Patriotic Americans vs. Israel

What we need is to be on guard against fascists and traitors like Kondor who puts the interest of foreign countries above our own, and is your typical chicken hawk who has never served or seen war.

Explain how Kondor has put foreign interests above his own country?
Our partiality towards Israel harms our interests all over the world. Especially with the Muslim masses. The next generation will grow to hate us more than the current generation. We are spending our resources trying to keep multiple pots from boiling over. At the end of the day, when Muslims need a reason to hate us, the example is how we help Israel kill Palestinians.
Our partiality towards Israel harms our interests all over the world...
Not really.

...Especially with the Muslim masses...
They're brainwashed to hate The West anyway - especially America. Less to do with Israel than to do with a re-awakening and re-militarizing Islam.

..The next generation will grow to hate us more than the current generation...
Phukk 'em.

...We are spending our resources trying to keep multiple pots from boiling over...
Yep. That's because we try to Nation Build after we kick ass. It would be nice not to have to kick-ass, but it is pointless to nation-build amongst such Neanderthals.

...At the end of the day, when Muslims need a reason to hate us...
They need no reason... they hate The West in general with no connection to Israel whatsoever.

...the example is how we help Israel kill Palestinians.
We do not help Israel to kill Palestinians.

We help Israel to defend itself against the Barbarians at its gates.
Well, if killing 500 children every in a matter of weeks is Israel "defending itself", you need to see a psychiatrist. In any case, it is a worthless cause because Israel will have to compromise or disappear. We should be facilitating a compromise instead of making compromise (a South African solution) impossible rather than helping Israel put itself into a corner, making a Rhodesian (or Algerian) solution the only result. You can't overcome demographics and even the U.S. wouldn't allow Israel to eliminate all the Christians and Muslims now under Israeli control.
Well, if killing 500 children every in a matter of weeks is Israel "defending itself", you need to see a psychiatrist. In any case, it is a worthless cause because Israel will have to compromise or disappear. We should be facilitating a compromise instead of making compromise (a South African solution) impossible rather than helping Israel put itself into a corner, making a Rhodesian (or Algerian) solution the only result. You can't overcome demographics and even the U.S. wouldn't allow Israel to eliminate all the Christians and Muslims now under Israeli control.

Israel isn't trying to eliminate anyone.

Let me put it this way for you; If Israel could invent a weapon that only kills militants (obviously impossible) , they would.

If the Palestinians could invent a weapon that would destroy all of Israel without harming themselves, they would.
"We say – peace is not the issue, we need to get rid of the Palestinians. It threatens us, it chokes us. Ultimately the State of Israel cannot continue on while unnaturally absorbing four million Palestinians. Eventually they will tell us, “if you don’t want to give us a country of our own, let us vote”. And then, if we let them vote, it will be the end of the Jewish state. If we won’t let them – it will be the end of a democratic Israel, and I won’t allow that to happen."

Lapid (Israeli Minister of Finance)

Lapid We need to get rid of the Palestinians - Israel News Ynetnews
"We say – peace is not the issue, we need to get rid of the Palestinians. It threatens us, it chokes us. Ultimately the State of Israel cannot continue on while unnaturally absorbing four million Palestinians. Eventually they will tell us, “if you don’t want to give us a country of our own, let us vote”. And then, if we let them vote, it will be the end of the Jewish state. If we won’t let them – it will be the end of a democratic Israel, and I won’t allow that to happen."

Lapid (Israeli Minister of Finance)

Lapid We need to get rid of the Palestinians - Israel News Ynetnews

And ?
Including Egypt, Pakistan, etc.
Egypt only receives money because they agreed to stop defending the Palestinians. More American $$$$ to further Israeli goals.

America has suffered through oil embargoes because Muslim-dominated powers tried to dictate to the United States, whom it may befriend,
Befriend?! lol Israel uses the U.S.

It has shared intelligence findings with the United States
You mean self-serving lies? - General Israelis exaggerated Iraq threat

pre-arranged staging area and advance-base in the Middle East
Aren't you aware that Israeli troops sat out the wars with Iraq?

Yep... major powers tend to do that to each other... hell... look at us, versus the Germans, and French, and British, and that very, very recently, right?
Check out the site I linked to and you'll discover the damage caused by Israeli spies.

True. When the Obama Administration serves-up its latest anti-Israeli hissy-fit, the Israelis DO tend to take care of themselves first, and us second.
Obama is mostly subservient to the Israelis. And please note that Israel has been helping the PRC long before Obama became president.

They are openly lobbied.
Open corruption is no better than secret corruption.

Furthermore, I cannot, at the moment, recall an instance wherein an American lawmaker subordinated America's interests to those of Israel, in any substantive fashion.
Ha ha ha ha!

Even Fox News is outraged at Boehner and Netanyahu's plan to undermine Obama

Islam hates The West in general, and America in particular,
Not really. In the past the United States was not an imperial power in the Mideast like the British or the French. We were admired by many.

Kondor3 you may be an Israeli, but if you are not please wake up! Our current strategy of blowing up Muslim kids is not working - it's only creating more terrorists! We should force the Israelis to behave decently and stop abusing the Palestinians.
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The Islamic Genocide of Christians Past and Present -

Last Friday, April 24, we remembered how exactly 100 years ago the last historic Muslim caliphate, the Ottoman Empire, tried to cleanse its empire of Christian minorities —Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks — even as we stand by watching as the new caliphate, the Islamic State, resumes the genocide.

And in both cases, the atrocities were and are being committed in the name of Islam.

Completely wrong!

The Young Turks who were responsible for the genocide were ardently secular! Some of the leaders were Jews!

Young Turks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Try not to be so ignorant.

Still they claimed to be doing it in the name of islam
Armenian Genocide - Facts Summary -

In 1915, leaders of the Turkish government set in motion a plan to expel and massacre Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. Though reports vary, most sources agree that there were about 2 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire at the time of the massacre. By the early 1920s, when the massacres and deportations finally ended, some 1.5 million of Turkey’s Armenians were dead, with many more forcibly removed from the country. Today, most historians call this event a genocide–a premeditated and systematic campaign to exterminate an entire people. However, the Turkish government does not acknowledge the enormity or scope of these events. Despite pressure from Armenians and social justice advocates throughout the world, it is still illegal in Turkey to talk about what happened to Armenians during this era.

In 1908, a new government came to power in Turkey. A group of reformers who called themselves the “Young Turks” overthrew Sultan Abdul Hamid and established a more modern constitutional government. At first, the Armenians were hopeful that they would have an equal place in this new state, but they soon learned that what the nationalistic Young Turks wanted most of all was to “Turkify” the empire. According to this way of thinking, non-Turks–and especially Christian non-Turks–were a grave threat to the new state

On April 24, 1915, the Armenian genocide began. That day, the Turkish government arrested and executed several hundred Armenian intellectuals. After that, ordinary Armenians were turned out of their homes and sent on death marches through the Mesopotamian desert without food or water. Frequently, the marchers were stripped naked and forced to walk under the scorching sun until they dropped dead. People who stopped to rest were shot.

At the same time, the Young Turks created a “Special Organization,” which in turn organized “killing squads” or “butcher battalions” to carry out, as one officer put it, “the liquidation of the Christian elements.” These killing squads were often made up of murderers and other ex-convicts. They drowned people in rivers, threw them off cliffs, crucified them and burned them alive. In short order, the Turkish countryside was littered with Armenian corpses.

Records show that during this “Turkification”campaign government squads also kidnapped children, converted them to Islam and gave them to Turkish families. In some places, they raped women and forced them to join Turkish “harems” or serve as slaves. Muslim families moved into the homes of deported Armenians and seized their property.
The Young Turks were awful I couldn't agree more!

But the Young Turks who were responsible for the genocide were ardently secular and some of the leaders were Jews.

So why did they force conversion to islam and claim that they followed the teachings of mihammed ?
Including Egypt, Pakistan, etc.
Egypt only receives money because they agreed to stop defending the Palestinians. More American $$$$ to further Israeli goals.

America has suffered through oil embargoes because Muslim-dominated powers tried to dictate to the United States, whom it may befriend,
Befriend?! lol Israel uses the U.S.

It has shared intelligence findings with the United States
You mean self-serving lies? - General Israelis exaggerated Iraq threat

pre-arranged staging area and advance-base in the Middle East
Aren't you aware that Israeli troops sat out the wars with Iraq?

Yep... major powers tend to do that to each other... hell... look at us, versus the Germans, and French, and British, and that very, very recently, right?
Check out the site I linked to and you'll discover the damage caused by Israeli spies.

True. When the Obama Administration serves-up its latest anti-Israeli hissy-fit, the Israelis DO tend to take care of themselves first, and us second.
Obama is mostly subservient to the Israelis. And please note that Israel has been helping the PRC long before Obama became president.

They are openly lobbied.
Open corruption is no better than secret corruption.

Furthermore, I cannot, at the moment, recall an instance wherein an American lawmaker subordinated America's interests to those of Israel, in any substantive fashion.
Ha ha ha ha!

Even Fox News is outraged at Boehner and Netanyahu's plan to undermine Obama

Islam hates The West in general, and America in particular,
Not really. In the past the United States was not an imperial power in the Mideast like the British or the French. We were admired by many.

Kondor3 you may be an Israeli, but if you are not please wake up! Our current strategy of blowing up Muslim kids is not working - it's only creating more terrorists! We should force the Israelis to behave decently and stop abusing the Palestinians.

And when will you force the Palestinians to behave decently and stop trying to wipe out the Jews. I gather you don't live in an area with a large muslim population, and don't see how they live. Then don't get intimidated by gangs who threaten you, and say anything at all and the police arrest you for racism. That is the true face of islam the world over.
What we need is to be on guard against fascists and traitors like Kondor who puts the interest of foreign countries above our own, and is your typical chicken hawk who has never served or seen war.

You are the traitor and fascist that puts the interests of islam above those of the US, then demands the wholesale slaughter of the Jews because your religion has taught you they killed another Jew.
What we need is to be on guard against fascists and traitors like Kondor who puts the interest of foreign countries above our own, and is your typical chicken hawk who has never served or seen war.

"We," Monte? Would that be you and all the munchkins living in your (pin)head or you and the rest of your little Nazi cabal here?

You mean the anti-Zionist and anti-Nazi America Firster cabal.

You mean the anti Zionist and anti American islam firsters cabal that you are a minor member of.
Our partiality towards Israel harms our interests all over the world. Especially with the Muslim masses. The next generation will grow to hate us more than the current generation. We are spending our resources trying to keep multiple pots from boiling over. At the end of the day, when Muslims need a reason to hate us, the example is how we help Israel kill Palestinians.

If you knew muslims then you would know they already have a reason to hate us, WE ARE NOT MUSLIMS. You are using the muslims excuses that they change to suit their POV every day, to skirt the real issues. You are a brainwashed Jew hater that is allied to nazism and is using the Palestinians as an excuse for your NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATREDS.
What documentation do you need, when the facts on the ground bear it out?

The condition of the Palestinian people is no different than that of blacks in South Africa during Apartheid. Like black South Africans, Palestinians are not allowed to move freely on their own land. Like black South Africans, Palestinians must carry ‘passbooks’ to identify themselves to their military occupiers. Like black South Africans, Palestinians are subjected to the cantonization and theft of their ancestral homeland. Like black South Africans, Palestinians cannot vote for the people controlling their lives, and like black South Africans, Palestinians are discriminated against purely on the basis of their ethnicity.
That's nice.
Remember, what goes around, comes around.
Be careful of your wishful Karma..................

This region of the world will not always have the gift of a wimp in office and Political Correctness................

The region of Covert OR ELSE..............

That OR ELSE will eventually be challenged without rules unless they change their ways.........

When that day comes you will have something to really complain about...........

Nothing to do with the Israel-Palestine conflict.
I agree, your post was complete :bsflag:
Well, if killing 500 children every in a matter of weeks is Israel "defending itself", you need to see a psychiatrist. In any case, it is a worthless cause because Israel will have to compromise or disappear. We should be facilitating a compromise instead of making compromise (a South African solution) impossible rather than helping Israel put itself into a corner, making a Rhodesian (or Algerian) solution the only result. You can't overcome demographics and even the U.S. wouldn't allow Israel to eliminate all the Christians and Muslims now under Israeli control.

If killing thousands of innocent children in a matter of hours is islam defending itself then you are screwed because that is the toll every week. Why shouldn't it be Palestine that should compromise or disappear, and why should you be holding yourself above the law and demanding that illegal actions be forced on the Jews and not the muslims. Israel can overcome demographics and enclose the Palestinians behind a wall until they kill themselves off. There is no legal means of forcing Israel to take in palestinians or to give them aid, so all they need do is wait things out and in the end the rest of the world will forced the Palestinians to come to the table and negotiate.

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