Planned Parenthood harvests organs?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
The Bad Worse Ugly Media Coverage of Planned Parenthood s Organ Harvesting Scandal

At 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning, a pro-life group released two videos showing Planned Parenthood executive Deborah Nucatola munching on a salad and sipping red wine while discussing the harvesting of organs from babies killed by abortion. One was a nearly nine-minute edited video of the nearly three-hour discussion. The other was the unedited discussion.

Because of the graphic nature of the discussion — Nucatola specifically discusses altering abortion procedures to procure hearts, brains, lungs, and livers from the babies whose lives Planned Parenthood ends by abortion — the video immediately lit up social media. Unlike most significant stories about major hot-button social issues, however, no major media reported on the news until 4:30 p.m. that afternoon. Some are still working on (or working on hiding) their coverage of the story. Let’s look at some of the major media outlets and how they did.

Washington Post

The first story out of the gate from major mainstream media outlet came from the Washington Post. It was originally headlined: “Undercover video shows Planned Parenthood exec discussing organ harvesting,” and it was remarkably fair to both Planned Parenthood and those who oppose the harvesting of organs from children killed in abortion.

However, by the time the story appeared on page one of the Washington Post, it had been significantly altered. You can get the gist from the new headline: “Undercover video shows Planned Parenthood official discussing fetal organs used for research.”

You’ve heard of the journalism adage: “If it bleeds, it leads”? Well, how about: “There, that doesn’t sound so bad, does it? Probably don’t even need to read this article, do you!”

The executive is downgraded to an official. The wine she drank as she discussed how good Planned Parenthood has gotten at procuring hearts, livers, and lungs is completely excised. In both versions, Nucatola’s clear statements about crushing baby bodies above or below their organs is given distance with a journalistic “apparently.”

The revised story introduced additional errors, including that Nucatola was not caught “explicitly talking about selling organs” (she was), and claiming that Planned Parenthood doesn’t profit from these organ sales, even though Nucatola specifically talks about making more money than breaking even.

Associated Press

The Associated Press national social issues reporter, David Crary, got his story out just over 13 hours after the video broke. His headline gives a preview of the euphemism pile-on he’ll use: “Covert video targets Planned Parenthood fetal-parts policy.”

His lede practically begs you to stop reading:

Anti-abortion activists on Tuesday released an undercover video showing a senior Planned Parenthood official discussing the disposition of parts from aborted fetuses.

The activists contended the video reveals illegalities, but Planned Parenthood said the activity in question was the legal, not-for-profit donation of fetal tissue to research firms.

Crary didn’t even bother to promote his own story, for whatever reason. He wrote nine stories about the Komen Foundation’s attempts to extricate itself from funding Planned Parenthood, including breaking the story. He wrote a total of two stories about Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia serial murderer and abortionist. You can read this piece for more information on Crary and the Associated Press’ trouble covering abortion, but perhaps of note for this story:

The Komen team described him as a ‘Planned Parenthood ally,’ who had ‘gushed’ over Planned Parenthood in a February 2011 article featuring Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards. ‘The article was essentially a rehashed Planned Parenthood press release,’ Handel writes. He’s described as ‘sympathetic’ to Richards and ‘deeply biased’ in favor of Planned Parenthood. Komen’s media person says, ‘she had never spoken to a national reporter who was so openly biased.’


Joining the Associated Press in the “we’re not even trying to be fair” category was Reuters, whose first piece on the scandal was literally headlined, and I want to emphasize I’m not being hyperbolic for effect but accurately conveying the headline: “Planned Parenthood slams secret video as false portrayal of fetus tissue program.”

This story came out nearly 14 hours after the story broke, and reads like a Planned Parenthood press release would if Planned Parenthood had less regard for its reputation:

Planned Parenthood said on Tuesday a secretly recorded video that surfaced on the Internet falsely portrayed the reproductive health group’s participation in the sale of tissue and body parts from aborted fetuses.

The non-profit organization said the video had been heavily edited and recorded by a group that was established to damage its reputation. It said in a statement the video “falsely portrays Planned Parenthood’s participation in tissue donation programs that support lifesaving scientific research.”

Nowhere in the story (written by Jon Herskovitz, with additional reporting by Patrick Enright and David Bailey in Minneapolis, and editing by Jonathan Oatis and Toni Reinhold) do we we learn that the group put out a complete, unedited, nearly three-hour video at the same exact time as the edited eight-minute version. The double claim of falsehood provided by Reuters on behalf of Planned Parenthood in the first two paragraphs is never substantiated, although a meager attempt is made to repeat Planned Parenthood talking points in the final paragraphs.


The Weekly Standard‘s John McCormack provided the journalistic service of exposing precisely what talking points Planned Parenthood was sending out to reporters in an attempt to quash or reframe the story. The documents can be found here. One of the pieces of information Planned Parenthood’s public relations firm sent out suggested that David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress, the group that performed the undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood, should not be trusted because he has “written articles for opposition outlet The Weekly Standard and Human Life Review.”

The Weekly Standard is a large, respected weekly magazine whose writers include some of the best writers working today, including P.J. O’Rourke, Matt Labash, Andrew Ferguson, Jonathan Last, Vic Matus, Christopher Caldwell, and the dashing Mark Hemingway. The idea that having written a sole article for the publication would be disqualifying is laughable to the extreme. And yet…

Newsweek‘s story, authored by Polly Mosendz, shows the influence Planned Parenthood’s backgrounder had on her journalism:

The center’s leader, David Daleiden, has written anti-abortion literature for The Weekly Standard and is referenced on the pro-life website of Jill Stanek. Files uploaded by Daleiden to Scribd include ‘Prayers for the day,’ which Daleiden describes as ‘one way to structure your prayer life throughout the day that some people may find helpful.’

Though Daleiden’s organization shares a name with the Manhattan Institute’s Center for Medical Progress, a spokeswoman for the institute told Newsweek the groups are ‘totally separate organizations’ who have ‘never been affiliated.’ This is all to say, the video was not made by a purely scientific center, despite the organization’s name, nor in a purely objective manner.

I joke about journalists being hostile to Christians, but I’m not sure I’ve seen someone’s prayer life used in an attempt to discredit someone. I’m almost impressed. Horrified, mostly, but also kind of impressed at how anti-religious the journalism is. Also, way to regurgitate Planned Parenthood talking points! You’re on your way to the big Andrea Mitchell-leagues!

Daily Beast

I don’t think the Daily Beast has gotten around to profiling Deborah Nucatola, the woman who talked about “crushing” babies’ bodies in such a way as to harvest their “lungs,” and “livers,” and “hearts,” and what not, but they did accept their Planned Parenthood marching orders for writing hit pieces about Daleiden. Here’s Samantha Allen’s version of Media Matters for America’s version of Planned Parenthood’s hit on Daleiden.


CNN’s first piece on the Planned Parenthood scandal is actually a really good and fair story, in my initial read. It presents alternate points of view without siding with one or the other or accepting anyone’s claims at face value.

I did get a kick out of the accompanying video, which begins, “In this heavily and selectively edited video …” What’s funny about this is that 100 percent of video news reports not involving live guests are very “heavily and selectively edited.” Because that’s how you do broadcast journalism. We don’t see journalists introduce their reports by noting that fact, usually.

New York Times

The newspaper finally put up its story on the matter by 12:30 a.m. the next day. It’s headlined: “Video Accuses Planned Parenthood of Crime.” The piece accepts Planned Parenthood talking points completely. Its author, Jackie Calmes, must not have reviewed the transcript of the full video, or the full video. She devotes much space to defending Planned Parenthood against the charge it sells organs to purchasers. Here’s a representative section:

While the video, which was circulated on the Internet, alleges that Planned Parenthood is guilty of the crime of selling fetal remains, the official tells her questioners more than once that the cost, $30 to $100, is reimbursement for clinics’ expenses.

Of course, the official also specifically said that affiliates like to “do better” than “break even,” which Calmes doesn’t mention:
The more that comes to light about that vile organization the more obvious it becomes just how corrupt, inhuman, and depraved it is.
Im all for keeping the babies alive in the first place, and think abortion should be limited to rape or protecting the life of the mother...

But if theyre going to die regardless, Im all for "harvesting" if it's done in a way which benefits humanity through the sciences as a whole.
Pope scolds Democrats over Planned Parenthood abortion organ harvesting...

Pope Francis: End ‘The Marketing of Human Organs and Tissues'
September 26, 2015 - Speaking to the General Assembly of the United Nations yesterday, Pope Francis called on government leaders to take immediate action to end the marketing of human organs and tissues and “respect the sacredness of every human life.”
Here are the pope’s words:

“Our world demands of all government leaders a will which is effective, practical and constant, concrete steps and immediate measures for preserving and improving the natural environment and thus putting an end as quickly as possible to the phenomenon of social and economic exclusion, with its baneful consequences: human trafficking, the marketing of human organs and tissues, the sexual exploitation of boys and girls, slave labour, including prostitution, the drug and weapons trade, terrorism and international organized crime. Such is the magnitude of these situations and their toll in innocent lives, that we must avoid every temptation to fall into a declarationist nominalism which would assuage our consciences. We need to ensure that our institutions are truly effective in the struggle against all these scourges…


“Creation is compromised ‘where we ourselves have the final word… The misuse of creation begins when we no longer recognize any instance above ourselves, when we see nothing else but ourselves.’ Consequently, the defense of the environment and the fight against exclusion demand that we recognize a moral law written into human nature itself, one which includes the natural difference between man and woman, and absolute respect for life in all its stages and dimensions….

“The common home of all men and women must continue to rise on the foundations of a right understanding of universal fraternity and respect for the sacredness of every human life, of every man and every woman, the poor, the elderly, children, the infirm, the unborn, the unemployed, the abandoned, those considered disposable because they are only considered as part of a statistic. This common home of all men and women must also be built on the understanding of a certain sacredness of created nature.”

Pope Francis: End ‘The Marketing of Human Organs and Tissues'

See also:

Cruz Criticizes Democrats for ‘Glaring at the Pope’ When He Defended Human Life
September 25, 2015 – Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) commended Pope Francis for defending the sanctity of life, at every stage of development, during his remarks before Congress, but added that it struck him when the Pope made those remarks that most of the Democrats sat “stone-faced” and glared at the pontiff.
At the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, the senator told, "It was striking when Pope Francis urged us to defend human life at every stage of development, and virtually every Democrat sat stone-faced with their arms crossed glaring at the Pope." "Pope Francis has been a powerful voice for life, a powerful voice for marriage, and a powerful voice for religious liberty," said Cruz. The senator then chided the media for putting what he sees as a partisan spin on the Pope's message. "I have been amused watching some of the mainstream media trying to transform the Pope into effectively a Democratic Party spokesman," Cruz said.

He also criticized the Obama administration for suing the Little Sisters of the Poor. "It is striking also that on this trip Pope Francis visited the Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic charity, a convent of nuns, who have taken vows of poverty,” said Sen. Cruz. “They devote their lives to caring for the poor and the elderly.” “And right now the Obama administration is litigating against the Little Sisters of the Poor, trying to impose millions of dollars of fines on them under Obamacare, in order to force the nuns to pay for abortion-inducing drugs," said the senator.

Although it is a serious case, Cruz said he sees humor in the lawsuit. "As I have often joked, a really good rule of thumb is, if you're litigating against nuns, you've probably done something wrong," he smiled. Cruz concluded, "It must have been awfully awkward for President Obama to greet the Pope, and for Vice President Joe Biden to sit behind the Pope as he spoke at the same moment that the Obama administration is persecuting the Little Sisters of the Poor, going after Catholic nuns for following their faith."

Cruz Criticizes Democrats for ‘Glaring at the Pope’ When He Defended Human Life


Santorum: Planned Parenthood Should Be Prosecuted for Illegal Partial-Birth Abortions
September 25, 2015 --Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum reiterated Friday that Planned Parenthood should be prosecuted for performing illegal partial-birth abortions.
During a speech at the Values Voter Summit in Washington on Friday, Santorum recalled calling out Planned Parenthood for "doing barbaric things" during an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo. "I was on CNN the other day... and we were talking about the Planned Parenthood videos, and I said: ‘Not only should we defund Planned Parenthood, we should be prosecuting Planned Parenthood’,” Santorum said, drawing a round of applause from the audience. “And he got very upset with me. Said, ‘What do you mean?’ He said, ‘What laws have they broken?’ “I said, ‘Well, the procedures that we saw described in these videos I know very well, because they were partial-birth abortions.” “And he says, ‘Well, OK, but, you know, how do you know that that’s against the law?’ “I said, ’Because I wrote the law. I know that it’s against the law," Santorum said, once again drawing more cheers and applause.

During the CNN interview, Santorum said: "If you listen to the tapes, and look at what the procedures are, they're doing just that. They're manipulating the baby in the womb to deliver the baby feet first so the organs aren't hurt, and then they're crushing the skull. That's a partial birth abortion. That's illegal under federal law."

The former senator from Pennsylvania also told summit attendees that America will never be a great country again if it continues to kill its unborn children. “America is never going to be a great country if we’re a country that kills our children in the womb, ever,” he said. “We are never going to be blessed by God if we’re a country that kills our children in the womb.” Santorum similarly commented on the state of the American family and how important strong families are to the success of the country. “We are never going to be a great country if we allow for the destruction of the American family,” he said, pointing out that “that’s what’s happened over the past 50 years.”

Santorum: Planned Parenthood Should Be Prosecuted for Illegal Partial-Birth Abortions
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Granny says, "Dats' right - don't plan on him apologizin' to Sodom an' Gomorrah...

Will God Judge America or Apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah?
10/1/2015 - All one has to do is glance at a news site to see the moral decay. Abortion. Gay marriage. War. Greed.
Echoing the words of famed evangelist Billy Graham, Bible scholar Chuck Missler says, "God will either judge America or apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah."

But does that mean we should put God on a timeline? Absolutely not!

"It's not our job to predict the future," Missler says. "That's called divination, it was punishable by death in the Torah."

Watch the video to see more.
Not only do they harvest organs of the pre-born, they farm them. They plant the seeds of doubt and uncertainty, they cultivate the carrying to pre-term, then they swoop in for the kill... and the harvest.

You think these people are stupid? It's a pre-planned marketing agenda to generate profit at the expense of life itself.
Texas no longer funding PP grotesque fetal experiments...

Texas Cuts Funds to Planned Parenthood
Monday, October 19, 2015 - Texas will no longer allow Medicaid funds to go to Planned Parenthood, state officials announced Monday. The decision follows the release of undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing reimbursements and money received from aborted baby tissue.
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission's Office of Inspector General sent letters to Texas Planned Parenthood affiliates that their enrollment in the joint state-federal Medicaid program was in the process of being terminated because they were potentially "liable, directly or by affiliation, for a series of serious Medicaid program violations." The letter addresses three claims from the videos:

-That Planned Parenthood illegally alters the method of abortions in order to procure tissue for donation.

-That it does not follow proper safety precautions.

-And that it failed to properly train its staff in "infection control and barrier precautions." "The State has determined that you and your Planned Parenthood affiliates are no longer capable of performing medical services in a professionally competent, safe, legal, and ethical manner," the letter stated.


Planned Parenthood supporters argue that shutting down their clinics would cause many women to go without needed healthcare. The letter addressed these concerned. "Your termination and that of all your affiliates will not affect access to care in this state because there are thousands of alternate providers in Texas, including federally qualified health centers, Medicaid-certified rural health clinics, and other health care providers across the state that participate in the Texas Women's Health Program and Medicaid," the letter said.

Since summer, the Center for Medical Progress has posted several videos aimed at proving that the abortion group illegally sells fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood maintains they've done nothing illegal, saying the videos were misleading. Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards recently announced that though they will continue to donate tissue for medical research, they will no longer accept compensation or reimbursement. "It's pretty much an admission of guilt," CMP Director David Daleidan said.

Texas Cuts Funds to Planned Parenthood - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

See also:

Fla. Abortionist Arrested; Bloody Forceps in Car
Monday, October 19, 2015 | Notorious late-term Florida abortionist James Scott Pendergraft IV was arrested Oct. 5 after he and a female passenger, identified as his wife, were pulled over for a traffic violation on Interstate 85.
A search of Pendergraft's car by a Spartanburg County Sherriff's Office deputy found illegal drugs and forceps covered in blood and human tissue. Spartanburg County Sherrif Chuck Wright believes Pendergraft was operating an illegal mobile abortion business. "He traveled around the state of South Carolina without a medical license, with drugs and with medical tools performing in-home abortions," Wright noted. "So basically we've got an illegal baby killer and his wife was charged with possession with intent to distribute marijuana."


Pendergraft, 58, was charged with four drug-related offenses, but remains under criminal investigation for practicing medicine without a license. The pro-life group Operation Rescue says Pendergraft has no medical license in South Carolina and his Florida medical license remains under suspension. Meanwhile, Pendergraft reportedly continues to own and operate a chain of abortion clinics in Central Florida, one or more of which offered coupons for low-income women to use for their abortions.

Fla. Abortionist Arrested; Bloody Forceps in Car - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
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