Partial Birth Abortion Ban

Ok, I'm not the biggest fan of this statement, but its true: the fetus is not alive.

I do agree with "Moi," because abortion should be a personal decision.

I could also throw that question back at you (eric); What about the woman's rights?
How can you sit and say that a fetus is not alive??? after 3 weeks of conception, there is a heartbeat, maybe not loud enough for us to hear, but it's there!!! a heart means life, doesn't it? comes down to your private rights. If you are against it, don't do it. The decision is yours and yours alone.
Originally posted by BleedingHeart
Ok, I'm not the biggest fan of this statement, but its true: the fetus is not alive.

I do agree with "Moi," because abortion should be a personal decision.

I could also throw that question back at you (eric); What about the woman's rights?

That sentient life argument is the same that people used to use for slavery. Since when do the laws of society only apply to some and not others?

The definition of alive:
1 : having life : not dead or inanimate
2 : still in existence, force, or operation : ACTIVE <kept hope alive>
3 : knowing or realizing the existence of : SENSITIVE <alive to the danger>
4 : marked by alertness, energy, or briskness
5 : marked by much life, animation, or activity : SWARMING <streets alive with traffic>
6 -- used as an intensive following the noun <the proudest boy alive>
synonym see AWARE
- alive·ness noun

Seems to me that a fetus inside a womb is certainly still in existence and operation. But for an abortion it would continue to "operate" in the way intended.

Why not just say it plainly, you believe that the woman's right to live unfettered by having a baby (and other than the very limited circumstances of rape, usually as a result of her own actions) outweighs the life of a fetus? Again, it occurs to me that is putting one life ahead of another.

I'm just curious how you can reconcile that argument with respect to euthanasia and the death penalty. Wouldn't the same argument apply to brain-dead people, vegetative people, retarded people, etc.
Originally posted by BleedingHeart
Ok, I'm not the biggest fan of this statement, but its true: the fetus is not alive.

The title of the thread is Partial Birth Abortion, a procedure of abortion in the last stages of pregnacy. The baby is partial delivered (and would probably survive baring major heath problems) then has a tube inserted at the base of the skull to suck out the brains. But to you that so called fetus is not alive and has no rights, amazing.
you know what you can't stand???

You can't stand the fact that a conservative supreme court still upholds a woman's right to an abortion, and has stuck down similar laws in 30 states.

It's constitutional.
P.S. As far as it being a person decision, the minute you put your hand in my pocket to support it against my will, you've opened yourself up to my morals.
I could also throw that question back at you (eric); What about the woman's rights?

Ok so a women can kill her children any time she desires. Do not tell me a fetus is not alive, if you would like to enter a debate on this issue, I could certainly enlighten you on the subjects of physiology or biology.

Furthermore we are talking about partial birth not abortion in general, I women can choose until a certain point, after that it is murder, plain and simple.
OK, heres the thing with partial-birth abortion:

You ban it, and you're on the road to banning abortion in general.

You ban abortion, you are banning something constitutional.

You ban something constitutional, you keep doing it, whoops, maybe I should get arrested for posting here...

I am pro-choice; make the choice, and live with it. The government can not make that choice for you.

Besides the entire destruction of the constitution, the bill is too broad.
Originally posted by BleedingHeart
OK, heres the thing with partial-birth abortion:

You ban it, and you're on the road to banning abortion in general.

You ban abortion, you are banning something constitutional.

You ban something constitutional, you keep doing it, whoops, maybe I should get arrested for posting here...

I am pro-choice; make the choice, and live with it. The government can not make that choice for you.

Besides the entire destruction of the constitution, the bill is too broad.
That's just not persuasive enough for me. By those standards, why outlaw anything at all. Sooner or later everything works back to the "leave me alone attitude". Why should the government care if I speed or do speed; why does my neighbor care if I beat my kids or have sex with them; and what's to say that I shouldn't call someone a racial slur? I mean, I have free speech you know.
Ok, no.

you are just going to have to stop tripping over the fact that it is a womans right to an abortion.

Thats all. No more, no less.

Again, if you don't believe in it, don't do it, but you can't take away a woman's right.
Originally posted by BleedingHeart
OK, heres the thing with partial-birth abortion:

You ban it, and you're on the road to banning abortion in general.

You ban abortion, you are banning something constitutional.

You ban something constitutional, you keep doing it, whoops, maybe I should get arrested for posting here...

I am pro-choice; make the choice, and live with it. The government can not make that choice for you.

Besides the entire destruction of the constitution, the bill is too broad.

Abortion was not legal until Roe V Wade, and now is only interpreted to be constitutional. If that interpretation changes it will not bring down the whole constitution.
Yea, and you can thank the liberals for protecting your free speech and all other constitutional rights.
You are so blinded by consitutional rights that you can not see the truth. You rights cease when they infringe on the rights of another, and a fetus after a certain period of time is a human being with its own rights that must be protected.
Yea, and you can thank the liberals for protecting your free speech and all other constitutional rights.

And destroying the moral fabric of this country, although, you are probably too young to judge.
Blinded? Theres nothing wrong with protecting my rights. If you want to surrender your rights to BushCo, go ahead. But leave me out of it.

Just like a conservative to:
1) Say that the US Military forces are the only ones responsible for protecting our rights.
2) Using the words "moral fiber of..."

WHO determines morality?
Yes, the army does protect US as a country...The Chinese Army protects their country, but not their rights...thats why we elect law-makers...het hem.
You should be concerned with everyones rights, not just your own. You sound like a spoiled little child. Really there is no debating with you, you just do not posses the capacity.

Here are your rights, you do not want a child, keep your legs closed or use contraception. If it should fail terminate the pregnancy before the human brain and nervous system is formed.

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