Pew: White majority over, next generation more than 50% non-white


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Pew: White majority over, next generation more than 50% non-white

For the first time in American history, non-whites will make up half or more of the next generation, likely pushing Washington toward a bigger government — and the GOP better tone down their anti-government rhetoric if they want to win them, according to a top polling outfit.

At a briefing for congressional aides hosted by the moderate Republican Ripon Society, Pew Research Vice President Michael Dimock said that the trend among younger Americans is support for government programs and acceptance of Democratic Party policies.

“Their tendency is more liberal, their tendency is bigger government,” he said of so-called “millennials” born between 1979 and 1995. They will likely set the trend for the still-unnamed next generation.

“This is a generation that is 41 percent non-white; the generation behind it is likely to be close to 50 if not more than 50 percent non-white, and the anti-government kind of tone is one that really doesn’t resonate with that non-white sector in particular,” said Dimock at the Ripon retreat

Pew: White majority over, next generation more than 50% non-white |

Not only the conservative movement in this country is screwed but the Fabian leftist movement is going the same way. We will develop a culture that is quite different!
since I am not all white, I see no problemo....I have had to live with you assholes as the majority and listen to your crap for years....

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