Zone1 Paul told all women to shut up. Paul was not a nice person.

No. Peter was the rock that started the church.
There were two schools of thought in Early Christianity. One said that you needed to be a Jew like Jesus to be a Christian. That mean keeping the Law, including circumcision, not a popular practice for an adult. Paul said pagan converts didn't need to follow Jewish law and his view prevailed. Had it not, Christians would be a tiny sect of Judaism and would probably have died out by now.
Paul thought men should be willing to die for their wives (Eph 5:25). In a sense, like Christianity generally, Paul believed in the emancipation of women, who were subjugated as a general pattern of male leadership among the people of Israel. From his experiences, he also saw women as somewhat gullible and emotional, less inclined toward logical conclusions than men (2 Tim 3:7), the same observations as many in the soft sciences communities see today.

But the behavior among the Christians in Corinth seems to be the real impetus for Paul's appeal to Old Testament custom. Women could prophesy and pray and whatnot, but everyone wanted to speak, and the assembly was plagued with chaos, divisiveness, and one-upmanship.
Many doubt Paul, aka: Saul was a true apostle of Christ. We have only his word for that, and many true disciples including Peter as well as Mother Mary rejected him.
Paul quoted Jesus directly on the bread and wine. His epistles generally reflect the end of the temple age, just as Jesus foretold.

Tell us, please: what did he say that was irrelevant?
Everything. Only the words of Jesus matters.
Do the words of Jesus in the Book of Acts matter?
Only the words of Jesus matters. Anything written that does not purport to be the actual words or acts of Jesus or just the ramblings of mere men, and should be ignored.
Only the words of Jesus matters. Anything written that does not purport to be the actual words or acts of Jesus or just the ramblings of mere men, and should be ignored.
Jesus talks to Paul in the Book of Acts.

let's take a look at honestly

ne of the biggest lies and falsehoods of the Trinitarian Translation is the false translation throughout the New Testament that degrades the woman, not only degrading women but also manipulating and altering the translation to say that............

. " woman is not permitted to teach " - 1Ti 2:12

There were a number of female prophets in the Old and New Testament.

reading from the original manuscripts we find that the scriptures do not command a woman to not speak and preach in the Church.....

1Ti 2:12
Γυναικι a woman - δε also - διδασκειν teaching - ουκ not - επιτρεπω I allow - ουδε neither - αυθεντειν authorized - ανδρος man - αλλ but - ειναι who are - εν in - ησυχια quietness

meaning -
1Ti 2:12

a woman also teaching not I allow neither an authorized man

but who are in quietness

this is exactly - WORD FOR WORD _ exactly what the original manuscripts say.

it was not a worldly, spontaneous and natural ability for women to travel abroad, traversing and trekking – wandering alone through the deserts, wildernesses and throughout the dangerous mobs of men, to give the prophecy of God to very many people outside of their own close circle of friends and family.

There were many $exist and prejudice people with preconceived judgments and opinions and manipulating agendas = there was a whole world that was filled with abusers who raped and manipulated and even kidnapped and $exually sold women in $ex trades / sexual slavery - the moment that a woman stepped outside of their circle of protection.

Female prophets in the Bible - were always used and valued in the role of working for God by staying in the in a safe environment - and God used the MALE prophets to go around the entire countryside, across deserts, through wildernesses and on long paths and even lifelong adventures that include all the details in entire multiple books of the Bible - and to serve with Kings and leaders in a time of war and in dangerous situations - where the males usually were situated and needed and could sustain and endure withing this environment - - and women did not expect to reasonably serve in these capacities.

my friends = we have a horrible situation with the Trinitarian Translators who have changed much of the Bible.

In 1Co 14:28 - it says, concerning speaking in tongues in the church - If there be no interpreter, - “ keep silencein the church; and speak to themselves and to God.

:29 Let the prophets speak two or three and let the other judge. - :30 If anything is revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first - - “ hold their peace. “

But the original
does not say “ let the first - hold his peace -

verse :30 literally says - let the first - “ BE SILENT. “ / No Talking.

This Greek word is “ SILENCE “ ... And verse
:35 is totally mistranslated - it says - And if ( the women who are directly involved ) “ “ WILL OR WOULD ask “ “ A CERTAIN THING.. about what happened - let them ask their husbands IN the home - for it is a shame for women to say in the church. But this is only speaking of the situation directly involving church order, that ALSO involves also the MALES who are also commanded to be - - - - “ SILENT “__

the trinitarians lied.

The Greek manuscripts say that the Males also - the entire church is to be " silent

" -
........ The Trinitarian Translators changed the word " silent " into saying

hold their peace - but the Greek word is " Σιγάω - sigaō - silence "

notice - ONLY when the Greek word is orbiting around -
women - do they change the exact same word back into " silence " - only when addressing the women.

The Trinitarians invent and switch out words to create a hostile and downcast view for the environment involving women in the church.

Women are to have shame facedness ? - - or are the woman - to have reverence ?

The Greek word means reverence and they use this word to mean reverence in all other verses - but when it comes to women - they change it = to say shame facedness ...

1Ti 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with reverence and self – control ; not with gridded hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; :10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

1Ti 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence “ quietness “ with all subjection.

This is not the word "
Σιγάω - sigaō " - silence - in the manuscripts.

This is the word meaning peacefulness and quietness / quietly - meaning { not making a lot of noise } G2271 - quietly -
ἡσυχία - hēsuchia - hay-soo-khee'-ah - Meaning = stillness, that is, desistance from bustle or language: - quietness. “ No loud and noisy talking while learning. “ peacefully

The Translators CHANGED the word “ quietness “ peacefully - into silence – when the Bible says that women who are learning about God are to learn = “ quietly- - This is not the same Greek word “ SILENCE “ the word “ SILENCE “ is G4601 Σιγάω - sigaō - see-gah'-o _ = To keep SILENT ( - keep close (secret, silence), - ἡσυχία - hēsuchia - stillness, - quietness. “ peacefully has absolutely nothing to do with being “ SILENT “

Yet - The translators correctly translate the same exact word - to say “ quietness “ - in 2Th 3:12 - The disorderly people in church are to worship in “ quietness “ and they work, and eat their own bread.

But the word “ q
uietness “ has nothing to do with women here in - 2Th 3:12but they change it into the word silence only when it involves women.

The word = “ quietness “ 1 - ἡσυχία - hēsuchia - -hēsuchios -

These verses below are how this word is used,

2Th 3:12 The disorderly in the church are commanded that - with “
quietness “ they work
1Ti 2:2 Kings, and all in authority -- may lead a “
quiet “ and peaceable life .
1Pe 3:4 a meek and “
quiet “ spirit

It has nothing to do with being “ SILENNT“ and not opening your mouth and not speaking. - The translators changed the word to say - “ SILENCE “ only and every single time it involves “ women “ - but every single last time in the bible when it does not involve woman - they translate it correctly as = “
quietness meaning = peaceful and calm.

We see that the Translators already begin - in 1 st - Timothy Chap 2 - to create aN UNHOLY $exist version of the message.

In - 1Ti 2:1 - The word for “ mankind “ is - ἀ ́ν θρωπος - anthrōpos - anth'-ro-pos – anthropoid. The original Authors are using the word - anthro ̄pos / - to indicate mankind and both male and female – yet the translators add the word man and assign it a male sex.- calling all of mankind as a - “ he - sex “

Again as we see - 1Ti 2:1 = I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all MANKIND - again the word is =
ἄνθρωπος - anthrōpos - not – males only. –

AND also - VERY - IMPORTANT = 1Ti chapter 2: - is speaking about woman - who are beginning their learning experience in Yahoshua. And the Trinitarian translators
have so completely perverted so completely distorted and changed, and altered the Bible - by creating a totally sexist rendering of the text, by changing the all of the words meaning ---- - “ ALL OF MANKIND “ = into the male sex ( ONLY ) -

that by the time that the reader gets to verse – where it says in verse
: 12

: 1
2 a woman also teaching not I allow neither an authorized man but who are in quietness

. - The reader is completely brainwashed by the Trinitarian Translation - completely obvlious and totally missing the previous context - to the fact.......

......that Paul was only speaking and commenting -on / about – concerning - the subject of the women who just beginning to learn about God - and Paul is only relating to the previous verse - 1Ti 2:11 Let the woman “ LEARN “ in
“ quietness “ with all subjection. the trinitarians change this in into SILENCE

then - verse - : 12 a woman also teaching not I allow neither an authorized man but who are in quietnes

The whole verse -
: 12 - is completely ripped completely out of its entire context.

Paul was previously speaking about women who are beginning and LEARNING - they are not to be loud, noisy and dominating over the men around them and are - not to be teaching the men around them. while in the process of just beginning to be LEARNING

yet we also ee that women are prophets, and are speaking in tongues.

Gal 3:26-28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male “ AND “ female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Act 2:17 and your daughters shall prophesy.

- There are six female prophets mentioned in - Exo 15:20, Jdg 4:4, 2Ki 22:14, 2Ch 34:22, Neh 6:14 and Isa 8:3 - and

- In Acts 6. there were four daughters who could prophesy.

In Acts 21:9 .... . Paul said that women were prophesying in the church. - There is absolutely no reason to assign a male sex to the person speaking in tongues – nor to the prophesier in church..and the Greek grammar rules are not existing in these particular verses - that apply any grammar rule to mention the speaker of tongues as strictly male sex.

There is not a single verse in the Bible that says that women are to be completely “ silent “ in the church. - outside of the verse about speaking in tongues. -
Addressing Males and Females - to do the same.... The other verses are Trinitarian mistranslations - the Greek word is “ quietness “ stillness, from bustle or loud talking. - and “ No loud and noisy talking while learning – no dominating and teaching the men around them - if they are learning .....

Paul was saying that while he was teaching – he did not allow women in the church to act this way while they were in the learning process - this is what the whole verse is about.

they changed the words of the original Bible to invent this doctrine. just a slight alteration or deviation or change can completely change the original meaning and intent of the original message.




The original message of the Greek manuscripts do not transmit this trinitarian untruth.

if there are any questions - I will prove it to you using the original Greek manuscripts -
Trinitarians have no manuscripts for their faith system

That I believe at once.

He was not married.
And he says: "Women should shut up!"

This Paul was not a nice person.

He was talking about orderly assemblies in the church. Not about women being silent in general. There is a leadership order in the church having nothing to do with what members are more "worthy"--it's just an order for organizing leadership roles. Women are not permitted to be in authority over men IN THE CHURCH. This is where the "silent" advice enters. It's not universal however; it's particular to the church and for purposes of godly order.

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