Paul Ryan is Boehner's mini me

How dare he compromise ! We need republicans who will drive the country into ruin just to spite the black guy!!!!


Paul Ryan Builds Border Fence Around His Mansion, Not U.S.

I suppose this will drive more angry conservatives into the not so loving arms of the Prog Trump, only to be betrayed later by him.


I declare the GOP to be dead.

His wife should slap him, and refuse all servicing. Wotta dick.

What goes on in his own bedroom is none of my business, unless he is a polygamist, in which case the government should take his marriage license away cuz that's just yucky.

I also hear that the GOP caved on the new budget deal as well.

Thank you mam, may I have another?
I am really thinking my vote this next election will be to sit it out. Why vote when there isn't any difference?

Paul Ryan Builds Border Fence Around His Mansion, Not U.S.

A recent Breitbart News investigation reveals that
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)

, who has a two-decade-long history of promoting open borders immigration policies, seems to support border fences for himself, even as he denies the American people those same protections.
wanting nothing to do with Trump, the GOP brokers candidate, and its Paul Ryan.

ponder that ...

whens the last time Barry or the libs compromised?

^^^ BINGO you have my vote for counterpoint of the year.

The left doesn't compromise an inch. If the GOP doesn't bend over and take it in the ass the left threatens to have their pals in the media tell the country the GOP shut down the government and the GOP is too gutless to call them on this threat. When the Democrats control the House or Senate they don't hesitate to use their power.

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