Patriotic Duck Dynasty Family Member To Run For Congress

I think this fine young gentleman will make a excellent congressman for the state of Louisiana.


?Duck Dynasty? nephew Zach Dasher runs for Congress - Kendall Breitman -

an excellent

Which policy issues does he support that lead you to say that?

“My basic platform begins with God,” Dasher said Monday in a phone interview with Reuters. “I want to go to D.C. to restore America to what she once was.”

That's code for "I haven't a clue what I'm doing but I'm rich and wanna get richer and will shit on the little guy to do it".

Which means he's a well qualified Republican.
These are the tolerant inclusive citizens who want us all to get along. Sometimes their mask slips.

Well I bet he won't get far out of character...

What happened to love, peace, and harmony?

Whatever happened to basic rights as guaranteed by our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence?

This jackass will fit right in with others who are against women's rights, gay rights, feeding children, our vets, our elderly, our disabled - and you know it.
I think this fine young gentleman will make a excellent congressman for the state of Louisiana.


?Duck Dynasty? nephew Zach Dasher runs for Congress - Kendall Breitman -

an excellent

Which policy issues does he support that lead you to say that?

“My basic platform begins with God,” Dasher said Monday in a phone interview with Reuters. “I want to go to D.C. to restore America to what she once was.”

That's code for "I haven't a clue what I'm doing but I'm rich and wanna get richer and will shit on the little guy to do it".

Which means he's a well qualified Republican.

Yeah, there are no rich democrats, huh. Are you a Harvard grad?
Well I bet he won't get far out of character...

What happened to love, peace, and harmony?

Whatever happened to basic rights as guaranteed by our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence?

This jackass will fit right in with others who are against women's rights, gay rights, feeding children, our vets, our elderly, our disabled - and you know it.

So your love, peace, and harmony is conditional to only those who agree with you.
You don't really believe Phil Robertson believes in sharia law. Why say crap like that?

Of course he does.

Sharia law is law that is based on one's religious beliefs. We have a shitload of Repubs who believe in sharia law.

Wrong. Sharia law is based on Islamic beliefs.

... based on their religion.

Just as the anti-abortion, anti-marriage equality, etc base their beliefs on their religion.

There's no real difference. It comes down to taking others' rights away from them because your god told you to.
only difference is the tan...


They both believe in sharia law and both are child predators.

But, its loosy-anna so its okay.

You don't really believe Phil Robertson believes in sharia law. Why say crap like that?

Sure he does. He doesn't call it that.....but he wants the word of "god" to be loud and clear in Washington. His nephew said as much in the OP's link. Christian fundies and Muslim nutbags ain't so far apart.
What happened to love, peace, and harmony?

Whatever happened to basic rights as guaranteed by our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence?

This jackass will fit right in with others who are against women's rights, gay rights, feeding children, our vets, our elderly, our disabled - and you know it.

So your love, peace, and harmony is conditional to only those who agree with you.

Good grief. Where did you get the idea that I feel "love, peace, harmony" for radical right wing fundie nuts who want to shred my Constitution and force little 15 yo girls into marriages with adult men?

I flat out hate them.

But, if they would stay out of other people's lives and leave little girls alone, I would ignore them. They are a lower life form and have no bearing on my life.
Are you okay with either party voting in favor of taking your rights away from you because they disagree with you? Or because their got told them to?

They both believe in sharia law and both are child predators.

But, its loosy-anna so its okay.

You don't really believe Phil Robertson believes in sharia law. Why say crap like that?

Sure he does. He doesn't call it that.....but he wants the word of "god" to be loud and clear in Washington. His nephew said as much in the OP's link. Christian fundies and Muslim nutbags ain't so far apart.

There are religious symbols and scripture all over DC. He's not breaking any laws. If you want to get upset then I suggest reading George Washington inaugural addresses and farewell speech.
You don't really believe Phil Robertson believes in sharia law. Why say crap like that?

Letting churches have great secular power and influence is sharia law or something so much like it that it does not matter.

You're going to have to provide an example of what you're talking about.

Have you missed all the shitty anti-abortion/contraception legislation introduced by the "freedom loving" teabagger hypocrites who think government should be policing our wombs? Goddamn I will be glad when the fucking rapture occurs so you Jesus ignoring Fascists will be gone.

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