Percentage of Republicans who believe in evolution is shrinking


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Less than five years ago, 54 percent of Republicans and nearly two-thirds of Democrats said the human species evolved over time. Today, however, the share of Republicans adhering to modern theories of human evolution has dropped significantly – to 43 percent – while the number of Democrats has climbed to 67 percent, though within the sampling error range, according to a Pew Research Center study of the public’s views of human evolution, released Monday.

Percentage of Republicans who believe in evolution is shrinking -
I'm sure there are a lot of religious wackos who don't believe in evolution that vote democrat as well.
Democrats believe in science.

Republicans believe in mythology.
Science flies you to the moon.

Religion flies you into buildings.
Science flies you to the moon.

Religion flies you into buildings.

Nothing like quoting from t-shirts to build disscussion board cred.


Have a Nice Day
A Republican congressman who sits on the science committee of the House of Representatives has dismissed evolution, the Big Bang theory and embryology as "lies straight from the pit of hell".

Paul Broun, who is running for re-election as Georgia representative this November unopposed by Democrats, made the comments during a speech at a baptist church last month. A videoclip of the event was posted on YouTube on Friday.

In the clip, Broun, who is a doctor, says that "as a scientist" he has found data that shows the earth is no older than 9,000 years and was created in six days.

Republican congressman Paul Broun dismisses evolution and other theories | World news |
A Republican congressman who sits on the science committee of the House of Representatives has dismissed evolution, the Big Bang theory and embryology as "lies straight from the pit of hell".

Paul Broun, who is running for re-election as Georgia representative this November unopposed by Democrats, made the comments during a speech at a baptist church last month. A videoclip of the event was posted on YouTube on Friday.

In the clip, Broun, who is a doctor, says that "as a scientist" he has found data that shows the earth is no older than 9,000 years and was created in six days.

Republican congressman Paul Broun dismisses evolution and other theories | World news |

Interesting that every fucking Dem in the district is too chicken-shit to oppose the guy.
A new study by the Pew Research Center finds that the GOP is alienating scientists to a startling degree.

Only six percent of America's scientists identify themselves as Republicans; fifty-five percent call themselves Democrats.

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll


Because science involves facts.

As in, the science and facts of hydraulic fracturing? Why do Liberals draw the line here?
Conversely the percentage of evolved people who believe in republicans is also shrinking.

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