Palin: ‘Jewish Settlements Should Expand,’ Even In Palestinian Areas

who says that their culture was reflective of your standard regarding governing power structure?

History says. Because those maps you showed me in the 1800s had absolutely nothing to do with my question nor did they prove a native Arab Islamic minority or majority in Israel at the time, nor did any of the maps give a border with a capitol.

For instance, here is an Atlas of Europe from the year 1900. Do you see borders?


What's this? Did you just admit Israel existed during the stone age?

Unfortunately, you're incorrect. Israel did not exist during the stone age, if the common conception that the stone age ended 10,000 years ago.

Israel's history begins around the beginning of the Brozne Age, around 3,300 BC. Of course, you would know this if you actually studied a bit and did research. Like the kind of research that would show you which Emperor re-named Israel into Palestine...

Better yet, you clearly did not comprehend my reference to invalidation due to lack of alphabet and shoes.

Actually, all civilizations have had their own written language starting with the first civilization, the Sumerians. In fact, they even had their own "Bible" the Enûma Eliš. I have no idea if they had shoes or not.

But, you know what's interesting, Shogun? The primary language spoken in the territory of "Palestine" from the year the Roman Emperor re-named it all the way through today? Hebrew. Howbaout that? Through Ottoman, Malmuk, Crusader, Arab-Islamic, Roman... it doesn't matter who. The Jews who lived there spoke the same language as Jesus spoke, the same language Moses spoke and the same language Abraham spoke.

How is that possible if the people who lived there were Arab-Islamic? Arabs do not speak any other language primarily other than Arabic, which pre-dates the English language by several centuries.

And before anyone bashes me, yes I know Jesus primarily spoke Aramaic, but he also spoke Hebrew. How else could he have taught the Torah to other fellow Jews?

First off... it's continually HILARIOUS how you keep responding to those 1800s maps. Seriously. I get the feeling that you are about to insist that the word "Palestine" was REALLY Roman for "Land of the JEWS only"


yes I know Jesus primarily spoke Aramaic,



and, if you've managed to take your head out of your ass you'll see that I've never suggested that jews do not have a valid history on that land. Indeed, they do. However, this doesn't mean that no one else does as well and that theirs are not as valid as the jewish claim. They all have historic merit. This is why it's so fun to watch you react to historic maps and the concept of "jews only matter" zionism.

AND, which is why my standard has always been a shared single state of palisrael that is just as much of a homeland for palis as it is for jews.

Now, feel free to cry antisemite or something similarly reflexively laughable.

and, don't lecture me on history, buddy, when you keep insisting that the origin of that land was in any way jewish. WE ALL know where your hiburu ass comes from, Egyptian. Do you think anyone misses how OT Canaan conquering has set up a pattern for ironic jews? You no more came from that land than white people came from North America, originally. THAT is what we call historic fact.

and, EVERY civ had a written language, eh? Might want to share that joke with the ghost of some native american tribes. Hell, there are people RIGHT NOW in tribal africa, south america and Austrailia that don't have a WRITTEN language. But, it's funny that YOU seem to think that everyone does just because one was first developed in the stone age.


ps, i trust that you are about as much a scholar of ancient languages as you've proven to be a master of sociology.

and, just so you know, early hebrew language wasn't at all universal. Hell, there are Zoroaster believers from that same locale who have nothing to do with your blanket jew baby insistance that jews create oxygen and solid ground. See, this is what you get for using the jewish virtual library and the JewPost as your only source reference.
What about those illegal French settlements in Alsace Lorraine? Or illegal Polish settlements in Silesia?

Those are supposed to be arguments? Some minor regional disagreements being compared to the Israeli-Palestinian motherfucker of a conflict thanks to which thousands of people loose their lives every single year if not a month?

Btw, tell me more about the 'illegal Polish Settlements' in Silesia ... because I am born and raised in the Silesian region of the Czech Republic and would love a little history lecture. I ain't saying it didn't happen, all I know is that one can't even begin to compare it to the Isr-Pal massacre on continuous play.

You can start with links to trustworthy sources ... I'm looking forward to this.

Fuck you.
Silseia belonged to the German Empire until those worthless Czechs took it and build settlements on it. Alsace Lorraine was German too until the French took it over.
There is no difference between these regions and the west bank/gaza. In both cases the conquering power gets to say who lives there and who gets lost. You cannot distinguish them in any way that doesn't maek you look like an agenda-driven partisan.



Those are supposed to be arguments? Some minor regional disagreements being compared to the Israeli-Palestinian motherfucker of a conflict thanks to which thousands of people loose their lives every single year if not a month?

Btw, tell me more about the 'illegal Polish Settlements' in Silesia ... because I am born and raised in the Silesian region of the Czech Republic and would love a little history lecture. I ain't saying it didn't happen, all I know is that one can't even begin to compare it to the Isr-Pal massacre on continuous play.

You can start with links to trustworthy sources ... I'm looking forward to this.

Fuck you.
Silseia belonged to the German Empire until those worthless Czechs took it and build settlements on it. Alsace Lorraine was German too until the French took it over.
There is no difference between these regions and the west bank/gaza. In both cases the conquering power gets to say who lives there and who gets lost. You cannot distinguish them in any way that doesn't maek you look like an agenda-driven partisan.

None of the two above instances are similar to the Isr/Pal situation. At all. No parallels. None. Alsace Lorraine was French first, then German, then French, then German, and then finally after 1940, French took it back again.

Silesia's borders and national affiliation have changed radically over time, both when it was a hereditary possession of noble houses and after the rise of modern nation-states. The first known states to hold power there were those of Greater Moravia and Bohemia.(Yeah, fucking Slavs.) In the 10th century Silesia was incorporated into the early Polish state, (ooh, them motherfucking Slavs again) but it later broke into independent duchies, coming under increasing German influence(mainly because Slavs invited Germans to settle the regions, esp. under the Polish Piast royal family). It came under the rule of the Crown of Bohemia, which passed to Austria in 1526. Most of Silesia was conquered by Prussia in 1742, later becoming part of the German Empire. The easternmost part of this region became part of Poland after World War I, but the bulk of it was transferred back to Poland after World War II. Meanwhile the remaining Austrian parts of Silesia mostly became part of Czechoslovakia after World War I, and are now in the Czech Republic.

Where are those great parallels again?

You are so FULL OF SHIT it's hilarious.

I would ALSO appreciate if you did not call Czechs worthless .. how would you feel if I called all Jews worthless? You'd just call me an anti-semite, by now an AUTOMATIC reaction to ANY and ALL criticism of your little macabre freakshow called Zionism.

Thank you very much for playing and go fuck yourself.

PS: The quote is from Wikipedia, minus the red text of course.
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Neser boha wins in the third round my way of knoooockouttttttt!
Neser boha wins in the third round my way of knoooockouttttttt!

You mean this was a sanctioned fight? Doesn't that usually mean the two opponents are somewhat equal footing in the first place? :rofl:
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Neser boha wins in the third round my way of knoooockouttttttt!
Because it is so much easier to deflect into questions about Germany than Israel where the Arab nationalists have no room to talk.
I understand why an antisemitic halfwit like youself would prefer to keep away from facts, but the fact is
A lot of Palestinian Arabs have full citizenship in Israel.
None of those legitimate citizens have had their land taken.
Learn some facts you racist retard.
Because it is so much easier to deflect into questions about Germany than Israel where the Arab nationalists have no room to talk.
I understand why an antisemitic halfwit like youself would prefer to keep away from facts, but the fact is
A lot of Palestinian Arabs have full citizenship in Israel.
None of those legitimate citizens have had their land taken.
Learn some facts you racist retard.

The problem is however that Israel has taken over 25,000 homes so far and has no plans of stopping. Literally, they are taking neighborhood by neighborhood and paying nothing for the homes they take.
The problem is however that Israel has taken over 25,000 homes so far and has no plans of stopping. Literally, they are taking neighborhood by neighborhood and paying nothing for the homes they take.
I dislike that aspect.
However, under Israeli law, it is akin to evicting squatters.
The Jews in Israel are surrounded by Islam, a religion which has grown less tolerant over the centuries. If they, the Jews in Israel, allow Islam to get too firm a foothold in their country it will cease to be their country and they will face either religious persecution or annihilation.
What is occurring has its roots in failed British policy during the interwar years and the declining political power of Islamic states in the last few centuries. To condemn the Israeli government out of hand is to ignore the tremendous pressures they face and the intransigence of the Arabs in the region. I say Arabs because the current Palestinians are Arabs who forced out the Frankish Crusaders with some Turk and other groups thrown into the mix. But of the original bronze age ethnicity nothing identifiable remains.
The Jews, who maintained their cultural and ethnic heritage over long centuries of the diaspora, can be linked to early occupants of the area.
The modern Palestinians who remained during the 1948 war for Israeli independence were, along with their descendants, given full Israeli citizenship. This degree of tolerance is in direct opposition to the propaganda which paints Israel as a racist state that cares nothing for the original inhabitants. On the contrary, they gave the existing inhabitants a great deal of freedom when they formed their country. To deny them the right to control immigration is to deny them sovereignty. Yet the West bank and Gaza strip are packed with ethnic Arabs who have fought numerous campaigns, both conventional and unconventional, to destroy Israel. Certainly no fair observer could blame the Israeli's for seeking to minimize the damage such people might do in the future.
In an interview with ABC’s Barbara Walters, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin separated herself from decades of U.S. policy — which has held that Israel’s settlements in the Occupied Territories are illegitimate and an impediment to peace — saying that she thinks “Jewish settlements should be allowed to be expand”:

Well, what has "decades of U.S. policy" done for anyone here? The Israelis conquered the territory. They control it. They administer it. Why is it the US's role to dictate what they can and cannot do with it? Does Canada tell us what we can and can't do with territory acquired in the Mexican War?
It's their country, let them do what they want.

By your logic we get to keep Iraq and Iran...You are scary smart jew man.:lol::lol::lol:
In an interview with ABC’s Barbara Walters, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin separated herself from decades of U.S. policy — which has held that Israel’s settlements in the Occupied Territories are illegitimate and an impediment to peace — saying that she thinks “Jewish settlements should be allowed to be expand”:

Well, what has "decades of U.S. policy" done for anyone here? The Israelis conquered the territory. They control it. They administer it. Why is it the US's role to dictate what they can and cannot do with it? Does Canada tell us what we can and can't do with territory acquired in the Mexican War?
It's their country, let them do what they want.

By your logic we get to keep Iraq and Iran...You are scary smart jew man.:lol::lol::lol:

We're keeping Iraq.
Neser boha wins in the third round my way of knoooockouttttttt!
Because it is so much easier to deflect into questions about Germany than Israel where the Arab nationalists have no room to talk.
I understand why an antisemitic halfwit like youself would prefer to keep away from facts, but the fact is
A lot of Palestinian Arabs have full citizenship in Israel.
None of those legitimate citizens have had their land taken.
Learn some facts you racist retard.

Tell me more about deflection, you ironic piece of shit, after pointing a finger at saudi arabia in order to validate the treatment of palis in israel. Sheesh.. you people are stupid as hell.

Remember, fuckbag, I'm the one who punks your bitch ass out with historic maps from the 1800s. Maybe you need to send me another round of impotent jew rage PMs, eh dipshit?


Again, "FULL CITIZENSHIP" doesn't count the law of return, does it? Now, while you are busy pointing a finger at muslim nations enjoy your punchline status after crying about deflections, dick sucker.
The problem is however that Israel has taken over 25,000 homes so far and has no plans of stopping. Literally, they are taking neighborhood by neighborhood and paying nothing for the homes they take.
I dislike that aspect.
However, under Israeli law, it is akin to evicting squatters.
The Jews in Israel are surrounded by Islam, a religion which has grown less tolerant over the centuries. If they, the Jews in Israel, allow Islam to get too firm a foothold in their country it will cease to be their country and they will face either religious persecution or annihilation.
What is occurring has its roots in failed British policy during the interwar years and the declining political power of Islamic states in the last few centuries. To condemn the Israeli government out of hand is to ignore the tremendous pressures they face and the intransigence of the Arabs in the region. I say Arabs because the current Palestinians are Arabs who forced out the Frankish Crusaders with some Turk and other groups thrown into the mix. But of the original bronze age ethnicity nothing identifiable remains.
The Jews, who maintained their cultural and ethnic heritage over long centuries of the diaspora, can be linked to early occupants of the area.
The modern Palestinians who remained during the 1948 war for Israeli independence were, along with their descendants, given full Israeli citizenship. This degree of tolerance is in direct opposition to the propaganda which paints Israel as a racist state that cares nothing for the original inhabitants. On the contrary, they gave the existing inhabitants a great deal of freedom when they formed their country. To deny them the right to control immigration is to deny them sovereignty. Yet the West bank and Gaza strip are packed with ethnic Arabs who have fought numerous campaigns, both conventional and unconventional, to destroy Israel. Certainly no fair observer could blame the Israeli's for seeking to minimize the damage such people might do in the future.


excuses excuses. Your kind could rationalize the death of Emmet Till while blood still keeps your fingers sticky, motherfucker. Indeed, it's hilarious that you even TRY to make excuses for state based policies BASED ON FAVORING ONE SPECIFIC ETHNICITY. Go tell a nazi german that he has the right to restrict citizenship to Aryans, bitch..

oh wait.. THAT would be racist, right motherfucker?

Those are supposed to be arguments? Some minor regional disagreements being compared to the Israeli-Palestinian motherfucker of a conflict thanks to which thousands of people loose their lives every single year if not a month?

Btw, tell me more about the 'illegal Polish Settlements' in Silesia ... because I am born and raised in the Silesian region of the Czech Republic and would love a little history lecture. I ain't saying it didn't happen, all I know is that one can't even begin to compare it to the Isr-Pal massacre on continuous play.

You can start with links to trustworthy sources ... I'm looking forward to this.

Fuck you.
Silseia belonged to the German Empire until those worthless Czechs took it and build settlements on it. Alsace Lorraine was German too until the French took it over.
There is no difference between these regions and the west bank/gaza. In both cases the conquering power gets to say who lives there and who gets lost. You cannot distinguish them in any way that doesn't maek you look like an agenda-driven partisan.

None of the two above instances are similar to the Isr/Pal situation. At all. No parallels. None. Alsace Lorraine was French first, then German, then French, then German, and then finally after 1940, French took it back again.


Yup. And Israel was Cannanite, Israelite, Babylonian, Israelite again, Roman, Ottoman, British, and now Israel's.
No, no parallels at all there.
Face it, Israel won the land by conquest and they have every right to dictate who can and cannot live there, just like the French do in their territory, the Germans in theirs and every other nationality in theirs.
Fuck you.
Silseia belonged to the German Empire until those worthless Czechs took it and build settlements on it. Alsace Lorraine was German too until the French took it over.
There is no difference between these regions and the west bank/gaza. In both cases the conquering power gets to say who lives there and who gets lost. You cannot distinguish them in any way that doesn't maek you look like an agenda-driven partisan.

None of the two above instances are similar to the Isr/Pal situation. At all. No parallels. None. Alsace Lorraine was French first, then German, then French, then German, and then finally after 1940, French took it back again.


Yup. And Israel was Cannanite, Israelite, Babylonian, Israelite again, Roman, Ottoman, British, and now Israel's.
No, no parallels at all there.
Face it, Israel won the land by conquest and they have every right to dictate who can and cannot live there, just like the French do in their territory, the Germans in theirs and every other nationality in theirs.

Kinda like Germany was valid to take most of Europe by conquest, eh motherfucker?

oh, NO.. THAT was bad.. but when Israel pull another Canaan it's kosher, right buddy?

Wait a minute, so because Israel took the land by conquest it's alright. But if Iran marches in and takes over Israel, that's not alright? :confused:

And that also gives Israel the right because it's their land supposedly to kick out a whole group of people illegally?

Jeez Rabbi, hope you're ready to give your house back to the Native Americans.
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Wait a minute, so because Israel took the land by conquest it's alright. But if Iran marches in and takes over Israel, that's not alright? :confused:

And that also gives Israel the right because it's their land supposedly to kick out a whole group of people illegally?

Jeez Rabbi, hope you're ready to give your house back to the Native Americans.

oh dude.. don;t you know that only zionists bastards can point a finger at other nations for validation? Don't you know that what is good for the jewish goose is NOT good for the goyim gander? Do as I say not as I do? for some reason, it's OK for jews to restrict israel FOR JEWS... but when Germany did the exact same thing for Aryians we must hear about the holocaust for a fucking century. Don't you know that one dead jew is worth more than a thousand live pali toddlers?
oh dude.. don;t you know that only zionists bastards can point a finger at other nations for validation? Don't you know that what is good for the jewish goose is NOT good for the goyim gander? Do as I say not as I do? for some reason, it's OK for jews to restrict israel FOR JEWS... but when Germany did the exact same thing for Aryians we must hear about the holocaust for a fucking century. Don't you know that one dead jew is worth more than a thousand live pali toddlers?

Well if more people like David emerge in Israel, it won't be pretty to say the least for the Palis.
oh dude.. don;t you know that only zionists bastards can point a finger at other nations for validation? Don't you know that what is good for the jewish goose is NOT good for the goyim gander? Do as I say not as I do? for some reason, it's OK for jews to restrict israel FOR JEWS... but when Germany did the exact same thing for Aryians we must hear about the holocaust for a fucking century. Don't you know that one dead jew is worth more than a thousand live pali toddlers?

Well if more people like David emerge in Israel, it won't be pretty to say the least for the Palis.

It's too late. The election of Lieberman and Bibi proves that. Funny how these stooges will blame cast lead reactions on pali elections.... but the same indications via israeli elections, AND THE RACIST ALL JEW ALL THE TIME politicians in power in israel apparently gets a pass.

We both know that not one single one of these zionist bastards would live under the same heel they make excuses for in israel. NO. FUCKING. WAY.
We both know that not one single one of these zionist bastards would live under the same heel they make excuses for in israel. NO. FUCKING. WAY.

Of course not. If they were treated this way, they would consider this a precursor to the Holocaust Part II.

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