

Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2010
Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!
I cant believe it!!
For the second season in a row the peaches have been fantastic from the grocery store.
This hasnt happened in decades. I dont know what they're doing but I sure hope they keep it up!!
We even got a perfectly ripe pineapple. You know when they turn yellow and the top leaves can be plucked easily.
As I'm sure y'all know once you pick a pineapple it doesnt continue to ripen so what you see is what you get and there's no reason to let it sit on your counter.
One of the things I do happen to miss from my youth were the peaches we used to get from the fruit stands near the river.

Big as grapefruits and messy as all get up.

I'll flop over in a faint just thinking about it! When we were in cali- we used to go to this orchard. You could pick your own or grab a flat. So yummy. They had like- 47 pound tomatoes too! :)
Peaches here are great!

If ya want to use them for rocks.

We had peach trees at our weekend place in Junction Texas and they were amazing!!!
The Texas Hill Country is famous for its peaches and pecans so getting shitty peaches always pissed me off.
They're less than 200 miles away so there's no reason we should get shitty peaches..
But for years we got what you described

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