People of faith...


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
It's amazing to me how the religious community, the so-called religious right can believe the words of compulsive liar like Trump, without plaon him for proof or verification. Yet when a veteran and a man who's worked hard his whole life, states any widely know fact, there are demands for proof and verifaction. Whatever happened to Faith.?
That's lame as fuck, even by your already low standards, Jake.

It's amazing to me how the religious community, the so-called religious right can believe the words of compulsive liar like Trump, without plaon him for proof or verification. Yet when a veteran and a man who's worked hard his whole life, states any widely know fact, there are demands for proof and verifaction. Whatever happened to Faith.?

Faith is defined as believing something without evidence. Its the 100% whole godbothering attitude the have.
It's amazing to me how the religious community, the so-called religious right can believe the words of compulsive liar like Trump, without plaon him for proof or verification. Yet when a veteran and a man who's worked hard his whole life, states any widely know fact, there are demands for proof and verifaction. Whatever happened to Faith.?
Nothing amazing about it. Trump was elected President because > Hillary Clinton. < Compulsive lying was just one of her endearing qualities....
It's amazing to me how the religious community, the so-called religious right can believe the words of compulsive liar like Trump,
You USMB LWNJ moonbats mindlessly and constantly claim that Trump is a compulsive liar. However, whenever you are challenged to directly quote a few of those alleged lies, and provide a rational reasoned argument explaining why you believe that they are lies, without exception, you always fail.
Yes. We note the evolution cultists are especially loony in shilling for their faith based pagan materialism.

There is nothing cultist about evolution. It is a fact supported DNA and dated fossils records.
There is no religion attached to it nor any ancient book full of myths and lies.

Just pure unadulterated facts.
What was that you were mumbling about pagan materialism?
I didn't see where he said he was a Muslim. Did you.
Actually, I'm not a Muslim, I'm an atheist.

If you're wondering why I use that screen name and avatar, here's why.

When I first joined the USMB forum over a decade ago, I had recently seen some news reports about Muslims having riots in various cities worldwide because of drawings (graven images) featuring some artist's cartoons of Mohammad.

So I looked up the drawings on the internet to see what the hell they were so damned pissed off about.

And I thought it was hilarious. So I used one as my USMB avatar.
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Actually, I'm not a Muslim, I'm an atheist.

If you're wondering why I use that scree name and avatar, here's why.

When I first joined the USMB forum over a decade ago, I had recently seen some news reports about Muslims having riots in various cities worldwide because of drawings (graven images) featuring some artist's cartoons of Mohammad.

So I looked up the drawings on the internet to see what the hell they were so damned pissed off about.

And I thought it was hilarious. So I used one as my USMB avatar.

You don't have to justify it to me but the paranoid repigs on here grab anything to run with. They hate everybody and everything. Completely bonkers.
lol anther commie nutjob has Trump living in his head, causing many sleepness nights and huge dope bill.
It must hurt when you get reminded.
Why does everyone who disagrees with you immediately become a communist?
You don't mind this communist paying taxes and fighting in wars etc.
You ignorant fool.
the so-called religious right can believe the words of compulsive liar like Trump
You're projecting. And Trump's so-called "lies" were usually exaggerations. Whatever Trump's sins were while in office, they pale in comparison to Obama and Biden. Did Trump permit his Secretary of State to operate a private, secret, server in order to escape oversight by the American people as Obama did? No. Do you remember when Obama was asked by a CBS interviewer as to when he learned of the existence of the server? Obama said he heard about it "when it came out in the news". That was a BLATANT LIE and I presume you didn't care. But Trump exaggerates the size of a crowd and guys like you were suddenly offended.
It's amazing to me how the religious community, the so-called religious right can believe the words of compulsive liar like Trump, without plaon him for proof or verification. Yet when a veteran and a man who's worked hard his whole life, states any widely know fact, there are demands for proof and verifaction. Whatever happened to Faith.?
Faithless waring devils are battling against Trump. I don't see Jesus doing that. There is no counsel in a devil. The ability to edify evades the mind of a devil. Devils know all about making fun of whoever and mocking people and making others to look bad. Christs enemies knew all about that. Faithless devils want the world to use money. That is seen. Bet you never thought of that before. Devils don't want god's image to be gift givers, even as God is with us. Devils will have no one to inhabit.
Faithless waring devils are battling against Trump. I don't see Jesus doing that. There is no counsel in a devil. The ability to edify evades the mind of a devil. Devils know all about making fun of whoever and mocking people and making others to look bad. Christs enemies knew all about that. Faithless devils want the world to use money. That is seen. Bet you never thought of that before. Devils don't want god's image to be gift givers, even as God is with us. Devils will have no one to inhabit.
Faithless warring devil's. So you mean democrats. How many democrats are faithless or is that your educated guess of all of them?

Go away with your hideous religious shit.
You're fucked in the head. You're paranoid. Get a job and do something for yourself instead of your silly crusade to save the world. You're complete nuts.

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