Planned Parenthood Exposed - New Undercover Video

If it's all said and done there's nothing that's going to change anything. If the "girl" said she didn't want anyone informed I would go along with her wishes.

What if the girl was 12? 11? 10? 9? Where do you draw the line between a mature 13 year old (an oxymoron in my view) and a vulnerable child?

My daughter just turned 11. This kind of story terrifies me.
What if the girl was 12? 11? 10? 9? Where do you draw the line between a mature 13 year old (an oxymoron in my view) and a vulnerable child?

My daughter just turned 11. This kind of story terrifies me.

Well it should. I'm assuming you are a male. How hard would it to convince a child that you and she were simpatico? What would it take? "You are so mature, I'm not even now, but can learn from you?" Great line for a female adolescent. Sick, truly sick.
Well it should. I'm assuming you are a male. How hard would it to convince a child that you and she were simpatico? What would it take? "You are so mature, I'm not even now, but can learn from you?" Great line for a female adolescent. Sick, truly sick.

Not sure I understand your point. Are you saying I'm sick? If so, can you explain why?
Not sure I understand your point. Are you saying I'm sick? If so, can you explain why?

Actually I was trying, obviously unsuccessfully to provide an example to your very good post. What you said, in spades.
Actually I was trying, obviously unsuccessfully to provide an example to your very good post. What you said, in spades.

Suspected that was your intention (I didn't think my post had been that much of a riddle), but thought I'd check.

I always tell my daughter that if she is truthful with me I will always stand beside her no matter what she's done. I may not like it, but if you turn your back on your own child, what's left?
Suspected that was your intention (I didn't think my post had been that much of a riddle), but thought I'd check.

I always tell my daughter that if she is truthful with me I will always stand beside her no matter what she's done. I may not like it, but if you turn your back on your own child, what's left?

Sorry for my bad post:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to tigerbob again.
Well, isn't that the modern feminist position all over? "I don't need a gun to protect myself from rape, I don't need to prosecute child molesters and incestuous family members. I just need to be able to abort the babies created afterward, and everything will be fine."
Ravi Wrote:

Since my feelings on abortion seem to be similar to Annies, I wanted to address this idea. I would like to see abortion made illegal in all but cases of rape, incest, life of mother (not "health" of mother), and during the 1st trimester.

This would only be hypocritical if I was somehow implying that I thought that it was "not killing a human" under these circumstances, but was under any other circumstance. That isn't the case...I believe that life begins at conception and that an abortion stops human life in its earliest stages...I believe that if a woman who is pregnant due to a rape gets an abortion - she is killing a human in its earliest stages.

Therefore, there is nothing hypocritical about the opinion, I believe that all abortion is ending a human life - but that in some cases, the mother should have the right to make that decision...not hypocritical, just a difficult decision and an opinion you might not like very much.

I think that we make judgment calls in our society everyday where we say that some horrible things are not as horrible under some circumstances as they are under others. If you hit and kill a child in your car because you were fiddling with the radio we all understand that that is a VERY different scenario then you hitting and killing a child because that child darted out in front of your car and you could do nothing to stop from hitting him. If you shoot an intruder who is threatening your family we all understand that you are a hero...if you shot a man who walks through your backyard without permission at noon we all understand that you're a triggerhappy nutcase. :)

Now - you may not feel that a woman who has been violated in one of the most intimate and unimaginably horrible ways possible deserves to make the decision as to whether or not she goes through with an amazingly intense and intimate process of a pregnancy...but I, and many other people do.

If she chooses not to...I believe that she is killing a human in its earliest stages. I wish she would not make that choice. And, because I support EDUCATED choices, I would like her to receive counseling about the number of women who have chosen to carry the babies conceived from rape to term and the healing they found through that process, just like I would like them to receive information about their choice if they choose to abort. But...I think she should have the choice. Again...its not hypocritical to want a woman to have that choice...its just a difficult choice that I feel women should have the right to make.

Again, since Annie was agreeing with me...I wanted to repeat what I stated earlier...that even if this video was a phony - which we have yet to have any proof that it is - Planned Parenthoods have been found guilty of doing this in numerous other locations...and, in my opinion, it is often an example of a kind-hearted nurse, doctor or other employee who genuinely thinks that they are helping the girl "more" by ignoring the law. My problem with this is, of course - what is the point of these laws that are supposed to protect young women - if the medical providers who are supposed to be the responsible parties aren't following them?

In other words, if a woman is raped first and becomes pregnant, she can "kill a human at it's earliest stages".
If she becomes pregnant without having been raped, because she committed incest or is in danger of dying, she doesn't get to "kill a human at it's earliest stages" and instead she gets punished for having sex and perhaps faulty birth control, by having the right to protect a human at it's most human stage - herself - taken away from her.

Forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term is rape. No less criminal or violent than rape before pregnancy. Maybe even more sadistic.
Laws which limit the right to chose are the basis of institutional rape.
It never ceases to amaze me how coldhearted and cruel to women people who think like you can be. At the heart of your nonsensical rationalizations for support of tyranny is a deep seated hatred for women, men, children and the beautiful act without which none of us would be alive.

You people are creepy beyond belief.
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Anguille Wrote:
In other words, if a woman is raped first and becomes pregnant, she can "kill a human at it's earliest stages".
If she becomes pregnant without having been raped, she doesn't get to "kill a human at it's earliest stages" and instead she gets punished for having sex and perhaps faulty birth control, by having the right to protect a human at it's most human stage - herself - taken away from her.

Actually, in your eagerness to rant about my "creepiness" you skipped over the fact that I support a woman's right to get an abortion during the 1st trimester of her I'm not quite sure how I'm being cold-hearted and cruel to a woman when I think she should be legally allowed to kill her child as long as she does it within the first 12-14 weeks of its development...but hey...rant away some more about how I hate women, lol.

Forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term is rape.
No less criminal or violent than rape before pregnancy. Maybe even more sadistic.
So asking a woman to act responsibly, take precautions to avoid a pregnancy she does not want...and if she is raped, a victim of incest, or if her precautions fail she has months to decide what to do....if after all of that...she still hasn't decided...and her baby has continued to grow and develop...asking her to continue with the remaining 2/3 of her pregnancy, despite the fact that she had numerous opportunities to end sadistic and rape? :cuckoo:'ve lost it here...big time.

Laws which limit the right to chose are the basis of institutional rape.
LOL. You're right...we should be able to kill our children up until the age of 18...anything else would be institutional rape and a sign that we hate women.

It never ceases to amaze me how coldhearted and cruel to women people who think like you can be. At the heart of your nonsensical rationalizations for support of tyranny is a deep seated hatred for women, men and the beautiful act without which none of us would be alive.

This is truly pathetic. It isn't hatred to ask a woman to make up her mind about whether or not to get an abortion before 4 months have gone by...its respect. I respect women enough to trust that they know that if you had sex and a condom broke - you might want to prepare yourself for discovering you're pregnant...and after that you have 4 months to figure out what to do.

After that...I'm going to respect the life that the "beautiful act" created...the woman will only have to be "institutionally raped" for 5 more months before she can give that burden up for adoption making some couple the happiest people on earth.

You people are creepy beyond belief.

Sweetie, the feeling is most definitely mutual.
Anguille Wrote:

Actually, in your eagerness to rant about my "creepiness" you skipped over the fact that I support a woman's right to get an abortion during the 1st trimester of her I'm not quite sure how I'm being cold-hearted and cruel to a woman when I think she should be legally allowed to kill her child as long as she does it within the first 12-14 weeks of its development...but hey...rant away some more about how I hate women, lol.

So asking a woman to act responsibly, take precautions to avoid a pregnancy she does not want...and if she is raped, a victim of incest, or if her precautions fail she has months to decide what to do....if after all of that...she still hasn't decided...and her baby has continued to grow and develop...asking her to continue with the remaining 2/3 of her pregnancy, despite the fact that she had numerous opportunities to end sadistic and rape? :cuckoo:'ve lost it here...big time.

LOL. You're right...we should be able to kill our children up until the age of 18...anything else would be institutional rape and a sign that we hate women.

This is truly pathetic. It isn't hatred to ask a woman to make up her mind about whether or not to get an abortion before 4 months have gone by...its respect. I respect women enough to trust that they know that if you had sex and a condom broke - you might want to prepare yourself for discovering you're pregnant...and after that you have 4 months to figure out what to do.

After that...I'm going to respect the life that the "beautiful act" created...the woman will only have to be "institutionally raped" for 5 more months before she can give that burden up for adoption making some couple the happiest people on earth.

Sweetie, the feeling is most definitely mutual.

My 2 paragraphs hardly equal your treatise.
Aren't you generous! Allowing a woman to have an abortion in the first trimester if her reasons meet with your strict approval. You made it clear a threat to her health was not a reason you approve of.
What make you think you have any business deciding anything for another woman?
It's no one's business why a woman choses to have an abortion but her own and who she choses to confide in. Women are not cattle or mentally infirm people for whom these decisions have to be made.
I would like to see abortion made illegal in all but cases of rape, incest, life of mother (not "health" of mother) , and during the 1st trimester.[/QUOTE]

You comma makes that ambiguous. Regardless, Another woman's pregnancy is none of your business at any stage unless she wants it to be your business.
I would like to see abortion made illegal in all but cases of rape, incest, life of mother (not "health" of mother) , and during the 1st trimester.[/QUOTE]

You comma makes that ambiguous. Regardless, Another woman's pregnancy is none of your business at any stage unless she wants it to be your business.

Then the taking of life for whatever reason is none of your business unless it's your own.

See how that works so well?
So you want no restrictions on abortion whatsoever, correct? If I want to abort my baby at 8 1/2 months because my husband and I decided we wanted to go on a cruise instead...thats my right?
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Ravi Wrote:

Since my feelings on abortion seem to be similar to Annies, I wanted to address this idea. I would like to see abortion made illegal in all but cases of rape, incest, life of mother (not "health" of mother), and during the 1st trimester.

This would only be hypocritical if I was somehow implying that I thought that it was "not killing a human" under these circumstances, but was under any other circumstance. That isn't the case...I believe that life begins at conception and that an abortion stops human life in its earliest stages...I believe that if a woman who is pregnant due to a rape gets an abortion - she is killing a human in its earliest stages.

Therefore, there is nothing hypocritical about the opinion, I believe that all abortion is ending a human life - but that in some cases, the mother should have the right to make that decision...not hypocritical, just a difficult decision and an opinion you might not like very much.

I think that we make judgment calls in our society everyday where we say that some horrible things are not as horrible under some circumstances as they are under others. If you hit and kill a child in your car because you were fiddling with the radio we all understand that that is a VERY different scenario then you hitting and killing a child because that child darted out in front of your car and you could do nothing to stop from hitting him. If you shoot an intruder who is threatening your family we all understand that you are a hero...if you shot a man who walks through your backyard without permission at noon we all understand that you're a triggerhappy nutcase. :)

Now - you may not feel that a woman who has been violated in one of the most intimate and unimaginably horrible ways possible deserves to make the decision as to whether or not she goes through with an amazingly intense and intimate process of a pregnancy...but I, and many other people do.

If she chooses not to...I believe that she is killing a human in its earliest stages. I wish she would not make that choice. And, because I support EDUCATED choices, I would like her to receive counseling about the number of women who have chosen to carry the babies conceived from rape to term and the healing they found through that process, just like I would like them to receive information about their choice if they choose to abort. But...I think she should have the choice. Again...its not hypocritical to want a woman to have that choice...its just a difficult choice that I feel women should have the right to make.

Again, since Annie was agreeing with me...I wanted to repeat what I stated earlier...that even if this video was a phony - which we have yet to have any proof that it is - Planned Parenthoods have been found guilty of doing this in numerous other locations...and, in my opinion, it is often an example of a kind-hearted nurse, doctor or other employee who genuinely thinks that they are helping the girl "more" by ignoring the law. My problem with this is, of course - what is the point of these laws that are supposed to protect young women - if the medical providers who are supposed to be the responsible parties aren't following them?
Sorry, your rant went right over my head. I'll try to read it tomorrow, but anyone that thinks a fetus is a living, breathing human AND thinks it is okay to kill one because of the way that life was brought into existence is the lowest and scummiest hypocrite in existence.
So you want no restrictions on abortion whatsoever, correct? If I want to abort my baby at 8 1/2 months because my husband and I decided we wanted to go on a cruise instead...thats my right?

You don't have to okay your abortion with me. moron.
Sorry, your rant went right over my head. I'll try to read it tomorrow, but anyone that thinks a fetus is a living, breathing human AND thinks it is okay to kill one because of the way that life was brought into existence is the lowest and scummiest hypocrite in existence.

I think I need to take a shower now.
Ravi Wrote:
but anyone that thinks a fetus is a living, breathing human AND thinks it is okay to kill one because of the way that life was brought into existence is the lowest and scummiest hypocrite in existence.

You are more than welcome to your opinion that anyone who feels that way is lowly and scummy...but you're description of them as hypocritical is simply wrong.
Sorry, your rant went right over my head. I'll try to read it tomorrow, but anyone that thinks a fetus is a living, breathing human AND thinks it is okay to kill one because of the way that life was brought into existence is the lowest and scummiest hypocrite in existence.

They want the right to kill. Sort of like vigilante justice.
No trial of the fetus to see if it should be held legally responsible for the rape of it's mother, it's mother's
incestuous sex act, whatever.

This is never about life, it's about punishment and control. Institutional rape.

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