Palin smacks down the GOP.......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
I seem to remember a little while back, the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil was telling all the dudes to "man up" and "put your big boy pants on".

Now? She's telling the GOP that they gotta fight like girls.......

Yesterday in Madison, Wisconsin, Sarah Palin gave a 16 minute speech enduring the cold weather and attempts by the left to drown her out. Despite this, Gov. Palin spoke without use of a teleprompter and below are some of her bold and some comic quotes:

When addressing the people of Madison and the union protests:
"You saw these violent rent-a-mobs trash your capital and vandalize business, Madison you held your ground. Your governor did the right thing and you won, your beautiful state won."

In regard to the amount cut from the budget: "that's not courage, that capitulation."

Gov. Palin also addressed the GOP: "We didn't elect you just to rearrange the deck chairs on a sinking Titanic." She later told the leaders of the GOP that, "they need to learn to fight like a girl"

Concerning the Tea Party movement: "the tea party movement wouldn't exist without Barack Obama"

The media was not immune from Palin's attack: "Hey media it's not inciting violence, it's not hateful rhetoric to call someone out on their record."

Palin to GOP: 'Fight Like a Girl' - Sarah Palin - Fox Nation
As a hint you might want to look at the context of her recent statement as well as that of her previous statements. That might help you, unless the blinders are just too big.
As a hint you might want to look at the context of her recent statement as well as that of her previous statements. That might help you, unless the blinders are just too big.

Actually, that speech is a prime example of Palin and her followers.

They can't process a complete thought unless it's composed of 140 characters or less.

What's more, they don't think in paragraphs, they think in bumper stickers.
By the way.......where are all the rabid Palin supporters who said that she was gonna kick Obama's butt in the 2012 election? Do they still think that she's got a shot as President with crap like this?

Personally, I think that she saw all the attention that Donald the Chump was getting, so she decides to throw her hat into the crazy bin.

You guys DO realize, that neither Palin nor Donald the Chump have any shot of getting elected, right?

Shit...........they're not actually gonna run, they're just looking for ways to stay in the spotlight. I wonder if USA Retard thinks she's still got a shot? He's one of the more rabid Palin supporters on this site.
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By the way.......where are all the rabid Palin supporters who said that she was gonna kick Obama's butt in the 2012 election? Do they still think that she's got a shot as President with crap like this?

Personally, I think that she saw all the attention that Donald the Chump was getting, so she decides to throw her hat into the crazy bin.

You guys DO realize, that neither Palin nor Donald the Chump have any shot of getting elected, right?

Shit...........they're not actually gonna run, they're just looking for ways to stay in the spotlight. I wonder if USA Retard thinks she's still got a shot? He's one of the more rabid Palin supporters on this site.

I'm sure they appreciate your assistance.:D
I seem to remember a little while back, the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil was telling all the dudes to "man up" and "put your big boy pants on".

Now? She's telling the GOP that they gotta fight like girls.......

Yesterday in Madison, Wisconsin, Sarah Palin gave a 16 minute speech enduring the cold weather and attempts by the left to drown her out. Despite this, Gov. Palin spoke without use of a teleprompter and below are some of her bold and some comic quotes:

When addressing the people of Madison and the union protests:
"You saw these violent rent-a-mobs trash your capital and vandalize business, Madison you held your ground. Your governor did the right thing and you won, your beautiful state won."

In regard to the amount cut from the budget: "that's not courage, that capitulation."

Gov. Palin also addressed the GOP: "We didn't elect you just to rearrange the deck chairs on a sinking Titanic." She later told the leaders of the GOP that, "they need to learn to fight like a girl"

Concerning the Tea Party movement: "the tea party movement wouldn't exist without Barack Obama"

The media was not immune from Palin's attack: "Hey media it's not inciting violence, it's not hateful rhetoric to call someone out on their record."

Palin to GOP: 'Fight Like a Girl' - Sarah Palin - Fox Nation

I must say its entertaining as hell watching the Loons go on about a Women who has zero impact in their lives.....Carry on:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
I seem to remember a little while back, the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil was telling all the dudes to "man up" and "put your big boy pants on".

Now? She's telling the GOP that they gotta fight like girls.......

Yesterday in Madison, Wisconsin, Sarah Palin gave a 16 minute speech enduring the cold weather and attempts by the left to drown her out. Despite this, Gov. Palin spoke without use of a teleprompter and below are some of her bold and some comic quotes:

When addressing the people of Madison and the union protests:
"You saw these violent rent-a-mobs trash your capital and vandalize business, Madison you held your ground. Your governor did the right thing and you won, your beautiful state won."

In regard to the amount cut from the budget: "that's not courage, that capitulation."

Gov. Palin also addressed the GOP: "We didn't elect you just to rearrange the deck chairs on a sinking Titanic." She later told the leaders of the GOP that, "they need to learn to fight like a girl"

Concerning the Tea Party movement: "the tea party movement wouldn't exist without Barack Obama"

The media was not immune from Palin's attack: "Hey media it's not inciting violence, it's not hateful rhetoric to call someone out on their record."

Palin to GOP: 'Fight Like a Girl' - Sarah Palin - Fox Nation

I must say its entertaining as hell watching the Loons go on about a Women who has zero impact in their lives.....Carry on:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Who are you calling "a Women"?

I seem to remember a little while back, the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil was telling all the dudes to "man up" and "put your big boy pants on".

Now? She's telling the GOP that they gotta fight like girls.......

Yesterday in Madison, Wisconsin, Sarah Palin gave a 16 minute speech enduring the cold weather and attempts by the left to drown her out. Despite this, Gov. Palin spoke without use of a teleprompter and below are some of her bold and some comic quotes:

When addressing the people of Madison and the union protests:
"You saw these violent rent-a-mobs trash your capital and vandalize business, Madison you held your ground. Your governor did the right thing and you won, your beautiful state won."

In regard to the amount cut from the budget: "that's not courage, that capitulation."

Gov. Palin also addressed the GOP: "We didn't elect you just to rearrange the deck chairs on a sinking Titanic." She later told the leaders of the GOP that, "they need to learn to fight like a girl"

Concerning the Tea Party movement: "the tea party movement wouldn't exist without Barack Obama"

The media was not immune from Palin's attack: "Hey media it's not inciting violence, it's not hateful rhetoric to call someone out on their record."

Palin to GOP: 'Fight Like a Girl' - Sarah Palin - Fox Nation

I must say its entertaining as hell watching the Loons go on about a Women who has zero impact in their lives.....Carry on:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Tell ya what Bobby, if you're a GOP type who is hoping to win the Presidency in 2012, you'd best be very careful when you're around her. If her and Donald the Chump keep going like they have, they're gonna fracture the GOP even worse than what the teabaggers did.

I think the GOP is gonna go the way of the Whigs.
I seem to remember a little while back, the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil was telling all the dudes to "man up" and "put your big boy pants on".

Now? She's telling the GOP that they gotta fight like girls.......

Palin to GOP: 'Fight Like a Girl' - Sarah Palin - Fox Nation

I must say its entertaining as hell watching the Loons go on about a Women who has zero impact in their lives.....Carry on:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Tell ya what Bobby, if you're a GOP type who is hoping to win the Presidency in 2012, you'd best be very careful when you're around her. If her and Donald the Chump keep going like they have, they're gonna fracture the GOP even worse than what the teabaggers did.

I think the GOP is gonna go the way of the Whigs.

Yes I'm sure everyone will use that bit of 'advice' like so much toilet paper; well used indeed. Carry on Nancy :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Wow, so this is NEWS.

The Tea Party is to HOLD both parties feet's to fire. we cleaned out a lot of Democrats-Progressives and a few Republican lites in the last election, and we are coming for the rest if they don't do as WE THE PEOPLE SAY.

Too bad you lefties NEVER HOLD any of your elected idiots feet to the fire.

but that is what sheep do, they reelect all their idiots over and over and over and over.
Wow, so this is NEWS.

The Tea Party is to HOLD both parties feet's to fire. we cleaned out a lot of Democrats-Progressives and a few Republican lites in the last election, and we are coming for the rest if they don't do as WE THE PEOPLE SAY.

Too bad you lefties NEVER HOLD any of your elected idiots feet to the fire.

but that is what sheep do, they reelect all their idiots over and over and over and over. tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations (the supposed "job creators"), which are paid for on the backs of the middle class and poor, and to force it through, threaten to hold up the budget.

Nope........the teabaggers are gonna be a one hit wonder I think.
I must say its entertaining as hell watching the Loons go on about a Women who has zero impact in their lives.....Carry on:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

I know exactly what you mean. Like when all those people from across the country were ranting and raving about teacher salaries in Wisconsin.
Wow, so this is NEWS.

The Tea Party is to HOLD both parties feet's to fire. we cleaned out a lot of Democrats-Progressives and a few Republican lites in the last election, and we are coming for the rest if they don't do as WE THE PEOPLE SAY.

Too bad you lefties NEVER HOLD any of your elected idiots feet to the fire.

but that is what sheep do, they reelect all their idiots over and over and over and over. tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations (the supposed "job creators"), which are paid for on the backs of the middle class and poor, and to force it through, threaten to hold up the budget.

Nope........the teabaggers are gonna be a one hit wonder I think.

lol, speaking of one hit wonders. it's the same blaa blaaa blaaa over and over.
just maybe if you REPEAT enough times you'll get a few sheep to BELIEVE IT.
Just like some on this board.:lol:
Wow, so this is NEWS.

The Tea Party is to HOLD both parties feet's to fire. we cleaned out a lot of Democrats-Progressives and a few Republican lites in the last election, and we are coming for the rest if they don't do as WE THE PEOPLE SAY.

Too bad you lefties NEVER HOLD any of your elected idiots feet to the fire.

but that is what sheep do, they reelect all their idiots over and over and over and over. tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations (the supposed "job creators"), which are paid for on the backs of the middle class and poor, and to force it through, threaten to hold up the budget.

Nope........the teabaggers are gonna be a one hit wonder I think.

What?? Palin didn't look at something funny, I'm certain you could find something else to whine about.
Wow, so this is NEWS.

The Tea Party is to HOLD both parties feet's to fire. we cleaned out a lot of Democrats-Progressives and a few Republican lites in the last election, and we are coming for the rest if they don't do as WE THE PEOPLE SAY.

Too bad you lefties NEVER HOLD any of your elected idiots feet to the fire.

but that is what sheep do, they reelect all their idiots over and over and over and over. tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations (the supposed "job creators"), which are paid for on the backs of the middle class and poor, and to force it through, threaten to hold up the budget.

Nope........the teabaggers are gonna be a one hit wonder I think.

lol, speaking of one hit wonders. it's the same blaa blaaa blaaa over and over.
just maybe if you REPEAT enough times you'll get a few sheep to BELIEVE IT.
Just like some on this board.:lol:

For 10 years, we've seen the Bush Jr. tax cuts do nothing other than increase the debt, meanwhile, most corporations are going to China and India where the labor is cheaper.

Sorry, you're just not right.

Oh yeah.......lets not forget that 98 percent of the population saw their income go up around 11 percent. 2 percent of the country have seen it go up 236 percent. tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations (the supposed "job creators"), which are paid for on the backs of the middle class and poor, and to force it through, threaten to hold up the budget.

Nope........the teabaggers are gonna be a one hit wonder I think.

lol, speaking of one hit wonders. it's the same blaa blaaa blaaa over and over.
just maybe if you REPEAT enough times you'll get a few sheep to BELIEVE IT.
Just like some on this board.:lol:

For 10 years, we've seen the Bush Jr. tax cuts do nothing other than increase the debt, meanwhile, most corporations are going to China and India where the labor is cheaper.

Sorry, you're just not right.

hahaha, and your hero the Obama just approved to EXTEND the Bush tax cuts.

so who you gonna BLAME THAT ONE ON?:lol:

You sheep are funny little creatures.
lol, speaking of one hit wonders. it's the same blaa blaaa blaaa over and over.
just maybe if you REPEAT enough times you'll get a few sheep to BELIEVE IT.
Just like some on this board.:lol:

For 10 years, we've seen the Bush Jr. tax cuts do nothing other than increase the debt, meanwhile, most corporations are going to China and India where the labor is cheaper.

Sorry, you're just not right.

hahaha, and your hero the Obama just approved to EXTEND the Bush tax cuts.

so who you gonna BLAME THAT ONE ON?:lol:

You sheep are funny little creatures.

Actually, he wanted to let them expire, but was forced into extending it in order to get the budget passed.

You FAUX Nooze viewers will believe anything.

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