Pluralism/Media: Bazaar Trial?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Modern media culture caters to all kinds of pluralism dialogue, which is why offbeat religions/belief-systems/rituals such as Scientology and Kwanzaa get a great deal of social attention/spotlight.

Add to that the fact that prominent celebrities such as Tom Cruise (Scientology) and Stevie Wonder (Kwanzaa) advertise such alternative practices in interviews and magazine photos!

So here's a mock interview between deceased American movie star Paul Newman and a fictional Bazaar magazine journalist named Ajay Satan about pluralism-dialogue relevant to our consumerism-computing 'TrumpUSA.'

Incidentally, Paul Newman and Tom Cruise were supposedly good friends...


AJAY: Thanks for doing this interview with us, Mr. Newman.
NEWMAN: Happy to, I'm a fan of Harper's Bazaar!
AJAY: We loved your film Paris Blues.
NEWMAN: That's an under-appreciated 'culture-exposure' film.
AJAY: Well, these days, it's all fast-paced culture-exposure films such as Killing Zoe.
NEWMAN: You guys should do a feature about EuroDisney.
AJAY: It's in the works...what is your opinion of American entrepreneur Donald Trump?
NEWMAN: He's obviously a society 'diplomat' of capitalism (the American Dream), no?
AJAY: Are you a fan of Starbucks?
NEWMAN: Sure, I like it all. I'm a big fan of NASCAR and Sotheby's.
AJAY: I see. What do you think about celebrities (i.e., Tom Cruise) hyping their religions (Scientology)?
NEWMAN: Hey, if you want to use the media-pulpit to talk about offbeat beliefs, then it can only help America.
AJAY: Are you interested in 'pluralism politics'?
NEWMAN: I'm interested in pluralism controversies (e.g., David Duke, Anita Hill, etc.).
AJAY: What about the Menendez Brothers trial and Woody Allen's film Celebrity?
NEWMAN: I think Oliver Stone's film Natural Born Killers offers a great treatment of modern media hysteria.
AJAY: You must be a fan of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!
NEWMAN: I like the idea of cotton-candy intellectualism (e.g., Ted Turner).
AJAY: What is your opinion of the Scopes-trial film Inherit the Wind?
NEWMAN: Movie/media presentations of religion/philosopher controversies represent true modernism...
AJAY: Do you think Donald Trump could someday be elected as U.S. President and if so, why?
NEWMAN: We elected R.Reagan (a movie-star) and he made Reaganomics, so why not 'casino-evangelism'?





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