Pelosi SHOCKS house-wants to be minority leader--Moderate Dems say NO!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
In the wake of Speaker Nancy Pelosi's stunning announcement on Friday that she will seek to remain as leader of the diminished House Democrats, moderate members of the party are beginning to line up in opposition. Rep. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., said he was "disappointed that Speaker Pelosi is going to seek the position of Minority Leader."North Carolina Rep. Larry Kissell's office said he hopes Pelosi "will change her mind and step aside."Rep. Dan Boren of Oklahoma told Fox News that voters sent a message Tuesday that they want the Democratic Party to move in a new direction."They want someone to lead the party who is going to be bipartisan," he said. "This is very disappointing for a lot of us in the center." Likely to Derail 'Immigration Reform' Justice Department Weighs Voter Intimidation Complaint Against Reid Camp Rep. Heath Shuler, of North Carolina, has said he might challenge Pelosi because the party needs a more moderate leader.

They were among the many House Democrats whom Republicans criticized for their loyalty to the California liberal, who was a forceful though generally well-liked speaker. But even some longtime supporters of Pelosi said she needed to step aside as the party leader.

"I voted for everything she asked me to vote for," said Rep. Albio Sires, D-N.J. "You know, sometimes in this business it's difficult to know when to move on."
"With all the losses that we had with governors and all the redistricting that's going to be done, we don't need the target," Sires said, referring to the once-a-decade House redistricting process about to begin nationwide.

Several Democratic lawmakers in conservative districts had vowed to oppose Pelosi as speaker, but some of them lost their re-election bids all the same, making her bid to stay on as leader all the more likely.

Pelosi, the first woman to lead the House of Representatives, said Friday that many colleagues urged her to seek the post of minority leader in the new Congress that convenes in January. That will be the Democrats' top post, because Republicans, who grabbed more than 60 Democratic-held seats Tuesday, will elect the next speaker. It will be John Boehner of Ohio, who will swap titles with Pelosi if she succeeds in her bid.

Republicans piled up the biggest gains in the House in over 70 years, while the Democrats will preside over the lower chamber for the shortest period since the 1950s. But that hasn't deterred Pelosi. "We have no intention of allowing our great achievements to be rolled back," Pelosi, 70, said in a letter to her colleagues.

During her four years as Speaker, Pelosi used all her political muscle to enact contentious measures such as Obama's health care overhaul.
In a statement, White House spokesman Bill Burton said the president appreciates the work of Pelosi and the Democratic leadership team "who have been great partners in moving the country forward" and he looks forward to working with them.

A number of liberal Democrats, including three from California, have voiced their support for Pelosi. Rep. George Miller told the San Francisco Chronicle that Pelosi has been "attacked and vilified by the right wing because of her effectiveness." Rep. Barbara Lee said Pelosi is the best person to lead Democrats "through this very challenging period." And Rep. Anna Eshoo said Democrats need Pelosi "now more than ever."

Allies said Pelosi would not make the bid unless she felt she had the votes. Some cautioned, however, that House members vote by secret ballot when electing the leaders of their respective parties at the start of each new Congress. Pelosi's caucus is more heavily liberal now that many moderate Democrats lost on Tuesday. Pelosi's bid presumably will keep her atop the Democratic caucus, which will number about 190 members next year. But it would mark a big drop from being speaker, which carries tremendous power to influence legislation and is second only to the vice president in the line of presidential succession.

Moderate Dems Line Up in Opposition to Pelosi's Bid for Minority Leader -

Well--this takes the cake. The person responsible for losing 64 democrat house seats--several senate seats-- a 19 state legislature turnover--and many governorships--has stated she wants to be house minority leader AGAIN--:cuckoo: The biggest loss in the last 70 years. Pelosi just doesn't seem to get that this nation voted against her 787 billion dollar stimulus--and Obamacare. Over the last 4 years since she has been majority leader this country has shread 15 million private sector jobs in this country--and our deficits have sky-rocketed.

The only ones that are cheering Pelosi on--is the now new Republican house. Many democrats that want her GONE--because they realise how partisan she is--and would in no way work with a new congress lead by Republicans.

Nancy Pelosi just may pull it off.

Any guesse's what Barack Obama or Joe Biden think about this?--LOL
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Negative. Without note cards, Palin is useless. At least with a teleprompter she wouldn't be looking down every 5 seconds.
Pelosi just demonstrates how determined the ideological left really is...they are true believers...and will never give up.....which is why they must be eradicated...
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Fuck the Moderate Dems!

Seriously, who the fuck are they? When did they help? Half the Blue Dogs got vaporized because they were too much like Republicans! The Bearded Marxist won in DE, get a clue!!

Pelosi needs to tell the Moderates to go pound sand!
If those idiots do put Pelosi back in a position of power, they will pay in 2012. Surely they understand this.
Don't most people who cease to be speaker sort of fade away?

At least we don't have to worry so much about Obama being in a car crash and Biden dropping dead of a heart attack when he hears....
Don't most people who cease to be speaker sort of fade away?

At least we don't have to worry so much about Obama being in a car crash and Biden dropping dead of a heart attack when he hears....

Like Newt? :cuckoo:
Don't most people who cease to be speaker sort of fade away?

At least we don't have to worry so much about Obama being in a car crash and Biden dropping dead of a heart attack when he hears....

Biden's got to be absolutely terrified right now. If the Big 0 fell over dead, everybody in the country would bend every effort to make sure that he stayed in perfect health so the Wicked Witch of the West would not get the nod.

Now Boehner would be the next guy in line. Be afraid, Veep, be very afraid.

Anyway, if Pelosi runs for Minority Leader, it would unify the Congress. The Moderate Dems are all gone. The Liberal Dems love the ding bat and the Republicans see her as the Judas Goat. Everybody would love to see her in that position.

They should allow the Reps to vote for her, too, just to make it unanimous.
Pelosi needs to stay on. The party needs her.

The Republican Party, that is. They won many races flashing her ugly mug in an ad and tying the hapless Democrat incumbent to her. This will only get better in the next two years.

We are seeing the next logical step in Bill Clinton's "it's all about winning." The Democrats have no shame at all.
Fuck the Moderate Dems!

Seriously, who the fuck are they? When did they help? Half the Blue Dogs got vaporized because they were too much like Republicans! The Bearded Marxist won in DE, get a clue!!

Pelosi needs to tell the Moderates to go pound sand!

The blue dogs got erradicated because they came from conservative districts and voted for the stimulus and Obamacare--and against the majority wishes of their constituents.
By all means let Nancy be Minority leader.

She won't be able to "drain that swamp' but she sould provide a few laughs for one and all.

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