Pelosi says enforcement of immigration laws is "un-american".

UI thnk illegal immigrants should be publically executed. That will teach them a lesson and send a message to other people who want to better themselves.

Give them all a bus ride to Canada then, asshat........
UI thnk illegal immigrants should be publically executed. That will teach them a lesson and send a message to other people who want to better themselves.

No one "betters themselves" by breaking the law. You just become a criminal.
She really is a worthless empty suit! She would sell her sole (which is what appeasing to the illegal immigration groups in CA really is) in order to stay in power! CA is one of the biggest failed States in the Union, yet she will still preach to us like it should be the example for fruitility instead of an example of Futility!

NOW WAIT A MINUTE HOOK.....Mrs. Pelosi is one of the finest people there is....and if she says its UN-AMERICAN,well you had just better believe it is.....just look at her.....go ahead i dare ya...just look at that is that not the face of someone you can trust?....
UI thnk illegal immigrants should be publically executed. That will teach them a lesson and send a message to other people who want to better themselves.

No one "betters themselves" by breaking the law. You just become a criminal.
hey, Al Capone, he was just trying to "better himself"

Yup, and look what happened to him. He died in the hospital at Alcatraz prison of Syphilis.
I can't even imagine Pelosi calling anyone un-American. She's a fucktard in the 1st degree. And anyone that votes for her is a fucktard as well. What the fuck are people thinking voting for a bitch who makes sure her hubby's taxes don't get increased but everyone else's does?
You've crossed over into black helicopter territory. Why would you think no one would know about her speech when it was part of a national tour?

Pelosi's comments came during the San Francisco stop of a 17-city national "Family Unity" tour led by leaders of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Members of the caucus expect to meet with President Obama in two weeks to discuss the nation's immigration policies.
Pelosi: End raids splitting immigrant families

According to the article above, she is making an effort to change the law...something she would have had no luck doing while Bush was in office.

If George Bush himself had given that speech I would have applauded him. My views on immigration far and away different from both Democrats and Republicans.

True.. and there are going to be ALOT of surprised and pissed off Democrats when Obama and company pass a massive amnesty. I don't know how many Democrats I've heard say that they were against amnesty and that no way would their elected reps vote for it. 2010 should be an interesting year.
What pelosi was arguing against Ravi was busting the business who were knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, paying them peanuts, and sticking them in dirty unsafe working conidtions that no American would do because we can get better on all counts. And would file lawsuits right and left if they tried to do to us what these slime balls are doing to illegal immigrants.
What pelosi was arguing against Ravi was busting the business who were knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, paying them peanuts, and sticking them in dirty unsafe working conidtions that no American would do because we can get better on all counts. And would file lawsuits right and left if they tried to do to us what these slime balls are doing to illegal immigrants.
Bologna. She was calling raids which happen to separate families "un-American." These happen rarely, in situations where a parent is deported, but the child is not because it was born in the US and is by law a US citizen.

You don't even have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
What the fuck are people thinking voting for a bitch who makes sure her hubby's taxes don't get increased but everyone else's does?

Good to see i'm not the only one that know's that......... :clap2:
What pelosi was arguing against Ravi was busting the business who were knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, paying them peanuts, and sticking them in dirty unsafe working conidtions that no American would do because we can get better on all counts. And would file lawsuits right and left if they tried to do to us what these slime balls are doing to illegal immigrants.

So you dirty up legal American ICE agents by calling them "slime balls," but you pretty up illegal ALIENS by calling them illegal immigrants. What a fucking piece of work you are. Like America much? Why don't you fucking MOVE to mexico if you think all those cute little illegal aliens are such EXCELLENT citizens. Better yet, trying walking through an MS13 neighborhood.

I'm sick of listening to you America hating pieces of illegal alien coddling SHIT! These fucking people DON'T BELONG HERE!!!! We owe them NOTHING!!! What fucking part about that DON'T YOU GET????!!!! You SHIT ON America and Americans for their laws and the people that want them enforced, yet you sing kumbaya and pat the law breakers on the head. FUCK YOU!
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Do you either you pale rider, or Maurauder know how the hell to read?

the slimeballs in question aren't the illegal aliens or the ICE agents. They are the asses that are hiring illegal aliens and treating them as slave labor or worse. Sons abitches ought to be castrated with a dull knife. If it weren't for them we wouldn't have an illegal alien problem to speak of.

Marauder tha isn't wht the hell she said as quoted in the article at the top of the thread.
I think it's time that immigration was limited only to W.A.S.P. people. I'm a firm believer in "east is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet".
Do you either you pale rider, or Maurauder know how the hell to read?

the slimeballs in question aren't the illegal aliens or the ICE agents. They are the asses that are hiring illegal aliens and treating them as slave labor or worse. Sons abitches ought to be castrated with a dull knife. If it weren't for them we wouldn't have an illegal alien problem to speak of.

Marauder tha isn't wht the hell she said as quoted in the article at the top of the thread.
You didn't watch the video, and you don't know what you're talking about. Pelosi called the ICE raids un-American. And on top of all of this:


She just uses it as an emotional hook, something to pander to moron crowds with, something to demagogue. And don't give me that "Booooosh" crap either, Bush didn't stop her from at least TRYING to do something about this in the 20+ years she's been in Washington, the last TWO as House Speaker. She's done nothing on this issue.

Referring to work site enforcement actions by ICE agents, Pelosi said, "We have to have a change in policy and practice and again ... I can't say enough, the raids must end. The raids must end.
She didn't say anything about "the hiring of illegals must end" she said the RAIDS must end.

You're working really hard to be an apologist for Pelosi, succeeding only in making yourself look really stupid.
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the border is wide open now that obama is president if its possible to open them wider than bush did.

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