Pat Buchanan - Whites are the only group that you can discriminate against legally

Nice anecdote ! Who do you expect to believe it?

do you want proof that any demographic is superior to blacks?

Do you want proof that superiority is a subjective term; and, as you use it, tells you nothing about individuals in ANY group? For your statement to have any validity you would have to eliminate ALL whites who were found to be less intelligent than the most intelligent Black. There would hardly be a White left!


let's eliminate AA then.

Pat said it on PBS and i wish he was 20 years younger and could run for Prez again. Affirmative action is a hate crime - the govt mandated persecution of whites.

Fuck Pat Buchannan and his followers:

Buchanan urged Nixon not to visit Rev. Martin Luther King's widow, warning that such a visit would "outrage many, many people who believe Dr. King was a fraud and a demagogue and perhaps worse. ... Others consider him the Devil incarnate. Dr. King is one of the most divisive men in contemporary history."


In his 1990 book, Right From the Beginning, Buchanan reminisced fondly about his childhood in segregated Washington, D.C.: "In the late 1940's and 1950's ... race was never a preoccupation with us, we rarely thought about it. ... There were no politics to polarize us then, to magnify every slight. The 'Negroes' of Washington had their public schools, restaurants, bars, movie houses, playgrounds and churches; and we had ours."


Last year, Buchanan suggested that slavery worked out pretty well for "black folks":


Again, that was just last year. And Buchanan went on to argue that "no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans," an assertion he supported with a laundry list of government programs that, though he didn't mention this part, he spent his career opposing. Nor did he mention the inconvenient fact of his opposition to integration.

Instead, the man who once wrote in a memo to Richard Nixon that "integration of blacks and whites ... is less likely to result in accommodation than it is in perpetual friction, as the incapable are placed consciously by government side by side with the capable," now argues that African-Americans are insufficiently grateful for the gifts white America has given them, starting with slavery.
In other words he was right across the board.. Bet he could spell his own name too, right Pheonixops (sic)?

Hell no he wasn't right across the board or anywhere else. How dare Buchanan try to include himself and your kind in the altruistic movement towards equality for Blacks and other disenfranchised Americans. There are two different kinds of White people. Racist, sexist Taliban like you and Buchanan are on diametrically opposing sides to those Whites who live according to their Christian creed and work to insure liberty and justice for all Americans, regardless of race or sex!
Fuck Pat Buchannan and his followers:

Buchanan urged Nixon not to visit Rev. Martin Luther King's widow, warning that such a visit would "outrage many, many people who believe Dr. King was a fraud and a demagogue and perhaps worse. ... Others consider him the Devil incarnate. Dr. King is one of the most divisive men in contemporary history."


In his 1990 book, Right From the Beginning, Buchanan reminisced fondly about his childhood in segregated Washington, D.C.: "In the late 1940's and 1950's ... race was never a preoccupation with us, we rarely thought about it. ... There were no politics to polarize us then, to magnify every slight. The 'Negroes' of Washington had their public schools, restaurants, bars, movie houses, playgrounds and churches; and we had ours."


Last year, Buchanan suggested that slavery worked out pretty well for "black folks":


Again, that was just last year. And Buchanan went on to argue that "no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans," an assertion he supported with a laundry list of government programs that, though he didn't mention this part, he spent his career opposing. Nor did he mention the inconvenient fact of his opposition to integration.

Instead, the man who once wrote in a memo to Richard Nixon that "integration of blacks and whites ... is less likely to result in accommodation than it is in perpetual friction, as the incapable are placed consciously by government side by side with the capable," now argues that African-Americans are insufficiently grateful for the gifts white America has given them, starting with slavery.
In other words he was right across the board.. Bet he could spell his own name too, right Pheonixops (sic)?

Hell no he wasn't right across the board or anywhere else. How dare Buchanan try to include himself and your kind in the altruistic movement towards equality for Blacks and other disenfranchised Americans. There are two different kinds of White people. Racist, sexist Taliban like you and Buchanan are on diametrically opposing sides to those Whites who live according to their Christian creed and work to insure liberty and justice for all Americans, regardless of race or sex!

IOW any white person that doesn't kiss your smelly black ass is a racist
do you want proof that any demographic is superior to blacks?

Do you want proof that superiority is a subjective term; and, as you use it, tells you nothing about individuals in ANY group? For your statement to have any validity you would have to eliminate ALL whites who were found to be less intelligent than the most intelligent Black. There would hardly be a White left!


let's eliminate AA then.


Where have you been? AA is now under the purview of state's rights. Subsequently, some states have banned it. Its up to the people in a particular state. The USSC has upheld AA
but left it up to the state governments to decide if they wanted it. The Federal government still implements AA policies. With people like YOU, Meathead and Pat Buchanan around, THANK GOD FOR AA!
Do you want proof that superiority is a subjective term; and, as you use it, tells you nothing about individuals in ANY group? For your statement to have any validity you would have to eliminate ALL whites who were found to be less intelligent than the most intelligent Black. There would hardly be a White left!


let's eliminate AA then.


Where have you been? AA is now under the purview of state's rights. Subsequently, some states have banned it. Its up to the people in a particular state. The USSC has upheld AA
but left it up to the state governments to decide if they wanted it. The Federal government still implements AA policies. With people like YOU, Meathead and Pat Buchanan around, THANK GOD FOR AA!

But if AA mostly benefits white women?
do you want proof that any demographic is superior to blacks?

Do you want proof that superiority is a subjective term; and, as you use it, tells you nothing about individuals in ANY group? For your statement to have any validity you would have to eliminate ALL whites who were found to be less intelligent than the most intelligent Black. There would hardly be a White left!


let's eliminate AA then.


What would failures use as an excuse for not getting into college or getting a job, then?
In other words he was right across the board.. Bet he could spell his own name too, right Pheonixops (sic)?

Hell no he wasn't right across the board or anywhere else. How dare Buchanan try to include himself and your kind in the altruistic movement towards equality for Blacks and other disenfranchised Americans. There are two different kinds of White people. Racist, sexist Taliban like you and Buchanan are on diametrically opposing sides to those Whites who live according to their Christian creed and work to insure liberty and justice for all Americans, regardless of race or sex!

IOW any white person that doesn't kiss your smelly black ass is a racist

he's right...look at the high pitch of accusations of how whites are the problems of everything in this country


When in fact it's just the opposite. Nearly all scientists and businessmen are whites. Only people with technical skills count. Blacks can't do technology and not many hispos can either.

I would like to know your source for that? Is your premise a wild assed assumption or is it based on something more solid like Faux Noise!
Do you want proof that superiority is a subjective term; and, as you use it, tells you nothing about individuals in ANY group? For your statement to have any validity you would have to eliminate ALL whites who were found to be less intelligent than the most intelligent Black. There would hardly be a White left!


let's eliminate AA then.


What would failures use as an excuse for not getting into college or getting a job, then?

they can always blame whitey
he's right...look at the high pitch of accusations of how whites are the problems of everything in this country


When in fact it's just the opposite. Nearly all scientists and businessmen are whites. Only people with technical skills count. Blacks can't do technology and not many hispos can either.


Here is how a former White President explained it:

President Lyndon B. Johnson said:
Nothing is more freighted with meaning for our own destiny than the revolution of the Negro American...In far too many ways American Negroes have been another nation: deprived of freedom, crippled by hatred, the doors of opportunity closed to hope...But freedom is not enough.

You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying: Now you are free to go where you want, and do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please. You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, 'you are free to compete with all the others,' and still justly believe that you have been completely fair...This is the next and the more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity. We seek not just legal equity but human ability, not just equality as a right and a theory but equality as a fact and equality as a result...To this end equal opportunity is essential, but not enough, not enough.[12]
If a race of people in your country has been historically disadvantaged, measurably and materially,

but then you insist that race receive nothing more than equal opportunity, you are insisting that race be permanently disadvantaged,

because the irrefutable fact is that socio-economic disadvantage is inter-generational.
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If a race of people in your country has been historically disadvantaged, measurably and materially,

but then you insist that race receive nothing more than equal opportunity, you are insisting that race be permanently disadvantaged,

because the irrefutable fact is that socio-economic disadvantage is inter-generational.
Blacks are, in fact, permanently disadvantaged, not only in the US but everywhere. The causes of that disadvantage can be argued endlessly, but it cannot change. Nature gives neither credence to equality nor political correctness.
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Technically Asians are harmed the most by affirmative action

No they are NOT! Technically, Asians wouldn't even be allowed to compete at all if AA hadn't opened the door for them as well as white women. Why do you think they voted so overwhelmingly for Obama in the last two elections?

They have been lynched and held back too and they haven't forgotten!
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If a race of people in your country has been historically disadvantaged, measurably and materially,

but then you insist that race receive nothing more than equal opportunity, you are insisting that race be permanently disadvantaged,

because the irrefutable fact is that socio-economic disadvantage is inter-generational.
Blacks are, in fact, permanently disadvantaged, not only in the US but everywhere. The causes of that disadvantage can be argued endlessly, but it cannot change. Nature gives neither credence to equality nor political correctness.

That's a broad paintbrush but keep trying, you might be able to convince your fellow Taliban members of your premise. Most educated folk know better!
If a race of people in your country has been historically disadvantaged, measurably and materially,

but then you insist that race receive nothing more than equal opportunity, you are insisting that race be permanently disadvantaged,

because the irrefutable fact is that socio-economic disadvantage is inter-generational.
Blacks are, in fact, permanently disadvantaged, not only in the US but everywhere. The causes of that disadvantage can be argued endlessly, but it cannot change. Nature gives neither credence to equality nor political correctness.

genetic qualities are passed from generation to generation

let's eliminate AA then.


What would failures use as an excuse for not getting into college or getting a job, then?

they can always blame whitey

Who is this mysterious "Whitey?" Is that a euphemism for the White male Taliban? Surely you aren't including the hated white liberals and Left wing Democrats in that definition, are you? You seem to identify "Whitey" with all fair skinned people on the continent but we all know that is not do realize that don't you?
Whites are the only group that you can discriminate against legally

Totally WRONG!

While MALES are the only group that is now legally discriminated against.

like some of you right wing BAHS-TURDS have been saying all along, THATS THE LAW...WE LIVE BY THE RULE OF LAW...:eusa_hand:
If a race of people in your country has been historically disadvantaged, measurably and materially,

but then you insist that race receive nothing more than equal opportunity, you are insisting that race be permanently disadvantaged,

because the irrefutable fact is that socio-economic disadvantage is inter-generational.
Blacks are, in fact, permanently disadvantaged, not only in the US but everywhere. The causes of that disadvantage can be argued endlessly, but it cannot change. Nature gives neither credence to equality nor political correctness.

That's a broad paintbrush but keep trying, you might be able to convince your fellow Taliban members of your premise. Most educated folk know better!
It is indeed broad, but also fitting and true. If you learned something about the world and the condition of sub-Saharan Africa you would understand.

That "Taliban" stuff is pretty lame btw.

But then I gather you're black which brings us back full circle.
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In other words he was right across the board.. Bet he could spell his own name too, right Pheonixops (sic)?

Hell no he wasn't right across the board or anywhere else. How dare Buchanan try to include himself and your kind in the altruistic movement towards equality for Blacks and other disenfranchised Americans. There are two different kinds of White people. Racist, sexist Taliban like you and Buchanan are on diametrically opposing sides to those Whites who live according to their Christian creed and work to insure liberty and justice for all Americans, regardless of race or sex!

IOW any white person that doesn't kiss your smelly black ass is a racist

As an American my ass could be of any number of colors, including black. I haven't disclosed my race yet and probably never will. I don't believe in race.

Now, on to your enigmatic tantrum. From somewhere deep in space you come up with some wild idea about kissing black ass to avoid being called a racist. Gosh...who here has kissed any Black ass. The only asses I see being kissed around here is Rush Limbaugh's and Pat Buchanan's. People who do that usually ARE racists!

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