Pat Buchanan - Whites are the only group that you can discriminate against legally

If a race of people in your country has been historically disadvantaged, measurably and materially,

but then you insist that race receive nothing more than equal opportunity, you are insisting that race be permanently disadvantaged,

because the irrefutable fact is that socio-economic disadvantage is inter-generational.
Blacks are, in fact, permanently disadvantaged, not only in the US but everywhere. The causes of that disadvantage can be argued endlessly, but it cannot change. Nature gives neither credence to equality nor political correctness.

genetic qualities are passed from generation to generation

So THAT's why you are not the CEO of APPLE or MICROSOFT? That's why you spend an inordinate amount of time on these hallowed message boards...Ohhhhh, now I see...
Please do not procreate... we don't need any more like you!:lol:
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What would failures use as an excuse for not getting into college or getting a job, then?

they can always blame whitey

Who is this mysterious "Whitey?" Is that a euphemism for the White male Taliban? Surely you aren't including the hated white liberals and Left wing Democrats in that definition, are you? You seem to identify "Whitey" with all fair skinned people on the continent but we all know that is not do realize that don't you?

I just can't help myself being a typical white devil that oppresses downtrodden minorities that can't afford phones, cars, hundred dollar basketball shoes, computers, plasma TVs, and internet access. :eusa_boohoo:
Blacks are, in fact, permanently disadvantaged, not only in the US but everywhere. The causes of that disadvantage can be argued endlessly, but it cannot change. Nature gives neither credence to equality nor political correctness.

genetic qualities are passed from generation to generation

So THAT's why you are not the CEO of APPLE or MICROSOFT? That's why you spend inordinate amount of time on these hallowed message boards...Ohhhhh, now I see...
Please do not procreate... we don't need any more like you!:lol:

This is the cold hard truth...

Blacks can kill whites daily and the left won't say shit about their racism...Just ours when we do something stupid.

Most people who kill white people are in fact white and it's blacks who are mostly killing blacks.

White on black murder: who really is killing whom? | Rare

According to the most recent (2011) FBI statistics, of the 2,695 murders in which the victim was black, 91% were committed by people of the same race. Whites and white-Hispanics were the perpetrator in only 193 (7%) cases. Odds are if the victim was wearing a hoodie, the perp was too.

The same pattern of intra-racial violence holds for whites. Eighty-three percent of white murders in 2011 were within-race killings, and only 14% were black on white. These data tell us that murder in America is decidedly not a matter of racial hatred.

Pretty clear that this is one of those anti-Asian posts!!!!
When in fact it's just the opposite. Nearly all scientists and businessmen are whites. Only people with technical skills count. Blacks can't do technology and not many hispos can either.


Here is how a former White President explained it:

President Lyndon B. Johnson said:
Nothing is more freighted with meaning for our own destiny than the revolution of the Negro American...In far too many ways American Negroes have been another nation: deprived of freedom, crippled by hatred, the doors of opportunity closed to hope...But freedom is not enough.

You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying: Now you are free to go where you want, and do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please. You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, 'you are free to compete with all the others,' and still justly believe that you have been completely fair...This is the next and the more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity. We seek not just legal equity but human ability, not just equality as a right and a theory but equality as a fact and equality as a result...To this end equal opportunity is essential, but not enough, not enough.[12]

So, please explain how "equality" is served by lowering the standards and requirements for a specific group of people? How does forcing recruitment quotas for selected groups make them more "equal"? How is conveying that they are incapable of achieving "equality" without some sort of artificial, forced advantage going to liberate them from their shackles? You may remove their chains, but then shackle them with the subtle velvet ropes of government dependency. They will never learn to play on a level field, competing as equals with all others, if the field is not truly level. They have the same opportunities as everyone else, let them learn to take advantage of those opportunities, just like everyone else. Some will fail, but not as many as those who fail because they are prevented from learning to be truly, finally equal.
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So, please explain how "equality" is served by lowering the standards and requirements for a specific group of people?

First of all, I am not sure your premise is true. Give me a verifiable example of standards being lowered to accommodate Blacks.

How does forcing recruitment quotas for selected groups make them more "equal"?

Recruitment is not the same as hiring, the person still has to be qualified to fill the vacancy.
BTW, I suspect your use of the term "equal" has nothing to do with a person's ability to do a job. In time, any job can be learned, regardless of what score he/she made on some test. The employer wants someone who will make money for him. I suspect most would rather have a qualified dedicated Black worker than a high scoring white idiot who drinks coffee all day and does nothing. There are other factors to consider than a test score.

How is conveying that they are incapable of achieving "equality" without some sort of artificial, forced advantage going to liberate them from their shackles?

who is conveying that? Perhaps you have never heard of Greenwood, OK and Rosewood, Fla. These two Black success stories proved that Blacks were not only equal to the whites around them, in some respects they were superior. Jealous whites destroyed BOTH enclaves in two separate race wars. It seems that open Black prosperity and success invites white violence in this country.

You may remove their chains, but then shackle them with the subtle velvet ropes of government dependency. They will never learn to play on a level field, competing as equals with all others, if the field is not truly level. They have the same opportunities as everyone else, let them learn to take advantage of those opportunities, just like everyone else.

This is just a bunch of StormFront Propaganda. Millions of Blacks have succeeded despite the White Taliban's efforts to keep them down!. Your "equality" is vague. what do you mean when you use that term specifically?

Some will fail, but not as many as those who fail because they are prevented from learning to be truly, finally equal.

Well, now that the lychings have subsided perhaps your dream will be realized.
Blacks are, in fact, permanently disadvantaged, not only in the US but everywhere. The causes of that disadvantage can be argued endlessly, but it cannot change. Nature gives neither credence to equality nor political correctness.

That's a broad paintbrush but keep trying, you might be able to convince your fellow Taliban members of your premise. Most educated folk know better!
It is indeed broad, but also fitting and true. If you learned something about the world and the condition of sub-Saharan Africa you would understand.

That "Taliban" stuff is pretty lame btw.

But then I gather you're black which brings us back full circle.

I am whatever I choose to be and right now I am just an American with no specific racial ties.

Moving on... I think that Taliban moniker is appropriate for people like you. You and your middle eastern brethren have so much in common like rights suppression, racism, sexism, intolerance, bigotry and a plethora of other social markers.

Perhaps you should read other source material concerning Africa. There is a lot of things going on in sub-Saharan Africa that may interest you. And if you check the CIA factbook you will notice that some sub-Saharan African countries have higher GDPs than some European Nations.
That's a broad paintbrush but keep trying, you might be able to convince your fellow Taliban members of your premise. Most educated folk know better!
It is indeed broad, but also fitting and true. If you learned something about the world and the condition of sub-Saharan Africa you would understand.

That "Taliban" stuff is pretty lame btw.

But then I gather you're black which brings us back full circle.

I am whatever I choose to be and right now I am just an American with no specific racial ties.

Moving on... I think that Taliban moniker is appropriate for people like you. You and your middle eastern brethren have so much in common like rights suppression, racism, sexism, intolerance, bigotry and a plethora of other social markers.

Perhaps you should read other source material concerning Africa. There is a lot of things going on in sub-Saharan Africa that may interest you. And if you check the CIA factbook you will notice that some sub-Saharan African countries have higher GDPs than some European Nations.

what a crock of shit
they can always blame whitey

Who is this mysterious "Whitey?" Is that a euphemism for the White male Taliban? Surely you aren't including the hated white liberals and Left wing Democrats in that definition, are you? You seem to identify "Whitey" with all fair skinned people on the continent but we all know that is not do realize that don't you?

I just can't help myself being a typical white devil that oppresses downtrodden minorities that can't afford phones, cars, hundred dollar basketball shoes, computers, plasma TVs, and internet access. :eusa_boohoo:

So , is that a confession?
That's a broad paintbrush but keep trying, you might be able to convince your fellow Taliban members of your premise. Most educated folk know better!
It is indeed broad, but also fitting and true. If you learned something about the world and the condition of sub-Saharan Africa you would understand.

That "Taliban" stuff is pretty lame btw.

But then I gather you're black which brings us back full circle.

I am whatever I choose to be and right now I am just an American with no specific racial ties.

Moving on... I think that Taliban moniker is appropriate for people like you. You and your middle eastern brethren have so much in common like rights suppression, racism, sexism, intolerance, bigotry and a plethora of other social markers.

Perhaps you should read other source material concerning Africa. There is a lot of things going on in sub-Saharan Africa that may interest you. And if you check the CIA factbook you will notice that some sub-Saharan African countries have higher GDPs than some European Nations.
You are certainly full of it, pretty much across the board. Your intolerance and lack of insight and intelligence are very clearly manifested in your babbling and whining.

It is true, however, that South Africa has higher per capita than a European backwater like Moldova. They at least had the common sense to try to keep the white, and Indian populations which they understood produced wealth. I will give them credit for the insight which you sorely lack.
Who is this mysterious "Whitey?" Is that a euphemism for the White male Taliban? Surely you aren't including the hated white liberals and Left wing Democrats in that definition, are you? You seem to identify "Whitey" with all fair skinned people on the continent but we all know that is not do realize that don't you?

I just can't help myself being a typical white devil that oppresses downtrodden minorities that can't afford phones, cars, hundred dollar basketball shoes, computers, plasma TVs, and internet access. :eusa_boohoo:

So , is that a confession?

I'm trying to figure out how you can type with that huge chip on your shoulder
If a race of people in your country has been historically disadvantaged, measurably and materially,

but then you insist that race receive nothing more than equal opportunity, you are insisting that race be permanently disadvantaged,

because the irrefutable fact is that socio-economic disadvantage is inter-generational.
Blacks are, in fact, permanently disadvantaged, not only in the US but everywhere. The causes of that disadvantage can be argued endlessly, but it cannot change. Nature gives neither credence to equality nor political correctness.

If your eugenics theory were correct, that would mean that over time, the descendants of black middle and upper class families would fall back into poverty

because over time, their genetic inferiority would re-assert itself.

Is that what's happening in America? Do we see that on a consistent, measurable basis?
If a race of people in your country has been historically disadvantaged, measurably and materially,

but then you insist that race receive nothing more than equal opportunity, you are insisting that race be permanently disadvantaged,

because the irrefutable fact is that socio-economic disadvantage is inter-generational.
Blacks are, in fact, permanently disadvantaged, not only in the US but everywhere. The causes of that disadvantage can be argued endlessly, but it cannot change. Nature gives neither credence to equality nor political correctness.

If your eugenics theory were correct, that would mean that over time, the descendants of black middle and upper class families would fall back into poverty

because over time, their genetic inferiority would re-assert itself.

Is that what's happening in America? Do we see that on a consistent, measurable basis?
It is not a "eugenics" theory as you put it, nor a theory of any kind.

As for the rest, I don't really know. The fact remains the success of sub-Saharan Africans is very modest at best wherever in the world they are found.
Blacks are, in fact, permanently disadvantaged, not only in the US but everywhere. The causes of that disadvantage can be argued endlessly, but it cannot change. Nature gives neither credence to equality nor political correctness.

If your eugenics theory were correct, that would mean that over time, the descendants of black middle and upper class families would fall back into poverty

because over time, their genetic inferiority would re-assert itself.

Is that what's happening in America? Do we see that on a consistent, measurable basis?
It is not a "eugenics" theory as you put it, nor a theory of any kind.

As for the rest, I don't really know. The fact remains the success of sub-Saharan Africans is very modest at best wherever in the world they are found.

So your just talking off the top of your head without any foundation for your claims? Your argument is flawed and you seem to have problems grasping that fact. In order for your thoughts to be even close to correct that would mean that no Black sub Saharan person would ever be successful. If thats is not the case you need to rethink your argument. I know its a stretch to see beyond the surface of an issue for you but if you concentrate real hard I'm sure you will get there.
I just can't help myself being a typical white devil that oppresses downtrodden minorities that can't afford phones, cars, hundred dollar basketball shoes, computers, plasma TVs, and internet access. :eusa_boohoo:

So , is that a confession?

I'm trying to figure out how you can type with that huge chip on your shoulder

You continue to make useless, irrelevant statements. What the hell does a "chip on my shoulder" have to do with asking you "Who is whitey." BTW you still haven't answered that.
Do you really know????
If your eugenics theory were correct, that would mean that over time, the descendants of black middle and upper class families would fall back into poverty

because over time, their genetic inferiority would re-assert itself.

Is that what's happening in America? Do we see that on a consistent, measurable basis?
It is not a "eugenics" theory as you put it, nor a theory of any kind.

As for the rest, I don't really know. The fact remains the success of sub-Saharan Africans is very modest at best wherever in the world they are found.

So your just talking off the top of your head without any foundation for your claims? Your argument is flawed and you seem to have problems grasping that fact. In order for your thoughts to be even close to correct that would mean that no Black sub Saharan person would ever be successful. If thats is not the case you need to rethink your argument. I know its a stretch to see beyond the surface of an issue for you but if you concentrate real hard I'm sure you will get there.
You're more than a bit of an airhead if you don't understand that blacks are unsuccessful the world over.Blacks are permanently disadvantaged, not an argument nor a theory. There is no fucking argument on my part, and yours is because a smattering of blacks who have some success out of a billion or so is about as lame as it gets.

Grow up, and stop being transparently knee-jerkingly obtuse.
It is not a "eugenics" theory as you put it, nor a theory of any kind.

As for the rest, I don't really know. The fact remains the success of sub-Saharan Africans is very modest at best wherever in the world they are found.

So your just talking off the top of your head without any foundation for your claims? Your argument is flawed and you seem to have problems grasping that fact. In order for your thoughts to be even close to correct that would mean that no Black sub Saharan person would ever be successful. If thats is not the case you need to rethink your argument. I know its a stretch to see beyond the surface of an issue for you but if you concentrate real hard I'm sure you will get there.
You're more than a bit of an airhead if you don't understand that blacks are unsuccessful the world over.Blacks are permanently disadvantaged, not an argument nor a theory. There is no fucking argument on my part, and yours is because a smattering of blacks who have some success out of a billion or so is about as lame as it gets.

Grow up, and stop being transparently knee-jerkingly obtuse.

Maybe I got you all wrong. What do you mean by "permanently disadvantaged"? Are you able to explain how that is true?
Blacks are, in fact, permanently disadvantaged, not only in the US but everywhere. The causes of that disadvantage can be argued endlessly, but it cannot change. Nature gives neither credence to equality nor political correctness.

If your eugenics theory were correct, that would mean that over time, the descendants of black middle and upper class families would fall back into poverty

because over time, their genetic inferiority would re-assert itself.

Is that what's happening in America? Do we see that on a consistent, measurable basis?
It is not a "eugenics" theory as you put it, nor a theory of any kind.

As for the rest, I don't really know. The fact remains the success of sub-Saharan Africans is very modest at best wherever in the world they are found.

Do you even know what 'eugenics' is? I doubt it.
So your just talking off the top of your head without any foundation for your claims? Your argument is flawed and you seem to have problems grasping that fact. In order for your thoughts to be even close to correct that would mean that no Black sub Saharan person would ever be successful. If thats is not the case you need to rethink your argument. I know its a stretch to see beyond the surface of an issue for you but if you concentrate real hard I'm sure you will get there.
You're more than a bit of an airhead if you don't understand that blacks are unsuccessful the world over.Blacks are permanently disadvantaged, not an argument nor a theory. There is no fucking argument on my part, and yours is because a smattering of blacks who have some success out of a billion or so is about as lame as it gets.

Grow up, and stop being transparently knee-jerkingly obtuse.

Maybe I got you all wrong. What do you mean by "permanently disadvantaged"? Are you able to explain how that is true?
Which word is it you don't understand, "permanent" or "disadvantage"? - Free Online English Dictionary
If your eugenics theory were correct, that would mean that over time, the descendants of black middle and upper class families would fall back into poverty

because over time, their genetic inferiority would re-assert itself.

Is that what's happening in America? Do we see that on a consistent, measurable basis?
It is not a "eugenics" theory as you put it, nor a theory of any kind.

As for the rest, I don't really know. The fact remains the success of sub-Saharan Africans is very modest at best wherever in the world they are found.

Do you even know what 'eugenics' is? I doubt it.
OK, I'll do it for you too. Not the sharpest of USMB's members, are ya? - Free Online English Dictionary

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