Palin Crashing Obama Surging?


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
Well, I don't know if Obama is 'surging' per se. He still ahs work to do among independents. But it is clear that Palin in down 18 points in her approval rating from a year ago and her negatives keep going up. oops...

In the battle for the GOP presidential nomination, the survey suggests Palin may have some work to do if she throws her hat in the ring. Only 49 percent of Republicans say that they are likely to support Sen. John McCain’s running mate in 2008 for the Republican nomination in 2012.
“That’s a huge 18-point drop since December of 2008, when two-thirds of GOPers said they were likely to support Palin. It also puts her well behind potential rivals Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney, and a bit behind Newt Gingrich as well,” adds Holland.
Two-thirds of Republicans questioned say they would likely support Huckabee as their nominee in 2012. The former Arkansas governor and 2008 GOP presidential candidate is considering another bid for the White House. So is another candidate from the last election, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Fifty-nine percent of Republicans say they would likely support Romney. That number drops to 54 percent for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia, who is also contemplating a run for the White House

Nothing found for Blog 2010 12 49-of-republican-voters-say-they-are-likely-to-support-sarah-palin-in-gop-primary

and lest any of the palin people whine that this is a biased link, it's from American Conservative Values. :woohoo:
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and now for the obama surging part, since ACV didn't feel it necessary to include *this* information

President Barack Obama is solidifying support among Democrats for their 2012 nomination, even as Sarah Palin is losing ground to other Republican candidates, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released on Tuesday.

In the battle for the GOP presidential nomination, the survey suggests Palin may have some work to do if she throws her hat in the ring. Only 49 percent of Republicans say that they are likely to support Sen. John McCain's running mate in 2008 for the Republican nomination in 2012.
"That's a huge 18-point drop since December of 2008, when two-thirds of GOPers said they were likely to support Palin," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland explained. "It also puts her well behind potential rivals Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney, and a bit behind Newt Gingrich as well."

The lack of Republican support for a potential presidential run from Palin underscores an earlier Public Policy Polling survey, which found that the former Alaska governor is widely unpopular in her home state, not to mention in a variety of other key swing states.

2012 Poll: Obama Surges While Sarah Palin Slides

now which site gave you *all* available information and not just one side? :eusa_whistle:
Heard it on MSNBC this morning so take it for what it's worth, but at this point in the run up to the '08 election it was gonna be between Hillary and Rudy. But the point is a lot can and likely will happen between now and when both parties have their candidates for '12.
I don't get it it. Shouldn't liberals want Palin to maintain a certain amount of popularity so as to have a shot for the GOP nomination thus securing a reelection for Obama?

I see this as bad news for Obama. :dunno:
I don't get it it. Shouldn't liberals want Palin to maintain a certain amount of popularity so as to have a shot for the GOP nomination thus securing a reelection for Obama?

I see this as bad news for Obama. :dunno:

The weak minded individuals within the "base" of the GOP will put Palin on the ticket for 2012. I have faith in them...:eusa_pray:
Palin is a one trick pony that the public is getting tired of. Her over-exposure will be her undoing. The GOP has some rising stars that the public will take seriously

Palin will never gain elected office again
Heard it on MSNBC this morning so take it for what it's worth, but at this point in the run up to the '08 election it was gonna be between Hillary and Rudy. But the point is a lot can and likely will happen between now and when both parties have their candidates for '12.

oh no question. a lot will happen between now and the election. but i do feel it's necessary to counter the palin-heads constant barrage of nonsense.

i do agree with you, though... anything can happen. no one expected the economy to melt down in october 2008... and that probably changed everything.
I don't get it it. Shouldn't liberals want Palin to maintain a certain amount of popularity so as to have a shot for the GOP nomination thus securing a reelection for Obama?

I see this as bad news for Obama. :dunno:

well, i can't speak for others, but i'd rather have an actual choice and see someone picked by the republicans who actually would be worthwhile.

and i never underestimate the effect of the 'base'.
I don't get it it. Shouldn't liberals want Palin to maintain a certain amount of popularity so as to have a shot for the GOP nomination thus securing a reelection for Obama?

I see this as bad news for Obama. :dunno:

The weak minded individuals within the "base" of the GOP will put Palin on the ticket for 2012. I have faith in them...:eusa_pray:

In case you havn't noticed, from this board at least, the "USArmyRetired's" of the right are in the minority.

I hope you are wrong....:eusa_pray:

I don't get it it. Shouldn't liberals want Palin to maintain a certain amount of popularity so as to have a shot for the GOP nomination thus securing a reelection for Obama?

I see this as bad news for Obama. :dunno:

The weak minded individuals within the "base" of the GOP will put Palin on the ticket for 2012. I have faith in them...:eusa_pray:

In case you havn't noticed, from this board at least, the "USArmyRetired's" of the right are in the minority.

I hope you are wrong....:eusa_pray:


That "minority" as you call it, helped get idiots like Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell on the GOP tickets in the mid-terms, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory for the GOP. Trust me, "the base" is strong and equally stupid.
Hahahahah, the superhero Obama is surging.

up up and awayyyyyyy.

Time for another Nobel Peace prize i guess.
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Heard it on MSNBC this morning so take it for what it's worth, but at this point in the run up to the '08 election it was gonna be between Hillary and Rudy. But the point is a lot can and likely will happen between now and when both parties have their candidates for '12.

Obama didn't surge until the primaries were in full swing. Having said that, I really doubt that Palin will be the republican candidate. She's a good fund raiser, like Obama is a good fundraiser....but neither are good or would be good for the presidency.
I don't get it it. Shouldn't liberals want Palin to maintain a certain amount of popularity so as to have a shot for the GOP nomination thus securing a reelection for Obama?

I see this as bad news for Obama. :dunno:

well, i can't speak for others, but i'd rather have an actual choice and see someone picked by the republicans who actually would be worthwhile.

and i never underestimate the effect of the 'base'.

And never underestimate the power of the media.
I think Palin loves her spot as a "kingmaker" (in her own brain)...without the total scrutiny or responsibility of actually running. Power with no responsibility + moneymaking. She'll stay where she is.
Heard it on MSNBC this morning so take it for what it's worth, but at this point in the run up to the '08 election it was gonna be between Hillary and Rudy. But the point is a lot can and likely will happen between now and when both parties have their candidates for '12.

Obama didn't surge until the primaries were in full swing. Having said that, I really doubt that Palin will be the republican candidate. She's a good fund raiser, like Obama is a good fundraiser....but neither are good or would be good for the presidency.

Agreed. Though Palin may serve well in an Appointment. Obama would fit well in Chicago Politics, where the will of the Party is all that matters.
Heard it on MSNBC this morning so take it for what it's worth, but at this point in the run up to the '08 election it was gonna be between Hillary and Rudy. But the point is a lot can and likely will happen between now and when both parties have their candidates for '12.

Obama didn't surge until the primaries were in full swing. Having said that, I really doubt that Palin will be the republican candidate. She's a good fund raiser, like Obama is a good fundraiser....but neither are good or would be good for the presidency.

Agreed. Though Palin may serve well in an Appointment. Obama would fit well in Chicago Politics, where the will of the Party is all that matters.

Ambassador to Russia? :eusa_whistle:

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