People died. Obama lied.


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
It is clear that Obama was more interested in selling a false narrative than leading against terrorists. He can be offended all he wants that people are calling him out. But we know the truth. People died. Obama lied.

“We now know there was no demonstration. There was no mob,” McCain told CBS News. “So for literally days and days, they told the American people something that had no basis in fact whatsoever.”

McCain added that this might cost Obama the election.

“Nobody died in Watergate. But this is either a massive cover-up or incompetence that is not acceptable service to the American people,” McCain told “Face the Nation.” “The American people may take that into consideration a week from Tuesday.”

McCain: Obama Might Be Conducting ‘Massive Cover-Up’ With Libya Attack « CBS DC
It is clear that Obama was more interested in selling a false narrative than leading against terrorists. He can be offended all he wants that people are calling him out. But we know the truth. People died. Obama lied.

“We now know there was no demonstration. There was no mob,” McCain told CBS News. “So for literally days and days, they told the American people something that had no basis in fact whatsoever.”

McCain added that this might cost Obama the election.

“Nobody died in Watergate. But this is either a massive cover-up or incompetence that is not acceptable service to the American people,” McCain told “Face the Nation.” “The American people may take that into consideration a week from Tuesday.”

McCain: Obama Might Be Conducting ‘Massive Cover-Up’ With Libya Attack « CBS DC


another righwtingnut BS thread on this subject?

because there aren't enough of them already?

It is clear that Obama was more interested in selling a false narrative than leading against terrorists. He can be offended all he wants that people are calling him out. But we know the truth. People died. Obama lied.

“We now know there was no demonstration. There was no mob,” McCain told CBS News. “So for literally days and days, they told the American people something that had no basis in fact whatsoever.”

McCain added that this might cost Obama the election.

“Nobody died in Watergate. But this is either a massive cover-up or incompetence that is not acceptable service to the American people,” McCain told “Face the Nation.” “The American people may take that into consideration a week from Tuesday.”

McCain: Obama Might Be Conducting ‘Massive Cover-Up’ With Libya Attack « CBS DC


another righwtingnut BS thread on this subject?

because there aren't enough of them already?


Quick Rudimentary Timeline Off The Top Of My Head

Early/Mid 2012: Terrorists attack us in Libya twice

August 14, 2012: Christopher Stevens security team is sent home despite requests by Stevens and the team to stay. Meanwhile, Vallerie Jarret has a full security detail for her vacation to the Hamptons.

September 11, 2012: Embassy attacked. WH and State Department watch it in real time video.

September 11, 2012: Obama refused to mobilize security teams. One of the heroes who died (Tyrone Woods) defied his orders to save lives. The fight lasts for seven hours while the White House appears to be working on a phony mob/video narrative instead of mobilizing assets to combat the terrorist.

September 12, 2012: Next day (after a good night's rest); Obama heads to Vegas for a fundraiser.

Next Two Weeks: Obama and cronies still pimp the video and dance away from the idea that it was a coordinated terrorist attack (even though 150 gunmen attacked).

Meanwhile: Obama has refused to say what he knew and when he knew it. He has even told us that Benghazi is not a campaign issue b/c his leadership is not to be questioned.

Only a nutter like you Jillian, is trying to sweep this under the rug.

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