Pelosi Appoints Anti-Jew Rep. Ilhan Omar To House Foreign Affairs Committee

No he's not, I'm an actual Right-Wing Conservative, he's a Classical Liberal.

Why should Palestinians hand over their lands to Jewish Zionists?

When are you going to give up Tex@$$ to Mexico, you filthy twit?
My family owned part of Texas before Christopher Columbus came here, and the other part of my family came over from Europe on the Mayflower to escape religious persecution that was rife there at the time. I've sewn baby quilts for the babies born to mothers of all backgrounds including those from several latin countries south of the border who need help at the local care center, sir. I very much am involved in receiving whoever comes to this land of my ancestors from probably several other continents than this one. I finished one quilt top this morning and got a good healthy start on another later on in the day, which is why I'm not always around here.

You give this board of American posters a very vile spiel and seem to come from the same part of the world my friend Lech Walesca came from. It's too bad you didn't learn some perspective from such a great man of the people. Maybe you're just wearing a foreigner's name for fun for the opportunity to beat up on Americans for some hidden agenda. We don't know you very well, except for your tendency to keep one foot or the other in your mouth most of the time.

Arabs lived in Palestine long before Anglos lived in Texas.

Texas should be Mexico, by your very logic.
Here's some logic. The land belongs to whoever defends it. Case closed.

Mexicans are taking back Texas, anyways.
Soon, Texan English speakers might end up like Palestinians, kicked to the curb by immigrants.
Excuse me, but Mexicans never had much of a hold on Texas. They killed some tribal people sometime after the Spaniards took Mexico to rule up here, but until Santa Ana's day, they only had a few outposts up here who had a very hard time with the natives of the areas of their small outposts. Their big plan was to send pisano slaves up here to kill some more Native American Indians not related to the Incas, but what they didn't know was some of the "pisanos" were from families of traders with the northern tribes to take home products not grown in Montezuma's areas (Mexico City, etc.) before the Spaniards murdered him and turned his country into a Spanish colony. They then looked north to expand their territory mainly to keep out the English, but they were discouraged due to the desert conditions up here, so only maintained outposts and a few Catholic Churches in the few places they could find water. They had a few ranches, but it took thousands and thousands of acres per ranch just to make a meager existence. The Spanish couldn't do much with their manana people who had to suffer it out in the prickly pear regions that were somewhat hostile places to live in, and after seeing other tribes suffer, other tribes became very elusive to the invaders from Spain.

Sorry sir, my ancestors were here before the invading Spaniards who called themselves Mexicans. And my other ancestors were from Massachusetts before the English and Dutch had time to build churches and communities.

If you are Mexican or representing the Mexican government, I'm here to tell you, you have been emptying your prisons for two centuries and sending them over the border to America. We have educated them and they have in turn been amazing people who are both voters and representatives in local governments all over this border state we share with them. I have nieces and nephews who have Mexican backgrounds and college degrees. lol.

You act like we're not citizens of America. One of my blonde haired, blue eyed cousins had her DNA tested. Her test showed that she had not only Nordic and European blood, she had a black ancestor somewhere back in time. America is a mixing pot. The truth be known, about 70% of the people who look like Europeans have bloodlines of native people here. When those of us blue-eyed, European looking folks over here look like Europeans, we only have a 10% chance of being half Aryans, and we speak English because 3 more men in the Continental Congress voted English to be the National language instead of German, which lost out by only 3 votes.

You obviously do not have a clue who you're talking to when you think we aren't fully welcoming to other people to a point. We are getting a lot of people today who've been promised the moon by big-hearted congresscritters who don't know much about finances, and they don't realize when they promise people good things, the people will take and take and take, and never give back, because it's too much work to get a job.

So you have to be careful who you elect, because they really don't know there are a lot of predators among humans who think they will get something for nothing forever and ever and ever. So some people get elected who promise but know they can't deliver so they blame the responsible adults for the mess they get the country into.

In a free society, you have to pull your own weight. Nobody else can do that for you who wouldn't enslave you. Don't forget that, please.

If Ashkenazi European - Jewish hybrids, speaking Yiddish a German dialect can steal Israel.
Then surely Mestizo Spanish - Native American hybrids, speaking Spanish can steal Texas.

That's the message you're giving, that people don't have rights to the lands they live on.

Apparently you like a hypocrite, like just like almost every Zionists, just want for Jews, and not Mexicans to have such privileges.

It's always been about getting yours at all costs.
No he's not, I'm an actual Right-Wing Conservative, he's a Classical Liberal.

Why should Palestinians hand over their lands to Jewish Zionists?

When are you going to give up Tex@$$ to Mexico, you filthy twit?
My family owned part of Texas before Christopher Columbus came here, and the other part of my family came over from Europe on the Mayflower to escape religious persecution that was rife there at the time. I've sewn baby quilts for the babies born to mothers of all backgrounds including those from several latin countries south of the border who need help at the local care center, sir. I very much am involved in receiving whoever comes to this land of my ancestors from probably several other continents than this one. I finished one quilt top this morning and got a good healthy start on another later on in the day, which is why I'm not always around here.

You give this board of American posters a very vile spiel and seem to come from the same part of the world my friend Lech Walesca came from. It's too bad you didn't learn some perspective from such a great man of the people. Maybe you're just wearing a foreigner's name for fun for the opportunity to beat up on Americans for some hidden agenda. We don't know you very well, except for your tendency to keep one foot or the other in your mouth most of the time.

Arabs lived in Palestine long before Anglos lived in Texas.

Texas should be Mexico, by your very logic.
Here's some logic. The land belongs to whoever defends it. Case closed.

Mexicans are taking back Texas, anyways.
Soon, Texan English speakers might end up like Palestinians, kicked to the curb by immigrants.
Texas will always be part of the United States regardless of who lives there. The best hope for the Palestinians is to live in Israel. You still don't get it. You antisemitic hate has blinded you.

Islamophobia has blinded you, you support Israel's ethnic cleansing, because of your Islamaphobia.
When it comes to choosing between a backwards misogynistic hateful death cult and civilization, I choose civilization every time.

Israel has harbored Communist butchers, Rabbi Pedophiles, Organ Traffickers, and Russian Mafia gangsters.

Yeah, some Civilization" they have. (Rolls eyes)
So what is it about the Islamic thugs in Iran that you admire?
My family owned part of Texas before Christopher Columbus came here, and the other part of my family came over from Europe on the Mayflower to escape religious persecution that was rife there at the time. I've sewn baby quilts for the babies born to mothers of all backgrounds including those from several latin countries south of the border who need help at the local care center, sir. I very much am involved in receiving whoever comes to this land of my ancestors from probably several other continents than this one. I finished one quilt top this morning and got a good healthy start on another later on in the day, which is why I'm not always around here.

You give this board of American posters a very vile spiel and seem to come from the same part of the world my friend Lech Walesca came from. It's too bad you didn't learn some perspective from such a great man of the people. Maybe you're just wearing a foreigner's name for fun for the opportunity to beat up on Americans for some hidden agenda. We don't know you very well, except for your tendency to keep one foot or the other in your mouth most of the time.

Arabs lived in Palestine long before Anglos lived in Texas.

Texas should be Mexico, by your very logic.
Here's some logic. The land belongs to whoever defends it. Case closed.

Mexicans are taking back Texas, anyways.
Soon, Texan English speakers might end up like Palestinians, kicked to the curb by immigrants.
Texas will always be part of the United States regardless of who lives there. The best hope for the Palestinians is to live in Israel. You still don't get it. You antisemitic hate has blinded you.

Islamophobia has blinded you, you support Israel's ethnic cleansing, because of your Islamaphobia.
And your hatred of civilization has blinded you to the civilized world. Go check the list of Jewish vs muslim Nobel winners and tell us what you find.
When it comes to choosing between a backwards misogynistic hateful death cult and civilization, I choose civilization every time.

Israel has harbored Communist butchers, Rabbi Pedophiles, Organ Traffickers, and Russian Mafia gangsters.

Yeah, some Civilization" they have. (Rolls eyes)
So what is it about the Islamic thugs in Iran that you admire?

How many has Iran killed, as opposed to Israel in the past 70 years?
Arabs lived in Palestine long before Anglos lived in Texas.

Texas should be Mexico, by your very logic.
Here's some logic. The land belongs to whoever defends it. Case closed.

Mexicans are taking back Texas, anyways.
Soon, Texan English speakers might end up like Palestinians, kicked to the curb by immigrants.
Texas will always be part of the United States regardless of who lives there. The best hope for the Palestinians is to live in Israel. You still don't get it. You antisemitic hate has blinded you.

Islamophobia has blinded you, you support Israel's ethnic cleansing, because of your Islamaphobia.
And your hatred of civilization has blinded you to the civilized world. Go check the list of Jewish vs muslim Nobel winners and tell us what you find.

Why did Jewish Zionist terrorist Menachem Begin win a Nobel Peace Prize?
Texas will always be part of the United States regardless of who lives there. The best hope for the Palestinians is to live in Israel. You still don't get it. You antisemitic hate has blinded you.

Scum is attracted to scum.

Whether Islamo-Nazi scum, Euro-Nazi scum, or democrats. They are all scum and all have the same hatred of individualism and freedom.
Texas will always be part of the United States regardless of who lives there. The best hope for the Palestinians is to live in Israel. You still don't get it. You antisemitic hate has blinded you.

Scum is attracted to scum.

Whether Islamo-Nazi scum, Euro-Nazi scum, or democrats. They are all scum and all have the same hatred of individualism and freedom.

Republicans won't even hardly exist in the near future, because they believe in individual freedoms for Capitalists to hire Illegal Mexican Democrats, and it's the individual freedoms for Facebook, Hollywood, and media to indoctrinate a nation of White youths into the Democrats.

But, that must be the Muslims fault, except the last 3 I listed are Jewish owned.
Is Pelosi working with Trump to guarantee his 2020 landslide, flipping the House back to Republican?



The Muslims are an overt minor threat to our sovereignty, in comparison to the Jewish institutions like Facebook, Hollywood, and the media which are major threats to our sovereignty.
FB is a Jewish institution? Hollywood is? Then why do both bash Israel and pander to Islamists? At least post accurate facts. LMAO!!
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How many has Iran killed, as opposed to Israel in the past 70 years?

About 50 to 1. The Islamo-Fascists slaughtered 500,000 in the war with Iraq. The terrorism them have sponsored has killed another half-million. Their attacks on the Kurds, the war they have sponsored against Syria backed by Obamugabe's ISIS.

You remind me of when my kids were young. My youngest daughter got bigger than my middle girl fairly early on. On day my middle girl came in crying that her sister had hit her. So we went and confronted the sister who said "she hit me about 10 times, so I finally hit her back." To which the middle girl replied "yeah, but when she hit me IT HURT."

That's how the Muzzie Beasts in Gaza are, they attack relentlessly and then cry when Israel fights back.
How many has Iran killed, as opposed to Israel in the past 70 years?

About 50 to 1. The Islamo-Fascists slaughtered 500,000 in the war with Iraq. The terrorism them have sponsored has killed another half-million. Their attacks on the Kurds, the war they have sponsored against Syria backed by Obamugabe's ISIS.

You remind me of when my kids were young. My youngest daughter got bigger than my middle girl fairly early on. On day my middle girl came in crying that her sister had hit her. So we went and confronted the sister who said "she hit me about 10 times, so I finally hit her back." To which the middle girl replied "yeah, but when she hit me IT HURT."

That's how the Muzzie Beasts in Gaza are, they attack relentlessly and then cry when Israel fights back.

That's Iraq, not Iran.

Besides, the USA played a big role in the War in Iraq.

No, no, that's how Israeli Jew beasts in Israel are, they've bullied Palestine since 1948, and kicked them to the curb, and then cry when the Palestinians fight back.
FB is a Jewish institution? Hollywood is? Then why do both bash Israel and pander to Islamists? At least post accurate facts. LMAO!!

Facebook is owned by Jewish Zuckerberg.

According to Jewish Joel Stein of the LA Times, Jews completely dominate Hollywood, and he proved it with facts.

Zuckerberg is as Jewish as you are. He didn’t marry a Jewish female and does not raise his kids Jewish. Jews who “dominate” Hollywood are like Zuck. They are Jews in name only and hate fellow Jews and Israel. You may hate people like me and that is your right as an American, even though I rag on you for it. However do not be so gullible as to believe that Zuck and those like him are real Jews. They aren’t. His beliefs are aligned closer to yours than to mine.
FB is a Jewish institution? Hollywood is? Then why do both bash Israel and pander to Islamists? At least post accurate facts. LMAO!!

Facebook is owned by Jewish Zuckerberg.

According to Jewish Joel Stein of the LA Times, Jews completely dominate Hollywood, and he proved it with facts.

Zuckerberg is as Jewish as you are. He didn’t marry a Jewish female and does not raise his kids Jewish. Jews who “dominate” Hollywood are like Zuck. They are Jews in name only and hate fellow Jews and Israel. You may hate people like me and that is your right as an American, even though I rag on you for it. However do not be so gullible as to believe that Zuck and those like him are real Jews. They aren’t. His beliefs are aligned closer to yours than to mine.

They are still Jews, none the less.

To me you're all fake Jews, the Synagogue of Satan.
How many has Iran killed, as opposed to Israel in the past 70 years?

About 50 to 1. The Islamo-Fascists slaughtered 500,000 in the war with Iraq. The terrorism them have sponsored has killed another half-million. Their attacks on the Kurds, the war they have sponsored against Syria backed by Obamugabe's ISIS.

You remind me of when my kids were young. My youngest daughter got bigger than my middle girl fairly early on. On day my middle girl came in crying that her sister had hit her. So we went and confronted the sister who said "she hit me about 10 times, so I finally hit her back." To which the middle girl replied "yeah, but when she hit me IT HURT."

That's how the Muzzie Beasts in Gaza are, they attack relentlessly and then cry when Israel fights back.

That's Iraq, not Iran.

Besides, the USA played a big role in the War in Iraq.

No, no, that's how Israeli Jew beats in Israel are, they've bullied Palestine since 1948, and kicked them to the curb, and then cry when the Palestinians fight back.

By bullied you mean conquered? You are correct. Israel is undefeated in wars. What is Poland’s record?

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