Poetic Justice: Romney's at 47.9% Pop. Vote and Falling


Radical Centrist
Apr 14, 2012
Google Politics & Elections

Election Results

Election results are still being counted, from absentee to provisional ballots, to mail-ins and western states that had late nights.

About 122,000,000 votes have been processed and counted, and it is said that the results should end up topping 130,000,000 when it's all through, roughly the same turnout as 4 years ago.

The kicker though is that with WA, OR, CA, IL, NY and all those provisional ballots being the bulk of what's left, it is projected that President Obama will win the final 8-10 million votes by a margin of about 55% to 45%.

Obama is now well over 3 million votes ahead of Romney, and now the popular vote reads Obama 50.5% to Romney's 47.9%.

The 2.6-2.7% spread for the President has grown since Tuesday night, when he started to take the popular vote lead as the west coast states started coming in.

It appears that we're headed for Obama 51% Romney 47%, which is sweet, sweet irony since Romney's remarks about the 47% practically helped to sink his ill-fated ship.

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