Panetta: Iran Has Not Yet Decided to Make a Nuclear Bomb


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Panetta: Iran Has Not Yet Decided to Make a Nuclear Bomb
Fox News ^ | Jan 8, 2012 | Staff

Panetta: Iran Has Not Yet Decided To Make A Nuclear Bomb | Fox News
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says Iran is laying the groundwork for making nuclear weapons someday, but is not yet building a bomb and called for continued diplomatic and economic pressure to persuade Tehran not to take that step.

As he has previously, Panetta cautioned against a unilateral strike by Israel against Iran's nuclear facilities, saying the action could trigger Iranian retaliation against U.S. forces in the region.

"We have common cause here" with Israel, he said. "And the better approach is for us to work together."

Panetta's remarks on CBS' Face the Nation, which were taped Friday and aired Sunday, reflect the long-held view of the Obama administration that Iran is not yet committed to building a nuclear arsenal, only to creating the industrial and scientific capacity to allow one if its leaders to decide to take that final step.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Panetta is 100 percent right! Pakistan is far less stable than iran and they have nukes, but the republican party wants more and more war! Ron Paul said: Why can't we mind our own damn business! Both are right!!!
Well, if Panetta thinks so, it must be true.

Do you ever think for yourself at all or are all your 'opinions' formed by others?
And he also stated today that Iran has decided to have nuclear capability. There is a difference. The line in the sand is a primitive atomic weapon with no delivery system. Everyone understands this so there is really no point in dwelling on it.
Pub/Fox/Rushbots are ready to attack, already know Iran's close to a bomb. Bought off Pubs have already proven they're irresponsible war mongerer/chickenhawk fools.

Nice "question"...Just like your BS heroes...Is Obama a Marxist? an American? etc etc...
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Well, if Panetta thinks so, it must be true.

Do you ever think for yourself at all or are all your 'opinions' formed by others?

that isn't what panetta said... it's fakenews' headline.

what he said is they haven't starting building yet...

we know that...

fake news said they hadn't "decided" to build.

you can do better. welcome back, btw.
Panetta is correct. All of this nonsense about Iran and nuke weapons is the same as it was with Iraq and WMD's. The source for both of these lies was of course BUSHCO.

It takes years and years and years to develop nuke weapons. Oddly enough supplies to do so are remarkably limited. Can we say the China,Russia,Pakistan,Israel and the USA? And all know when sales are taking place so say intelligence sources. It's hard if impossible to keep this a secret.

What does Iran have that oil industries want? Large supplies of oil and natural gas.

Isn't odd Reagan/Bush was using Iran to pull off their illegal weapons sales = Iran Contra in which some USA military people turned weapons dealers were making some big bucks.
Panetta is correct. All of this nonsense about Iran and nuke weapons is the same as it was with Iraq and WMD's. The source for both of these lies was of course BUSHCO.

It takes years and years and years to develop nuke weapons. Oddly enough supplies to do so are remarkably limited. Can we say the China,Russia,Pakistan,Israel and the USA? And all know when sales are taking place so say intelligence sources. It's hard if impossible to keep this a secret.

What does Iran have that oil industries want? Large supplies of oil and natural gas.

Isn't odd Reagan/Bush was using Iran to pull off their illegal weapons sales = Iran Contra in which some USA military people turned weapons dealers were making some big bucks.

When ranting at least attempt to get your facts right...HACK!!
Well, if Panetta thinks so, it must be true.

Do you ever think for yourself at all or are all your 'opinions' formed by others?

that isn't what panetta said... it's fakenews' headline.

what he said is they haven't starting building yet...

we know that...

fake news said they hadn't "decided" to build.

you can do better. welcome back, btw.

I'm commenting on the OP's opinion, not some bullshit from Fox. You know I don't waste my intellect reading bullshit from any media - left or right. If more people would do likewise, more people would stop having their opinions formed by idiots in the media. Of course, that does require that one thinks for oneself.... and that's quite hard sometimes. But, in the end, it's better than having one's opinion given to one. Doncha think?
The more one listens to Fox or the Pub Propaganda Machine, the less one knows. Proven fact. The Networks also misinform, when they report Pubcrappe without comment. The amount of Pub misinformation is amazing,often dangerous, and continuous.

See sig...Half the dupes STILL believe Obama is a Kenyan Marxist Muslim, that ACORN stole the election, Saddam had WMDs and was involved in 9/11, etc etc etc.
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at some point in the future, all countries and some groups will have nukes (and methods of delivery). what will we do then?
Well, if Panetta thinks so, it must be true.

Do you ever think for yourself at all or are all your 'opinions' formed by others?

Total miscue on your part.

Relating what is being said by an authority is not being unthinking. Quite the opposite. Since Panetta is an authority on Iran's nuclear program, his statements are worth more consideration than anyone's opinion on this forum and should therefore be injected into any conversation about the subject.

You are the one being unthinking when you reject an authority out of hand as you did.
Well, if Panetta thinks so, it must be true.

Do you ever think for yourself at all or are all your 'opinions' formed by others?

Panetta, having been the CIA chief, and now the DOD chief, probably has access to enough information to come to a justified conclusion. Considering this, I'd probably take his word over most of the other bobble heads that come on the news and beat the drums.

At the end of the day, all we have is the word of the people with the information.

It's got nothing to do with someone "forming an opinion for us".
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Panetta has obama's hand up his ass far enough to make his mouth move. He's straying into Bagdad Bob territory.
Panetta is correct. All of this nonsense about Iran and nuke weapons is the same as it was with Iraq and WMD's. The source for both of these lies was of course BUSHCO.

It takes years and years and years to develop nuke weapons. Oddly enough supplies to do so are remarkably limited. Can we say the China,Russia,Pakistan,Israel and the USA? And all know when sales are taking place so say intelligence sources. It's hard if impossible to keep this a secret.

What does Iran have that oil industries want? Large supplies of oil and natural gas.

Isn't odd Reagan/Bush was using Iran to pull off their illegal weapons sales = Iran Contra in which some USA military people turned weapons dealers were making some big bucks.

When ranting at least attempt to get your facts right...HACK!!

What about that post was incorrect?

It did leave out the fact that Conservative hero, Ronald Reagan, committed treason and supported American nun raping terrorists in Central America.

Sorta like Santorum giving a kiddie ass raper an award.
Well, if Panetta thinks so, it must be true.

Do you ever think for yourself at all or are all your 'opinions' formed by others?

Panetta isn't necessarily right, but I'd trust his opinion over yours any day of the week.

she didn't offer an opinion asswipe. she asked a question.

LOL.... fail.

I'd say her opinion is quite clear, unless you'd like to ask her a direct question that she'll avoid.

I'll ask, just for completeness: "Dear forum's Ann Coulter: Is Iran developing nuclear weapons?"

Anyhow, that's not exactly what Panetta said, and leave it to Fox to soften his words to create the illusion of doubt.

What Panetta actually said was that Iran IS NOT developing nuclear weapons. Period.


Now, I know this will upset some of our chickenhawks who love the idea of ever more explosions over ME nations. But hopefully we as a nation aren't gullible again and don't repeat history by making the same mistakes we did in 2002-2003 when the rhetoric was clearly fraudulent to anyone with their eyes wide open.

US Defense Secretary Admits "Iran Not Trying to Develop Nuclear Weapon"
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: US Defense Secretary Admits "Iran Not Trying to Develop Nuclear Weapon"

All the tin hats that disputed Ron Paul's position that Iran was not developing nuclear weapons can now hear the same thing from US Secretary of Defense. Please consider Panetta admits Iran not developing nukes.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta let slip on Sunday the big open secret that Washington war hawks don’t want widely known: Iran is not developing nuclear weapons.

Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, Panetta admitted that despite all the rhetoric, Iran is not pursuing the ability to split atoms with weapons, saying it is instead pursuing “a nuclear capability.”

That “capability” falls in line with what Iran has said for years: that it is developing nuclear energy facilities, not nuclear weapons.

Looks like Ron Paul was right... again.

This the same intelligence that told us that Iraq had WMDs that they couldn't find?
Panetta isn't necessarily right, but I'd trust his opinion over yours any day of the week.

she didn't offer an opinion asswipe. she asked a question.

LOL.... fail.

I'd say her opinion is quite clear, unless you'd like to ask her a direct question that she'll avoid.

I'll ask, just for completeness: "Dear forum's Ann Coulter: Is Iran developing nuclear weapons?"

Anyhow, that's not exactly what Panetta said, and leave it to Fox to soften his words to create the illusion of doubt.

What Panetta actually said was that Iran IS NOT developing nuclear weapons. Period.


Now, I know this will upset some of our chickenhawks who love the idea of ever more explosions over ME nations. But hopefully we as a nation aren't gullible again and don't repeat history by making the same mistakes we did in 2002-2003 when the rhetoric was clearly fraudulent to anyone with their eyes wide open.

US Defense Secretary Admits "Iran Not Trying to Develop Nuclear Weapon"
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: US Defense Secretary Admits "Iran Not Trying to Develop Nuclear Weapon"

All the tin hats that disputed Ron Paul's position that Iran was not developing nuclear weapons can now hear the same thing from US Secretary of Defense. Please consider Panetta admits Iran not developing nukes.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta let slip on Sunday the big open secret that Washington war hawks don’t want widely known: Iran is not developing nuclear weapons.

Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, Panetta admitted that despite all the rhetoric, Iran is not pursuing the ability to split atoms with weapons, saying it is instead pursuing “a nuclear capability.”

That “capability” falls in line with what Iran has said for years: that it is developing nuclear energy facilities, not nuclear weapons.

Looks like Ron Paul was right... again.

I'd say you're an idiot. I have more evidence for that opinion than you have for your assertion about knowing my opinion. You're a very lightweight fool.... particularly since you're using a blogs to back up your idiocy. I have a slightly higher standard of proof for my sources.

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