Panama Cardinal: I learned about my appointment by a Whatsapp message


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
At the end of the January 4th Angelus prayer, Pope Francis read a list of new cardinals. At that moment, Bishop José Luis Lacunza became a future cardinal.

That's when most of the world learned about his appointment. But the first cardinal from Panama found out in a less traditional way.

Bishop of David (Panama)
"My oldest sister sent me a Whatsapp message from Spain. I received it at 6:30 when I was at breakfast. She sent me three messages. 'Hey, do you have something to tell us?'; the second message read, 'The Pope has made new appointments'; The third message read, 'How would it affect you? Call me when you can.' I thought, 'My sister has gone crazy. What has gotten into her...'"

A friend of the Lacunza's sister saw the Angelus on television and let her know. The responsibility to inform the new cardinal then fell to her.
Panama Cardinal I learned about my appointment by a Whatsapp message

That's pretty funny.
He later read the bible and found out Jesus was Lucifer and he realized his whole life was a waste of time if he had only read the messages in the Bible before he joined the church and before he checked his messages online.
Now that's even funnier.
He later read the bible and found out Jesus was Lucifer and he realized his whole life was a waste of time if he had only read the messages in the Bible before he joined the church and before he checked his messages online.
Now that's even funnier.

I personally don't know anyone who believes in a devil with the name "Lucifer" (= the lightbringer = the morning star). Nowhere in the bible stands anything about that a light in the darkness or dawn is a devil. "light in the darkness" is an expression for hope. We use it today in expressions like "light in the end of the tunnel" or "If you think you don't have a chance any longer, then comes from the nowhere a little light to lead you". Sure: Wrong hopes can lead to painful results - so your ignorance will always hurt you - what you are not able to know because of your ignorance. But you could know it is wrong to follow any form of hate. So there's shining for sure also a little light in your own darkness. Why are you not just simple a little happy if one of your sisters and brothers has a nice moment in life?

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They claim him the light of the world.
His Hanotzrim cult believed their god to be that mystical light between the sun and the earth hence all the physical light references in the NT And By the followers of John who survived as Mandeans.
The religion says their lord came to Paul and Constantine
as a Phosphorus/Luciferous light saying it's name was Jesus.
They say At the end of the joke in Rev 22:16 that Jesus is admiting being the bright morning star which was the symbol of Lucifer and his fall & Nemesis of the Evening Star (Michael) and the God of Israel named in the holy city of YeruShalem.
Morning Star was the son of Baal, the mythology used to create the Jesus character, the b-day and sun cross and harvest seed scam by the priests & todays pastors all Baal related. So in secreting the number of his name father and son as one in the same myth we find:
Baal Jesus=666 in Ascll numerology used to secret numbers from names.
Furthermore ni one else can be claimed the fallen son of perdition because Jesus came before them and fell as well as fulfilling the fallen one in Ezekiel 28 who'd fall by the hands of Rome (sea) for claiming to be a god.
Lucifer is called the image of a man claimed the anointed
(christ) cherub (guardian in Hebrew is Nazarei) thus called a Nazarene (guardian of the nt). Only prophet ever called anointed cherub and perfect - Ezekiel 28:14-15
was this image of a man called Jesus, thus only he can be deemed son of perdition aka lucifer aka morning star (fallen arc of venus symbolising his fall).
If it claims to be a god, breaks all 10 commands leads people to an idol away from God and does so through killing over 50 million and thousands of wars then don't blame the tanakh for it warned you sbout the imposter snd made it clear who the shiloh was.
They claim him the light of the world.

Chapter 8 in the gospel according to John. Interesting text.

His Hanotzrim cult


believed their god to be that mystical light between the sun and the earth hence all the physical light references in the NT And By the followers of John who survived as Mandeans.


The religion says their lord came to Paul and Constantine
as a Phosphorus/Luciferous light saying it's name was Jesus.

No idea what you are thinking about in such contextes. It seems to me I'm speaking with an extraterrestrain who reports something about a world he doesn't know.

They say At the end of the joke in Rev 22:16

“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”

that Jesus is admiting being the bright morning star which was the symbol of Lucifer

Who is Lucifer? Nowhere in the bible speaks anyone about anyone who has the name "Lucifer". Instead of "morning star" someone could, say for example also "planet Venus" or "planet of love".

and his fall & Nemesis of the Evening Star (Michael) and the God of Israel named in the holy city of YeruShalem.

I don't know wether the people in this time knew already that morning star and evening star are the same planet. No one made in those days a difference in a political dimension between Orient (East) and Occident (West). Jerusalems itselve is by the way the City of the god Shalim - the god of the dusk - or in a more modern expression: "The City in the West".

Morning Star was the son of Baal,

In which religion?

the mythology used to create the Jesus character, the b-day


and sun cross


and harvest seed scam by the priests & todays pastors all Baal related. So in secreting the number of his name father and son as one in the same myth we find:
Baal Jesus=666 in Ascll numerology used to secret numbers from names.

¿666? Interesting number: 2^2 + 3^2 + 5^2 + 7^2 + 11^2 + 13^2 + 17^2 = 666.

Furthermore ni one else can be claimed the fallen son of perdition because Jesus came before them and fell as well as fulfilling the fallen one in Ezekiel 28 who'd fall by the hands of Rome (sea) for claiming to be a god.
Lucifer is called the image of a man claimed the anointed
(christ) cherub (guardian in Hebrew is Nazarei) thus called a Nazarene (guardian of the nt). Only prophet ever called anointed cherub and perfect - Ezekiel 28:14-15
was this image of a man called Jesus, thus only he can be deemed son of perdition aka lucifer aka morning star (fallen arc of venus symbolising his fall).
If it claims to be a god, breaks all 10 commands leads people to an idol away from God and does so through killing over 50 million and thousands of wars then don't blame the tanakh for it warned you sbout the imposter snd made it clear who the shiloh was.

Or with other words: You hate Catholics without having only a little idea about why you are doing so. How do you call your own religion?

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Nowhere in the bible about anyone who has the name "Lucifer".....
1) It's a term people use for a portrayed character fortold in the bible also known as the imposter and fallen prophet. The planet venus represented both archangels (top prophet messengers) the fallen arc called morning star symbolized lucifers fall while Evening Star represented Michael's rise-Dan 12:1-4
2)using any argument about not in the bible would be problematic since they create the reference but worse would cancel all claims on Jesus where they make up stuff not in the bible, thus making him a false messiah thus validating him as the imposter.

Morning Star was the son of Baal in the Canaanite
Dying god mythology of Athtar the Fierce, also the son of Ishtar (easter)., Isis was Baals wife.
YES Shalem was the Canaanite Evening Star the Torah in many places lists it as the city holding the name (Essence of) God. THIS means Jesus is claiming to be the nemesis of God and his top messenger so his father must be Baal cause it can't be the God of the Hebrews.
Furthermore the legend of the holy city becoming the city of peace is when the Night (evening) overturns the Day (morning). Why else would the city be the sole focus of humanity if it wasn't of any significance in other words focus is there as a cliff note to everything you need, and that's done by the name, it's meaning revealing that Essence in creation that is our focus and purpose and the watchout for the mistaken direction against that essence is revealed as well as the overturning of that mistaken path for the rightful one. To deny this is to call yourself a liar everytime you admited life and society is so messed up.
Nowhere in the bible about anyone who has the name "Lucifer".....
1) It's a term people use for a portrayed character fortold in the bible also known as the imposter and fallen prophet. The planet venus represented both archangels (top prophet messengers) the fallen arc called morning star symbolized lucifers fall while Evening Star represented Michael's rise-Dan 12:1-4
2)using any argument about not in the bible would be problematic since they create the reference but worse would cancel all claims on Jesus where they make up stuff not in the bible, thus making him a false messiah thus validating him as the imposter.

Morning Star was the son of Baal in the Canaanite
Dying god mythology of Athtar the Fierce, also the son of Ishtar (easter)., Isis was Baals wife.
YES Shalem was the Canaanite Evening Star the Torah in many places lists it as the city holding the name (Essence of) God. THIS means Jesus is claiming to be the nemesis of God and his top messenger so his father must be Baal cause it can't be the God of the Hebrews.
Furthermore the legend of the holy city becoming the city of peace is when the Night (evening) overturns the Day (morning). Why else would the city be the sole focus of humanity if it wasn't of any significance in other words focus is there as a cliff note to everything you need, and that's done by the name, it's meaning revealing that Essence in creation that is our focus and purpose and the watchout for the mistaken direction against that essence is revealed as well as the overturning of that mistaken path for the rightful one. To deny this is to call yourself a liar everytime you admited life and society is so messed up.

What's your religion?

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Humanist transhumanist naturalist Jew, which is what the original intent of Judaism was during the time of deifying idols and control through scam magic acts.
Humanist transhumanist naturalist Jew, which is what the original intent of Judaism was during the time of deifying idols and control through scam magic acts.
Humanist transhumanist naturalist Jew, which is what the original intent of Judaism was during the time of deifying idols and control through scam magic acts.

Are drugs your religion? Lots of leading Nazis were edcuated to be humanists - Heinrich Himmler for example. His father was even the director of a school for the humanistic education of the children from leading elites.

text and translation: Schoenberg s Friede auf Erden c 2002 by Joe Monzo
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Ad Hominom attacks do not make your points, it does however reveal your intent through your choice words now that you knew I was Jewish.
Displacement behavior never worked for the Nazis or Jihaadist and surely is not working for you.
Ad Hominom attacks do not make your points, it does however reveal your intent through your choice words now that you knew I was Jewish.

You never in your whole life had only a little to do with Jews.

Displacement behavior never worked for the Nazis or Jihaadist and surely is not working for you.

Bad luck for you to call me a Nazi because this shows very clear to me: The grace of god is not with you! I am myselve a descendant of one of the few hundred german Jews who survived the shoa in Germany. You have absolutelly not any idea what you are speaking about. Empty ideas full of hate are exactly your very serios problem. Nothing becomes true because someone thinks nonsense. Your hate will kill you one day - even twice if you don't start to live your life in the spirit of god and in peace with his people.

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Sorry your first comment sentence made no sense, can you clarify it?
Lastly I never called you a Nazis, I was using them as an example of displacement behavior because YOU thought to bring them up to inflict displaced pain or anger once you knew I was a Jew you figured that would get my goat, a choice done by those who enjoy inflicting pain rather then heal oneself.
Sorry your first comment sentence made no sense, can you clarify it?
Lastly I never called you a Nazis, I was using them as an example of displacement behavior because YOU thought to bring them up to inflict displaced pain or anger once you knew I was a Jew you figured that would get my goat, a choice done by those who enjoy inflicting pain rather then heal oneself.

You never in your life had only a little to do with Jews.

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Sentence still makes no sense, and videos are ignored especially by those using phone data.
Sentence still makes no sense, and videos are ignored especially by those using phone data.

Tell me something about your lies. What's your motivation? Why do you attack Christians, Jews and Muslim?

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That's the second time you bore false witness, instead of clearifying your comments, so I'm guessing you are just posting to promote video visits for google or are a forum troll who's confusing me for someone else.
But as long as we keep bumping up the posts, it's fine by me, makes it easier to follow and keep alive the topics and we learn about human behavior as well.
That's the second time you bore false witness, instead of clearifying your comments, so I'm guessing you are just posting to promote video visits for google or are a forum troll who's confusing me for someone else.
But as long as we keep bumping up the posts, it's fine by me, makes it easier to follow and keep alive the topics and we learn about human behavior as well.

You did not convince me with anything what you said. I don't know why you try to speak with me in figures of rhetorics and propaganda. Tell me what you will do if you will win your form of war. What will be the world in case all your dreams come true?

Are you suggesting that creating order and a better world out of this chaos is a bad thing, then stop complaining about the mess that comes from this disorderly acceptance of yours or try evolving. Example: instead of improving yourself you felt it necessary to bringing others down with you, this is called the crab bucket syndrome, and we see this behavior in Radical Islam as well as in the affiliation pride of Christianity.

A prison is riddled with lawlessness, anger, petty vindictiveness, pride, envy, abuse, danger, violence, fear, class and race struggles, life threatening situations and yet it's collectively by choice that their time spent is such a hell when it could be a pleasant experience if they chose ordrely conduct and respect for their neighbors.
Same thing outside the prison, we have the freedom to chose one in a heavenly paradise where we help each other and remove our fears and struggles or chose to create our own sentence in a chaotic hell like existance where we struggle by choice. To choose chaos and prison like atmospheres makes no sense and yet that is the majority choice in this world which suffers over it's choices and why people in actual prisons suffer over their choices. Sadist willingly choose suffering while rationalist choose transforming the chaos into order.

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