Partisan Senate report says Bin Laden was "within our grasp."

they don't watch to capture bin laden. it lets them keep expanding wars and using propaganda. i wouldn't be surprised if he is still on the cia payroll.

Here's one for you dumbass.....

Obama specifically said he want's to capture Bin Laden. Now prove that statement wrong and prove Bin Laden is still on the CIA payroll or SHUT THE F*CK UP!!!

but has he done anything about capturing osama? and proving the cia payroll idea is a joke right? maybe in 20 years when I can freedom of info act some stuff....
Well....I see you decided not to take my excellent advice.....and.....shut your pie hole.....good!!!:rofl:

Now everyone here can see you dig the hole deeper and deeper....

Here's some more advice....quit while you are behind.
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Well....I see you decided not to take my excellent advice.....and.....shut your pie hole.....good!!!:rofl:

Now everyone here can see you dig the hole deeper and deeper....

Here's some more advice....quit while you are behind.

no hole is being dug. giving me impossible tasks is stupidity on your part
AFP: Rumsfeld decision let Bin Laden escape: Senate report

Rumsfeld decision let Bin Laden escape: Senate report
(AFP) – 1 hour ago
WASHINGTON — Osama bin Laden was "within the grasp" of US forces in late 2001 but escaped because then-defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld rejected calls for reinforcements, a hard-hitting US Senate report says.
The report, set for release Monday, is intended to help learn the lessons of the past as President Barack Obama prepares to announce a major escalation of the conflict, now in its ninth year, with up to 35,000 more US troops.
It points the finger directly at Rumsfeld for turning down requests for reinforcements as Bin Laden was trapped in December 2001 in caves and tunnels in a mountainous area of eastern Afghanistan known as Tora Bora.
"The vast array of American military power, from sniper teams to the most mobile divisions of the marine corps and the army, was kept on the sidelines," the report says.
"Instead, the US command chose to rely on airstrikes and untrained Afghan militias to attack Bin Laden and on Pakistan's loosely organized Frontier Corps to seal his escape routes."
Entitled "Tora Bora revisited: how we failed to get Bin Laden and why it matters today," the report -- commissioned by Senator John Kerry, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee -- says Bin Laden expected to die and had even written a will.
"But the Al-Qaeda leader would live to fight another day. Fewer than 100 American commandos were on the scene with their Afghan allies and calls for reinforcements to launch an assault were rejected.
"Requests were also turned down for US troops to block the mountain paths leading to sanctuary a few miles away in Pakistan.
"The decision not to deploy American forces to go after Bin Laden or block his escape was made by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and his top commander, General Tommy Franks," the report says. <more>

There is a former general who sits in on Fox who reported this is true. It was on Fox's website forever, plus you could find the same report on the military website. I believe the story goes that "we had reasonably good intelligence" that he was in a certain place at a certain time. And that is the best you can expect. But we chose not to bomb.

Perhaps because the Bush oil family does business with the Bin Ladin family? Young GW did business with the Bin Ladin's. What did they need in a petty texas oil well? Really? They purchased him 20 years ago. They knew he would be president because he stole it in 2000 and 2004. Bush let 9-11 happen so he could lie us into Iraq. Been planning this for years. And they got away with it all. And we funded it. They privatized the profits and socialized the losses on us, sucker!

I know it is hard to believe that your hero's are traitors and thieves. Not to mention the bankers looted the treasury on Bush's way out. Iraq wasn't enough. Suckers!
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Unlike Bush who just ignored Al qaeda and Taliban forces in Pakistan, Obama has developed an effective strategy of attacking on two fronts. He has stepped up Predator attacks while encouraging Pakistan to take the offensive from the south.
It is the most pressure Al Qaeda has had in seven years

Your an idiot...I guess now history has started on January 21, 2009 for you....
Here's some examples of Obama's effective strategery...:rofl:

OBAMA: Here's what I think. When we came in, basically, there had been drift in our Afghan strategy. Everybody acknowledges that
Now, I think we've lost -- we lost that focus for a while and you started seeing a -- a classic case of mission creep where we're just there
US missile strike kills 60 at funeral in Pakistan | World news | The Guardian
US missile hits militants in Pakistan tribal area: officials
BUT THEY KILLED 90 Civilians instead....

Your ass clown's doing a bang up job rightwinger.....

Your funny?? 90 civilians eh?? So how many bad guys were killed?? Since it is well documented that terrorists love to hide in civilian areas.. Even schools.. How would propose a tactical solution for killing bad guys hiding in civilian areas?? Or are you going to continue to vomit yoiur stupidity on the forums and pretend you actually know something??

Clinton best opportunity to get Bin Laden was squashed by rebuttlicans on to counts.. First, the republican congress wouldn't approve the strike as the intel placed Bin Laden in a civilian camp with one of the Saudi princes.. So that strike was called off for fear of killing a Saudi prince and relations with Saudi Arabia..

The second count was a small stain on a womens dress and something about perfectly legal affair with someone other than his wife.. You all were to obsessed with Clinton and getting him impeached that you all forgot about terrorism and the FIRST terrorist attack on the WTC.. Which by the way, Clinton did get the man responsible for that and is serving life in prison..

Bush?? He had no excuse!! None!! Other than his own incompetence and stupidity.. Thems are the facts!!

Bush forgot about Bin Laden on 09-12-01 when he discovered he could use the WTC attack as an excuse to attack Iraq..
I find it moderately amusing that so many who haven't a clue as to the topography of the Tora Bora area, think it was so easy to just move in a few thousand troops and cut off any chance of a dozen guys on foot or horse back who knew ever little rock and shrub in the area, from sneaking out of that area. Hell they could have moved one mile to a different cave and we never would have found them.

We are talking about some of the most treacherous terrain in the entire world. Just try even using Google Earth and really look at the area.

Exactly correct.

Where are you going to land? What are you going to do...march them in there in a few hours? Sometimes you libs just crack me up!!!!


Who needs to land?? Use a spooky gun ship with thermal sites.. UAV's can be used as well.. Choppers can land almost anywhere.. We did it in the jungles of Viet Nam, I am sure the desert would be a lot easier.. Less trees..

Some times you right tards crack me up!!
I was under the impression that this was old news.

I don't think it was a conspiracy. Just a fuck-up.
Clarify, please. What was "just a fuck-up?

Allowing Bin Laden to get away.

Also, for the record, since it's been suggested here; there is no evidence that Bin Laden was ever on the CIA's payroll. He had a minor role in the soviet invasion, was involved in one major battle, and by all accounts performed poorly in it.

All covered in Coll's excellent book: "Ghost Wars"
Those deriding this as "merely" a partisan attack or distraction tactic, do you dispute the veracity of the report?

If the conclusions of the report are based on lies, then there's obviously ample reason to criticize and dismiss it.

If, as it seems, the conclusions of the report are based on military and intelligence analysis and the government's own records, then why would you want these facts not to come to light?

My impression is that because the facts documented here reflect poorly on the prior administration, some of you are trying to dismiss it outright as propaganda or partisan whining. But if it's true, and so far there is no evidence that isn't the case and ample evidence it is, then it's obviously important and why shouldn't it be released and extensively covered? It's a significant story, perhaps we can learn from these mistakes and get him next time there's an opportunity like this. If we ignore it because we don't like the findings, we lose the opportunity to utilize the information for positive goals. This was the case with the Iraq Study Group's bipartisan report too, which went on auto ignore for so many because it damned the Admin's handling of the war, and dismissing their recommendations saw us only exacerbate our many problems there and led to further unnecessary deaths.
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I was under the impression that this was old news.

I don't think it was a conspiracy. Just a fuck-up.

I don't think it was a fuck up. First of all we had a hell of a time negotiating with surrounding countrys to even get our troops into theater. The ONLY way in December of 2002, and to this day I might add, WAS BY the fuck do you move "several thousand" troops into Afghanistan at the drop of a hat when Uzbekistan and Kyrgystan severely limit the number of flights per day that can land at the bases we have rights to? Does Kerry and the rest of the LIBTARDS think we have Star Trek transporters and we can just send troops wherever, whenever?

In December of 2002 name ONE AIRFIELD near Tora Bora that was servicable and able to accomodate a C-17 transport plane every 30 seconds to put these "several thousand" troops into the field during a running battle the bullshit Senate report is talking about.

We already had troops there. In fact, we had troops there since October of 2001. At Tora Bora, it was mainly a coalition of special operations soldiers who were on the ground. According to several accounts by several people there, Obama was within reach, but missions and resources were denied.

I think the over-riding belief is that our major fuck up was in trusting Pakistan and the local tribes to block egress out of Tora Bora.

As for the Senate report, I have no idea. I haven't read it. I am assuming Ranger Regiment was on hand and could have done a drop, but I won't speculate further on that.

The bottom line is that we let him get away, and that was a fuck up.

Again, I think it was a mistake. Not a conspiracy.
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The way I heard it when it was going on is that Rummy wanted some regular DOD to come in and back up his CIA guys, but Cheney stalled because he didn't want the CIA taking point or getting the headlines. Consequently we lost a lot of our operatives and obl got away. It's not like regular DOD could just go there and find obl. The CIA was shadowing him, any regular or special forces would have had to rely on their intel to effect a capture/kill. Rummy took the fall because Cheney wanted regular forces to be deployed.

Cheney's OSP [Office of Special Policy] leaned on the CIA harshly and created a lot of bad blood. Rummy was brought in specifically to outsource and downsize and do the a la carte war theme. Rummy was in the Navy and is known to be a pretty good guy, that is until Cheney made his life hell and made him out to be a fool.
Yeah we had him within our grasp too under Clinton. I see this as another oppritunity to go after Bush. These rat fuckers won't stop until they are exposed for the frauds they are, or we see formal charges against Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld et., al...

Good Find!

Kinda like the far right badgered Clinton until they could find something to charge HIM with ....

ALL extremist, party-before-country zealots are an obstacle to good government.
I find it moderately amusing that so many who haven't a clue as to the topography of the Tora Bora area, think it was so easy to just move in a few thousand troops and cut off any chance of a dozen guys on foot or horse back who knew ever little rock and shrub in the area, from sneaking out of that area. Hell they could have moved one mile to a different cave and we never would have found them.

We are talking about some of the most treacherous terrain in the entire world. Just try even using Google Earth and really look at the area.

Exactly correct.

Where are you going to land? What are you going to do...march them in there in a few hours? Sometimes you libs just crack me up!!!!


Who needs to land?? Use a spooky gun ship with thermal sites.. UAV's can be used as well.. Choppers can land almost anywhere.. We did it in the jungles of Viet Nam, I am sure the desert would be a lot easier.. Less trees..

Some times you right tards crack me up!!

You fricken dumb ass.....what exactly does the Senate report say? You just made yourself look like a complete dipshit in front of millions of does it feel? :rofl:
I find it moderately amusing that so many who haven't a clue as to the topography of the Tora Bora area, think it was so easy to just move in a few thousand troops and cut off any chance of a dozen guys on foot or horse back who knew ever little rock and shrub in the area, from sneaking out of that area. Hell they could have moved one mile to a different cave and we never would have found them.

We are talking about some of the most treacherous terrain in the entire world. Just try even using Google Earth and really look at the area.

Exactly correct.

Where are you going to land? What are you going to do...march them in there in a few hours? Sometimes you libs just crack me up!!!!


Who needs to land?? Use a spooky gun ship with thermal sites.. UAV's can be used as well.. Choppers can land almost anywhere.. We did it in the jungles of Viet Nam, I am sure the desert would be a lot easier.. Less trees..

Some times you right tards crack me up!!

Where exactly do you want them to land?

At the flat lands meeting the mountain? You get pinned down from those at higher elevations.

On the side? Helicopters don't handle a slpoe well.

That leaves the top. Open area with no cover and RPG's carefully positioned to take care of that problem.

Tora Bora is mountainous you call it a desert.

The area is like an ocean. You have to cover a vast area probably at night to find your target. There are risks involved with a night flight in a mountainous area. You probably want zero tolerance for civilian casualities too right? Thermal sights aren't the best for IDing folks.
Exactly correct.

Where are you going to land? What are you going to do...march them in there in a few hours? Sometimes you libs just crack me up!!!!


Who needs to land?? Use a spooky gun ship with thermal sites.. UAV's can be used as well.. Choppers can land almost anywhere.. We did it in the jungles of Viet Nam, I am sure the desert would be a lot easier.. Less trees..

Some times you right tards crack me up!!

Where exactly do you want them to land?

At the flat lands meeting the mountain? You get pinned down from those at higher elevations.

On the side? Helicopters don't handle a slpoe well.

That leaves the top. Open area with no cover and RPG's carefully positioned to take care of that problem.

Tora Bora is mountainous you call it a desert.

The area is like an ocean. You have to cover a vast area probably at night to find your target. There are risks involved with a night flight in a mountainous area. You probably want zero tolerance for civilian casualities too right? Thermal sights aren't the best for IDing folks.

Again, I can't speak for the Senate paper, but Special Operations were already there and according to one operator were in position to take out Osama, but their mission was denied.

The bottom line is that we trusted the Pashtun.

Big, big mistake.
Who needs to land?? Use a spooky gun ship with thermal sites.. UAV's can be used as well.. Choppers can land almost anywhere.. We did it in the jungles of Viet Nam, I am sure the desert would be a lot easier.. Less trees..

Some times you right tards crack me up!!

Where exactly do you want them to land?

At the flat lands meeting the mountain? You get pinned down from those at higher elevations.

On the side? Helicopters don't handle a slpoe well.

That leaves the top. Open area with no cover and RPG's carefully positioned to take care of that problem.

Tora Bora is mountainous you call it a desert.

The area is like an ocean. You have to cover a vast area probably at night to find your target. There are risks involved with a night flight in a mountainous area. You probably want zero tolerance for civilian casualities too right? Thermal sights aren't the best for IDing folks.

Again, I can't speak for the Senate paper, but Special Operations were already there and according to one operator were in position to take out Osama, but their mission was denied.

The bottom line is that we trusted the Pashtun.

Big, big mistake.

Agreed. Still the biggest problem regarding Osama's capture.
Who needs to land?? Use a spooky gun ship with thermal sites.. UAV's can be used as well.. Choppers can land almost anywhere.. We did it in the jungles of Viet Nam, I am sure the desert would be a lot easier.. Less trees..

Some times you right tards crack me up!!

Where exactly do you want them to land?

At the flat lands meeting the mountain? You get pinned down from those at higher elevations.

On the side? Helicopters don't handle a slpoe well.

That leaves the top. Open area with no cover and RPG's carefully positioned to take care of that problem.

Tora Bora is mountainous you call it a desert.

The area is like an ocean. You have to cover a vast area probably at night to find your target. There are risks involved with a night flight in a mountainous area. You probably want zero tolerance for civilian casualities too right? Thermal sights aren't the best for IDing folks.

Again, I can't speak for the Senate paper, but Special Operations were already there and according to one operator were in position to take out Osama, but their mission was denied.

The bottom line is that we trusted the Pashtun.

Big, big mistake.

That's why that Senate paper is nothing more than a political attack on the right and Bush...You say you've been in did you get there...please explain it to the others they understand that you cannot simply send in 3 fucking divisions of troops into a mountain range 10,000 feet above sea level without any supply lines, infrastructure or accomodations.
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