Petition to remove Westboro's Tax Exempt Status

As much as I dislike them and their message....

This is still the United States of America and they are a "legit" Church and have the right to express their opinions.
that freedom of speech is a bothersome thing to some of you isn't it...
you'd use this government to shut up anyone who hurts your fweelings...

I can't stand that church or what they stand for... but now PETITIONING the government to step on peoples rights..

scratch a liberal find a fascist

Why do you assume it was only liberals who are joining this petition? I've seen plenty of conservatives bitch about WBC, specifically when they are protesting funerals of armed services.

why should anyone be joining it? and the op is a liberal so that is why I assumed..
I can't stand them either but I would never suggest the government do anything about it..
you want to go down that slippery slope, join them..this government would be glad to do it and then go on and decide what size of soda you should be able to drink..

Except I agreed with the WH stance and said so in the OP, therefore.
Why do you assume it was only liberals who are joining this petition? I've seen plenty of conservatives bitch about WBC, specifically when they are protesting funerals of armed services.

why should anyone be joining it? and the op is a liberal so that is why I assumed..
I can't stand them either but I would never suggest the government do anything about it..
you want to go down that slippery slope, join them..this government would be glad to do it and then go on and decide what size of soda you should be able to drink..

Except I agreed with the WH stance and said so in the OP, therefore.

I don't care what the white house said..they shouldn't of had an opinion on it at all...lets start a petition calling for banning abortion...and wait with baited breath for what the white house says...I don't need them to tell me what is right is wrong...some do I guess

I will give you kudos you did stand on the side of what was right...good going..

and I'm not sticking up for this hateful church...we all need to stick up for our freedoms of speech...disgusting as some of it is
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why should anyone be joining it? and the op is a liberal so that is why I assumed..
I can't stand them either but I would never suggest the government do anything about it..
you want to go down that slippery slope, join them..this government would be glad to do it and then go on and decide what size of soda you should be able to drink..

Except I agreed with the WH stance and said so in the OP, therefore.

I don't care what the white house said..they shouldn't of had an opinion on it at all...lets start a petition calling for banning abortion...and wait with baited breath for what the white house says...I don't need them to tell me what is right is wrong...some do I guess

I will give you kudos you did stand on the side of what was right...good going..

and I'm not sticking up for this hateful church...we all need to stick up for our freedoms of speech...disgusting as some of it is

Those are the terms of the website, Stephanie. If any one petition gets over 25,000 signatures, the White House HAS to address the issue. True 'power of the people.'
Except I agreed with the WH stance and said so in the OP, therefore.

I don't care what the white house said..they shouldn't of had an opinion on it at all...lets start a petition calling for banning abortion...and wait with baited breath for what the white house says...I don't need them to tell me what is right is wrong...some do I guess

I will give you kudos you did stand on the side of what was right...good going..

and I'm not sticking up for this hateful church...we all need to stick up for our freedoms of speech...disgusting as some of it is

Those are the terms of the website, Stephanie. If any one petition gets over 25,000 signatures, the White House HAS to address the issue. True 'power of the people.'

I's not power of the people to's giving power to a mob of people to demand things be done against anything they don't like...

I don't like abortion and speak up on it, but I have never demanded it be a caring a society maybe more would..but that isn't going to happen in our society today so why bother

just my opinion dear...
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I don't care what the white house said..they shouldn't of had an opinion on it at all...lets start a petition calling for banning abortion...and wait with baited breath for what the white house says...I don't need them to tell me what is right is wrong...some do I guess

I will give you kudos you did stand on the side of what was right...good going..

and I'm not sticking up for this hateful church...we all need to stick up for our freedoms of speech...disgusting as some of it is

Those are the terms of the website, Stephanie. If any one petition gets over 25,000 signatures, the White House HAS to address the issue. True 'power of the people.'

I's not power of the people to's giving power to a mob of people to demand things be done against anything they don't like...

just my opinion dear...

True, it is. But anybody can use that site - and they do.

Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.

The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government's neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it's citizens' standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.
And the response from the White House;

That all said, we agree that practices such as protesting at the funerals of men and women who died in service to this country and preventing their families from mourning peacefully are reprehensible-- a point that President Obama has made for years. That's why he signed a law to ensure that protesters keep an appropriate distance at military funerals. As the President has said, “The graves of our veterans are hallowed ground, and when men and women die in the service of their country and are laid to rest, it should be done with the utmost honor and respect.”

Moreover, one of the remarkable things about this set of petitions is that it shows just how strong the bonds that unite us can be. Together, we’re more resilient than those who would try to drive us apart.

Take, for instance, this map of all the signers of the petition "Legally recognize Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group" -- that we built with the zip codes that people chose to share with us when they signed. The darker color indicates a higher percentage of signers for that particular area's population. While support for these petitions came from all over the country, it was densely clustered in two places that have unique insight into the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church -- Kansas, the state the church calls home, and Newtown, Con

I think they handled the petitions correctly. Until churches as a whole lose their tax-free status, none should be singled out.

the westboro church is nothing more then an evil family of lawyers

who make a living suing others for violating their 1st amendment rights

You are correct. I don't think they should be tax exempt. But I also get really tired of hearing the moral equivalency dupes saying they are the Christian equivalent of islamic terrorists. Unless and until they start killing people they are NOT the equivalent of Islamic terrorists.
Except I agreed with the WH stance and said so in the OP, therefore.

I don't care what the white house said..they shouldn't of had an opinion on it at all...lets start a petition calling for banning abortion...and wait with baited breath for what the white house says...I don't need them to tell me what is right is wrong...some do I guess

I will give you kudos you did stand on the side of what was right...good going..

and I'm not sticking up for this hateful church...we all need to stick up for our freedoms of speech...disgusting as some of it is

Those are the terms of the website, Stephanie. If any one petition gets over 25,000 signatures, the White House HAS to address the issue. True 'power of the people.'

Haven't read the terms lately, have you?

Why We?re Raising the Signature Threshold for We the People | The White House
I don't care what the white house said..they shouldn't of had an opinion on it at all...lets start a petition calling for banning abortion...and wait with baited breath for what the white house says...I don't need them to tell me what is right is wrong...some do I guess

I will give you kudos you did stand on the side of what was right...good going..

and I'm not sticking up for this hateful church...we all need to stick up for our freedoms of speech...disgusting as some of it is

Those are the terms of the website, Stephanie. If any one petition gets over 25,000 signatures, the White House HAS to address the issue. True 'power of the people.'

Haven't read the terms lately, have you?

Why We?re Raising the Signature Threshold for We the People | The White House

Nope, so thank you.
Let's stick to the rules folks,
"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
The lawsuits and "perimeter laws" didn't start until they protested soldier funerals. You calling them snivelers?

The lawsuits started within weeks of their existence, and Kansas wrote multiple laws specifically aimed at prevent them from protesting long before they even thought of protesting a military funeral.

Homosexuality is all about pretend.

Share with us your knowledge that leads to your conclusion.
I totally disagree with their protesting the funerals of soldiers.

But the Westboro Baptist Church is just following Biblical scripture when it comes to homos and their perverted lifestyle. .. :cool:

Go and re read it.
Says no such thing in the Christian bible.

Yes, it does. Jesus called them 'eunuchs from birth.' And He says they should not marry.

King James Bible
For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

Matthew 19:12
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I would like to first petition to removes Sharptons tax exemption... Or at least throw his ass in jail for the taxes he already owes...You know why democrat politicains and so called leaders dont mind taxes going up???? Because the fucks never pay theirs!
we should start a petition asking to have Obama removed as President...wonder how they will answer that...
I would like to first petition to removes Sharptons tax exemption... Or at least throw his ass in jail for the taxes he already owes...You know why democrat politicains and so called leaders dont mind taxes going up???? Because the fucks never pay theirs!

I agree. If there are any Islam Mosques that have tax exempt, they should lose that status. After all, they are a cult out to kill Americans(most aren't out to kill but enough are that they don't deserve tax exemption). Of course, that won't happen with the Kenyan muslim Obama as POTUS!:mad:
Westboro Baptist hates sin which isn't bad in itself. However, I don't agree with their tactics, and being one who has attended slain soldier's funerals in an official capacity, I especially don't like their methods!

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