Pfizer fined $2.3 billion dollars

Someone can research their meds, but
if the pharm company is publishing
higher-than-recommeded doses,
you're still getting bad information, yes?

A smart patient takes the minimum and slowly increases it over time until they see a benefit or the side effects become dangerous. My own doc recommended that for all meds. It's not rocket science, though they may want you to think it is.

Yes, and we trust that our physician is giving us
a correct minimum dosage. Not everyone
owns a computer (elderly, to whom much
of the bextra was prescribed to). Not everyone
owns a Merck Manual. Not everyone in
this country is literate.

To me, that's like saying, "it's okay that I've
shot you with a 9mm, because you
know nothing about guns".

The only reason we trust them is because we have no other choice.
A smart patient takes the minimum and slowly increases it over time until they see a benefit or the side effects become dangerous. My own doc recommended that for all meds. It's not rocket science, though they may want you to think it is.

Yes, and we trust that our physician is giving us
a correct minimum dosage. Not everyone
owns a computer (elderly, to whom much
of the bextra was prescribed to). Not everyone
owns a Merck Manual. Not everyone in
this country is literate.

To me, that's like saying, "it's okay that I've
shot you with a 9mm, because you
know nothing about guns".

Perhaps then, instead of keeping them so in the dark, let go of their hands. ;)

You don't learn to walk holding the rail your whole life you know.

Respectfully, I don't know what you're trying to say.
I'm also on a couple of long-term meds. And yes, common sense will tell you that if you experience hallucinations, projectile vomiting, chest pain, etc.. that you should stop taking the med.

Hypertension as you know, is known as "the silent killer"....though I beg to differ, as I had some major back pain when my pressure went up....but early renal and liver failure, clogging of your's not always immediately obvious. GI bleeding, unless there is pain, many people don't know until they faint and 911 is called by the family. And their in hemmorhagic shock.
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Antibiotics and steroids for starters.
antibiotics are not long term drugs
steroids you WOULD take lower doses to start to see how much you need for them to be effective for the situation

er no..........prednisone is prescribed in a high load, then tapered off for lots of things. It also can be prescribed in low dosages over time. Pharmacology is not that simple.

And we're not talking about long term drugs. The word ALL was used and the statement was ridiculous on its face.
Antibiotics and steroids for starters.
antibiotics are not long term drugs
steroids you WOULD take lower doses to start to see how much you need for them to be effective for the situation

A steroid is what fucked me up, because I started at the "recommended" dosage, it was for fucking arthritis! A medication that was suppose to make it easier to walk fucked up my system so bad now I have to ... well ... you already know my gripe. But these idiots really don't realize, I don't blame anyone, accept the FDA for not "approving" one that would have helped without fucking me up, and myself for not looking into the medication before taking it. My new doctor rocks, she won't give a medication unless it's needed and the patient is comfortable with it.
Antibiotics and steroids for starters.
antibiotics are not long term drugs
steroids you WOULD take lower doses to start to see how much you need for them to be effective for the situation

er no..........prednisone is prescribed in a high load, then tapered off for lots of things. It also can be prescribed in low dosages over time. Pharmacology is not that simple.

And we're not talking about long term drugs. The word ALL was used and the statement was ridiculous on its face.

You just love being babysat, well, check in at the old folks home, it's where you belong.

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