Palin Emerges with Even More Clout


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Most of the candidates Sarah Palin endorsed chalked up victories Tuesday.

And that scorecard leaves pundits wondering whether she'll now train her sights directly on the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.

As CBS News Correspondent Jeff Glor reports, .the former GOP vice presidential nominee backed 43 candidates for the House. Thirty of them won, with races involving nine others still undecided.

Her record in Senate races was closer: She endorsed 12 candidates. Seven won.

Palin Emerges with Even More Clout - The Early Show - CBS News

I mean the liberals are trying to spin this as a defeat for the tea party and Palin, but the truth is Palin came out of this smelling like a rose, while liberals are smelling worse and worse stewing in their sour grapes.

This is a great day to be a conservative people. And don't even get me started about how happy I am about Ohio.

Goodbye Ted! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!


You really should learn to show some dignity. Just sayin'. These people that you show such animosity towards are your fellow Americans. They have the same rights and responsibilities as you do. You are not a even an adequate representative of the TEA Parties.
You really should learn to show some dignity. Just sayin'. These people that you show such animosity towards are your fellow Americans. They have the same rights and responsibilities as you do. You are not a even an adequate representative of the TEA Parties.

Dignity????????? What dignity did those "fellow Americans" show toward US the last two years?

What dignity did YOU show?

We were tea baggers, racists, bigots, rednecks, fundies, and on and on.

Now that the Palin and the Tea Party are on the winning end of this thing, You want to lecture?

Would you be talking "dignity" had Palin been on the losing end of this thing?

You know damn well, you would NOT.

Hypocrisy thy name is a sore loser, and that's all you are spewing today!

Palin's coming baby! :dance::happy-1:


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