Planned Parenthood: False Allegations and the Clown Car

  1. the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need.
    synonyms: financial assistance, aid, welfare, relief, financial relief;
  2. an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need.
    synonyms: nonprofit organization, voluntary organization, charitable institution;
Health care services provider

Types of health care providers MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

They are not contradictory, but not the same.

Liberals crack me up. PP gives away birth control and provides other no fee services. What about that being a charity confuses you? Those things while not being money cost money, note the word "typically" in the definition. Rather than getting the money from donors, money is confiscated by government and given to them. If we cut the government out of it, I would be glad to give more than my share to them, they provide valuable services. But people like you and me who support them should fund them.

The problem you have is being an extremist, you can't separate their funding and their services. To you, to want to cut their government funding means you want to eliminate their service. I want to cut their government funding, but I support their service and I'm willing to pay for them to provide it to others. Is that a mind fuck or what? Not being a Republican and not being a Democrat ... at the same time. It's all very complicated you know

Charities do not provide the service, PP does. It's really that simple.

PP is the charity. What point do you think you're making? PP should not operate off money confiscated by force, it should operate off money freely given

You also like to should on people.

That said, see:

Five myths about Planned Parenthood - The Washington Post

"Planned Parenthood’s abortion care represents 3 percent of its medical services — 332,000 terminations out of a total of 11.4 million services provided in 2009. Nearly all the care offered at Planned Parenthood health centers is preventive services and screenings, including contraception, testing for sexually transmitted infections, pap smears and breast exams. Title X funds cannot be used for abortion care at any time, for any reason. Federal Medicaid funds can be used to reimburse a provider for an abortion when the pregnancy would endanger the life of the woman or resulted from rape or incest."

Thanks for the link, it destroys outright cons lying verbal vomitose of Planned Parenthood.


What else does PP do?...I understand that they have TWO MRI machines for ALL the PP abortion parlors in the U.S.!
If you cared at all about eliminating abortion, you should be endorsing any program that helps to mitigate unintended pregnancy.

Education is the best program for preventing unintended pregnancy. Teaching morality and personal responisbility is much better for society that passing out condoms and telling kids "go to it, just put the rubber on first".

Both should be done but of course it's Repubs all around the nation pulling funding for both sex ed and contraception. Your ideal of inspiring morality as a cure to pregnancy is never going to overcome human nature. You are a perfect example of the coveluded con thinking on this subject.

The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
Education is the best program for preventing unintended pregnancy. Teaching morality and personal responisbility is much better for society that passing out condoms and telling kids "go to it, just put the rubber on first".

Both should be done but of course it's Repubs all around the nation pulling funding for both sex ed and contraception. Your ideal of inspiring morality as a cure to pregnancy is never going to overcome human nature. You are a perfect example of the coveluded con thinking on this subject.

The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.

Of course not, you're a socialist. Using your own money for what you believe in is inconceivable to you.

And they aren't "public funds," they were earned by someone and they aren't given to the public, they are given to specific people
If PP was selling puppy organs their funding would have been cut off immediately. Or heaven forbid, lion organs from lions killed by hunters.

our society is very screwed up right now.

You and the person who thanked you for your post need to read the link. Or, you can continue to lie by inference. PP DID NOT sell body parts, of course that fact will not disabuse you and her, as proud and loud members of the echo chamber.

The truth should make you mute, sadly it never does.
You and your little article are spinning to save a failed ideology. In other words, your a liar....the video alone proves they are trafficking in human organs....

Deal with it...
Education is the best program for preventing unintended pregnancy. Teaching morality and personal responisbility is much better for society that passing out condoms and telling kids "go to it, just put the rubber on first".

Both should be done but of course it's Repubs all around the nation pulling funding for both sex ed and contraception. Your ideal of inspiring morality as a cure to pregnancy is never going to overcome human nature. You are a perfect example of the coveluded con thinking on this subject.

The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

"The full video shows that after Nucatola mentions the $30 to $100, she describes how those amounts would be reimbursement for expenses related to handling and transportation of the tissues."

"In a statement made to CNN, another presidential candidate, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, called the practice discussed in the video a “clear violation of federal law.” The “sale” of organs, both adult and fetal, for transplantation is indeed illegal, but donation of tissue — both from aborted fetuses and from adults — is not. And payment for “reasonable” costs is also allowed under the law.

"Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee"

"Rick Perry, July 14: The video showing a Planned Parenthood employee selling the body parts of aborted children is a disturbing reminder of the organization’s penchant for profiting off the tragedy of a destroyed human life."

"Rand Paul, July 14: … a video showing [Planned Parenthood]’s top doctor describing how she performs late-term abortions to sell body parts for profit!"

"Carly Fiorina, July 14: This latest news is tragic and outrageous. This isn’t about “choice.” It’s about profiting on the death of the unborn while telling women it’s about empowerment."

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

The only thing you actually discounted was the statement some doctor made about this may violate federal law. It doesn't but it is still pretty gruesome considering some of this "tissue" may actually resemble human body parts.

Because it is human body parts. Do think it's pretty when they harvest tissue from adult donors?
Adult donors gave tissue without consent?
Both should be done but of course it's Repubs all around the nation pulling funding for both sex ed and contraception. Your ideal of inspiring morality as a cure to pregnancy is never going to overcome human nature. You are a perfect example of the coveluded con thinking on this subject.

The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

What he's against is using his own money to find his own causes
The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

What he's against is using his own money to find his own causes
Classic signs of a progressive......There is a cure for that.....Its called maturity....

Yes, the struggle is real......
I've got the solution to the RWers consternation over abortions. Start manufacturing tiny pistols that doctors can place in the tiny hands of the soon to be aborted fetus. We send a dye through the arteries of the unborn infant coloring the skin the same shade of an angry young black person. Now when the physician conducts the abortion it will be a clear cut case of self defense.
Both should be done but of course it's Repubs all around the nation pulling funding for both sex ed and contraception. Your ideal of inspiring morality as a cure to pregnancy is never going to overcome human nature. You are a perfect example of the coveluded con thinking on this subject.

The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.

Of course not, you're a socialist. Using your own money for what you believe in is inconceivable to you.

And they aren't "public funds," they were earned by someone and they aren't given to the public, they are given to specific people
What the hell? Public funding doesn't make someone a socialist.
Both should be done but of course it's Repubs all around the nation pulling funding for both sex ed and contraception. Your ideal of inspiring morality as a cure to pregnancy is never going to overcome human nature. You are a perfect example of the coveluded con thinking on this subject.

The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

A " significant majority" is too ignorant to understand that PP prevents more abortions than it performs.
The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

A " significant majority" is too ignorant to understand that PP prevents more abortions than it performs.
Don't try to use critical thinking with the resident right wingers here..
Both should be done but of course it's Repubs all around the nation pulling funding for both sex ed and contraception. Your ideal of inspiring morality as a cure to pregnancy is never going to overcome human nature. You are a perfect example of the coveluded con thinking on this subject.

The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.

Of course not, you're a socialist. Using your own money for what you believe in is inconceivable to you.

And they aren't "public funds," they were earned by someone and they aren't given to the public, they are given to specific people

Public funds are public funds. I'm pretty sure that there are enough taxpaying supporters to cover it. It's in everyone's interest to track , treat and prevent the spread of disease, especially among the most vulnerable populations. There are obvious holes in the system that can only be filled with public funding. It's a dream to think what is currently being accomplished can be done solely through private funding, if it were possible it would already be happening.
The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.

Of course not, you're a socialist. Using your own money for what you believe in is inconceivable to you.

And they aren't "public funds," they were earned by someone and they aren't given to the public, they are given to specific people

Public funds are public funds. I'm pretty sure that there are enough taxpaying supporters to cover it. It's in everyone's interest to track , treat and prevent the spread of disease, especially among the most vulnerable populations. There are obvious holes in the system that can only be filled with public funding. It's a dream to think what is currently being accomplished can be done solely through private funding, if it were possible it would already be happening.
Private funding leaves way to many things underfunded..
If PP was selling puppy organs their funding would have been cut off immediately. Or heaven forbid, lion organs from lions killed by hunters.

our society is very screwed up right now.

You and the person who thanked you for your post need to read the link. Or, you can continue to lie by inference. PP DID NOT sell body parts, of course that fact will not disabuse you and her, as proud and loud members of the echo chamber.

The truth should make you mute, sadly it never does.
You and your little article are spinning to save a failed ideology. In other words, your a liar....the video alone proves they are trafficking in human organs....

Deal with it...
Another ridiculous lie from the right – the videos are devoid of credibility and merit, used by those hostile to privacy rights to propagate the lie that Planned Parenthood was 'trafficking' in 'body parts,' when in fact the organization's practices were perfectly legal and appropriate.
If PP was selling puppy organs their funding would have been cut off immediately. Or heaven forbid, lion organs from lions killed by hunters.

our society is very screwed up right now.

You and the person who thanked you for your post need to read the link. Or, you can continue to lie by inference. PP DID NOT sell body parts, of course that fact will not disabuse you and her, as proud and loud members of the echo chamber.

The truth should make you mute, sadly it never does.
You and your little article are spinning to save a failed ideology. In other words, your a liar....the video alone proves they are trafficking in human organs....

Deal with it...
Another ridiculous lie from the right – the videos are devoid of credibility and merit, used by those hostile to privacy rights to propagate the lie that Planned Parenthood was 'trafficking' in 'body parts,' when in fact the organization's practices were perfectly legal and appropriate.
You act like those on the right are interested in honesty. The right will milk this up until the election.
Both should be done but of course it's Repubs all around the nation pulling funding for both sex ed and contraception. Your ideal of inspiring morality as a cure to pregnancy is never going to overcome human nature. You are a perfect example of the coveluded con thinking on this subject.

The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....
There's no evidence that a 'significant majority' of Americans oppose public funds being used for public health.

In fact, the notion is ridiculous – public funds pay for or contribute to healthcare for children and the poor, ambulance and emergency room services, public hospitals and clinics, healthcare in public schools, as well as drug and provider regulation and disease control.
The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.

Of course not, you're a socialist. Using your own money for what you believe in is inconceivable to you.

And they aren't "public funds," they were earned by someone and they aren't given to the public, they are given to specific people
What the hell? Public funding doesn't make someone a socialist.

It's a socialist program no matter how you slice it. BTW, I have another indication you're a socialist, you know what it is?

Also, you crack me up with "I have no problem with public funds being used for public health." Was that hard for you to admit, that you "have no problem" with other people paying for your causes? LOL, can't make up the shit you people actually say.

BTW, I have no problem if you want to pay my mortgage this month...
The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

A " significant majority" is too ignorant to understand that PP prevents more abortions than it performs. do you figure that?
Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

A " significant majority" is too ignorant to understand that PP prevents more abortions than it performs.
Don't try to use critical thinking with the resident right wingers here..

So you think "critical thinking" is making a completely unsupported statement? LOL, this term, it does not mean what you think it means...

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