Parkland Parents Mad About the PROMISE Program-Look To Oust School Board


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
In case anybody has forgotten, the PROMISE Program is the one in south Florida schools that Obama created, to keep criminal, minority schoolkids from getting expelled and arrested, and thereby developing criminal records.

Nicholas Cruz is one of those kids who benefitted from the PROMISE Program. Although involved in various crimes, those crimes went unpunished, because of the leniency of the program. And since the crimes went unpunished, they therefore also went unrecorded, which allowed Cruz to buy guns in gun stores, from unsuspecting clerks who knew nothing about Cruz's behavior. To them, he looked like a nice, law-abiding fella, thanks to Obama's coverup program.

Initially, the Parkland victims' parents were blaming the Broward Sheriff’s Office, and especially Scot Peterson, the school resource officer who didn't go into the school building, where the shooting took place. Eventually, with the passage of some time, despite efforts by both the Sheriff's Office, the school board to hide the PROMISE Program, and its role in the massacre, the truth made its way to the surface.

So now, the parents, upset about the way Cruz was sheltered by the PP, and given a free pass to buy guns (despite a long record of run-ins with the law), have decided to run for school board positions themselves. They feel that the school board and its PROMISE Program, had a major role in allowing the tragic situation to occur. Lori Alhadeff, who lost her daughter, Alyssa, and Ryan Petty, who lost his daughter, Alaina, announced their candidacies side-by-side on Tuesday, pledging to hold the district accountable for making its schools safe.

In reference to the PROMISE Program, Ms Alhadeff said “What has happened is, we’ve gone from complete extremes: from over-disciplining kids to not disciplining kids at all.” Referring to his decision to run for school board office, Mr Petty said “Like many of the families, we’ve dedicated ourselves to changing the system that would allow someone like Nikolas Cruz to slip through the cracks.”

It might even be fair to say that Scot Peterson, the SRO who didn't go inside the school at the time of the shooting, may be less at fault than was first assumed. Did he have orders to stand down from enforcing the law ? Well, he might have. That's what the PROMISE Program was all about > not taking action against lawbreakers in the schools. It was reported that a few other deputies from the BCSO showed up too, and also didn't go inside, all of them participants in the PROMISE Program leniency.

Parkland Parents Run for School Board, Saying District Let Gunman ‘Slip Through the Cracks’
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In case anybody has forgotten, the PROMISE Program is the one in south Florida schools that Obama created, to keep criminal, minority schoolkids from getting expelled and arrested, and thereby developing criminal records.

Nicholas Cruz is one of those kids who benefitted from the PROMISE Program. Although involved in various crimes, those crimes went unpunished, because of the leniency of the program. And since the crimes went unpunished, they therefore also went unrecorded, which allowed Cruz to buy guns in gun stores, from unsuspecting clerks who knew nothing about Cruz's behavior. To them he looked like a nice, law-abiding fella, thanks to Obama's coverup program.

Initially, the Parkland victims' parent were blaming the Broward Sheriff’s Office, and especially Scot Peterson, the school resource officer who didn't go into the school building, where the shooting took place. Eventually, with the passage of some time, despite efforts by both the Sheriff's Office, the school board to hide the PROMISE Program, and its role in the massacre, the truth made its way to the surface.

So now, the parents, upset about the way Cruz was sheltered by the PP, and given a free pass to buy guns (despite a long record of run-ins with the law), have decided to run for school board positions themselves. They feel that the school board and its PROMISE Program, had a major role in allowing the tragic situation to occur. Lori Alhadeff, who lost her daughter, Alyssa, and Ryan Petty, who lost his daughter, Alaina, announced their candidacies side-by-side on Tuesday, pledging to hold the district accountable for making its schools safe.

In reference to the PROMISE Program, Ms Alhadeff said “What has happened is, we’ve gone from complete extremes: from over-disciplining kids to not disciplining kids at all.” Referring to his decision to run for school board office, Mr Petty said “Like many of the families, we’ve dedicated ourselves to changing the system that would allow someone like Nikolas Cruz to slip through the cracks.”

It might even be fair to say that Scot Peterson, the SRO who didn't go inside the school at the time of the shooting, may be less at fault than was first assumed. Did he have orders to stand down from enforcing the law ? Well, he might have. That's what the PROMISE Program was all about > not taking action against lawbreakers in the schools. It was reported that a few other deputies fro the BCSO showed up, and also didn't go, all of them participants in the PROMISE Program leniency.

Parkland Parents Run for School Board, Saying District Let Gunman ‘Slip Through the Cracks’

Rightfully so. I bet they pay 300% much closer attention to their local election next time.

As everyone needs to. I know it's a pain in the ass, but vet your local politicians hard!
That's how ICLEI gets in there and undermines local citizens' votes.
In case anybody has forgotten, the PROMISE Program is the one in south Florida schools that Obama created, to keep criminal, minority schoolkids from getting expelled and arrested, and thereby developing criminal records.

Nicholas Cruz is one of those kids who benefitted from the PROMISE Program. Although involved in various crimes, those crimes went unpunished, because of the leniency of the program. And since the crimes went unpunished, they therefore also went unrecorded, which allowed Cruz to buy guns in gun stores, from unsuspecting clerks who knew nothing about Cruz's behavior. To them he looked like a nice, law-abiding fella, thanks to Obama's coverup program.

Initially, the Parkland victims' parent were blaming the Broward Sheriff’s Office, and especially Scot Peterson, the school resource officer who didn't go into the school building, where the shooting took place. Eventually, with the passage of some time, despite efforts by both the Sheriff's Office, the school board to hide the PROMISE Program, and its role in the massacre, the truth made its way to the surface.

So now, the parents, upset about the way Cruz was sheltered by the PP, and given a free pass to buy guns (despite a long record of run-ins with the law), have decided to run for school board positions themselves. They feel that the school board and its PROMISE Program, had a major role in allowing the tragic situation to occur. Lori Alhadeff, who lost her daughter, Alyssa, and Ryan Petty, who lost his daughter, Alaina, announced their candidacies side-by-side on Tuesday, pledging to hold the district accountable for making its schools safe.

In reference to the PROMISE Program, Ms Alhadeff said “What has happened is, we’ve gone from complete extremes: from over-disciplining kids to not disciplining kids at all.” Referring to his decision to run for school board office, Mr Petty said “Like many of the families, we’ve dedicated ourselves to changing the system that would allow someone like Nikolas Cruz to slip through the cracks.”

It might even be fair to say that Scot Peterson, the SRO who didn't go inside the school at the time of the shooting, may be less at fault than was first assumed. Did he have orders to stand down from enforcing the law ? Well, he might have. That's what the PROMISE Program was all about > not taking action against lawbreakers in the schools. It was reported that a few other deputies fro the BCSO showed up, and also didn't go, all of them participants in the PROMISE Program leniency.

Parkland Parents Run for School Board, Saying District Let Gunman ‘Slip Through the Cracks’

You're all about finding something to blame on Obama but, like I wrote earlier, this is a slippery slope. There's no easy fix that will identify the kid who will open fire tomorrow. And you might want to give basic rights a thought or two.
In case anybody has forgotten, the PROMISE Program is the one in south Florida schools that Obama created, to keep criminal, minority schoolkids from getting expelled and arrested, and thereby developing criminal records.

Nicholas Cruz is one of those kids who benefitted from the PROMISE Program. Although involved in various crimes, those crimes went unpunished, because of the leniency of the program. And since the crimes went unpunished, they therefore also went unrecorded, which allowed Cruz to buy guns in gun stores, from unsuspecting clerks who knew nothing about Cruz's behavior. To them he looked like a nice, law-abiding fella, thanks to Obama's coverup program.

Initially, the Parkland victims' parent were blaming the Broward Sheriff’s Office, and especially Scot Peterson, the school resource officer who didn't go into the school building, where the shooting took place. Eventually, with the passage of some time, despite efforts by both the Sheriff's Office, the school board to hide the PROMISE Program, and its role in the massacre, the truth made its way to the surface.

So now, the parents, upset about the way Cruz was sheltered by the PP, and given a free pass to buy guns (despite a long record of run-ins with the law), have decided to run for school board positions themselves. They feel that the school board and its PROMISE Program, had a major role in allowing the tragic situation to occur. Lori Alhadeff, who lost her daughter, Alyssa, and Ryan Petty, who lost his daughter, Alaina, announced their candidacies side-by-side on Tuesday, pledging to hold the district accountable for making its schools safe.

In reference to the PROMISE Program, Ms Alhadeff said “What has happened is, we’ve gone from complete extremes: from over-disciplining kids to not disciplining kids at all.” Referring to his decision to run for school board office, Mr Petty said “Like many of the families, we’ve dedicated ourselves to changing the system that would allow someone like Nikolas Cruz to slip through the cracks.”

It might even be fair to say that Scot Peterson, the SRO who didn't go inside the school at the time of the shooting, may be less at fault than was first assumed. Did he have orders to stand down from enforcing the law ? Well, he might have. That's what the PROMISE Program was all about > not taking action against lawbreakers in the schools. It was reported that a few other deputies fro the BCSO showed up, and also didn't go, all of them participants in the PROMISE Program leniency.

Parkland Parents Run for School Board, Saying District Let Gunman ‘Slip Through the Cracks’

You're all about finding something to blame on Obama but, like I wrote earlier, this is a slippery slope. There's no easy fix that will identify the kid who will open fire tomorrow. And you might want to give basic rights a thought or two.

Oh STFU, If it was the 50s or 60s, that boy would have been in either Mariana or Chattahoochee way before he had a chance to commit a violent crime.

You know nothing about Florida, shill retard faggot. I do.
You're all about finding something to blame on Obama but, like I wrote earlier, this is a slippery slope. There's no easy fix that will identify the kid who will open fire tomorrow. And you might want to give basic rights a thought or two.
FALSE! And the "easy fix" is as obvious as the nose on your face. It is to arrest and book the kids who commit crimes. This would have gotten Cruz on the books with a police record, and would have disabled his capability to buy the guns where he did. No brainer.

As for "rights." WHAT rights ? The right to buy guns, after you've committed dozens of crimes, and the police had to go to go your house 37 times ? Good grief!

Obama or no Obama, this is one of the most idiotic programs ever enacted in schools or anywhere. And why hasn't Rubbish Runcie, who lied about Cruz being in the PROMISE Program, been fired ?
In case anybody has forgotten, the PROMISE Program is the one in south Florida schools that Obama created, to keep criminal, minority schoolkids from getting expelled and arrested, and thereby developing criminal records.

Nicholas Cruz is one of those kids who benefitted from the PROMISE Program. Although involved in various crimes, those crimes went unpunished, because of the leniency of the program. And since the crimes went unpunished, they therefore also went unrecorded, which allowed Cruz to buy guns in gun stores, from unsuspecting clerks who knew nothing about Cruz's behavior. To them he looked like a nice, law-abiding fella, thanks to Obama's coverup program.

Initially, the Parkland victims' parent were blaming the Broward Sheriff’s Office, and especially Scot Peterson, the school resource officer who didn't go into the school building, where the shooting took place. Eventually, with the passage of some time, despite efforts by both the Sheriff's Office, the school board to hide the PROMISE Program, and its role in the massacre, the truth made its way to the surface.

So now, the parents, upset about the way Cruz was sheltered by the PP, and given a free pass to buy guns (despite a long record of run-ins with the law), have decided to run for school board positions themselves. They feel that the school board and its PROMISE Program, had a major role in allowing the tragic situation to occur. Lori Alhadeff, who lost her daughter, Alyssa, and Ryan Petty, who lost his daughter, Alaina, announced their candidacies side-by-side on Tuesday, pledging to hold the district accountable for making its schools safe.

In reference to the PROMISE Program, Ms Alhadeff said “What has happened is, we’ve gone from complete extremes: from over-disciplining kids to not disciplining kids at all.” Referring to his decision to run for school board office, Mr Petty said “Like many of the families, we’ve dedicated ourselves to changing the system that would allow someone like Nikolas Cruz to slip through the cracks.”

It might even be fair to say that Scot Peterson, the SRO who didn't go inside the school at the time of the shooting, may be less at fault than was first assumed. Did he have orders to stand down from enforcing the law ? Well, he might have. That's what the PROMISE Program was all about > not taking action against lawbreakers in the schools. It was reported that a few other deputies fro the BCSO showed up, and also didn't go, all of them participants in the PROMISE Program leniency.

Parkland Parents Run for School Board, Saying District Let Gunman ‘Slip Through the Cracks’

You're all about finding something to blame on Obama but, like I wrote earlier, this is a slippery slope. There's no easy fix that will identify the kid who will open fire tomorrow. And you might want to give basic rights a thought or two.

Moron....we aren't talking about minor signs of a problem...this kid should have been arrested several times over.....his school shrink wanted him committed and they visited his home over 39 times......this wasn't someone who "slipped through the cracks" this is a violent sociopath who was passed through the system because of obama's Promise Program....
BTW, this looney PROMISE Program is also what had Trayvon Martin likely looking for open windows to jump in, instead of being behind bars, from the burglaries he committed (hushed up by the PROMISE Program).
Moron....we aren't talking about minor signs of a problem...this kid should have been arrested several times over.....his school shrink wanted him committed and they visited his home over 39 times......this wasn't someone who "slipped through the cracks" this is a violent sociopath who was passed through the system because of obama's Promise Program....
As well as many others. There was one kid who attacked a teacher, and beat him to a fractured skull. His penalty ? Nothing.
In case anybody has forgotten, the PROMISE Program is the one in south Florida schools that Obama created, to keep criminal, minority schoolkids from getting expelled and arrested, and thereby developing criminal records.

Nicholas Cruz is one of those kids who benefitted from the PROMISE Program. Although involved in various crimes, those crimes went unpunished, because of the leniency of the program. And since the crimes went unpunished, they therefore also went unrecorded, which allowed Cruz to buy guns in gun stores, from unsuspecting clerks who knew nothing about Cruz's behavior. To them he looked like a nice, law-abiding fella, thanks to Obama's coverup program.

Initially, the Parkland victims' parent were blaming the Broward Sheriff’s Office, and especially Scot Peterson, the school resource officer who didn't go into the school building, where the shooting took place. Eventually, with the passage of some time, despite efforts by both the Sheriff's Office, the school board to hide the PROMISE Program, and its role in the massacre, the truth made its way to the surface.

So now, the parents, upset about the way Cruz was sheltered by the PP, and given a free pass to buy guns (despite a long record of run-ins with the law), have decided to run for school board positions themselves. They feel that the school board and its PROMISE Program, had a major role in allowing the tragic situation to occur. Lori Alhadeff, who lost her daughter, Alyssa, and Ryan Petty, who lost his daughter, Alaina, announced their candidacies side-by-side on Tuesday, pledging to hold the district accountable for making its schools safe.

In reference to the PROMISE Program, Ms Alhadeff said “What has happened is, we’ve gone from complete extremes: from over-disciplining kids to not disciplining kids at all.” Referring to his decision to run for school board office, Mr Petty said “Like many of the families, we’ve dedicated ourselves to changing the system that would allow someone like Nikolas Cruz to slip through the cracks.”

It might even be fair to say that Scot Peterson, the SRO who didn't go inside the school at the time of the shooting, may be less at fault than was first assumed. Did he have orders to stand down from enforcing the law ? Well, he might have. That's what the PROMISE Program was all about > not taking action against lawbreakers in the schools. It was reported that a few other deputies fro the BCSO showed up, and also didn't go, all of them participants in the PROMISE Program leniency.

Parkland Parents Run for School Board, Saying District Let Gunman ‘Slip Through the Cracks’

You're all about finding something to blame on Obama but, like I wrote earlier, this is a slippery slope. There's no easy fix that will identify the kid who will open fire tomorrow. And you might want to give basic rights a thought or two.
There's no "basic rights" to commit crimes you idiot!
Moron....we aren't talking about minor signs of a problem...this kid should have been arrested several times over.....his school shrink wanted him committed and they visited his home over 39 times......this wasn't someone who "slipped through the cracks" this is a violent sociopath who was passed through the system because of obama's Promise Program....
As well as many others. There was one kid who attacked a teacher, and beat him to a fractured skull. His penalty ? Nothing.
IMO "kids" like that should get a few decades behind bars for attempted murder. Thankfully, they're usually blacks who keep to their own negrohoods and end up murdering others like them.
Moron....we aren't talking about minor signs of a problem...this kid should have been arrested several times over.....his school shrink wanted him committed and they visited his home over 39 times......this wasn't someone who "slipped through the cracks" this is a violent sociopath who was passed through the system because of obama's Promise Program....
As well as many others. There was one kid who attacked a teacher, and beat him to a fractured skull. His penalty ? Nothing.
IMO "kids" like that should get a few decades behind bars for attempted murder. Thankfully, they're usually blacks who keep to their own negrohoods and end up murdering others like them.

I say if it gets a notch worse than that, the perpetrator should be hanged expediently.
I haven't looked into the politics of Broward county, but my gut tells me that these 2 parents are going to be a shoo-in for those school board seats. Will win in a landslide.

Especially if/whenever the truth gets out, and the MSM stops stifling it. They're notorious for covering up stuff that looks bad for Obama, and his running dogs.
In case anybody has forgotten, the PROMISE Program is the one in south Florida schools that Obama created, to keep criminal, minority schoolkids from getting expelled and arrested, and thereby developing criminal records.

Nicholas Cruz is one of those kids who benefitted from the PROMISE Program. Although involved in various crimes, those crimes went unpunished, because of the leniency of the program. And since the crimes went unpunished, they therefore also went unrecorded, which allowed Cruz to buy guns in gun stores, from unsuspecting clerks who knew nothing about Cruz's behavior. To them, he looked like a nice, law-abiding fella, thanks to Obama's coverup program.

Initially, the Parkland victims' parents were blaming the Broward Sheriff’s Office, and especially Scot Peterson, the school resource officer who didn't go into the school building, where the shooting took place. Eventually, with the passage of some time, despite efforts by both the Sheriff's Office, the school board to hide the PROMISE Program, and its role in the massacre, the truth made its way to the surface.

So now, the parents, upset about the way Cruz was sheltered by the PP, and given a free pass to buy guns (despite a long record of run-ins with the law), have decided to run for school board positions themselves. They feel that the school board and its PROMISE Program, had a major role in allowing the tragic situation to occur. Lori Alhadeff, who lost her daughter, Alyssa, and Ryan Petty, who lost his daughter, Alaina, announced their candidacies side-by-side on Tuesday, pledging to hold the district accountable for making its schools safe.

In reference to the PROMISE Program, Ms Alhadeff said “What has happened is, we’ve gone from complete extremes: from over-disciplining kids to not disciplining kids at all.” Referring to his decision to run for school board office, Mr Petty said “Like many of the families, we’ve dedicated ourselves to changing the system that would allow someone like Nikolas Cruz to slip through the cracks.”

It might even be fair to say that Scot Peterson, the SRO who didn't go inside the school at the time of the shooting, may be less at fault than was first assumed. Did he have orders to stand down from enforcing the law ? Well, he might have. That's what the PROMISE Program was all about > not taking action against lawbreakers in the schools. It was reported that a few other deputies from the BCSO showed up too, and also didn't go inside, all of them participants in the PROMISE Program leniency.

Parkland Parents Run for School Board, Saying District Let Gunman ‘Slip Through the Cracks’

See this is the whole deal. Right here.

The left-wing will scream and yell about us enforcing the law, until we have programs like this specifically to not enforce the law.

Then when they let a criminal kill people, because they refused to let those mean ol police racists stop criminals, then they demand the rest of us have rights removed so we don't have guns to defend ourselves from the criminals they refuse to stop.

Brilliant. Left-wing ideology, destroying nations around the globe.
I don't know if the Parkland kids are still out there protesting, or what has happened to the PROMISE Program, if anything, and the reason for that is because of the heavy curtain that the media has drawn over the PROMISE Program issue.

Citizens can still be informed though by reading informative links. These links, in turn have many links within them as well. Could be a couple of hours of worthwhile reading altogether >>

Behind Cruz's Florida Rampage, Obama's School-Leniency Policy


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