Paul Fussell — “Thank God for the Atom Bomb”

And now you call Trump an extreme racist? Based on what you read in newspapers? The democrats loved Trump, when they thought Trump was one of them, they turned on Trump when he became president and a threat to the money they spend. Trump dated a black woman, how can he be an extreme racist dating a black woman, at a time when it was still relatively unheard of?

Plus how often have we heard it said that he "hated immigrants"? Even though two of his three wives were themselves immigrants?

I readily admit I never liked him and never voted for him, but I am not psychopathic about him like so many seem to be. Even a year out of office, they can not stop letting him live in their heads.

And I long ago gave up listening to the screams of "racism" against Republican candidates. They have literally used that claim against every one that ran for President for the last 40+ years. They even said it about Senator McCain, until he became the darling of the Democrats a few years later. And he could suddenly do no wrong and his "racism" was never brought up again.
¿Not? The Brits have for example for a long time of history from ~1300-1650 not any evidence that Brits had been anti-Semites. No pogrom - no violent deeds against Jews. And so on. Simple reason: Jews had been displaced in 1290 for 350 years. Nearly no one knows this - but nearly everyone knows that Spain displaced Jews after they had (re-)conquered Andalusia.

What's totally wrong. When the Nazis arrested Jews often all neighbors were totally astonished. Jews lived everywhere over all Germany single and in little groups and in the daily life no one saw any difference. Jews had been Germans like all others. That's why the Nazis needed for their racism a marker. The golden star of David.



Nazi propaganda! Such Jews did not exist in Germany. A typical German Jew is for example Albert Einstein or Heinrich Heine. The Jews in Germany spoke German - Einstein for example a German with a Swabian color - and in the USA he also spoke English with this Swabian color - what sounds very nice.

It existed not really any "Jewish quesion" - this was a nonsense question from some academics. 0.5% (=1:200) of all Germans had been Jews - no need to say that most Germans never had a near contact to any Jew. And someone like I who has only German and Jewish ancestors exists today perhaps only in parts per millions any longer.

The word anti-Semite was used the first time in 1879. On the other side I have not any problem to call for example Martin Luther an anti-Jew or also Augustinus an anti-Jew. Similiar problem as the problem with Richard Wagner. Great men - but partially total idiots. The hate speech from Luther against Jews is extreme and sounds brutal - but such an extreme speech he used also in case of Catholics and the pope.

There's a big difference between the Slawic countries and Germany in this context. The Jews in the Slawic countries spoke Yiddish and Yiddish is a German language. So anti-Semitism and anti-Germanism step side by side in this countries.


Based on the words and actions of Trump which are reported in serios sources.

The obscure US-American politics I will not discuss with you - nor that men are in general the worst idiots in everything what has to do with sex. But it's totally clear that Donald Trump sees in himselve genetically the elite of the elites.

What had not been difficult for US-Americans - but very difficult for Germans. Nevertheles I fear in your list of heroes are many criminals.

Was an extremely heavy war crime.

Whooow ... you thank god for murder in war? Ugly.

You aer not serios. Do you live or are you dead?

War is always a horror.

Okay. Only a brain transplantation seems to be able to help a monster like you. Now I see the research of our lovely Dr. Frankenstein with new eyes. Your soldiers did by the way not fight for to save the life of Jews - as sad as it is to have to say so. Either you did not know what really had happened - for example in Auschwitz-Birkenau - or you did it know and did do nothing to stop this. You bombed not even the railway to Auschwitz-Birkenau when you was begged to do so and it had been also easy for you to do so because you did not like to waste bombs for unmilitary use. But you had enough bombs to murder in masses civilists in the German cities.
You said bye bye, but your stupidity and arrogance can't let it go.

You Germans hated the jews, that is you. You stated you were German and everything I stated is fact.

The way the jews dressed and groomed themselves is certainly one aspect that caused the Germans to notice and hate the Jews. As tiny as it is throughout history those who look different are treated differently. You can not admit that when it was a time that the Jewish Question was discussed by the politicians shows your complete ignorance.

You did not even know of Wilhelm Wagner's hatred of jews, you even defend yhe man.

You should stick to your word when you say bye bye. Your ignorance is complete, on all subjects you speak of.
¿Not? The Brits have for example for a long time of history from ~1300-1650 not any evidence that Brits had been anti-Semites. No pogrom - no violent deeds against Jews. And so on. Simple reason: Jews had been displaced in 1290 for 350 years. Nearly no one knows this - but nearly everyone knows that Spain displaced Jews after they had (re-)conquered Andalusia.

What's totally wrong. When the Nazis arrested Jews often all neighbors were totally astonished. Jews lived everywhere over all Germany single and in little groups and in the daily life no one saw any difference. Jews had been Germans like all others. That's why the Nazis needed for their racism a marker. The golden star of David.



Nazi propaganda! Such Jews did not exist in Germany. A typical German Jew is for example Albert Einstein or Heinrich Heine. The Jews in Germany spoke German - Einstein for example a German with a Swabian color - and in the USA he also spoke English with this Swabian color - what sounds very nice.

It existed not really any "Jewish quesion" - this was a nonsense question from some academics. 0.5% (=1:200) of all Germans had been Jews - no need to say that most Germans never had a near contact to any Jew. And someone like I who has only German and Jewish ancestors exists today perhaps only in parts per millions any longer.

The word anti-Semite was used the first time in 1879. On the other side I have not any problem to call for example Martin Luther an anti-Jew or also Augustinus an anti-Jew. Similiar problem as the problem with Richard Wagner. Great men - but partially total idiots. The hate speech from Luther against Jews is extreme and sounds brutal - but such an extreme speech he used also in case of Catholics and the pope.

There's a big difference between the Slawic countries and Germany in this context. The Jews in the Slawic countries spoke Yiddish and Yiddish is a German language. So anti-Semitism and anti-Germanism step side by side in this countries.


Based on the words and actions of Trump which are reported in serios sources.

The obscure US-American politics I will not discuss with you - nor that men are in general the worst idiots in everything what has to do with sex. But it's totally clear that Donald Trump sees in himselve genetically the elite of the elites.

What had not been difficult for US-Americans - but very difficult for Germans. Nevertheles I fear in your list of heroes are many criminals.

Was an extremely heavy war crime.

Whooow ... you thank god for murder in war? Ugly.

You aer not serios. Do you live or are you dead?

War is always a horror.

Okay. Only a brain transplantation seems to be able to help a monster like you. Now I see the research of our lovely Dr. Frankenstein with new eyes. Your soldiers did by the way not fight for to save the life of Jews - as sad as it is to have to say so. Either you did not know what really had happened - for example in Auschwitz-Birkenau - or you did it know and did do nothing to stop this. You bombed not even the railway to Auschwitz-Birkenau when you was begged to do so and it had been also easy for you to do so because you did not like to waste bombs for unmilitary use. But you had enough bombs to murder in masses civilists in the German cities.
You would argue that Jews in the early 1800's dressed no differently than the Germans?

Your problem is your knowledge is only of Hitler and nothing more.
What for heavens sake are you elektra? A human being or an artificial stupidity program?


Moses Mendelsohn, 1771
... You Germans hated the jews, that is you. ...

You still use the dichotomy German <-> Jew (instead of "the Nazis hated the Jews") what's just simple nonsense for someone who really knows the German culture. The importance of the Protestant musician Johann Sebastian Bach was for example discovered and made popular from the Jew Felix Mendelsohn-Bartholdy. And a place where music from Johann Sebastian Bach often is played today are Catholic churches.

Sure existed in history also problems between other Germans and Jews - and also exist some very violent moments in history - but this is in general not comparable with the deadly anti-Semitism of the Nazis. The question in context of the anti-Jewish movements in history is how they influenced the anti-Semitism of the late19th and early 20th century which leaded to the Holocaust. But this older anti-Jewish movements (which came by the way from England with the first crusade to Germany) are not the only factor. The German Jews had been a special German tribe who lived directly in the responsibility of the German emperors. Practically meant this: Who attacked a Jew attacked the emperor - and who attacked the emperor attacked the whole empire. This protection was anything else than weak - except the emperor had been weak and/or did not respect his own Jews (in the self-defined wise followership of King David and King Solomon). But also all other Germans depended on a strong protective power.
... Richard Wagner ...
said what Richard Wagner said.

You say he expressed anti-Semitism (=blind hate on all Jews with the will to wipe out Jews completely so the world will look like as if Jews (and god) never had existed at all).

Question: Why did he bequest something to a Jew in his testament?

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said what Richard Wagner said.

You say he expressed anti-Semitism (=blind hate on all Jews with the will to wipe out Jews completely so the world will look like as if Jews (and god) never had existed at all).

Question: Why did he bequest something to a Jew in his testament?

You can defend wilhelm wagner who some say inspired Hitler. A man who wrote articles expressing his hate. You defend Wagner yet believe Trump is worst. You my friend are nothing but a dirty little troll. Certainly zero knowledge of Germany and the roots of jew hatred.
said what Richard Wagner said.

You say he expressed anti-Semitism (=blind hate on all Jews with the will to wipe out Jews completely so the world will look like as if Jews (and god) never had existed at all).

Question: Why did he bequest something to a Jew in his testament?

You define anti-Semitism in such a way, and then put words in my mouth.

You construct a scenario I have not said and is not what the definition of anti-Semitism is so that any answer makes you right.

What are you, stupid?
In The 2nd World War, the Allies faced Japan, the most fanatical force in the world at the time. A force dedicated to victory at any price. A force that launched thousands of suicide attacks on Allied Forces and frequently chose suicide over capture.

Unlike Nazi Germany, when faced with certain defeat, Japan would would not surrender. Japan trained even its children to fight the invading Allied Armies with spears if necessary.

The application of two, relatively small, nuclear weapons was all it took to turn this fanatical enemy into a nation of pacifist capitalists. Overnight they abandoned their military government and adopted a pledge never again to be the aggressor in any conflict.

The subsequent fear of nuclear war has kept even the most aggressive nations over the last 80 years from waging full-scale war again.

As inventions go, Nuclear Weapons have done more to foster peaceful co-existence than any other.
So far nuclear weapons have proven a very effective deterrent to a new World War. Of course much depends on the sanity of the people who are in control of these weapons. The question today is if Putin is sane.
You can defend wilhelm wagner

No one in the world calls Richard Wagner Wilhelm Wagner. And no one except a drug addict, drunkard or psychologically insane person is continuing to say so although he knows it is wrong what he is doing.

who some say inspired Hitler. A man who wrote articles expressing his hate. You defend Wagner yet believe Trump is worst. You my friend are nothing but a dirty little troll. Certainly zero knowledge of Germany and the roots of jew hatred.

no comment
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You define anti-Semitism in such a way,

I described what is anti-Semitism. I never define anything.

and then put words in my mouth.

You construct a scenario I have not said and is not what the definition of anti-Semitism is so that any answer makes you right.

What are you, stupid?

Nazi, it's enough now! Whatever god I asked for he did do. So I learned it's often better to let god make a decision. But I fear with your intentional ignorance, your natural intrigance, your unbelievable arrogance and your criminal hate and agressions god will have to do a very hard work if he should like to educate you.

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So far nuclear weapons have proven a very effective deterrent to a new World War. Of course much depends on the sanity of the people who are in control of these weapons. The question today is if Putin is sane.

He is not. Not even the word "war" is allowed to use in Russia for the war which he is doing now - what shows he knows very well that nearly all Russians hate it very much what he is doing. But this shows also what's the worst dilemma: To shoot down Russian soldiers - children of mothers like the own mother. But war forces to do so. And what is the sense for example to wipe out Moscow and New York with nukes? Very concrete: Why should have to die Katja Ostrovjsky in Moscow and Mary Miller in New York? For what?

It's by the way also clear that Russia is doing a crime by continuing this war because the international court made very clear that this war is illegal and Russia has to end this war immediatelly. But unfortunatelly the UNO is not able to force Russia to follow law and order.
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I described what is anti-Semitism. I never define anything.

Nazi, it's enough now! Whatever god I asked for he did do. So I learned it's often better to let god make a decision. But I fear with your intentional ignorance, your natural intrigance, your unbelievable arrogance and your criminal hate and agressions god will have to do a very hard work if he should like to educate you.

Criminal hate, you are a German through and through. As the Germans labeled the Jews were criminal, now you label me in the same manner.

It is incredible to see the thoughts of Germans expressed as you do, that literally in the best led to the holocaust.

I get it, I kicked your ass with facts and you are so butt hurt you must manufacture a scenario and pin it on my sleeve to identify me as guilty just like the Germans made the jews wear identification on their sleeves.

You are a soul, ignorantly posting google results beyond your intelligence with an over active nazi/German imagination that overshadow's any tiny bit of jew you claim to be.
No one in the world calls Richard Wagner Wilhelm Wagner. And no one except a drug addict, drunkard or psychologically insane person is continuing to say so although he knows it is wrong what he is doing.

no comment
No one? Yet I did, which means I must of learned it from somewhere, which makes you an idiot for making such a comment to the contrary.
He is not. Not even the word "war" is allowed to use in Russia for the war which he is doing now - what shows he knows very well that nearly all Russians hate it very much what he is doing. But this shows also what's the worst dilemma: To shoot down Russian soldiers - children of mothers like the own mother. But war forces to do so. And what is the sense for example to wipe out Moscow and New York with nukes? Very concrete: Why should have to die Katja Ostrovjsky in Moscow and Mary Miller in New York? For what?

It's by the way also clear that Russia is doing a crime by continuing this war because the international court made very clear that this war is illegal and Russia has to end this war immediatelly. But unfortunatelly the UNO is not able to force Russia to follow law and order.
I believe all Putin’s advisors told him invading the Ukraine would be a cakewalk. I would hate to be in their shoes today.

I also hope Putin doesn’t resort to tactical nukes or chemical weapons to win this invasion. Things could get out of hand rapidly.
Criminal hate, you are a German through and through.

Sure I am a German through and through. Whatlese should I be?

As the Germans labeled the Jews were criminal, now you label me in the same manner. ...

Why do you speak with me when you don't read what I say? For Nazis I am a Jew. Nazis made the difference which you make. You are in their tradition. For me Germans and Jews are the same.
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I believe all Putin’s advisors told him invading the Ukraine would be a cakewalk. I would hate to be in their shoes today.

I also hope Putin doesn’t resort to tactical nukes or chemical weapons to win this invasion. Things could get out of hand rapidly.

It could - but the Russians and Ukrainians are traditionally allies and not enemies. The Russians will hate Putin when he tries to do such things. I guess what Putin fears is the "Taiwan effect". China hates Taiwan because Taiwan schows that Chinese people don't need an autocrat like an emperor or party leader. Taiwan is a nice democracy. And the Ukraine started also to change the own political system from autocrats direction real democracy. The myth "Russians need a strong hand to be ruled" could die - and with it could die the new autocratic system of Putins Russia.

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