to get their way out of the European Union. Due to the lack of money in British budget, the Government will try to take money away from the Russians.
In addition, the hysteria rising from the murder attempt of the "worked-out" and untrustworthy traitor Skripal ousts the monstrous scandal out of the England's public consciousness. British authorities have been trying to silence it from 2014. It is all about racial terror against white girls committed by Pakistanis and Asian gangs.

This all was an excellent move, Mrs May.
Filthy Don is well known to funnel Russian Mob money though his businesses. Mueller understands Filthy Dons shtick from the beginning.
Skripal & daughter poisoned by nerve agent on door of home...

Former Russian spy poisoned by nerve agent on door of home in England: police
March 28, 2018 - Russian former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter were poisoned with a nerve toxin that had been left on the front door of their home in England, British counter-terrorism police said on Wednesday.
After the first known offensive use of a chemical weapon on European soil since World War Two, Britain blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for the attempted assassination and the West has expelled around 130 Russian diplomats. Russia has denied any involvement in the attack and has said it suspects the British secret services of using the Novichok nerve agent, which was developed by the Soviet military, to frame Russia and stoke anti-Russian hysteria. “We believe the Skripals first came into contact with the nerve agent from their front door,” said Dean Haydon, Britain’s’ senior national coordinator for counter terrorism policing. “Specialists have identified the highest concentration of the nerve agent, to-date, as being on the front door of the address,” Scotland Yard said in a statement.

Skripal and his 33-year-old daughter, Yulia, have been in a critical condition since being found unconscious on a public bench in the English city of Salisbury on March 4. A British judge has said they may have suffered permanent brain damage. The attempted murder of Skripal, a 66-year-old former colonel in Russian military intelligence who betrayed dozens of Russian agents to Britain’s MI6 spy service, has plunged Moscow’s relations with the West to a new post-Cold War low. After Britain expelled 23 Russians it said were spies working under diplomatic cover, Russia followed by throwing out 23 British diplomats. The United States and other Western countries, including most member states of the European Union and NATO, expelled over 100 diplomats.


British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said the Kremlin had underestimated the Western response to the attack on Skripal and his daughter, which also injured a British policeman. Johnson told an audience of ambassadors in London that 27 countries have now moved to expel Russian diplomats over Moscow’s suspected involvement - which Russia denies. “These expulsions represent a moment when a feeling has suddenly crystallised, when years of vexation and provocation have worn the collective patience to breaking point, and when across the world – across three continents – there are countries who are willing to say enough is enough,” Johnson said. “If they (Russia) believed that we had become so morally weakened, so dependent on hydrocarbons, so chronically risk averse and so fearful of Russia that we would not dare to respond, then this is their answer,” he added. Putin, who has been dealing with a deadly shopping centre fire in Siberia, has yet to respond, though Moscow has threatened to take retaliatory action against the West. “An analysis of all the circumstances ... leads us to think of the possible involvement in it (the poisoning) of the British intelligence services,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday before the announcement by British police. “If convincing evidence to the contrary is not presented to the Russian side we will consider that we are dealing with an attempt on the lives of our citizens as a result of a massive political provocation.”

A London court last week gave permission for blood samples to be taken from the Skripals for examination by chemical weapons inspectors to confirm a conclusion by Britain that the military nerve agent had been used. An unidentified doctor who is treating the Skripals said they were both heavily sedated and unable to communicate, and that it was not possible to assess when or to what extent either may regain mental capacity, according to the court’s ruling. Skripal, who was turned by British spies while in Spain, ended up in Britain after a Cold War-style spy swap that brought 10 Russian spies captured in the United States back to Moscow in exchange for those accused by Moscow of spying for the West. Since emerging from the John le Carre world of high espionage and betrayal, Skripal lived modestly in the English cathedral city of Salisbury and kept out of the spotlight until he was found unconscious on March 4.

His house in Salisbury, which featured a good-luck horseshoe on the front door, was bought for 260,000 pounds ($360,000) in 2011. Skripal was listed at living there under his own name. In the years since he found refuge in Britain, Skripal lost both a wife and son. The attack on Skripal has been likened in Britain to the killing of ex-KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko, a critic of Putin, who died in London in 2006 after drinking green tea laced with radioactive polonium 210. Russia denied any involvement in that killing. An inquiry led by senior British judge Robert Owen found that former KGB bodyguard Andrei Lugovoy and another Russian, Dmitry Kovtun, carried out the killing as part of an operation probably directed by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). British police said they would continue to focus their enquiries around Skripal’s home address as the investigation continued.

Former Russian spy poisoned by nerve agent on door of home in...
Uncle Ferd thinks she's a honey - even if she is a Russky...

Russian spy: Yulia Skripal 'conscious and talking'
29 Mar`18 - Yulia Skripal, the daughter of ex-spy Sergei Skripal, is improving rapidly and no longer in a critical condition, says the hospital treating her.
She and her father were admitted nearly four weeks ago after being exposed to a nerve agent in Salisbury. The BBC understands from separate sources that Ms Skripal is conscious and talking. However Mr Skripal remains in a critical but stable condition, Salisbury District Hospital said. Doctors said Ms Skripal, "has responded well to treatment but continues to receive expert clinical care 24 hours a day". "I want to take this opportunity to once again thank the staff of Salisbury District Hospital for delivering such high quality care to these patients over the last few weeks," said Dr Christine Blanshard, Medical Director for Salisbury District Hospital. "I am very proud both of our front-line staff and all those who support them."


Sergei Skripal, 66, and his daughter Yulia, 33 were poisoned by a nerve agent called Novichok​

BBC correspondent Duncan Kennedy says a corner appears to have been turned for Yulia Skripal, who is now in a stable condition. However there is no news on what the long-term damage might be, he adds. Meanwhile the police have placed cordons round a children's play area at Montgomery Gardens near Mr Skripal's home. "Officers will be searching it as a precautionary measure," said Deputy Assistant Commissioner Dean Haydon. The Skripals were admitted to hospital on 4 March after being found collapsed on a bench at the Maltings shopping centre in Salisbury. Police have been treating the case as attempted murder. On Wednesday, police said the Skripals first came into contact with the nerve agent at his home in Salisbury.


Police stand outside the house believed to be the home of Sergei Skripal​

Forensic tests show the highest concentration was found on the front door. The nerve agent was found at other locations in the town but in lower concentrations, the Metropolitan Police said. A police officer who fell seriously ill after responding to the attack - Det Sgt Nick Bailey - was treated in hospital but was discharged on 22 March. DS Bailey, who is believed to have visited Mr Skripal's house after the incident has spoken of his ordeal, saying: "Normal life for me will probably never be the same." The British government has accused the Russian state of involvement in the attack - a claim Moscow has denied. Prime Minister Theresa May said the chemical used had been identified as being part of a group of nerve agents developed by Russia known as Novichok.

Ex-spy's daughter 'conscious and talking'
the story is getting nastier and nastier , 14 already dead .... my question: can we call Putler´s cooperative Ozero for the biggest criminal gang in the world? Look like Trump is in much deeper connection with KGB (FSB what ever they call KGB today) than i thought ...

"A security consultant who has worked for the company that compiled the controversial dossier on Donald Trump was close to the Russian double agent poisoned last weekend, it has been claimed.

The consultant, who The Telegraph is declining to identify, lived close to Col Skripal and is understood to have known him for some time.

Col Skripal, who is in intensive care and fighting for his life after an assassination attempt on Sunday, was recruited by MI6 when he worked for the British embassy in Estonia, according to the FSB, the Russian intelligence agency."


so you agree that hitlery worked with Russia to get the dossier. thanks for the info dude.
the story is getting nastier and nastier , 14 already dead .... my question: can we call Putler´s cooperative Ozero for the biggest criminal gang in the world? Look like Trump is in much deeper connection with KGB (FSB what ever they call KGB today) than i thought ...

"A security consultant who has worked for the company that compiled the controversial dossier on Donald Trump was close to the Russian double agent poisoned last weekend, it has been claimed.

The consultant, who The Telegraph is declining to identify, lived close to Col Skripal and is understood to have known him for some time.

Col Skripal, who is in intensive care and fighting for his life after an assassination attempt on Sunday, was recruited by MI6 when he worked for the British embassy in Estonia, according to the FSB, the Russian intelligence agency."


so you agree that hitlery worked with Russia to get the dossier. thanks for the info dude.
the story is getting nastier and nastier , 14 already dead .... my question: can we call Putler´s cooperative Ozero for the biggest criminal gang in the world? Look like Trump is in much deeper connection with KGB (FSB what ever they call KGB today) than i thought ...

"A security consultant who has worked for the company that compiled the controversial dossier on Donald Trump was close to the Russian double agent poisoned last weekend, it has been claimed.

The consultant, who The Telegraph is declining to identify, lived close to Col Skripal and is understood to have known him for some time.

Col Skripal, who is in intensive care and fighting for his life after an assassination attempt on Sunday, was recruited by MI6 when he worked for the British embassy in Estonia, according to the FSB, the Russian intelligence agency."


so you agree that hitlery worked with Russia to get the dossier. thanks for the info dude.

It's amazing how Trump's and Putin's haters are trying to benefit from a death of an absolutely useless person making it very useful for their dirty goals and killing several birds with one stone.

Their credo "if we have an alive traitor whom we can't use any more, let's make him dead and take an advantage of it to harm our political opponents" has been efficiently used for quite a while.

We'll take your traitorous COMMIE ass and deport it to Russia.
It's amazing how Trump's and Putin's haters are trying to benefit from a death of an absolutely useless person making it very useful for their dirty goals and killing several birds with one stone.

Their credo "if we have an alive traitor whom we can't use any more, let's make him dead and take an advantage of it to harm our political opponents" has been efficiently used for quite a while.

We'll take your traitorous COMMIE ass and deport it to Russia.
and Putler sends them all to GULAG
the story is getting nastier and nastier , 14 already dead .... my question: can we call Putler´s cooperative Ozero for the biggest criminal gang in the world? Look like Trump is in much deeper connection with KGB (FSB what ever they call KGB today) than i thought ...

"A security consultant who has worked for the company that compiled the controversial dossier on Donald Trump was close to the Russian double agent poisoned last weekend, it has been claimed.

The consultant, who The Telegraph is declining to identify, lived close to Col Skripal and is understood to have known him for some time.

Col Skripal, who is in intensive care and fighting for his life after an assassination attempt on Sunday, was recruited by MI6 when he worked for the British embassy in Estonia, according to the FSB, the Russian intelligence agency."



One problem with your CONSPIRACY THEORY, Skippy....



"Bwuhahahaha,,,,got you!"

REPORT: Mueller Does Not Consider Trump A ‘Criminal Target’ Of Russia Investigation
Feelin' stronger everyday -sounds like a Chicago song...

Russian spy poisoning: Yulia Skripal 'getting stronger daily'
5 Apr.`18 - UK police have issued a statement on behalf of Russian spy Sergei Skripal's daughter, the first since the pair were poisoned by a nerve agent in March.
The statement quoted Yulia Skripal as saying her "strength is growing daily". Ms Skripal, 33, and her father are in hospital in Salisbury, southern England, where the attack took place. The UK Foreign Office says Ms Skripal, who is a Russian citizen, has not yet taken up Russia's offer of consular assistance.


Ms Skripal and her father are in hospital in Salisbury after the attack​

The Russian embassy in London said last week that it was insisting on its right to see her after it emerged that she was conscious and talking. Earlier on Thursday, Russian TV aired a recording of an alleged phone conversation between Ms Skripal and her cousin.
UK police have issued a statement on behalf of Russian spy Sergei Skripal's daughter, the first since the pair were poisoned by a nerve agent in March.

However, doubts have been cast on how authentic the recording is; the presenters of the programme said they had been unable to verify it and themselves had doubts about it. Mr Skripal, 66, remains critically ill but stable. The UK government has accused Russia of being behind the 4 March attack, but Russia's ambassador in the UK said Moscow had no nerve agent stockpile. The incident has sparked an international diplomatic crisis.

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