Parliament to authorize Turkish Army for cross-border operations into Syria


corn hole
Nope, I'm going to spread it all over your mouth
teen slut

You are a goldmine for psychiatrists! Keep talking. :D


You already mentioned that word. Continue, my dear.

I want him gone because he's wrong. I don't want Americans to be involved in this or even normal people talk about this. This has nothing to do with Americans or America. When I see some Americans come on these threads and act as if they are for justice it's hypocritical. They want justice at the same time want other people dead. America still has a bad rep in the Middle East. But it will get better and is getting better as long as we don't have wars over there.
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I want him gone because he's wrong. I don't want Americans to be involved in this or even normal people talk about this. This has nothing to do with Americans or America. When I see some Americans come on these threads and act as if they are for justice it's hypocritical. They want justice at the same time want other people dead. America still has a bad rep in the Middle East. But it will get better and is getting better as long as we don't have wars over there.

I understand that many in Syria may not view Assad as the "best thing since the sliced bread".

But don't you see that right now if Assad will go, Syria will repeat the fate of Libya?! Maybe even worth...
I want him gone because he's wrong. I don't want Americans to be involved in this or even normal people talk about this. This has nothing to do with Americans or America. When I see some Americans come on these threads and act as if they are for justice it's hypocritical. They want justice at the same time want other people dead. America still has a bad rep in the Middle East. But it will get better and is getting better as long as we don't have wars over there.

I understand that many in Syria may not view Assad as the "best thing since the sliced bread".

But don't you see that right now if Assad will go, Syria will repeat the fate of Libya?! Maybe even worth...

Unfortunately there will be a little violence still. But I think Syrians are different people and they will get things organized but the whole country is almost destroyed so I wonder how they will rebuild everything. Probably Arabic countries will pitch in billions.
I want him gone because he's wrong. I don't want Americans to be involved in this or even normal people talk about this. This has nothing to do with Americans or America. When I see some Americans come on these threads and act as if they are for justice it's hypocritical. They want justice at the same time want other people dead. America still has a bad rep in the Middle East. But it will get better and is getting better as long as we don't have wars over there.

I don't understand that, you don't want us talking about this? why?
A number of warships and submarines have been sent to bases in the Mediterranean from the northwestern province of Gölcük where the main base of the Naval Forces is located.
The ships were fully loaded with arms labeled "war load."
POLITICS - Turkey increases navy force in Mediterranean

Turkey should be prepared for war if it wants to have peace, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said today during a speech in Istanbul.

"We are not war-lovers, but we are not far from war either," Erdoğan said. "The saying goes: 'prepare for war if you wish for peace.' So, war becomes the key for peace."

"They ask whether their kids will go to war? If need be, we, including myself, will all go all the way there," Erdoğan said.
POLITICS - Prepare for war if you want to have peace, says Turkish PM
Unfortunately there will be a little violence still. But I think Syrians are different people and they will get things organized but the whole country is almost destroyed so I wonder how they will rebuild everything. Probably Arabic countries will pitch in billions.

Once "civilised community" will have its way with Syria, Syrians will have nothing to do with the fate of their former country: they will be reduced to all out fighting along their tribal and religious divides.

Look at what happened to Libya and realise that in Syria the situation will be much worse, especially for Christians and Alawites. And do not wish for it.

Whether you like it or not, but for now Assad and his government are the only force standing between Syria and its annihilation at the hands of "civilised democratic community".
Unfortunately there will be a little violence still. But I think Syrians are different people and they will get things organized but the whole country is almost destroyed so I wonder how they will rebuild everything. Probably Arabic countries will pitch in billions.

Once "civilised community" will have its way with Syria, Syrians will have nothing to do with the fate of their former country: they will be reduced to all out fighting along their tribal and religious divides.

Look at what happened to Libya and realise that in Syria the situation will be much worse, especially for Christians and Alawites. And do not wish for it.

Whether you like it or not, but for now Assad and his government are the only force standing between Syria and its annihilation at the hands of "civilised democratic community".

You're right about Libya but Libya is picking up lately. Syria has a lot of destructed cities though now and it will cost a lot to rebuild them. Christians are find with free Syrian army. Alawites should comply with the new government and that's it. If Bashar goes down then they better comply or get into more trouble.
You're right about Libya but Libya is picking up lately. S

yria has a lot of destructed cities though now and it will cost a lot to rebuild them. Christians are find with free Syrian army. Alawites should comply with the new government and that's it. If Bashar goes down then they better comply or get into more trouble.

In who's inflamed imagination "Libya is picking up lately"???!!! Libya is now even worth then it was during the NATO open aggression! In fact, it's got to the point that Obama announced US plans to bomb Libya this month; that means -- unannounced bombings US conducted since the events with US ambassador did not help to bring Libyan tribes and factions into line.

And Syria is going to be worth yet: Syrian tribal and religious lines are going to explode and spill over into the neighbouring countries; with at least two minorities coming under open genocide!
"Alawites should comply with the new government and that's it" -- what are you talking about?! Comply with what? Don't you know that Alawites were already told by some of the so called "opposition" that their place is in the grave?!
You're right about Libya but Libya is picking up lately. S

yria has a lot of destructed cities though now and it will cost a lot to rebuild them. Christians are find with free Syrian army. Alawites should comply with the new government and that's it. If Bashar goes down then they better comply or get into more trouble.

In who's inflamed imagination "Libya is picking up lately"???!!! Libya is now even worth then it was during the NATO open aggression! In fact, it's got to the point that Obama announced US plans to bomb Libya this month; that means -- unannounced bombings US conducted since the events with US ambassador did not help to bring Libyan tribes and factions into line.

And Syria is going to be worth yet: Syrian tribal and religious lines are going to explode and spill over into the neighbouring countries; with at least two minorities coming under open genocide!
"Alawites should comply with the new government and that's it" -- what are you talking about?! Comply with what? Don't you know that Alawites were already told by some of the so called "opposition" that their place is in the grave?!

It's not about the economy anymore in Syria it's about survival. We Muslims and Syrians decide what happens in Syria. There isn't any genocide of alawites anywhere in Syria. Meanwhile Sunnis are being massacred. Syria is for the people to decide. The majority wants Bashar gone. It's not up to Russia or America to decide what happens there. You can't just ignore all the innocent people killed brutally. Russia needs to quit sending weapons but they won't. America needs to stop being hypocritical. If you want to attack the American administration you should attack the Russian government because they are being fucked up people for supporting him.
It's not about the economy anymore in Syria it's about survival.

Exactly my point!

So, if you are not wishing Syria to disappear off the map in much blood and death, you pray Assad will stand strong for longer.

He will almost certainly go down: the fight is too unequal, but organised by him resistance to aggression is saving many lives and not only in Syria.
It's not about the economy anymore in Syria it's about survival.

Exactly my point!

So, if you are not wishing Syria to disappear off the map in much blood and death, you pray Assad will stand strong for longer.

He will almost certainly go down: the fight is too unequal, but organised by him resistance to aggression is saving many lives and not only in Syria.

It's about survival for the people. Bashar already destroyed Syria. And oh please don't be so lame. He isn't saving any lives. That's not resistance he's been killing his people for being against his regime. It's about the people not the leaders.
It's about survival for the people. Bashar already destroyed Syria. And oh please don't be so lame. He isn't saving any lives. That's not resistance he's been killing his people for being against his regime. It's about the people not the leaders.

1. You are NOT from Syria.
2. "His" people Syrian authorities are killing are those who sided with the aggressors and invaders. Those people are generally referred to as traitors.
3. Do NOT attempt to present situation as "Syrians v Assad"; do not lie.
4. What do you think will happen to people of Syria if US, SA and Qatar will take control of the country with various Islamic militants and international professional killers in charge? (take a long look at Libya)
It's about survival for the people. Bashar already destroyed Syria. And oh please don't be so lame. He isn't saving any lives. That's not resistance he's been killing his people for being against his regime. It's about the people not the leaders.

1. You are NOT from Syria.
2. "His" people Syrian authorities are killing are those who sided with the aggressors and invaders. Those people are generally referred to as traitors.
3. Do NOT attempt to present situation as "Syrians v Assad"; do not lie.
4. What do you think will happen to people of Syria if US, SA and Qatar will take control of the country with various Islamic militants and international professional killers in charge? (take a long look at Libya)

Islamic militants are few there and came very late. The Syrian rebel army came after Assad continually attacked innocent people. Yes it is majority Syrian people against Assad. Even before he started killing people, they were still against him.

No opposing a dictator, not that fact, but his policies doesn't make you a traitor. You aren't Syrian either. I know people killed over there. But that doesn't make my stance that he should be gone. He should be gone because of his vicious policies and no reform. He doesn't do any reform even before the protests.

USA and Russia can both go fuck themselves. They both shouldn't be involved because Russia only cares for its interests and US only cares for its interests and protecting Israel. This isn't about what makes the world happy, all those people who were killed brutally and tortured, children killed. They don't get thrown under the bus because of what international fuckfaced countries want. All Russia, USA, France, Israel can go eat shit. This isn't for them. The Syrians once they overcome this struggle will decide what happens. And the Arabs will support them with infrastructure and help recover everything. Assad's crimes will never be forgiven.

This is a real thing, people are being massacred. This is why when I hear Americans and everyone else just talk about the interests of the region and what will happen afterwards. I don't want to hear that shit. Muslims will overcome this kalb dictator and his sick followers who worship him better agree on that. They messed up the whole country.
Islamic militants are few there and came very late. The Syrian rebel army came after Assad continually attacked innocent people.

Very conscientious retelling of articles from US media.

Unfortunately for you, I have a good access to information and from Syria, and from Libya.

And one more point:
Apr 26, 2011
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (I hope, you know who and what he is): We want to overthrow Gaddafi and Assad in Syria because we want to clear China and Russia out of the Mediterranean...

... Gaddafi in Libya controls an important part of the Mediterranean coast; as does Syria.

So I think those two countries are just in the way of American hegemony in the Mediterranean and certainly the Americans don't want a powerful Russian fleet stationed there and they certainly don't want China drawing energy resources.

... the Syrian and Libya affairs have American hands in them, organizing the demonstrations, providing money and so forth. There are always discontented people that can be bought and promises given."
Islamic militants are few there and came very late. The Syrian rebel army came after Assad continually attacked innocent people.

Very conscientious retelling of articles from US media.

Unfortunately for you, I have a good access to information and from Syria, and from Libya.

And one more point:
Apr 26, 2011
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (I hope, you know who and what he is): We want to overthrow Gaddafi and Assad in Syria because we want to clear China and Russia out of the Mediterranean...

... Gaddafi in Libya controls an important part of the Mediterranean coast; as does Syria.

So I think those two countries are just in the way of American hegemony in the Mediterranean and certainly the Americans don't want a powerful Russian fleet stationed there and they certainly don't want China drawing energy resources.

... the Syrian and Libya affairs have American hands in them, organizing the demonstrations, providing money and so forth. There are always discontented people that can be bought and promises given."

I don't care what the US or Russian media say about the conflict. They both say what supports their interest and do what's in their interest. Fuck both of them it's not new that they aren't humane. They are all about business

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