Paul Rayn voted for


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
5 Things Mitt Doesn't Want You to Know About Paul Ryan - Yahoo! News

1. His budget plans include big cuts, and there's ample room for Democrats to continue with their "Romneyhood narrative." The nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimates 62 percent of Ryan's cuts are to programs for the poor.

2. Ryan's budget proposals have included big changes to Medicare - including gradually replacing the program with a voucher program for private health care, and gradually raising the retirement age. That could scare older Americans, a crucial voting bloc.

3. He voted for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. While a lot of other Republicans did too, and it was proposed by the Bush administration, some have viewed it as a rejection of the conservative economic values Ryan and hard-line fiscal conservatives espouse.

4. He's easily pegged as Washington insider. He's been in Congress since 1999, and before that he worked as a congressional staffer. Congressional approval ratings are abysmally low- a recent CBS News/NY Times poll showed that only 12 percent of voters approve of the way Congress is doing its job.

5. This is both a pro and a con to Ryan, depending on who you ask, but he's notably further to the left on the issue of lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender rights than the base of the party. He broke with a lot of his party to support the Employee Non-Discrimination Act in 2007. He explained his reasoning for the vote in this way: "They [his gay friends] didn't roll out of bed one morning and choose to be gay. That's who they are."

The Iraq war.
The Bush prescription drug plan
The TARP bailout
And to make the partiot act permanent.
And to not report illegals in hospitals.
And voted for the stimulus.
Yes on the GM and Chrysler bailout.

Damn he is more liberal than Obama!
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He's no Ron Paul, that's for sure. Perhaps more importantly, he's no Joe Biden.

I wish we were all talking about Jim Gray...
The Iraq war.
The Bush prescription drug plan
The TARP bailout
And to make the partiot act permanent.
And to not report illegals in hospitals.
And voted for the stimulus.
Damn he is more liberal than Obama!

No, he's not. Obama just gave a million illegals a free ticket to stay in our country by the swoosh of a pen. :mad:

Obama supports the bail-out, patriot act and Stimulus.
The Iraq war.
The Bush prescription drug plan
The TARP bailout
And to make the partiot act permanent.
And to not report illegals in hospitals.
And voted for the stimulus.
Damn he is more liberal than Obama!

No, he's not. Obama just gave a million illegals a free ticket to stay in our country by the swoosh of a pen. :mad:

Obama supports the bail-out, patriot act and Stimulus.

So did Ryan.
Voted NO on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D. (Jan 2007)
Voted YES on subsidizing private insurance for Medicare Rx drug coverage. (Jun 2000)
Voted NO on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D. (Jan 2007)
Voted YES on subsidizing private insurance for Medicare Rx drug coverage. (Jun 2000)

And this moron is on Romney's ticket. Anyone who thinks the teaparty isn't running the whole Romney campaign is clueless.

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