Planned Parenthood Employee urges woman to seek gender select abortion

Abortion, by definition, is a form of Eugenics. Planned Parenthood was specifically formed to eliminate "less desirable" people.

It's not just Double P. I know this from experience. On our first visit to the Ob/Gyn office at a hospital that describes itself as owned by a not-for-profit parent company of an integrated network of healthcare services, we didn't make it past the lobby's front desk when the receptionist handed us several brochures related to "pregnancy options".

During an ultrasound at 20 weeks, the doctor told us he observed indicators that suggested a possibility of Down's Syndrome. He matter-of-factly told us to go down to the coffee shop and think about our "options".

Mrs. H. may be a flaming liberal but she's not one to flush her own kid down the toilet.

Which reminds me- Mrs. H. #1, a staunch Republican, totally freaked upon discovering that "we" were pregnant (1981). She was more concerned about her career than our first-born. It wasn't until after my divorce that I discovered she seriously considered confronting me about having an abortion.

Go figger.

I know that completely. It's seriously messed up. When my wife found out she was pregnant, she was meeting with a specialist and the first thing they asked was "are you going to keep it?" She just looked at them and stated matter of frankly "Of course, why wouldn't I?"

Needless to say she didnt go back to that person.
The Idiotic New Sting Operation Against Planned Parenthood

Over the last few weeks, Planned Parenthood locations across the country have been visited by becostumed actors pretending to be women desperate to know whether or not their baby is a girl so that they can abort it. The similarity of the incidents combined with the strange series of questions asked by the visitors suggests that this may be the work of Live Action, a group known for staging "stings" that attempt to make outrage-inducing videos of Planned Parenthood employees acting like how conservatives imagine Planned Parenthood employees act, all shifty-eyed and bloodless.

Update: Gendercide appears to be AOK with Planned Parenthood. Gee, I remember the good old days when we were told that abortions would be performed on rape and incest victims. We'd never ever go down a slippery slope into eugenics.

And then they reassured us, abortions would never be used to select the sex of a baby.

Sheer evil. Now America is no different than India and China and North Korea.

This spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Federation of America also told The Huffington Post that the organization condemns seeking abortions on the basis of gender, but its policy is to provide “high quality, confidential, nonjudgmental care to all who come into” its health centers.

That means that no Planned Parenthood clinic will deny a woman an abortion based on her reasons for wanting one, except in those states that explicitly prohibit sex-selective abortions (Arizona, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Illinois).

Planned Parenthood Responds to Video: Won’t Prevent Sex-Selective Abortion |


So a few months back I'd put up thread discussing gender select abortions on the rise in Canada and how we were dealing with it to eradicate this horrific turn of events in the world of abortions. For quite a while we've already known of this hideous practice in places like India and China.

Well, now there is a video that has surfaced where a PP employee in Texas is recommending an abortion for a woman who really wanted to have a boy instead of a girl. We've gone down that slippery slope, hit rock bottom and started digging.

Talk about a" liberal war on women ". Right in the womb. :mad:

On the other hand for Planned Parenthood, it will be a great way to drum up new business.

Think of the slogans they could use.

"Don't want to pay for the wedding? We can help!"

Here you go. Video at link.

“I see that you’re saying that you want to terminate if it’s a girl, so are you just wanting to continue the pregnancy in the meantime?” a Planned Parenthood counselor named “Rebecca” offers the woman, who is purportedly still in her first trimester and cannot be certain about the gender.

“The abortion covers you up until 23 weeks,” explains Rebecca, “and usually at 5 months is usually (sic) when they detect, you know, whether or not it’s a boy or a girl.”

While this bone-chilling video is unsettling to watch, it does raise an important question: if this type of “advising” is permissible at one clinic in Austin, Texas – and there are 820 Planned Parenthood clinics in the United States – how many other PP staffers are offering similar advice?

Video: Planned Parenthood Employee Urges Woman to Seek a Sex-Selection Abortion - Daniel Doherty

Yep and alliens started ww2. the right wing is so brain dead that conspiracy theroaires are now reality
The Idiotic New Sting Operation Against Planned Parenthood

Over the last few weeks, Planned Parenthood locations across the country have been visited by becostumed actors pretending to be women desperate to know whether or not their baby is a girl so that they can abort it. The similarity of the incidents combined with the strange series of questions asked by the visitors suggests that this may be the work of Live Action, a group known for staging "stings" that attempt to make outrage-inducing videos of Planned Parenthood employees acting like how conservatives imagine Planned Parenthood employees act, all shifty-eyed and bloodless.

And, despite this warning, at least one employee fell for it, and got fired.
Abortion will end the moment they discover a way to determine sexual orientation in pre-birth children. If women had the ability to terminate potentially gay babies GLAAD and every other Gay rights group will immediately turn into pro-life organizations, planned Parenthood would be considerd homophobic and abortions will come to a screaming halt.
The Idiotic New Sting Operation Against Planned Parenthood

Over the last few weeks, Planned Parenthood locations across the country have been visited by becostumed actors pretending to be women desperate to know whether or not their baby is a girl so that they can abort it. The similarity of the incidents combined with the strange series of questions asked by the visitors suggests that this may be the work of Live Action, a group known for staging "stings" that attempt to make outrage-inducing videos of Planned Parenthood employees acting like how conservatives imagine Planned Parenthood employees act, all shifty-eyed and bloodless.

And, despite this warning, at least one employee fell for it, and got fired.

one employee, huh? wow, that's an impressive take for such a wide-spread net. :eusa_whistle:

further reading from the link:

Late last year, Arizona Rep. Trent Franks introduced a bill to the US House of Representatives called The Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, which sought to address the nonproblem of race- and sex-selective abortion in the US. As an organization, Planned Parenthood is against abortion based on the sex of the fetus, but they're also pro- minding their own damn business about why a woman is choosing to have an abortion.

And, despite this warning, at least one employee fell for it, and got fired.

one employee, huh? wow, that's an impressive take for such a wide-spread net. :eusa_whistle:

further reading from the link:

Late last year, Arizona Rep. Trent Franks introduced a bill to the US House of Representatives called The Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, which sought to address the nonproblem of race- and sex-selective abortion in the US. As an organization, Planned Parenthood is against abortion based on the sex of the fetus, but they're also pro- minding their own damn business about why a woman is choosing to have an abortion.

I put up the link to the PP spokesperson that said that they will perform gender based abortions in any State where it's not outlawed. So that means it's widespread.

Even in India they have outlawed this practice.

But hey if you want to run with the "see son I loved and wanted you so much I aborted 15 sisters just so I could have you" crowd, by all means go right ahead.

And, despite this warning, at least one employee fell for it, and got fired.

one employee, huh? wow, that's an impressive take for such a wide-spread net. :eusa_whistle:

further reading from the link:

Late last year, Arizona Rep. Trent Franks introduced a bill to the US House of Representatives called The Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, which sought to address the nonproblem of race- and sex-selective abortion in the US. As an organization, Planned Parenthood is against abortion based on the sex of the fetus, but they're also pro- minding their own damn business about why a woman is choosing to have an abortion.

One employee.

So far. Remember how ACORN said that all the other offices reported the fake pimp?

And, despite this warning, at least one employee fell for it, and got fired.

one employee, huh? wow, that's an impressive take for such a wide-spread net. :eusa_whistle:

further reading from the link:

Late last year, Arizona Rep. Trent Franks introduced a bill to the US House of Representatives called The Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, which sought to address the nonproblem of race- and sex-selective abortion in the US. As an organization, Planned Parenthood is against abortion based on the sex of the fetus, but they're also pro- minding their own damn business about why a woman is choosing to have an abortion.

----------Exactly how many employees committing infanticide is enough for you?
Where is Dickless Fuck? He should be raising Hell that this poor young woman was fired for no reason! :rolleyes:

Why? You sure show that you don't care that Tinydancer is full of shit, and the OP article shows the exact opposite that she claimed. Let's just say that this is one of those low hanging fruit situations, where I observe the circle jerks swallowing a totally bullshit OP.
And, despite this warning, at least one employee fell for it, and got fired.

one employee, huh? wow, that's an impressive take for such a wide-spread net. :eusa_whistle:

further reading from the link:

Late last year, Arizona Rep. Trent Franks introduced a bill to the US House of Representatives called The Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, which sought to address the nonproblem of race- and sex-selective abortion in the US. As an organization, Planned Parenthood is against abortion based on the sex of the fetus, but they're also pro- minding their own damn business about why a woman is choosing to have an abortion.

One employee.

So far. Remember how ACORN said that all the other offices reported the fake pimp?

Remember how THAT whole story was discredited, and the videos were shown to be faked?
The last time I checked, abortion was legal. A woman can have an abortion for any reason she wishes. Faux-outrage noted.
one employee, huh? wow, that's an impressive take for such a wide-spread net. :eusa_whistle:

further reading from the link:

One employee.

So far. Remember how ACORN said that all the other offices reported the fake pimp?

Remember how THAT whole story was discredited, and the videos were shown to be faked?

---------Faked? The videos I am familar with were edited for length, but all the pertinent information, like the ACORN coordinator helping a pimp set up shop with underage illegal aliens, was absolutely accurate. This is why ACORN does not exist anymore, but if lying to yourself helps you justify your idology go at it. Remember the videos were faked, the videos were faked!:cuckoo:
One employee.

So far. Remember how ACORN said that all the other offices reported the fake pimp?

Remember how THAT whole story was discredited, and the videos were shown to be faked?

---------Faked? The videos I am familar with were edited for length, but all the pertinent information, like the ACORN coordinator helping a pimp set up shop with underage illegal aliens, was absolutely accurate. This is why ACORN does not exist anymore, but if lying to yourself helps you justify your idology go at it. Remember the videos were faked, the videos were faked!:cuckoo:

you're embarrassing yourself.

Idiot fake pimp in “Acorn Hoax” Arrested for Phone Tampering. We Have to Get Back to Real News! » Courtroom Strategy by Attorney Oscar Michelen

Problem was it was all a hoax! Not only did fake pimp O’Keefe not wear that over-the-top costume, he wore a white button-down shirt and khaki pants. Even worse, he did not portray himself as a pimp, instead he told the ACORN staffer in the tape that his cohort was an ex-hooker trying to get away from her ex-pimp and that he was a law student and aspiring politician trying to help her. The truth was revealed when the whole videotape (and not just the snippets) became available. Breitbart then had to confess that he had never even seen the whole unedited tape before going on his rampages and calling for ACORN’s demise. See Breitbart confirms he was duped by O'Keefe and the ACORN pimp hoax | Media Matters for America (“Breitbart Confirms He Was Duped by Acorn Hoax”)
Where is Dickless Fuck? He should be raising Hell that this poor young woman was fired for no reason! :rolleyes:

Why? You sure show that you don't care that Tinydancer is full of shit, and the OP article shows the exact opposite that she claimed. Let's just say that this is one of those low hanging fruit situations, where I observe the circle jerks swallowing a totally bullshit OP.

Why did Planned Parenthood fire her?
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A McDonalds employee once beat the shit out a friend of mine for skateboarding through the drive thru and asking for napkins.

We must condemn EVERY McDonalds for it.

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