Photo's prove Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot the President

Feb 21, 2010
Arlen Specter US Senator from Pennsylvania signed the Warren Report, the official inquiry into President John Kennedy's death, that said Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone shot him in Dallas Texas 22 November 1963.



Specter should be hauled before a court of capital jurisdiction, and be required to explain why he neglected the photo that shows Lee Oswald, at the door of the Texas School Book Depository, the building from where he is alleged to have fired, as the shots rang out.

[ame=]YouTube - Discovery JFK assassination[/ame]
YouTube - Discovery JFK assassination

Lee Oswald is visible standing at the door of the TSBD at 27 seconds in this video.. and do not listen to any BS about Billy Lovelady, there was no Billy Lovelady he is a figment of the imagination of lawyers who want to confute the real issues!
actually the only real good thing about his thread is that he hit the nail on the head on everything he said about Specter.Spector should be in prison right now for his participation in the coverup of the kennedy assassination.But like Ford who was involved in the coverup of it serving on the warren commission like he did,Like Ford,spector was handsomely rewarded for his participation in the coverup as well with his seat in the state senate that he has occupied for so long.

That thread of Martins is only good for that because of that good point he made other than that its not that good a thread because that picture is very flimsy and hardly proof that it was oswald.However its already been proven in this thread that oswald was what he said he was a patsy so that evil bastard spector SHOULD have to go in front of a jurisdiction just like Martin said.
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