Pittsburgh gun safety proposal would ban semiautomatic rifles

There is a right of free association, yet you must get a permit for a rally.
That's for use of public places.
There is a right of free speech, yet you must get a license to broadcast over the air.
That's for use of radio frequencies owned and controlled by the federal government.

None of those examples are on point.

The government sure as hell doesn't own the airwaves. When did it buy them? Radio licensing was the first major incursion into free speech by the federal government.
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There are time /place / manner restrictions on all our rights .

Why do you think people get permits for rallies?
But, there is absolutely no time/place/manner restriction in one's home or car.

So, I can have whatever weapon I choose in my home or car, right?

Sure there are . You can’t scream out profanities out your window at 2 am. (Speech)
You can’t marry a 12 year old (religion)
You can’t post kiddee porn (press) .

There’s all kinds of limits to our rights .
There are time /place / manner restrictions on all our rights .

Why do you think people get permits for rallies?
But, there is absolutely no time/place/manner restriction in one's home or car.

So, I can have whatever weapon I choose in my home or car, right?

Sure there are . You can’t scream out profanities out your window at 2 am. (Speech)
You can’t marry a 12 year old (religion)
You can’t post kiddee porn (press) .

There’s all kinds of limits to our rights .

Freedom does not preclude consequences.

I am free to yell "FIRE!" in a crowded theater all I like. If everyone laughs and no one gets hurt, there is no crime.

I support your right to own hand guns, rifles, shot guns as long as you are trained and licensed by proper authorities (the police? the military?)

I support your right to own automatic weapons as long as you are trained and licensed by proper authorities..

I will always VOTE to ensure your rights.

Except the ability to own and carry a gun is a Right. The democrats used Literacy Tests....essentially training requirements for voting....to keep Blacks and poor whites from voting....we know exactly what will happen here with a training requirement because we know how it works in Europe. They use extreme training requirements which increase the time and cost of getting a gun to the point that only the rich and politically connected can actually get guns....that is the problem when the government can put tests and training requirements on a Right.

Do you support training in Libel and Slander Laws before anyone can post on the internet, write a book or magazine article? If not, why not? How about laws on computer hacking, understanding those laws before you are allowed to buy a computer? If not, why not?

I support your right to own hand guns, rifles, shot guns as long as you are trained and licensed by proper authorities (the police? the military?)

I support your right to own automatic weapons as long as you are trained and licensed by proper authorities..

I will always VOTE to ensure your rights.

I don't believe I saw the words "as long as" anywhere in the text of the 2nd Amendment. Also, what other constitutional right is bound to licensing, and wherein is the authority to require such licensing?

There are time /place / manner restrictions on all our rights .

Why do you think people get permits for rallies?

Yes...when using a common resource like the public square where multiple groups may want to use the same space at the same time.... guns are not the same thing.
There are time /place / manner restrictions on all our rights .

Why do you think people get permits for rallies?

Nope, wrong again. The permits are for GROUP activity in a specific place. Nobody is asking you to get a permit to speak as an individual. Nobody should be making you get a permit to exercise your 2A rights as an individual.
There is a right of free association, yet you must get a permit for a rally.

There is a right of free speech, yet you must get a license to broadcast over the air.

again...the only reason you need to get a permit for the rally is that it is a common area for all citizens and you have to reserve the area because more than one group may want to use the same space at the same time....guns don't run into that problem...

Again, the broadcast license is for a common signal that more than one group may want to use......you don't know what you are talking about.

But like a true fascist, you want to limit access to individual Rights....
Virginia state law is also supreme. Alexandria tried to pull that same shit a while back. It got crushed.
If state law is supreme to local law, does that mean federal law is supreme to state law?

Do you support the right of local sovereignty? Doesn't sound like it.

State Sovereignty doesn't trump individual Rights. When the democrats tried to used state sovereignty to keep blacks from voting and attending school with Whites, their state sovereignty did not allow them to violate those rights......
There are time /place / manner restrictions on all our rights .

Why do you think people get permits for rallies?
But, there is absolutely no time/place/manner restriction in one's home or car.

So, I can have whatever weapon I choose in my home or car, right?

Sure there are . You can’t scream out profanities out your window at 2 am. (Speech)
You can’t marry a 12 year old (religion)
You can’t post kiddee porn (press) .

There’s all kinds of limits to our rights .

In each case you are violating the Rights of others....that is where the limit comes in....owning and carrying a gun burdens no one....and if you use that gun illegally you are then punished.....
They should have to "muster the City militia"; we have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our Cities.
because then the group of city militia people....will get called vigilantes....
Why is that? Simply having People muster and present Arms in public should reduce crime.
They should have to "muster the City militia"; we have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our Cities.
because then the group of city militia people....will get called vigilantes....
Why is that? Simply having People muster and present Arms in public should reduce crime.
because after they confront the "bad guys" out in public, people like you will say they are vigilantes and should not be mustering and presenting arms in public, they could be a danger to the people at large......

I support your right to own hand guns, rifles, shot guns as long as you are trained and licensed by proper authorities (the police? the military?)

I support your right to own automatic weapons as long as you are trained and licensed by proper authorities..

I will always VOTE to ensure your rights.

I noticed you glanced over securing your weapons.
There are time /place / manner restrictions on all our rights .

Why do you think people get permits for rallies?
But, there is absolutely no time/place/manner restriction in one's home or car.

So, I can have whatever weapon I choose in my home or car, right?

Sure there are . You can’t scream out profanities out your window at 2 am. (Speech)
You can’t marry a 12 year old (religion)
You can’t post kiddee porn (press) .

There’s all kinds of limits to our rights .
Your rights end only where someone else's rights begin. No one's rights are violated when I buy a gun.
They should have to "muster the City militia"; we have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our Cities.
because then the group of city militia people....will get called vigilantes....
Why is that? Simply having People muster and present Arms in public should reduce crime.
because after they confront the "bad guys" out in public, people like you will say they are vigilantes and should not be mustering and presenting arms in public, they could be a danger to the people at large......
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

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